

These APIs are not frozen and can change at any time without warning. See the API versions available for alternatives if you need stability.


This endpoint returns an add-on Block from the blocklist, specified by guid or id.

GET /api/v5/blocklist/block/(int:block_id|string:guid)
Query Parameters:
  • lang (string) – Activate translations in the specific language for that query. (See Translated Fields)

Response JSON Object:
  • id (int) – The id for the block.

  • created (string) – The date the block was created.

  • modified (string) – The date the block was last updated.

  • addon_name (object|null) – The add-on name, if we have details of an add-on matching that guid (See translated fields).

  • guid (string) – The guid of the add-on being blocked.

  • min_version (string) – The minimum version of the add-on that will be blocked. “0” is the lowest version, meaning all versions up to max_version will be blocked. (“0” - “*” would be all versions).

  • max_version (string) – The maximum version of the add-on that will be blocked. “*” is the highest version, meaning all versions from min_version will be blocked. (“0” - “*” would be all versions).

  • reason (string|null) – Why the add-on needed to be blocked.

  • url (object|null) – A url to the report/request that detailed why the add-on should potentially be blocked. Typically a bug report on (See Outgoing Links)