Abuse Reports


These v3 APIs are now deprecated and you should switch to a newer version before it is removed. See the API versions available for details of the different API versions available and the deprection timeline.

The following API endpoint covers abuse reporting

Submitting an add-on abuse report

The following API endpoint allows an abuse report to be submitted for an Add-on, either listed on https://addons.mozilla.org or not. Authentication is not required, but is recommended so reports can be responded to if nessecary.

POST /api/v3/abuse/report/addon/
Request JSON Object:
  • addon (string) – The id, slug, or guid of the add-on to report for abuse (required).

  • message (string) – The body/content of the abuse report (required).

Response JSON Object:
  • reporter (object|null) – The user who submitted the report, if authenticated.

  • reporter.id (int) – The id of the user who submitted the report.

  • reporter.name (string) – The name of the user who submitted the report.

  • reporter.username (string) – The username of the user who submitted the report.

  • reporter.url (string) – The link to the profile page for of the user who submitted the report.

  • addon (object) – The add-on reported for abuse.

  • addon.guid (string) – The add-on extension identifier.

  • addon.id (int|null) – The add-on id on AMO. If the guid submitted didn’t match a known add-on on AMO, then null.

  • addon.slug (string|null) – The add-on slug. If the guid submitted didn’t match a known add-on on AMO, then null.

  • message (string) – The body/content of the abuse report.

Submitting a user abuse report

The following API endpoint allows an abuse report to be submitted for a user account on https://addons.mozilla.org. Authentication is not required, but is recommended so reports can be responded to if nessecary.

POST /api/v3/abuse/report/user/
Request JSON Object:
  • user (string) – The id or username of the user to report for abuse (required).

  • message (string) – The body/content of the abuse report (required).

Response JSON Object:
  • reporter (object|null) – The user who submitted the report, if authenticated.

  • reporter.id (int) – The id of the user who submitted the report.

  • reporter.name (string) – The name of the user who submitted the report.

  • reporter.url (string) – The link to the profile page for of the user who submitted the report.

  • reporter.username (string) – The username of the user who submitted the report.

  • user (object) – The user reported for abuse.

  • user.id (int) – The id of the user reported.

  • user.name (string) – The name of the user reported.

  • user.url (string) – The link to the profile page for of the user reported.

  • user.username (string) – The username of the user reported.

  • message (string) – The body/content of the abuse report.