

These v3 APIs are now deprecated and you should switch to a newer version before it is removed. See the API versions available for details of the different API versions available and the deprection timeline.

Discovery Content

This endpoint allows you to fetch content for the new Discovery Pane in Firefox (about:addons).

GET /api/v3/discovery/
Query Parameters:
  • lang (string) – Activate translations in the specific language for that query. (See translated fields)

  • edition (string) – Return content for a specific edition of Firefox. Currently only china is supported.

Response JSON Object:
  • count (int) – The number of results for this query.

  • results (array) – The array containing the results for this query.

  • results[].heading (string) – The heading for this item. May contain some HTML tags.

  • results[].description (string|null) – The description for this item, if any. May contain some HTML tags.

  • results[].is_recommendation (boolean) – If this item was from the recommendation service, rather than static curated content.

  • results[].addon (object) – The add-on for this item. Only a subset of fields are present: id, current_version (with only the compatibility and files fields present), guid, icon_url, name, slug, theme_data, type and url.

Discovery Recommendations

If a telemetry client id is passed as a parameter to the discovery pane api endpoint then static curated content is amended with recommendations from the recommendation service. The same number of results will be returned as a standard discovery response and only extensions (not themes) are recommeded. Only valid, publicly available addons are shown.

E.g. a standard discovery pane will display 7 items, 4 extensions and 3 themes. Up to 4 extensions will be replaced with recommendations; the 3 themes will not be replaced. The API will still return a total of 7 items.


Specifying an edition parameter disables recommendations - the telemetry-client-id is ignored and standard discovery response returned.

GET /api/v3/discovery/?telemetry-client-id=12345678-90ab-cdef-1234-567890abcdef
Query Parameters:
  • telemetry-client-id (string) – The telemetry client ID to be passed to the TAAR service.

  • lang (string) – In addition to activating translations (see Discovery Content), this will be passed as locale to TAAR.

  • platform (string) – The platform identifier to be passed to TAAR.

  • branch (string) – Additional parameter passed along to TAAR.

  • study (string) – Additional parameter passed along to TAAR.