

The following documentation is deprecated. The approved installation is via Docker.

Elasticsearch is a search server. Documents (key-values) get stored, configurable queries come in, Elasticsearch scores these documents, and returns the most relevant hits.

Also check out elasticsearch-head, a plugin with web front-end to elasticsearch that can be easier than talking to elasticsearch over curl, or Marvel, which includes a query editors with autocompletion.


Elasticsearch comes with most package managers.:

brew install elasticsearch  # or whatever your package manager is called.

If Elasticsearch isn’t packaged for your system, you can install it manually, here are some good instructions on how to do so.

On Ubuntu, you should just download and install a .deb from the download page.

Launching and Setting Up

Launch the Elasticsearch service. If you used homebrew, brew info elasticsearch will show you the commands to launch. If you used aptitude, Elasticsearch will come with a start-stop daemon in /etc/init.d. On Ubuntu, if you have installed from a .deb, you can type:

sudo service elasticsearch start

Olympia has commands that sets up mappings and indexes objects such as add-ons and apps for you. Setting up the mappings is analogous to defining the structure of a table, indexing is analogous to storing rows.

For AMO, this will set up all indexes and start the indexing processeses:

./manage.py reindex

Or you could use the makefile target:

make reindex

If you need to add arguments:

make ARGS='--with-stats --wipe --force' reindex


Olympia has other indexing commands. It is worth noting that the index is maintained incrementally through post_save and post_delete hooks:

./manage.py cron reindex_addons  # Index all the add-ons.

./manage.py index_stats  # Index all the update and download counts.

./manage.py cron reindex_collections  # Index all the collections.

./manage.py cron reindex_users  # Index all the users.

./manage.py cron compatibility_report  # Set up the compatibility index.

./manage.py weekly_downloads # Index weekly downloads.

Querying Elasticsearch in Django

For now, we have our own query builder (which is an historical clone of elasticutils), but we will switch to the official one very soon.

We attach elasticutils to Django models with a mixin. This lets us do things like .search() which returns an object which acts a lot like Django’s ORM’s object manager. .filter(**kwargs) can be run on this search object:

query_results = list(

Testing with Elasticsearch

All test cases using Elasticsearch should inherit from amo.tests.ESTestCase. All such tests are marked with the es_tests pytest marker. To run only those tests:

pytest -m es_tests


make test_es


I got a CircularReference error on .search() - check that a whole object is not being passed into the filters, but rather just a field’s value.

I indexed something into Elasticsearch, but my query returns nothing - check whether the query contains upper-case letters or hyphens. If so, try lowercasing your query filter. For hyphens, set the field’s mapping to not be analyzed:

'my_field': {'type': 'string', 'index': 'not_analyzed'}

Try running .values_dict on the query as mentioned above.