
Creating page banners

Any page on bedrock can incorporate a top of page banner as a temporary feature. An example of such a banner is the MOFO fundraising form that gets shown on the home page several times a year.

Banners can be inserted into any page template by using the page_banner block. Banners can also be toggled on and off using a switch:

{% block page_banner %}
  {% if switch('fundraising-banner') %}
    {% include 'includes/banners/fundraiser.html' %}
  {% endif %}
{% endblock %}

Banner templates should extend the base banner template, and content can then be inserted using banner_title and banner_content blocks:

{% extends 'includes/banners/base.html' %}

{% block banner_title %}We all love the web. Join Mozilla in defending it.{% endblock %}

{% block banner_content %}
    <!-- insert custom HTML here -->
{% endblock %}

CSS styles for banners should be located in media/css/base/banners/, and should extend common base banner styles:

@import 'includes/base';

To initiate a banner on a page, include media/js/base/mozilla-banner.js in your page bundle and then initiate the banner using a unique ID. The ID will be used as a cookie identifier should someone dismiss a banner and not wish to see it again.

(function() {
    'use strict';

    function onLoad() {


By default, page banners will be rendered directly underneath the primary page navigation. If you want to render a banner flush at the top of the page, you can pass a secondary renderAtTopOfPage parameter to the init() function with a boolean value:

(function() {
    'use strict';

    function onLoad() {
        window.Mozilla.Banner.init('fundraising-banner', true);


L10n for page banners

Becuase banners can technically be shown on any page, they need to be broadly translated, or alternatively limited to the subset of locales that have translations. Each banner should have its own .lang or .ftl associated with it, and accessible to the template or view it gets used in.

Fundraising banner

The fundraising banner typically gets shown on the home page, but technically can be shown on any page in bedrock. The donation parameters that get passed to the form require some extra context data that needs to get passed to the template via the view in order to work. For example:

def home_view(request):
    locale = l10n_utils.get_locale(request)
    donate_params = settings.DONATE_PARAMS.get(
        locale, settings.DONATE_PARAMS['en-US'])

    # presets are stored as a string but, for the home banner
    # we need it as a list.
    donate_params['preset_list'] = donate_params['presets'].split(',')

    ctx = {
        'donate_params': donate_params

    return l10n_utils.render(request, 'mozorg/home/home.html', ctx)

The HTML and CSS assets for the fundraising banner are located in:

  • bedrock/base/templates/includes/banners/fundraiser.html

  • media/css/base/banners/fundraiser.scss


Strings for the fundraising banner are currently in a bit of a mess. Some are in main.lang, whilst others are in the homepage .lang file. This means it can’t be shown outside of the home page currently, unless in English only. This needs fixing when we migrate over to Fluent.