Contentful CMS Integration¶


We are no longer syncing content from Contentful, but we still hold that content frozen in our database and use it to render pages.

Pages previously managed with Contentful will be the first pages to be (re)implemented using our upcoming part-of-Bedrock CMS system. At that point, we will remove all Contentful-related code from the codebase.

In the meantime, if content changes are needed to pages formerly managed via Contentful, we can do this via data migration – just ask the backend team.

Please do not add new pages to Bedrock using Contentful.


Contentful is a headless CMS. It stores content for our website in a structured format. We request the content from Contentful using an API. Then the content gets made into Protocol components for display on the site.

We define the structure Contentful uses to store the data in content models. The content models are used to create a form for editors to fill out when they want to enter new content. Each chunk of content is called an entry.

For example: we have a content model for our “card” component. That model creates a form with fields like heading, link, blurb, and image. Each card that is created from the model is its own entry.

We have created a few different types of content models. Most are components that correspond to components in our design system. The smallest create little bits of code like buttons. The larger ones group together several entries for the smaller components into a bigger component or an entire page.

For example: The Page: General model allows editors to include a hero entry, body entry, and callout entry. The callout layout entry, in turn, includes a CTA entry.

One advantage of storing the content in small chunks like this is that is can be reused in many different pages. A callout which focuses on the privacy related reasons to download Firefox could end up on the Private Browsing, Ad Tracker Blocking, and Fingerprinter Blocking pages. If our privacy focused tagline changes from “Keep it secret with Firefox” to “Keep it private with Firefox” it only needs to be updated in one entry.

So, when looking at a page on the website that comes from Contentful you are typically looking at several different entries combined together.

On the bedrock side, the data for all entries is periodically requested from the API and stored in a database.

When a Contentful page is requested the code in transforms the information from the database into a group of Python dictionaries (these are like key/value pairs or an object in JS).

This data is then passed to the page template (either Mozilla or for Firefox themed as appropriate). The page template includes some files which take the data and feed it into macros to create Protocol components. These are the same macros we use on non-Contentful pages. There are also includes which will import the appropriate JS and CSS files to support the components.

Once rendered the pages get cached on the CDN as usual.

Contentful Apps¶


We are no longer syncing content from Contentful – see the note at the top of this page.

Please do not add new pages to Bedrock using Contentful.

Installed on Environment level. Make sure you are in the environment you want to edit before accessing an app. Use Apps link in top navigation of Contentful Web App to find an environment’s installed apps.


Compose provides a nicer editing experience. It creates a streamlined view of pages by combining multiple entries into a single edit screen and allowing field groups for better organization.

Any changes made to Compose page entries in a specific environment are limited to that environment. If you are in a sandbox environment, you should see an /environments/sandbox-name path at the end of your Compose URL.

Known Limitations¶

  • Comments are not available on Compose entries

  • It is not possible to edit embedded entries in Rich Text fields in Compose app. Selecting the “edit” option in the dropdown opens the entry in the Contentful web app.


Merge provides a UI for comparing the state of Content Models across two environments. You can select what changes you would like to migrate to a new environment.

Known Limitations¶

  • Does not migrate Help Text (under Appearance Tab)

  • Does not migrate any apps used with those Content Models

  • Does not migrate Content Entries or Assets

  • It can identify when Content Models should be available in Compose, but it cannot migrate the field groups


  • Launch allows creation of “releases”, which can help coordinate publishing of multiple entries

  • Workflows standardizes process for a specific Content Model. You can specify steps and permissions to regulate how content moves from draft to published.

Content Models¶

Emoji legend for content models¶

  • 📄 this component is a page, it will include meta data for the page, a folder, and slug

  • 🎁 this is a layout wrapper for another component

  • ✏ this component includes editable content, not just layout config

  • ♟ this component is suitable for inclusion as an inline entry in a rich text field

  • âžĄïž this component can be embedded without a layout wrapper

Naming conventions for content models¶


For some fields it is important to be consistent because of how they are processed in bedrock. For all it is important to make the editor’s jobs easier.


This is for the internal name of the entry. It should be set as the Entry title, required, and unique.

Preview (and Preview Title, Preview Blurb, Preview Image)

These will be used in search results and social media sites. There’s also the potential to use them for aggregate pages on our own sites. Copy configuration and validation from an existing page.

Heading (and Heading Level)

Text on a page which provides context for information that follows it. Usually made into a H1-H4 in bedrock. Not: header, title, or name.

Image (and Image Size, Image Width)

Not: picture, photo, logo, or icon (unless we are specifically talking about a logo or icon.)



Product Icon

Copy configuration and validation from an existing page.


Copy configuration and validation from an existing page.

Body (Body Width, Body Vertical Alignment, Body Horizontal Alignment)

Rich text field in a Component. Do not use this for multi reference fields, even if the only content on the page is other content entries. Do not use MarkDown for body fields, we can’t restrict the markup. Copy configuration and validation from an existing page.

Rich Text Content

Rich text field in a Compose Page


The button/link/dropdown that we want a user to interact with following some content. Most often appearing in Split and Callout components.

📄 Page¶

Pages in bedrock are created from page entries in Contentful’s Compose App.


The homepage needs to be connected to bedrock using a Connect component (see Legacy) and page meta data like title, blurb, image, etc come from bedrock.


Includes hero, text, and callout. The simplified list and order of components is intended to make it easier for editors to put a page together.


No pre-defined template. These pages can be constructed from any combination of layout and component entries.

Resource Center

Includes product, category, tags, and a rich text editor. These pages follow a recognizable format that will help orient users looking for more general product information (i.e. VPN).

The versatile and general templates do not need bedrock configuration to be displayed. Instead, they should appear automatically at the folder and slug specified in the entry. These templates do include fields for meta data.

🎁 Layout¶

These entries bring a group of components together. For example: 3 picto blocks in a picto block layout. They also include layout and theme options which are applied to all of the components they bring together. For example: centering the icons in all 3 picto blocks.

These correspond roughly to Protocol templates.

The one exception to the above is the Layout: Large Card, which exists to attach a large display image to a regular card entry. The large card must still be included in the Layout: 5 Cards.

✏ Component¶

We’re using this term pretty loosely. It corresponds roughly to a Protocol atom, molecule, or organism.

These entries include the actual content, the bits that people write and the images that go with it.

If they do not require a layout wrapper there may also be some layout and theme options. For example, the text components include options for width and alignment.

♟ Embed¶

These pre-configured content pieces can go in rich text editors when allowed (picto, split, multi column text

Embeds are things like logos, where we want tightly coupled style and content that will be consistent across entries. If a logo design changes, we only need to update it in one place, and all uses of that embed will be updated.

Adding a new 📄 Page¶

  • Create the content model

    • Ensure the content model name starts with page (i.e. pageProductJournalismStory)

    • Add an SEO reference field which requires the SEO Metadata content type

    • In Compose, go to Page Types and click “Manage Page Types” to make your new content model available to the Compose editor.

      • If you have referenced components, you can choose whether they will be displayed as expanded by default.

      • Select “SEO” field for “Page Settings” field

    • If the page is meant to be localised, ensure all fields that need localisation have the “Enable localization of this field” checkbox checked in content model field settings

  • Update bedrock/contentful/constants

    • Add content type constant

    • Add constant to default array

    • If page is for a single locale only, add to SINGLE_LOCALE_CONTENT_TYPES

    • If page is localised, add to LOCALISATION_COMPLETENESS_CHECK_CONFIG with an array of localised fields that need to be checked before the page’s translation can be considered complete

  • Update bedrock/contentful/

    • If you’re adding new embeddable content types, expand list of renderer helpers configured for the RichTextRenderer in the ContentfulAPIWrapper

    • Update ContentfulAPIWrapper.get_content() to have a clause to handle the new page type

  • Create a custom view to pass the Contentful data to a template

Adding a new ✏ Component¶

Example: Picto

  1. Create the content model in Contentful.

    • Follow the naming conventions.

    • You may need two models if you are configuring layout separately.

  2. Add the new content model to the list of allowed references in other content models (At the moment this is just the “content” reference field on pages).

  3. In bedrock create CSS and JS entries in static-bundles for the new component.

  4. In write a def for the component.

  5. In add the component name, def, and bundles to the CONTENT_TYPE_MAP.

  6. Find or add the macro to macros-protocol.

  7. Import the macro into all.html and add a call to it in the entries loop.



  • can’t define defaults in Contentful, so set those in your Python def.

  • for any optional fields make sure you check the field exists before referencing the content.

Adding a new ♟ Embed¶

Example: Wordmark.

  1. Create the content model in Contentful.

    • Follow the naming conventions.

  2. Add the new content model to rich text fields (like split and text).

  3. In bedrock include the CSS in the Sass file for any component which may use it (yeah, this is not ideal, hopefully we will have better control in the future).

  4. Add a def to to render the piece (like _make_wordmark).



  • can’t define defaults in Contentful, so set those in your Python def.

  • for any optional fields make sure you check the field exists before referencing the content.

Adding a rich text field in a component¶

Disable everything then enable: B, I, UL, OL, Link to URL, and Inline entry. You will want to enable some some Headings as well, H1 should be enabled very rarely. Enable H2-H4 using your best judgement.

Adding support for a new product icon, size, folder¶

Many content models have drop downs with identical content. For example: the Hero, Callout, and Wordmark models all include a “product icon”. Other common fields are width and folder.

There are two ways to keep these lists up to date to reflect Protocol updates:

  1. By opening and editing the content models individually in Contentful

  2. Scripting updates using the API

At the moment it’s not too time consuming to do by hand, just make sure you are copy and pasting to avoid introducing spelling errors.

We have not tried scripting updates with the API yet. One thing to keep in mind if attempting this is that not all widths are available on all components. For example: the “Text: Four columns” component cannot be displayed in small content widths.

Rich Text Rendering¶

Contentful provides a helper library to transform the rich text fields in the API into HTML content.

In places were we disagree with the rendering or want to enhance the rendering we can provide our own renderers on the bedrock side. They can be as simple as changing <b> tags to <strong> tags or as complex as inserting a component.

A list of our custom renderers is passed to the RichTextRenderer helper at the start of the ContentfulPage class in The renderers themselves are also defined in


  • Built-in nodes cannot be extended or customized: Custom node types and marks are not allowed. Embed entry types are required to extend rich text functionality. (i.e. if you need more than one style of blockquote)



We are no longer syncing content from Contentful – see the note at the top of this page.

Please do not add new pages to Bedrock using Contentful.

Smartling - our selected approach¶

When setting up a content model in Contentful, fields can be designated as available for translation.

Individual users can be associated with different languages, so when they edit entries they see duplicate fields for each language they can translate into. In addition - and in the most common case - these fields are automatically sent to Smartling to be translated there.

Once text for translation lands in Smartling, it is batched up into jobs for human translation. When the work is complete, Smartling automatically updates the relevant Contentful entries with the translations, in the appropriate fields.

Note that those translations are only visible in Contentful if you select to view that locale’s fields, but if they are present in Contentful’s datastore (and that locale is enabled in the API response) they will be synced down by Bedrock.

On the Bedrock side, the translated content is pulled down the same way as the default locale’s content is, and is stored in a locale-specific ContentfulEntry in the database.

In terms of ‘activation’, or “Do we have all the parts to show this Contentful content”?, Contentful content is not evaluated in the same way as Fluent strings (where we will show a page in a given locale if 80% of its Fluent strings have been translated, falling back to en-US where not).

Instead, we check that all of the required fields present in the translated Entry have non-null data, and if so, then the entire page is viable to show in the given locale. (ie, we look at fields, not strings. It’s a coarser level of granularity compared to Fluent, because the data is organised differently - most of Contentful-sourced content will be rich text, not individual strings).

The check about whether or not a Contentful entry is ‘active’ or ‘localisation complete’ happens during the main sync from Contentful. Note that there is no fallback locale for Contentful content other than a redirect to the en-US version of the page - either the page is definitely available in a locale, or it’s not at all available in that locale.


  • The batching of jobs in Smartling is still manual, even though the data flow is automated. We need to keep an eye on how onerous this is, plus what the cost exposure could be like if we fully automate it.

  • The Smartling integration is currently only set to use’s 10 most popular locales, in addition to en-US.

  • No localisation of Contentful content happens via Pontoon.

  • The Smartling setup is most effectively leveraged with Compose-based pages rather than Connect-based components, and the latter may require some code tweaks.

  • Our Compose: SEO field in Contentful is configured for translation (and in use on the VPN Resource Center). All Compose pages require this field. If a Compose page type is not meant to be localised, we need to stop these SEO-related fields from going on to Smartling.


NB: Not selected for use, but notes retained for reference

Instead of using the language translation fields in Contentful to store translations we could designate one of the locales to contain a fluent string ID. Bedrock could then use the string IDs and the English content to create Fluent files for submission into our current translation system.

Creation of the string IDs could be automated using Contentful’s write API.

To give us the ability to use fallback strings the Contentful field could accept a comma separated list of values.

This approach requires significant integration code on the bedrock side but comes with the benefit of using our current translation system, including community contributions.

No English Equivalent¶

NB: Not selected for use, but notes retained for reference

Components could be created in the language they are intended to display in. The localized content would be written in the English content fields.

The down sides of this are that we do not know what language the components are written in and could accidentally display the wrong language on any page. It also means that localized content cannot be created automatically by English editors and translations would have to be manually associated with URLs.

This is the approach that will likely be used for the German and French homepages since that content is not going to be used on English pages and creating a separate homepage with different components is valuable to the German and French teams.



We are no longer syncing content from Contentful – see the note at the top of this page.

Please do not add new pages to Bedrock using Contentful.

Images that are uploaded in Contentful will be served to site visitors from the Contentful CDN. The cost of using the CDN are not by request so we don’t have to worry about how many times an image will be requested.

Using the Contentful CDN lets us use their Images API to format our images.

In theory, a large high quality image is uploaded in Contentful and then bedrock inserts links to the CDN for images which are cropped to fit their component and resized to fit their place on the page.

Because we cannot rely on the dimensions of the image uploaded to Contentful as a guide for displaying the image - bedrock needs to be opinionated about what size images it requests based on the component and its configuration. For example, hero images are fixed at 800px wide. In the future this could be a user configurable option.



We are no longer syncing content from Contentful – see the note at the top of this page.

Please do not add new pages to Bedrock using Contentful.

Content previews are configured under Settings > Content preview on a per-content model basis. At the moment previews are only configured for pages, and display on demo5.

Once the code is merged into bedrock they should be updated to use the dev server.

Specific URLs will only update every 5 minutes as the data is pulled from the API but pages can be previewed up to the second at the contentful-preview URL. This preview will include “changed” and “draft” changes (even if there is an error in the data) not just published changes.

For previewing on localhost, see Development Practices, below.


In general we are trusting people to check their work before publishing and very few guard rails have been installed. We have a few roles with different permissions.



  • Define roles and permission

  • Manage users

  • Change master and sandbox environment aliases

  • Create new environments

Master environment

  • Edit content model

  • Create, Edit, Publish, Archive, Delete content

  • Install/Uninstall apps



  • Create new environments

Master environment

  • Create, Edit, Publish, Archive content

Sandbox environments (any non-master environment)

  • Edit content model

  • Create, Edit, Publish, Archive, Delete content

  • Install/Uninstall apps

Editor (WIP)

Master environment (through Compose)

  • Create, Edit, Publish, Archive content

Development practices¶


We are no longer syncing content from Contentful – see the note at the top of this page.

Please do not add new pages to Bedrock using Contentful.

This section outlines tasks generally required if developing features against Contentful.

Get bedrock set up locally to work with Contentful¶

In your .env file for Bedrock, make sure you have the followign environment variables set up.

  • CONTENTFUL_SPACE_ID - this is the ID of our Contentful integration

  • CONTENTFUL_SPACE_KEY - this is the API key that allows you access to our space. Note that two types of key are available: a Preview key allows you to load in draft content; the Delivery key only loads published contnet. For local dev, you want a Preview key.

  • SWITCH_CONTENTFUL_HOMEPAGE_DE should be set to True if you are working on the German Contentful-powered homepage

  • CONTENTFUL_ENVIRONMENT Contentful has ‘branches’ which it calls environments. master is what we use in production, and sandbox is generally what we use in development. It’s also possible to reference a specific environment - e.g. CONTENTFUL_ENVIRONMENT=sandbox-2021-11-02

To get values for these vars, please check with someone on the backend team.

If you are working on the Contentful Sync backed by the message-queue (and if you don’t know what this is, you don’t need it for local dev), you will also need to set the following env vars:





How to preview your changes on localhost¶

When viewing a page in Contentful, it’s possible to trigger a preview of the draft page. This is typically rendered on However, that’s only useful for code that’s already in main. If you want to preview Contentful content on your local machine - e.g. you’re working on a feature branch that isn’t ready for merging - do the following:

Existing (master) Content Types¶

In the right-hand sidebar of the editor page in Contentful:

  • Find the Preview section

  • Select Change and pick Localhost Preview

  • Click Open preview

New (non-master) Content Types¶

In bedrock:

  • Update class ContentfulPreviewView(L10nTemplateView) in Mozorg Views with a render case for your new content type

In the right-hand sidebar of the editor page in Contentful:

  • Click Info tab

  • Find Entry ID section and copy the value

Manually create preview URL in browser:

  • http://localhost:8000/en-US/contentful-preview/{entry_id}/

Note that previewing a page will require it to be pulled from Contentful’s API, so you will need CONTENTFUL_SPACE_ID and CONTENTFUL_SPACE_KEY set in your .env. It may take a few seconds to get the data.

Also note that when you select Localhost preview, the choice sticks, so you should set it back to Preview on web when you’re done.

How to update/refresh the sandbox environment¶

It helps to think of Contentful ‘environments’ as simply branches of a git-like repo full of content. You can take a particular environment and branch off it to make a new environment for WIP or experimental content, using the original one as your starting point. On top of this, Contentful has the concept of aliases for environments and we use two aliases in our setup:

  • master is used for production and is an alias currently pointing to the V1 environment. It is pretty stable and access to it is limited.

  • sandbox is used for development and more team members have access to edit content. Again, it’s an alias and is pointed at an environment (think, branch) with a name in the format sandbox-YYYY-MM-DD.

While updating master is something that we generally don’t do (at the moment only a product owner and/or admin would do this), updating the sandbox happens more often, typically to populate it with data more recently added to master. To do this:

  • Go to Settings > Environments

  • Ensure we have at least one spare environment slot. If we don’t delete the oldest sandbox-XXXX-XX-XX environment.

  • Click the blue Add Environment button, to the right. Name it using the sandbox-YYYY-MM-DD pattern and base it on whatever environment is aliased to master - this will basically create a new ‘branch’ with the content currently in master.

  • In the Environment Aliases section of the main page, find sandbox and click Change alias target, then select the sandbox-XXXX-XX-XX environment you just made.

Which environment is connected to where?¶

master is the environment used in Bedrock production, stage, dev and test sandbox may, in the future, be made the default environment for dev. It’s also the one we should use for local development.

If you develop a new feature that adds to Contentful (e.g. page or component) and you author it in the sandbox, you will need to re-create it in master before the corresponding bedrock changes hit production.


If you run into trouble on an issue, be sure to check in these places first and include the relevant information in requests for help (i.e. environment).

Contentful Content Model & Entries¶

  • What environment are you using?

  • Do you have the necessary permissions to make changes?

  • Do you see all the entry fields you need? Do those fields have the correct value options?

Bedrock API (¶

  • What environment are you using?

  • Can you find a Python function definition for the content type you need?

  • Does it structure data as expected?

# example content type def

def get_section_data(self, entry_obj):
    fields = entry_obj.fields()
    # run `print(fields)` here to verify field values from Contentful

    data = {
        "component": "sectionHeading",
        "heading": fields.get("heading"),

    # run `print(data)` here to verify data values from Bedrock API
    return data

Bedrock Render (all.html)¶

  • Can you find a render condition for the component you need?

/* example component condition */

{% elif entry.component == 'sectionHeading' %}
  • If the component calls a macro:
    • Does it have all the necessary parameters?

    • Is it passing the expected values as arguments?

  • If the component is custom HTML:
    • Is the HTML structure correct?

    • Are Protocol-specific class names spelled correctly?

  • Is the component CSS available?

  • Is the component JS available?


Component CSS and JS are defined in a CONTENT_TYPE_MAP from the Bedrock API (

Bedrock Database¶

Once content is synced into your local database, it can be found in the contentful_contentfulentry table. All the dependencies to explore the data are installed by default for local development.

Using sqlite (with an example query to get some info about en-US pages):

./ dbshell
select id, slug, data from contentful_contentfulentry where locale='en-US';

Close the sqlite shell with .exit

Using Django shell (with an example query to get data from first entry of “pageProductJournalismStory” type):

./ shell
from bedrock.contentful.models import ContentfulEntry

product_stories = ContentfulEntry.objects.filter(content_type="pageProductJournalismStory", localisation_complete=True, locale="en-US")

product_stories[0].data  # to see the data stored for the first story in the results

Close the Djanjo shell with exit() or CTRL+D

Useful Contentful Docs¶


We are no longer syncing content from Contentful – see the note at the top of this page.

Please do not add new pages to Bedrock using Contentful.

Assumptions we still need to deal with¶

  • image sizes


Since we decided to move forward the the Compose App, we no longer need the Connect content model. The EN-US homepage is currently still using Connect. Documentation is here for reference.

  • 🔗 this component is referenced by ID in bedrock (at the moment that is just the homepage but could be used to connect single components for display on non-contentful pages. For example: the latest feature box on /new)

🔗 Connect¶

These are the highest level component. They should be just a name and entry reference.

The purpose of the connect is to create a stable ID that can be referenced in bedrock to be included in a jinja template. Right now we only do this for the homepage. This is because the homepage has some conditional content above and below the Contentful content.

Using a connect component to create the link between jinja template and the Contentful Page entry means an entire new page can be created and proofed in Contentful before the bedrock homepage begins pulling that content in.

In other contexts a connect content model could be created to link to entries where the ID may change. For example: the “Latest Firefox Features: section of /new could be moved to Contentful using a connect component which references 3 picto blocks.

Because the ID must be added to a bedrock by a dev, only devs should be able to make new connect entries.