Configuring django-csp

Content-Security-Policy is a complicated header. There are many values you may need to tweak here.


Note when a setting requires a tuple or list. Since Python strings are iterable, you may get very strange policies and errors.

It’s worth reading the latest CSP spec and making sure you understand it before configuring django-csp.

Policy Settings

These settings affect the policy in the header. The defaults are in italics.


The “special” source values of 'self', 'unsafe-inline', 'unsafe-eval', and 'none' must be quoted! e.g.: CSP_DEFAULT_SRC = ("'self'",). Without quotes they will not work as intended.


Set the default-src directive. A tuple or list of values, e.g. ("'self'", ''). ‘self’


Set the script-src directive. A tuple or list. None


Set the img-src directive. A tuple or list. None


Set the object-src directive. A tuple or list. None


Set the media-src directive. A tuple or list. None


Set the frame-src directive. A tuple or list. None


Set the font-src directive. A tuple or list. None


Set the connect-src directive. A tuple or list. None


Set the style-src directive. A tuple or list. None


Set the base-uri directive. A tuple or list. None Note: This doesn’t use default-src as a fall-back.


Set the child-src directive. A tuple or list. None


Set the FRAME_ANCESTORS directive. A tuple or list. None Note: This doesn’t use default-src as a fall-back.


Set the FORM_ACTION directive. A tuple or list. None Note: This doesn’t use default-src as a fall-back.


Set the sandbox directive. A tuple or list. None Note: This doesn’t use default-src as a fall-back.


Set the report-uri directive. A string with a full or relative URI. Note: This doesn’t use default-src as a fall-back.

Changing the Policy

The policy can be changed on a per-view (or even per-request) basis. See the decorator documentation for more details.

Other Settings

These settings control the behavior of django-csp. Defaults are in italics.


Send “report-only” headers instead of real headers. See the spec and the chapter on reports for more info. A boolean. False


A tuple of URL prefixes. URLs beginning with any of these will not get the CSP headers. ()


Excluding any path on your site will eliminate the benefits of CSP everywhere on your site. The typical browser security model for JavaScript considers all paths alike. A Cross-Site Scripting flaw on, e.g., excluded-page/ can therefore be leveraged to access everything on the same origin.