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This document covers notes and policies related to SEO.

Prefer meta tag if possible

If an entire page should not be indexed, and/or none of its links followed, prefer to use the <meta name="robots" ...> tag by specifying something like:

{% set meta = (('robots', 'noindex'),) %}


{% set meta = (('robots', 'noindex, nofollow'),) %}

within the lowest-level Jinja2 templates of the inheritance chain that apply to only the desired pages.

However, if you only want to discourage the crawling of specific links within a page, you\'ll have to add rel="nofollow" to each of those links within its template. For example:

<a rel="nofollow" href="...">...</a>

If one or more of the breadcrumb links for a page should not be crawled, you can add an extra string to those breadcrumb tuples to specify the proper attribute to use, for example:

{% set crumbs = [((profile_url(user), 'rel="nofollow"'), user.username), (None, title)] %}


{% set crumbs = [(document.get_absolute_url(), document.title), ((url('wiki.discuss.threads', document.slug), 'rel="ugc nofollow"'), _('Discuss'))] %}

KB Forums

KB forums are user-generated content about KB articles. They are not official content, and therefore not meant to be searchable. All links to KB forums should be marked with rel="ugc nofollow".

User-related pages are also not meant to be indexed (searchable), and links to them should not be crawled, so the base user template (kitsune/users/jinja2/users/base.html) contains:

{% set meta = (('robots', 'noindex'),) %}

and all user links on all pages should be marked with rel="nofollow".