

music21.analysis.pitchAnalysis.pitchAttributeCount(s, pitchAttr='name')

Return a collections.Counter of pitch class usage (count) by selecting an attribute of the Pitch object.

Changed in 4.0: Returns a collections.Counter object.

>>> bach = corpus.parse('bach/bwv324.xml')
>>> pcCount = analysis.pitchAnalysis.pitchAttributeCount(bach, 'pitchClass')
>>> for n in sorted(pcCount):
...     print("%2d: %2d" % (n, pcCount[n]))
 0:  3
 2: 26
 3:  3
 4: 13
 6: 15
 7: 13
 9: 17
11: 14

List in most common order:

>>> nameCount = analysis.pitchAnalysis.pitchAttributeCount(bach, 'name')
>>> for n, count in nameCount.most_common(3):
...     print("%2s: %2d" % (n, nameCount[n]))
 D: 26
 A: 17
F#: 15
>>> nameOctaveCount = analysis.pitchAnalysis.pitchAttributeCount(bach, 'nameWithOctave')
>>> for n in sorted(nameOctaveCount):
...     print("%3s: %2d" % (n, nameOctaveCount[n]))
 A2:  2
 A3:  5
 A4: 10
 B2:  3
 B3:  4
 B4:  7
 C3:  2
 C5:  1
D#3:  1
D#4:  2