
The features implemented here are based on those found in jSymbolic and defined in Cory McKay’s MA Thesis, “Automatic Genre Classification of MIDI Recordings”

The LGPL jSymbolic system can be found here:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.AcousticGuitarFractionFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

A feature extractor that extracts the fraction of all Note Ons belonging to acoustic guitar patches (General MIDI patches 25 and 26).

>>> s1 = stream.Stream()
>>> s1.append(instrument.AcousticGuitar())
>>> s1.repeatAppend(note.Note(), 3)
>>> s1.append(instrument.Tuba())
>>> s1.append(note.Note())
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.AcousticGuitarFractionFeature(s1)
>>> fe.extract().vector

AcousticGuitarFractionFeature bases

AcousticGuitarFractionFeature methods

Methods inherited from InstrumentFractionFeature:

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.AmountOfArpeggiationFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Fraction of horizontal intervals that are repeated notes, minor thirds, major thirds, perfect fifths, minor sevenths, major sevenths, octaves, minor tenths or major tenths.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.AmountOfArpeggiationFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
'Amount of Arpeggiation'
>>> f.vector

AmountOfArpeggiationFeature bases

AmountOfArpeggiationFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.AverageMelodicIntervalFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Average melodic interval (in semitones).

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.AverageMelodicIntervalFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

AverageMelodicIntervalFeature bases

AverageMelodicIntervalFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.AverageNoteDurationFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Average duration of notes in seconds.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.AverageNoteDurationFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector
>>> s.insert(0, tempo.MetronomeMark(number=240))
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.AverageNoteDurationFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

AverageNoteDurationFeature bases

AverageNoteDurationFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.AverageNoteToNoteDynamicsChangeFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not implemented

Average change of loudness from one note to the next note in the same channel (in MIDI velocity units).

TODO: implement

AverageNoteToNoteDynamicsChangeFeature bases

AverageNoteToNoteDynamicsChangeFeature methods

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.AverageNumberOfIndependentVoicesFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Average number of different channels in which notes have sounded simultaneously. Rests are not included in this calculation. Here, Parts are treated as voices

>>> s = corpus.parse('handel/rinaldo/lascia_chio_pianga')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.AverageNumberOfIndependentVoicesFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector
>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.AverageNumberOfIndependentVoicesFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

AverageNumberOfIndependentVoicesFeature bases

AverageNumberOfIndependentVoicesFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.AverageRangeOfGlissandosFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not yet implemented in music21

Average range of MIDI Pitch Bends, where “range” is defined as the greatest value of the absolute difference between 64 and the second data byte of all MIDI Pitch Bend messages falling between the Note On and Note Off messages of any note

AverageRangeOfGlissandosFeature bases

AverageRangeOfGlissandosFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.AverageTimeBetweenAttacksFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Average time in seconds between Note On events (regardless of channel).

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> for p in
...     p.insert(0, tempo.MetronomeMark(number=120))
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.AverageTimeBetweenAttacksFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> print(f.vector)

AverageTimeBetweenAttacksFeature bases

AverageTimeBetweenAttacksFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.AverageTimeBetweenAttacksForEachVoiceFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Average of average times in seconds between Note On events on individual channels that contain at least one note.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> for p in
...     p.insert(0, tempo.MetronomeMark(number=120))
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.AverageTimeBetweenAttacksForEachVoiceFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> print(f.vector[0])

AverageTimeBetweenAttacksForEachVoiceFeature bases

AverageTimeBetweenAttacksForEachVoiceFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.AverageVariabilityOfTimeBetweenAttacksForEachVoiceFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Average standard deviation, in seconds, of time between Note On events on individual channels that contain at least one note.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> for p in
...     p.insert(0, tempo.MetronomeMark(number=120))
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.AverageVariabilityOfTimeBetweenAttacksForEachVoiceFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

AverageVariabilityOfTimeBetweenAttacksForEachVoiceFeature bases

AverageVariabilityOfTimeBetweenAttacksForEachVoiceFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.BasicPitchHistogramFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

A feature extractor that finds a features array with bins corresponding to the values of the basic pitch histogram.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.BasicPitchHistogramFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.006..., 0.0, 0.0, 0.006..., 0.006..., 0.030...,
 0.0, 0.036..., 0.012..., 0.0, 0.006..., 0.018..., 0.061..., 0.0,
 0.042..., 0.073..., 0.012..., 0.092..., 0.0, 0.116..., 0.061...,
 0.006..., 0.085..., 0.018..., 0.110..., 0.0, 0.042..., 0.055...,
 0.0, 0.049..., 0.0, 0.042..., 0.0, 0.0, 0.006..., 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

BasicPitchHistogramFeature bases

BasicPitchHistogramFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.BeatHistogramFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not yet implemented

A feature extractor that finds a feature array with entries corresponding to the frequency values of each of the bins of the beat histogram (except the first 40 empty ones).

BeatHistogramFeature bases

BeatHistogramFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.BrassFractionFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

A feature extractor that extracts the fraction of all Note Ons belonging to brass patches (General MIDI patches 57 through 68).

TODO: Conflict in source: only does 57-62?

>>> s1 = stream.Stream()
>>> s1.append(instrument.SopranoSaxophone())
>>> s1.repeatAppend(note.Note(), 6)
>>> s1.append(instrument.Tuba())
>>> s1.repeatAppend(note.Note(), 4)
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.BrassFractionFeature(s1)
>>> print(fe.extract().vector[0])

BrassFractionFeature bases

BrassFractionFeature methods

Methods inherited from InstrumentFractionFeature:

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.ChangesOfMeterFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Returns 1 if the time signature is changed one or more times during the recording.

>>> s1 = stream.Stream()
>>> s1.append(meter.TimeSignature('3/4'))
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.ChangesOfMeterFeature(s1)
>>> fe.extract().vector
>>> s2 = stream.Stream()
>>> s2.append(meter.TimeSignature('3/4'))
>>> s2.append(meter.TimeSignature('4/4'))
>>> fe.setData(s2)  # change the data
>>> fe.extract().vector
>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.ChangesOfMeterFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

ChangesOfMeterFeature bases

ChangesOfMeterFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.ChromaticMotionFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Fraction of melodic intervals corresponding to a semitone.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.ChromaticMotionFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

ChromaticMotionFeature bases

ChromaticMotionFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.CombinedStrengthOfTwoStrongestRhythmicPulsesFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

The sum of the frequencies of the two beat bins of the peaks with the highest frequencies.

>>> sch = corpus.parse('schoenberg/opus19', 2)
>>> for p in
...     p.insert(0, tempo.MetronomeMark('Langsam', 70))
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.CombinedStrengthOfTwoStrongestRhythmicPulsesFeature(sch)
>>> fe.extract().vector[0]

CombinedStrengthOfTwoStrongestRhythmicPulsesFeature bases

CombinedStrengthOfTwoStrongestRhythmicPulsesFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.CompoundOrSimpleMeterFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Set to 1 if the initial meter is compound (numerator of time signature is greater than or equal to 6 and is evenly divisible by 3) and to 0 if it is simple (if the above condition is not fulfilled).

>>> s1 = stream.Stream()
>>> s1.append(meter.TimeSignature('3/4'))
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.CompoundOrSimpleMeterFeature(s1)
>>> fe.extract().vector
>>> s2 = stream.Stream()
>>> s2.append(meter.TimeSignature('9/8'))
>>> fe.setData(s2)  # change the data
>>> fe.extract().vector
>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.CompoundOrSimpleMeterFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

CompoundOrSimpleMeterFeature bases

CompoundOrSimpleMeterFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.DirectionOfMotionFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Returns the fraction of melodic intervals that are rising rather than falling. Unisons are omitted.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.DirectionOfMotionFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

DirectionOfMotionFeature bases

DirectionOfMotionFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.DistanceBetweenMostCommonMelodicIntervalsFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)
>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.DistanceBetweenMostCommonMelodicIntervalsFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

DistanceBetweenMostCommonMelodicIntervalsFeature bases

DistanceBetweenMostCommonMelodicIntervalsFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.DominantSpreadFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not implemented

Largest number of consecutive pitch classes separated by perfect 5ths that accounted for at least 9% each of the notes.

DominantSpreadFeature bases

DominantSpreadFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.DurationFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

A feature extractor that extracts the duration of the piece in seconds.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> for p in
...     p.insert(0, tempo.MetronomeMark(number=120))
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.DurationFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector[0]

DurationFeature bases

DurationFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.DurationOfMelodicArcsFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Average number of notes that separate melodic peaks and troughs in any part. This is calculated as the total number of intervals (not counting unisons) divided by the number of times the melody changes direction.

Example: C D E D C D E C C Intervals: [0] 2 2 -2 -2 2 2 -4 0 Changes direction (equivalent to +/- sign) three times. There are seven non-unison (nonzero) intervals. Thus, the duration of arcs is 7/3 ~= 2.333…

>>> s = converter.parse("tinyNotation: c' d' e' d' c' d' e'2 c'2 c'2")
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.DurationOfMelodicArcsFeature(s)
>>> fe.extract().vector
>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.DurationOfMelodicArcsFeature(s)
>>> fe.extract().vector

DurationOfMelodicArcsFeature bases

DurationOfMelodicArcsFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.ElectricGuitarFractionFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)
>>> s1 = stream.Stream()
>>> s1.append(instrument.ElectricGuitar())
>>> s1.repeatAppend(note.Note(), 4)
>>> s1.append(instrument.Tuba())
>>> s1.repeatAppend(note.Note(), 4)
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.ElectricGuitarFractionFeature(s1)
>>> fe.extract().vector

ElectricGuitarFractionFeature bases

ElectricGuitarFractionFeature methods

Methods inherited from InstrumentFractionFeature:

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.ElectricInstrumentFractionFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Fraction of all Note Ons belonging to electric instrument patches (General MIDI patches 5, 6, 17, 19, 27 through 32, 24 through 40).

>>> s1 = stream.Stream()
>>> s1.append(instrument.ElectricOrgan())
>>> s1.repeatAppend(note.Note(), 8)
>>> s1.append(instrument.Tuba())
>>> s1.repeatAppend(note.Note(), 2)
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.ElectricInstrumentFractionFeature(s1)
>>> print(fe.extract().vector[0])

ElectricInstrumentFractionFeature bases

ElectricInstrumentFractionFeature methods

Methods inherited from InstrumentFractionFeature:

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.FifthsPitchHistogramFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

A feature array with bins corresponding to the values of the 5ths pitch class histogram. Instead of the bins being arranged according to semitones – [C, C#, D…] – they are arranged according to the circle of fifths: [C, G, D, A, E, B, F#, C#, G#, D#, A#, F]. Viewing such a histogram may draw attention to the prevalence of a tonal center, including the prevalence of dominant relationships in the piece.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.FifthsPitchHistogramFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector
[0.0, 0.0, 0.073..., 0.134..., 0.098..., 0.171..., 0.177..., 0.196...,
 0.085..., 0.006..., 0.018..., 0.036...]

FifthsPitchHistogramFeature bases

FifthsPitchHistogramFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.GlissandoPrevalenceFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not yet implemented in music21

Number of Note Ons that have at least one MIDI Pitch Bend associated with them divided by total number of pitched Note Ons.

GlissandoPrevalenceFeature bases

GlissandoPrevalenceFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.HarmonicityOfTwoStrongestRhythmicPulsesFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

The bin label of the higher (in terms of bin label) of the two beat bins of the peaks with the highest frequency divided by the bin label of the lower.

>>> sch = corpus.parse('schoenberg/opus19', 2)
>>> for p in
...     p.insert(0, tempo.MetronomeMark('Langsam', 70))
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.HarmonicityOfTwoStrongestRhythmicPulsesFeature(sch)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector[0]
>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.HarmonicityOfTwoStrongestRhythmicPulsesFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

HarmonicityOfTwoStrongestRhythmicPulsesFeature bases

HarmonicityOfTwoStrongestRhythmicPulsesFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.ImportanceOfBassRegisterFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Fraction of Notes between MIDI pitches 0 and 54.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.ImportanceOfBassRegisterFeature(s)
>>> fe.extract().vector

ImportanceOfBassRegisterFeature bases

ImportanceOfBassRegisterFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.ImportanceOfHighRegisterFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Fraction of Notes between MIDI pitches 73 and 127.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.ImportanceOfHighRegisterFeature(s)
>>> fe.extract().vector

ImportanceOfHighRegisterFeature bases

ImportanceOfHighRegisterFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.ImportanceOfLoudestVoiceFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not implemented

TODO: implement

ImportanceOfLoudestVoiceFeature bases

ImportanceOfLoudestVoiceFeature methods

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.ImportanceOfMiddleRegisterFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Fraction of Notes between MIDI pitches 55 and 72

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.ImportanceOfMiddleRegisterFeature(s)
>>> fe.extract().vector

ImportanceOfMiddleRegisterFeature bases

ImportanceOfMiddleRegisterFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.InitialTempoFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Tempo in beats per minute at the start of the recording.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> for p in
...     p.insert(0, tempo.MetronomeMark(number=120))
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.InitialTempoFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector  # a default

InitialTempoFeature bases

InitialTempoFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.InitialTimeSignatureFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

A feature array with two elements. The first is the numerator of the first occurring time signature and the second is the denominator of the first occurring time signature. Both are set to 0 if no time signature is present.

>>> s1 = stream.Stream()
>>> s1.append(meter.TimeSignature('3/4'))
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.InitialTimeSignatureFeature(s1)
>>> fe.extract().vector
[3, 4]
>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.InitialTimeSignatureFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector
[4, 4]

InitialTimeSignatureFeature bases

InitialTimeSignatureFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.InstrumentFractionFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

TODO: Add description of feature

This subclass is in-turn subclassed by all FeatureExtractors that look at the proportional usage of an Instrument

InstrumentFractionFeature bases

InstrumentFractionFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.IntervalBetweenStrongestPitchClassesFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)
>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.IntervalBetweenStrongestPitchClassesFeature(s)
>>> fe.extract().vector

IntervalBetweenStrongestPitchClassesFeature bases

IntervalBetweenStrongestPitchClassesFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.IntervalBetweenStrongestPitchesFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Absolute value of the difference between the pitches of the two most common MIDI pitches.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.IntervalBetweenStrongestPitchesFeature(s)
>>> fe.extract().vector

IntervalBetweenStrongestPitchesFeature bases

IntervalBetweenStrongestPitchesFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.MaximumNoteDurationFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Duration of the longest note (in seconds).

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.MaximumNoteDurationFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

MaximumNoteDurationFeature bases

MaximumNoteDurationFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.MaximumNumberOfIndependentVoicesFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Maximum number of different channels in which notes have sounded simultaneously. Here, Parts are treated as channels.

>>> s = corpus.parse('handel/rinaldo/lascia_chio_pianga')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.MaximumNumberOfIndependentVoicesFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector
>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.MaximumNumberOfIndependentVoicesFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

MaximumNumberOfIndependentVoicesFeature bases

MaximumNumberOfIndependentVoicesFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.MelodicFifthsFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Fraction of melodic intervals that are perfect fifths

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.MelodicFifthsFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

MelodicFifthsFeature bases

MelodicFifthsFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.MelodicIntervalHistogramFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

A features array with bins corresponding to the values of the melodic interval histogram.

128 dimensions

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.MelodicIntervalHistogramFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector[0:5]
[0.144..., 0.220..., 0.364..., 0.062..., 0.050...]

MelodicIntervalHistogramFeature bases

MelodicIntervalHistogramFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.MelodicIntervalsInLowestLineFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not implemented

TODO: implement

MelodicIntervalsInLowestLineFeature bases

MelodicIntervalsInLowestLineFeature methods

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.MelodicOctavesFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Fraction of melodic intervals that are octaves

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.MelodicOctavesFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

MelodicOctavesFeature bases

MelodicOctavesFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.MelodicThirdsFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Fraction of melodic intervals that are major or minor thirds

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.MelodicThirdsFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

MelodicThirdsFeature bases

MelodicThirdsFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.MelodicTritonesFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Fraction of melodic intervals that are tritones

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.MelodicTritonesFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

MelodicTritonesFeature bases

MelodicTritonesFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.MinimumNoteDurationFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Duration of the shortest note (in seconds).

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.MinimumNoteDurationFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

MinimumNoteDurationFeature bases

MinimumNoteDurationFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.MostCommonMelodicIntervalFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)
>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.MostCommonMelodicIntervalFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

MostCommonMelodicIntervalFeature bases

MostCommonMelodicIntervalFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.MostCommonMelodicIntervalPrevalenceFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Fraction of melodic intervals that belong to the most common interval.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.MostCommonMelodicIntervalPrevalenceFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

MostCommonMelodicIntervalPrevalenceFeature bases

MostCommonMelodicIntervalPrevalenceFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.MostCommonPitchClassFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Bin label of the most common pitch class.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.MostCommonPitchClassFeature(s)
>>> fe.extract().vector

MostCommonPitchClassFeature bases

MostCommonPitchClassFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.MostCommonPitchClassPrevalenceFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Fraction of Notes corresponding to the most common pitch class.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.MostCommonPitchClassPrevalenceFeature(s)
>>> fe.extract().vector

MostCommonPitchClassPrevalenceFeature bases

MostCommonPitchClassPrevalenceFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.MostCommonPitchFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Bin label of the most common pitch.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.MostCommonPitchFeature(s)
>>> fe.extract().vector

MostCommonPitchFeature bases

MostCommonPitchFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.MostCommonPitchPrevalenceFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Fraction of Notes corresponding to the most common pitch.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.MostCommonPitchPrevalenceFeature(s)
>>> fe.extract().vector[0]

MostCommonPitchPrevalenceFeature bases

MostCommonPitchPrevalenceFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.NoteDensityFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Gives the average number of notes per second, taking into account the tempo at any moment in the piece. Unlike jSymbolic, music21 quantizes notes from MIDI somewhat before running this test; this function is meant to be run on encoded MIDI scores rather than recorded MIDI performances.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.NoteDensityFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

NoteDensityFeature bases

NoteDensityFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.NotePrevalenceOfPitchedInstrumentsFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)
>>> s1 = stream.Stream()
>>> s1.append(instrument.AcousticGuitar())
>>> s1.repeatAppend(note.Note(), 4)
>>> s1.append(instrument.Tuba())
>>> s1.append(note.Note())
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.NotePrevalenceOfPitchedInstrumentsFeature(s1)
>>> fe.extract().vector
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
 0.8..., 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.2...,
 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

.midiProgram cannot be None:

>>> s1.getInstruments().first().midiProgram = None
>>> fe2 = features.jSymbolic.NotePrevalenceOfPitchedInstrumentsFeature(s1)
>>> fe2.extract()
Traceback (most recent call last):
music21.features.jSymbolic.JSymbolicFeatureException: Acoustic Guitar lacks a midiProgram

NotePrevalenceOfPitchedInstrumentsFeature bases

NotePrevalenceOfPitchedInstrumentsFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.NotePrevalenceOfUnpitchedInstrumentsFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not implemented

TODO: implement

NotePrevalenceOfUnpitchedInstrumentsFeature bases

NotePrevalenceOfUnpitchedInstrumentsFeature methods

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.NumberOfCommonMelodicIntervalsFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Number of melodic intervals that represent at least 9% of all melodic intervals.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.NumberOfCommonMelodicIntervalsFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

NumberOfCommonMelodicIntervalsFeature bases

NumberOfCommonMelodicIntervalsFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.NumberOfCommonPitchesFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Number of pitches that account individually for at least 9% of all notes.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.NumberOfCommonPitchesFeature(s)
>>> fe.extract().vector

NumberOfCommonPitchesFeature bases

NumberOfCommonPitchesFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.NumberOfModeratePulsesFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not yet implemented

Number of beat peaks with normalized frequencies over 0.01.

NumberOfModeratePulsesFeature bases

NumberOfModeratePulsesFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.NumberOfPitchedInstrumentsFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Total number of General MIDI patches that are used to play at least one note.

>>> s1 = stream.Stream()
>>> s1.append(instrument.AcousticGuitar())
>>> s1.append(note.Note())
>>> s1.append(instrument.Tuba())
>>> s1.append(note.Note())
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.NumberOfPitchedInstrumentsFeature(s1)
>>> fe.extract().vector

NumberOfPitchedInstrumentsFeature bases

NumberOfPitchedInstrumentsFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.NumberOfRelativelyStrongPulsesFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

not yet implemented

Number of beat peaks with frequencies at least 30% as high as the frequency of the bin with the highest frequency.

NumberOfRelativelyStrongPulsesFeature bases

NumberOfRelativelyStrongPulsesFeature methods

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.NumberOfStrongPulsesFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not yet implemented

Number of beat peaks with normalized frequencies over 0.1.

NumberOfStrongPulsesFeature bases

NumberOfStrongPulsesFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.NumberOfUnpitchedInstrumentsFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not implemented

Number of distinct MIDI Percussion Key Map patches that were used to play at least one note. It should be noted that only instruments 35 to 81 are included here, as they are the ones that are included in the official standard.

TODO: implement

NumberOfUnpitchedInstrumentsFeature bases

NumberOfUnpitchedInstrumentsFeature methods

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.OrchestralStringsFractionFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Fraction of all Note Ons belonging to orchestral strings patches (General MIDI patches 41 or 47).

>>> s1 = stream.Stream()
>>> s1.append(instrument.Violoncello())
>>> s1.repeatAppend(note.Note(), 4)
>>> s1.append(instrument.Tuba())
>>> s1.repeatAppend(note.Note(), 6)
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.OrchestralStringsFractionFeature(s1)
>>> print(fe.extract().vector[0])

OrchestralStringsFractionFeature bases

OrchestralStringsFractionFeature methods

Methods inherited from InstrumentFractionFeature:

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.OverallDynamicRangeFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not implemented

The maximum loudness minus the minimum loudness value.

TODO: implement

OverallDynamicRangeFeature bases

OverallDynamicRangeFeature methods

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.PercussionPrevalenceFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not implemented

Total number of Note Ons corresponding to unpitched percussion instruments divided by the total number of Note Ons in the recording.

PercussionPrevalenceFeature bases

PercussionPrevalenceFeature methods

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.PitchClassDistributionFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

A feature array with 12 entries where the first holds the frequency of the bin of the pitch class histogram with the highest frequency, and the following entries holding the successive bins of the histogram, wrapping around if necessary.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.PitchClassDistributionFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector
[0.196..., 0.073..., 0.006..., 0.098..., 0.036..., 0.177..., 0.0,
 0.085..., 0.134..., 0.018..., 0.171..., 0.0]

PitchClassDistributionFeature bases

PitchClassDistributionFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.PitchClassVarietyFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Number of pitch classes used at least once.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.PitchClassVarietyFeature(s)
>>> fe.extract().vector

PitchClassVarietyFeature bases

PitchClassVarietyFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.PitchVarietyFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Number of pitches used at least once.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.PitchVarietyFeature(s)
>>> fe.extract().vector

PitchVarietyFeature bases

PitchVarietyFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.PitchedInstrumentsPresentFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Which pitched General MIDI Instruments are present. There is one entry for each instrument, which is set to 1.0 if there is at least one Note On in the recording corresponding to the instrument and to 0.0 if there is not.

>>> s1 = stream.Stream()
>>> s1.append(instrument.AcousticGuitar())
>>> s1.append(note.Note())
>>> s1.append(instrument.Tuba())
>>> s1.append(note.Note())
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.PitchedInstrumentsPresentFeature(s1)
>>> fe.extract().vector
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

Default instruments will lack a .midiProgram, so they raise exceptions:

>>> i = instrument.Instrument()
>>> i.midiProgram is None
>>> s2 = stream.Stream()
>>> s2.append(i)
>>> s2.append(note.Note())
>>> fe2 = features.jSymbolic.PitchedInstrumentsPresentFeature(s2)
>>> fe2.extract()
Traceback (most recent call last):
<music21.instrument.Instrument ''> lacks a midiProgram

PitchedInstrumentsPresentFeature bases

PitchedInstrumentsPresentFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.PolyrhythmsFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not yet implemented

Number of beat peaks with frequencies at least 30% of the highest frequency whose bin labels are not integer multiples or factors (using only multipliers of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8) (with an accepted error of +/- 3 bins) of the bin label of the peak with the highest frequency. This number is then divided by the total number of beat bins with frequencies over 30% of the highest frequency.

PolyrhythmsFeature bases

PolyrhythmsFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.PrevalenceOfMicrotonesFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

not yet implemented

Number of Note Ons that are preceded by isolated MIDI Pitch Bend messages as a fraction of the total number of Note Ons.’

PrevalenceOfMicrotonesFeature bases

PrevalenceOfMicrotonesFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.PrimaryRegisterFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Average MIDI pitch.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.PrimaryRegisterFeature(s)
>>> fe.extract().vector

PrimaryRegisterFeature bases

PrimaryRegisterFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.QualityFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Set to 0 if the key signature indicates that a recording is major, set to 1 if it indicates that it is minor. In jSymbolic, this is set to 0 if key signature is unknown.

See features.native.QualityFeature for a music21 improvement on this method

Example: Handel, Rinaldo Aria (musicxml) is explicitly encoded as being in Major:

>>> s = corpus.parse('handel/rinaldo/lascia_chio_pianga')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.QualityFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector
>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.QualityFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

QualityFeature bases

QualityFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.QuintupleMeterFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Set to 1 if numerator of initial time signature is 5, set to 0 otherwise.

>>> s1 = stream.Stream()
>>> s1.append(meter.TimeSignature('5/4'))
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.QuintupleMeterFeature(s1)
>>> fe.extract().vector
>>> s2 = stream.Stream()
>>> s2.append(meter.TimeSignature('3/4'))
>>> fe.setData(s2)  # change the data
>>> fe.extract().vector
>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.QuintupleMeterFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

QuintupleMeterFeature bases

QuintupleMeterFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.RangeFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Difference between highest and lowest pitches. In semitones

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.RangeFeature(s)
>>> fe.extract().vector

RangeFeature bases

RangeFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.RangeOfHighestLineFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not implemented

TODO: implement

RangeOfHighestLineFeature bases

RangeOfHighestLineFeature methods

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.RelativeNoteDensityOfHighestLineFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not implemented

TODO: implement

RelativeNoteDensityOfHighestLineFeature bases

RelativeNoteDensityOfHighestLineFeature methods

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.RelativeRangeOfLoudestVoiceFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not implemented

TODO: implement

RelativeRangeOfLoudestVoiceFeature bases

RelativeRangeOfLoudestVoiceFeature methods

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.RelativeStrengthOfMostCommonIntervalsFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)
>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.RelativeStrengthOfMostCommonIntervalsFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

RelativeStrengthOfMostCommonIntervalsFeature bases

RelativeStrengthOfMostCommonIntervalsFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.RelativeStrengthOfTopPitchClassesFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)
>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.RelativeStrengthOfTopPitchClassesFeature(s)
>>> fe.extract().vector

RelativeStrengthOfTopPitchClassesFeature bases

RelativeStrengthOfTopPitchClassesFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.RelativeStrengthOfTopPitchesFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

The frequency of the 2nd most common pitch divided by the frequency of the most common pitch.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.RelativeStrengthOfTopPitchesFeature(s)
>>> fe.extract().vector

RelativeStrengthOfTopPitchesFeature bases

RelativeStrengthOfTopPitchesFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.RepeatedNotesFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Fraction of notes that are repeated melodically

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.RepeatedNotesFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

RepeatedNotesFeature bases

RepeatedNotesFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.RhythmicLoosenessFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

not yet implemented

Average width of beat histogram peaks (in beats per minute). Width is measured for all peaks with frequencies at least 30% as high as the highest peak, and is defined by the distance between the points on the peak in question that are 30% of the height of the peak.

RhythmicLoosenessFeature bases

RhythmicLoosenessFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.RhythmicVariabilityFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not yet implemented

Standard deviation of the bin values (except the first 40 empty ones).

RhythmicVariabilityFeature bases

RhythmicVariabilityFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.SaxophoneFractionFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Fraction of all Note Ons belonging to saxophone patches (General MIDI patches 65 through 68). # NOTE: incorrect

>>> s1 = stream.Stream()
>>> s1.append(instrument.SopranoSaxophone())
>>> s1.repeatAppend(note.Note(), 6)
>>> s1.append(instrument.Tuba())
>>> s1.repeatAppend(note.Note(), 4)
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.SaxophoneFractionFeature(s1)
>>> print(fe.extract().vector[0])

SaxophoneFractionFeature bases

SaxophoneFractionFeature methods

Methods inherited from InstrumentFractionFeature:

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.SecondStrongestRhythmicPulseFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Bin label of the beat bin of the peak with the second-highest frequency.

>>> sch = corpus.parse('schoenberg/opus19', 2)
>>> for p in
...     p.insert(0, tempo.MetronomeMark('Langsam', 70))
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.SecondStrongestRhythmicPulseFeature(sch)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector[0]
>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.SecondStrongestRhythmicPulseFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

SecondStrongestRhythmicPulseFeature bases

SecondStrongestRhythmicPulseFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.SizeOfMelodicArcsFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Average span (in semitones) between melodic peaks and troughs in any part. Each time the melody changes direction begins a new arc. The average size of melodic arcs is defined as the total size of melodic intervals between changes of directions - or between the start of the melody and the first change of direction - divided by the number of direction changes.

Example: C D E D C E D C C Intervals: [0] 2 2 -2 -2 2 2 -4 0 Changes direction (equivalent to +/- sign) three times. The total sum of interval distance up to the last change of direction is 12. We don’t count the last interval, the descending major third, because it is not between changes of direction. Thus, the average size of melodic arcs is 12/3 = 4.

>>> s = converter.parse("tinyNotation: c' d' e' d' c' d' e'2 c'2 c'2")
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.SizeOfMelodicArcsFeature(s)
>>> fe.extract().vector
>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.SizeOfMelodicArcsFeature(s)
>>> fe.extract().vector

SizeOfMelodicArcsFeature bases

SizeOfMelodicArcsFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.StaccatoIncidenceFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Number of notes with durations of less than a 10th of a second divided by the total number of notes in the recording.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.StaccatoIncidenceFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

StaccatoIncidenceFeature bases

StaccatoIncidenceFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.StepwiseMotionFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Fraction of melodic intervals that corresponded to a minor or major second

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.StepwiseMotionFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

StepwiseMotionFeature bases

StepwiseMotionFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.StrengthOfSecondStrongestRhythmicPulseFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Frequency of the beat bin of the peak with the second-highest frequency.

>>> sch = corpus.parse('schoenberg/opus19', 2)
>>> for p in
...     p.insert(0, tempo.MetronomeMark('Langsam', 70))
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.StrengthOfSecondStrongestRhythmicPulseFeature(sch)
>>> fe.extract().vector[0]

StrengthOfSecondStrongestRhythmicPulseFeature bases

StrengthOfSecondStrongestRhythmicPulseFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.StrengthOfStrongestRhythmicPulseFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Frequency of the beat bin with the highest frequency.

>>> sch = corpus.parse('schoenberg/opus19', 2)
>>> for p in
...     p.insert(0, tempo.MetronomeMark('Langsam', 70))
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.StrengthOfStrongestRhythmicPulseFeature(sch)
>>> fe.extract().vector[0]

StrengthOfStrongestRhythmicPulseFeature bases

StrengthOfStrongestRhythmicPulseFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.StrengthRatioOfTwoStrongestRhythmicPulsesFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

The frequency of the higher (in terms of frequency) of the two beat bins corresponding to the peaks with the highest frequency divided by the frequency of the lower.

>>> sch = corpus.parse('schoenberg/opus19', 2)
>>> for p in
...     p.insert(0, tempo.MetronomeMark('Langsam', 70))
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.StrengthRatioOfTwoStrongestRhythmicPulsesFeature(sch)
>>> fe.extract().vector[0]

StrengthRatioOfTwoStrongestRhythmicPulsesFeature bases

StrengthRatioOfTwoStrongestRhythmicPulsesFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.StringEnsembleFractionFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not implemented

Fraction of all Note Ons belonging to string ensemble patches (General MIDI patches 49 to 52).

StringEnsembleFractionFeature bases

StringEnsembleFractionFeature methods

Methods inherited from InstrumentFractionFeature:

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.StringKeyboardFractionFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Fraction of all Note Ons belonging to string keyboard patches (General MIDI patches 1 to 8).

>>> s1 = stream.Stream()
>>> s1.append(instrument.Piano())
>>> s1.repeatAppend(note.Note(), 9)
>>> s1.append(instrument.Tuba())
>>> s1.append(note.Note())
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.StringKeyboardFractionFeature(s1)
>>> fe.extract().vector

StringKeyboardFractionFeature bases

StringKeyboardFractionFeature methods

Methods inherited from InstrumentFractionFeature:

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.StrongTonalCentresFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not implemented

Number of peaks in the fifths pitch histogram that each account for at least 9% of all Note Ons.

StrongTonalCentresFeature bases

StrongTonalCentresFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.StrongestRhythmicPulseFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Bin label of the beat bin of the peak with the highest frequency.

>>> sch = corpus.parse('schoenberg/opus19', 2)
>>> for p in
...     p.insert(0, tempo.MetronomeMark('Langsam', 70))
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.StrongestRhythmicPulseFeature(sch)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector[0]
>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.StrongestRhythmicPulseFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

StrongestRhythmicPulseFeature bases

StrongestRhythmicPulseFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.TimePrevalenceOfPitchedInstrumentsFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not implemented

The fraction of the total time of the recording in which a note was sounding for each (pitched) General MIDI Instrument. There is one entry for each instrument, which is set to the total time in seconds during which a given instrument was sounding one or more notes divided by the total length in seconds of the piece.’

TODO: implement

TimePrevalenceOfPitchedInstrumentsFeature bases

TimePrevalenceOfPitchedInstrumentsFeature methods

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.TripleMeterFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Set to 1 if numerator of initial time signature is 3, set to 0 otherwise.

>>> s1 = stream.Stream()
>>> s1.append(meter.TimeSignature('5/4'))
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.TripleMeterFeature(s1)
>>> fe.extract().vector
>>> s2 = stream.Stream()
>>> s2.append(meter.TimeSignature('3/4'))
>>> fe.setData(s2)  # change the data
>>> fe.extract().vector
>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.TripleMeterFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

TripleMeterFeature bases

TripleMeterFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.UnpitchedInstrumentsPresentFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not yet implemented

Which unpitched MIDI Percussion Key Map instruments are present. There is one entry for each instrument, which is set to 1.0 if there is at least one Note On in the recording corresponding to the instrument and to 0.0 if there is not. It should be noted that only instruments 35 to 81 are included here, as they are the ones that meet the official standard. They are numbered in this array from 0 to 46.

UnpitchedInstrumentsPresentFeature bases

UnpitchedInstrumentsPresentFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.VariabilityOfNoteDurationFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Standard deviation of note durations in seconds.

# In this piece, we have: # 9 half notes or tied pair of quarters # 98 untied quarters or tied pair of eighths # 56 untied eighths # BPM = 120 means a half note is a second. # Mean duration should thus be 0.44171779141104295 # and standard deviation should be 0.17854763448902145 >>> s = corpus.parse(‘bwv66.6’) >>> for p in … p.insert(0, tempo.MetronomeMark(number=120)) >>> fe = features.jSymbolic.VariabilityOfNoteDurationFeature(s) >>> f = fe.extract() >>> f.vector[0] 0.178…

VariabilityOfNoteDurationFeature bases

VariabilityOfNoteDurationFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.VariabilityOfNotePrevalenceOfPitchedInstrumentsFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Standard deviation of the fraction of Note Ons played by each (pitched) General MIDI instrument that is used to play at least one note.

>>> s1 = stream.Stream()
>>> s1.append(instrument.AcousticGuitar())
>>> s1.repeatAppend(note.Note(), 5)
>>> s1.append(instrument.Tuba())
>>> s1.append(note.Note())
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.VariabilityOfNotePrevalenceOfPitchedInstrumentsFeature(s1)
>>> fe.extract().vector

VariabilityOfNotePrevalenceOfPitchedInstrumentsFeature bases

VariabilityOfNotePrevalenceOfPitchedInstrumentsFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.VariabilityOfNotePrevalenceOfUnpitchedInstrumentsFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not implemented

Standard deviation of the fraction of Note Ons played by each (unpitched) MIDI Percussion Key Map instrument that is used to play at least one note. It should be noted that only instruments 35 to 81 are included here, as they are the ones that are included in the official standard.

TODO: implement

VariabilityOfNotePrevalenceOfUnpitchedInstrumentsFeature bases

VariabilityOfNotePrevalenceOfUnpitchedInstrumentsFeature methods

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.VariabilityOfNumberOfIndependentVoicesFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Standard deviation of number of different channels in which notes have sounded simultaneously. Rests are not included in this calculation.

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.VariabilityOfNumberOfIndependentVoicesFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> f.vector

VariabilityOfNumberOfIndependentVoicesFeature bases

VariabilityOfNumberOfIndependentVoicesFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.VariabilityOfTimeBetweenAttacksFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Standard deviation of the times, in seconds, between Note On events (regardless of channel).

>>> s = corpus.parse('bwv66.6')
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.VariabilityOfTimeBetweenAttacksFeature(s)
>>> f = fe.extract()
>>> print(f.vector)

VariabilityOfTimeBetweenAttacksFeature bases

VariabilityOfTimeBetweenAttacksFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.VariationOfDynamicsFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not implemented

Standard deviation of loudness levels of all notes.

TODO: implement

VariationOfDynamicsFeature bases

VariationOfDynamicsFeature methods

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.VariationOfDynamicsInEachVoiceFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not implemented

The average of the standard deviations of loudness levels within each channel that contains at least one note.

TODO: implement

VariationOfDynamicsInEachVoiceFeature bases

VariationOfDynamicsInEachVoiceFeature methods

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.VibratoPrevalenceFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not yet implemented in music21

Number of notes for which Pitch Bend messages change direction at least twice divided by total number of notes that have Pitch Bend messages associated with them.

VibratoPrevalenceFeature bases

VibratoPrevalenceFeature methods


Do processing necessary, storing result in _feature.

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.ViolinFractionFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Fraction of all Note Ons belonging to violin patches (General MIDI patches 41 or 111).

>>> s1 = stream.Stream()
>>> s1.append(instrument.Violin())
>>> s1.repeatAppend(note.Note(), 2)
>>> s1.append(instrument.Tuba())
>>> s1.repeatAppend(note.Note(), 8)
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.ViolinFractionFeature(s1)
>>> fe.extract().vector

ViolinFractionFeature bases

ViolinFractionFeature methods

Methods inherited from InstrumentFractionFeature:

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.VoiceEqualityDynamicsFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not implemented

TODO: implement

VoiceEqualityDynamicsFeature bases

VoiceEqualityDynamicsFeature methods

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.VoiceEqualityMelodicLeapsFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not implemented

TODO: implement

VoiceEqualityMelodicLeapsFeature bases

VoiceEqualityMelodicLeapsFeature methods

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.VoiceEqualityNoteDurationFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not implemented

TODO: implement

VoiceEqualityNoteDurationFeature bases

VoiceEqualityNoteDurationFeature methods

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.VoiceEqualityNumberOfNotesFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not implemented

TODO: implement

Standard deviation of the total number of Note Ons in each channel that contains at least one note.

VoiceEqualityNumberOfNotesFeature bases

VoiceEqualityNumberOfNotesFeature methods

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.VoiceEqualityRangeFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not implemented

Standard deviation of the differences between the highest and lowest pitches in each channel that contains at least one note.

VoiceEqualityRangeFeature bases

VoiceEqualityRangeFeature methods

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.VoiceSeparationFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Not implemented

Average separation in semitones between the average pitches of consecutive channels (after sorting based/non-average pitch) that contain at least one note.

VoiceSeparationFeature bases

VoiceSeparationFeature methods

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


class music21.features.jSymbolic.WoodwindsFractionFeature(dataOrStream=None, **keywords)

Fraction of all Note Ons belonging to woodwind patches (General MIDI patches 69 through 76).

TODO: Conflict in source: does 69-79?

>>> s1 = stream.Stream()
>>> s1.append(instrument.Flute())
>>> s1.repeatAppend(note.Note(), 3)
>>> s1.append(instrument.Tuba())
>>> s1.repeatAppend(note.Note(), 7)
>>> fe = features.jSymbolic.WoodwindsFractionFeature(s1)
>>> print(fe.extract().vector[0])

WoodwindsFractionFeature bases

WoodwindsFractionFeature methods

Methods inherited from InstrumentFractionFeature:

Methods inherited from FeatureExtractor:


>>> features.jSymbolic.getCompletionStats()
completion stats: 72/112 (0.6428...)
music21.features.jSymbolic.getExtractorByTypeAndNumber(extractorType, number)

Typical usage:

>>> t5 = features.jSymbolic.getExtractorByTypeAndNumber('T', 5)
>>> t5.__name__
>>> bachExample = corpus.parse('bach/bwv66.6')
>>> fe = t5(bachExample)

Features unimplemented in jSymbolic but documented in the dissertation return None

>>> features.jSymbolic.getExtractorByTypeAndNumber('C', 20) is None

Totally unknown features return an exception:

>>> features.jSymbolic.getExtractorByTypeAndNumber('L', 900)
Traceback (most recent call last):
music21.features.jSymbolic.JSymbolicFeatureException: Could not find
    any jSymbolic features of type L
>>> features.jSymbolic.getExtractorByTypeAndNumber('C', 200)
Traceback (most recent call last):
music21.features.jSymbolic.JSymbolicFeatureException: jSymbolic
    features of type C do not have number 200

You could also find all the feature extractors this way:

>>> fs = features.jSymbolic.extractorsById
>>> for k in fs:
...     for i in range(len(fs[k])):
...       if fs[k][i] is not None:
...         n = fs[k][i].__name__
...         if fs[k][i] not in features.jSymbolic.featureExtractors:
...            n += ' (not implemented)'
...         print(f'{k} {i} {n}')
D 1 OverallDynamicRangeFeature (not implemented)
D 2 VariationOfDynamicsFeature (not implemented)
D 3 VariationOfDynamicsInEachVoiceFeature (not implemented)
D 4 AverageNoteToNoteDynamicsChangeFeature (not implemented)
I 1 PitchedInstrumentsPresentFeature
I 2 UnpitchedInstrumentsPresentFeature (not implemented)
I 3 NotePrevalenceOfPitchedInstrumentsFeature
I 4 NotePrevalenceOfUnpitchedInstrumentsFeature (not implemented)
I 5 TimePrevalenceOfPitchedInstrumentsFeature (not implemented)
I 6 VariabilityOfNotePrevalenceOfPitchedInstrumentsFeature
I 7 VariabilityOfNotePrevalenceOfUnpitchedInstrumentsFeature (not implemented)
I 8 NumberOfPitchedInstrumentsFeature
I 9 NumberOfUnpitchedInstrumentsFeature (not implemented)
I 10 PercussionPrevalenceFeature (not implemented)
I 11 StringKeyboardFractionFeature
I 12 AcousticGuitarFractionFeature
I 13 ElectricGuitarFractionFeature
I 14 ViolinFractionFeature
I 15 SaxophoneFractionFeature
I 16 BrassFractionFeature
I 17 WoodwindsFractionFeature
I 18 OrchestralStringsFractionFeature
I 19 StringEnsembleFractionFeature
I 20 ElectricInstrumentFractionFeature
M 1 MelodicIntervalHistogramFeature
M 2 AverageMelodicIntervalFeature
M 3 MostCommonMelodicIntervalFeature
M 4 DistanceBetweenMostCommonMelodicIntervalsFeature
M 5 MostCommonMelodicIntervalPrevalenceFeature
M 6 RelativeStrengthOfMostCommonIntervalsFeature
M 7 NumberOfCommonMelodicIntervalsFeature
M 8 AmountOfArpeggiationFeature
M 9 RepeatedNotesFeature
M 10 ChromaticMotionFeature
M 11 StepwiseMotionFeature
M 12 MelodicThirdsFeature
M 13 MelodicFifthsFeature
M 14 MelodicTritonesFeature
M 15 MelodicOctavesFeature
M 17 DirectionOfMotionFeature
M 18 DurationOfMelodicArcsFeature
M 19 SizeOfMelodicArcsFeature
P 1 MostCommonPitchPrevalenceFeature
P 2 MostCommonPitchClassPrevalenceFeature
P 3 RelativeStrengthOfTopPitchesFeature
P 4 RelativeStrengthOfTopPitchClassesFeature
P 5 IntervalBetweenStrongestPitchesFeature
P 6 IntervalBetweenStrongestPitchClassesFeature
P 7 NumberOfCommonPitchesFeature
P 8 PitchVarietyFeature
P 9 PitchClassVarietyFeature
P 10 RangeFeature
P 11 MostCommonPitchFeature
P 12 PrimaryRegisterFeature
P 13 ImportanceOfBassRegisterFeature
P 14 ImportanceOfMiddleRegisterFeature
P 15 ImportanceOfHighRegisterFeature
P 16 MostCommonPitchClassFeature
P 17 DominantSpreadFeature (not implemented)
P 18 StrongTonalCentresFeature (not implemented)
P 19 BasicPitchHistogramFeature
P 20 PitchClassDistributionFeature
P 21 FifthsPitchHistogramFeature
P 22 QualityFeature
P 23 GlissandoPrevalenceFeature (not implemented)
P 24 AverageRangeOfGlissandosFeature (not implemented)
P 25 VibratoPrevalenceFeature (not implemented)
R 1 StrongestRhythmicPulseFeature (not implemented)
R 2 SecondStrongestRhythmicPulseFeature (not implemented)
R 3 HarmonicityOfTwoStrongestRhythmicPulsesFeature (not implemented)
R 4 StrengthOfStrongestRhythmicPulseFeature (not implemented)
R 5 StrengthOfSecondStrongestRhythmicPulseFeature (not implemented)
R 6 StrengthRatioOfTwoStrongestRhythmicPulsesFeature (not implemented)
R 7 CombinedStrengthOfTwoStrongestRhythmicPulsesFeature (not implemented)
R 8 NumberOfStrongPulsesFeature (not implemented)
R 9 NumberOfModeratePulsesFeature (not implemented)
R 10 NumberOfRelativelyStrongPulsesFeature (not implemented)
R 11 RhythmicLoosenessFeature (not implemented)
R 12 PolyrhythmsFeature (not implemented)
R 13 RhythmicVariabilityFeature (not implemented)
R 14 BeatHistogramFeature (not implemented)
R 15 NoteDensityFeature
R 17 AverageNoteDurationFeature
R 18 VariabilityOfNoteDurationFeature
R 19 MaximumNoteDurationFeature
R 20 MinimumNoteDurationFeature
R 21 StaccatoIncidenceFeature
R 22 AverageTimeBetweenAttacksFeature
R 23 VariabilityOfTimeBetweenAttacksFeature
R 24 AverageTimeBetweenAttacksForEachVoiceFeature
R 25 AverageVariabilityOfTimeBetweenAttacksForEachVoiceFeature
R 30 InitialTempoFeature
R 31 InitialTimeSignatureFeature
R 32 CompoundOrSimpleMeterFeature
R 33 TripleMeterFeature
R 34 QuintupleMeterFeature
R 35 ChangesOfMeterFeature
R 36 DurationFeature
T 1 MaximumNumberOfIndependentVoicesFeature
T 2 AverageNumberOfIndependentVoicesFeature
T 3 VariabilityOfNumberOfIndependentVoicesFeature
T 4 VoiceEqualityNumberOfNotesFeature (not implemented)
T 5 VoiceEqualityNoteDurationFeature (not implemented)
T 6 VoiceEqualityDynamicsFeature (not implemented)
T 7 VoiceEqualityMelodicLeapsFeature (not implemented)
T 8 VoiceEqualityRangeFeature (not implemented)
T 9 ImportanceOfLoudestVoiceFeature (not implemented)
T 10 RelativeRangeOfLoudestVoiceFeature (not implemented)
T 12 RangeOfHighestLineFeature (not implemented)
T 13 RelativeNoteDensityOfHighestLineFeature (not implemented)
T 15 MelodicIntervalsInLowestLineFeature (not implemented)
T 20 VoiceSeparationFeature (not implemented)