A mixin to ScoreExporter that includes the capabilities for producing a single MusicXML <part> from multiple music21 PartStaff objects.
- class music21.musicxml.partStaffExporter.PartStaffExporterMixin¶
- PartStaffExporterMixin.addStaffTagsMultiStaffParts(group: StaffGroup)¶
Create child <staff> tags under each <note>, <direction>, and <forward> element in the <part>s being joined.
Called by
.>>> from music21.musicxml import testPrimitive >>> s = converter.parse(testPrimitive.pianoStaff43a) >>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter(s) >>> root = SX.parse() >>> m1 = root.find('part/measure') >>> SX.dump(m1) <measure number="1"> ... <note> <pitch> <step>F</step> <octave>4</octave> </pitch> <duration>40320</duration> <voice>1</voice> <type>whole</type> <staff>1</staff> </note> <backup> <duration>40320</duration> </backup> <note> <pitch> <step>B</step> <octave>2</octave> </pitch> <duration>40320</duration> <voice>2</voice> <type>whole</type> <staff>2</staff> </note> </measure>
- PartStaffExporterMixin.cleanUpSubsequentPartStaffs(group: StaffGroup)¶
Now that the contents of all PartStaffs in group have been represented by a single
, remove any obsolete PartExporter from self.partExporterList.Called by
>>> from music21.musicxml import testPrimitive >>> s = converter.parse(testPrimitive.pianoStaff43a) >>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter(s) >>> SX.scorePreliminaries() >>> SX.parsePartlikeScore() >>> len(SX.partExporterList) 2 >>> SX.postPartProcess() >>> len(SX.partExporterList) 1
- PartStaffExporterMixin.getRootForPartStaff(partStaff: PartStaff) Element ¶
Look up the <part> Element being used to represent the music21 partStaff.
>>> from music21.musicxml import testPrimitive >>> s = converter.parse(testPrimitive.pianoStaff43a) >>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter(s) >>> SX.scorePreliminaries() >>> SX.parsePartlikeScore() >>> SX.getRootForPartStaff([0]) <Element 'part' at 0x...
>>> other = stream.PartStaff() >>> = 'unrelated' >>> SX.getRootForPartStaff(other) Traceback (most recent call last): music21.musicxml.xmlObjects.MusicXMLExportException: < unrelated> not found in self.partExporterList
- PartStaffExporterMixin.joinPartStaffs()¶
Collect <part> elements exported from
objects under a single <part> element using <staff> and <voice> subelements.Here we load in a simple 2-staff piano piece. Note that they are both elements of the
Stream subclass.>>> from music21.musicxml import testPrimitive >>> s = converter.parse(testPrimitive.pianoStaff43a) >>>'text') {0.0} <music21.metadata.Metadata object at 0x107d6a100> {0.0} < P1-Staff1> {0.0} <music21.instrument.Instrument 'P1: MusicXML Part: '> {0.0} < 1 offset=0.0> {0.0} <music21.clef.TrebleClef> {0.0} <music21.key.KeySignature of no sharps or flats> {0.0} <music21.meter.TimeSignature 4/4> {0.0} <music21.note.Note F> {0.0} < P1-Staff2> {0.0} <music21.instrument.Instrument 'P1: MusicXML Part: '> {0.0} < 1 offset=0.0> {0.0} <music21.clef.BassClef> {0.0} <music21.key.KeySignature of no sharps or flats> {0.0} <music21.meter.TimeSignature 4/4> {0.0} <music21.note.Note B> {0.0} <music21.layout.StaffGroup < P1-Staff1>< P1-Staff2>>
Now these get joined into a single part in the parse() process:
>>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter(s) >>> root = SX.parse() >>> parts = root.findall('part') >>> len(parts) 1
>>> clefs = root.findall('.//clef') >>> len(clefs) 2
Note that there are exactly two notes (an F and B) in the original score, so there are exactly two staff tags in the output.
>>> staffTags = root.findall('part/measure/note/staff') >>> len(staffTags) 2
- PartStaffExporterMixin.joinableGroups() List[StaffGroup] ¶
Returns a list of
objects that representPartStaff
objects that can be joined into a single MusicXML <part>, so long as there exists a PartExporter for it in ScoreExporter.partExporterList.Sets
.>>> s = stream.Score()
Group 1: three staves.
>>> p1a = stream.PartStaff(id='p1a') >>> p1a.insert(0, stream.Measure()) >>> p1b = stream.PartStaff(id='p1b') >>> p1b.insert(0, stream.Measure()) >>> p1c = stream.PartStaff(id='p1c') >>> p1c.insert(0, stream.Measure()) >>> sg1 = layout.StaffGroup([p1a, p1b, p1c])
Group 2: two staves.
>>> p2a = stream.PartStaff(id='p2a') >>> p2a.insert(0, stream.Measure()) >>> p2b = stream.PartStaff(id='p2b') >>> p2b.insert(0, stream.Measure()) >>> sg2 = layout.StaffGroup([p2a, p2b])
Group 3: one staff – will not be merged.
>>> p3a = stream.PartStaff(id='p3a') >>> p3a.insert(0, stream.Measure()) >>> sg3 = layout.StaffGroup([p3a])
Group 4: two staves, but no measures, will not be merged:
>>> p4a = stream.PartStaff(id='p4a') >>> p4b = stream.PartStaff(id='p4b') >>> sg4 = layout.StaffGroup([p4a, p4b])
Group 5: two staves, but no staff group
>>> p5a = stream.PartStaff(id='p5a') >>> p5a.insert(0, stream.Measure()) >>> p5b = stream.PartStaff(id='p5b') >>> p5b.insert(0, stream.Measure())
Group 6: same as Group 2, just to show that valid groups can come later
>>> p6a = stream.PartStaff(id='p6a') >>> p6a.insert(0, stream.Measure()) >>> p6b = stream.PartStaff(id='p6b') >>> p6b.insert(0, stream.Measure()) >>> sg6 = layout.StaffGroup([p6a, p6b])
Group 7: same as Group 6, but with Parts instead of PartStaffs
>>> p7a = stream.Part(id='p7a') >>> p7a.insert(0, stream.Measure()) >>> p7b = stream.Part(id='p7b') >>> p7b.insert(0, stream.Measure()) >>> sg7 = layout.StaffGroup([p7a, p7b])
Group 8: encloses same objects as Group 6, just to show it’s gracefully ignored
>>> sg8 = layout.StaffGroup([p6a, p6b])
>>> for el in (p1a, p1b, p1c, sg1, p2a, p2b, sg2, p3a, sg3, ... p4a, p4b, sg4, p5a, p5b, p6a, p6b, sg6, p7a, p7b, sg7, sg8): ... s.insert(0, el)
>>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter(s) >>> SX.scorePreliminaries() >>> SX.parsePartlikeScore() # populate .partExporterList >>> SX.joinableGroups() [<music21.layout.StaffGroup <... p1a><... p1b><... p1c>>, <music21.layout.StaffGroup <... p2a><... p2b>>, <music21.layout.StaffGroup <... p6a><... p6b>>]
- static PartStaffExporterMixin.moveMeasureContents(measure: Element, otherMeasure: Element, staffNumber: int)¶
Move the child elements of measure into otherMeasure; create voice numbers if needed; bump voice numbers if they conflict; account for <backup> and <forward> tags; skip <print> tags; set “number” on midmeasure clef changes; replace existing <barline> tags.
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as El >>> measure = El('<measure><note /></measure>') >>> otherMeasure = El('<measure><note /></measure>') >>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter >>> SX.moveMeasureContents(measure, otherMeasure, 2) >>> SX().dump(otherMeasure) <measure> <note> <voice>1</voice> </note> <note> <voice>2</voice> </note> </measure>
>>> SX.moveMeasureContents(El('<junk />'), otherMeasure, 2) Traceback (most recent call last): music21.musicxml.xmlObjects.MusicXMLExportException: moveMeasureContents() called on <Element 'junk'...
Only one <barline> should be exported per merged measure:
>>> from music21.musicxml import testPrimitive >>> s = converter.parse(testPrimitive.mixedVoices1a) >>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter(s) >>> root = SX.parse() >>> root.findall('part/measure/barline') [<Element 'barline' at 0x...]
- PartStaffExporterMixin.movePartStaffMeasureContents(group: StaffGroup)¶
For every <part> after the first, find the corresponding measure in the initial <part> and merge the contents by inserting all contained elements.
Called by
StaffGroup must be a valid one from
- PartStaffExporterMixin.processSubsequentPartStaff(target: Element, source: Element, staffNum: int) Dict[int, List[Element]] ¶
Move elements from subsequent PartStaff’s measures into target: the <part> element representing the initial PartStaff that will soon represent the merged whole.
Called by
, which is in turn called byjoinPartStaffs()
- PartStaffExporterMixin.setEarliestAttributesAndClefsPartStaff(group: StaffGroup)¶
Set the <staff>, <key>, <time>, and <clef> information on the earliest measure <attributes> tag in the <part> representing the joined PartStaffs.
Need the earliest <attributes> tag, which may not exist in the merged <part> until moved there by movePartStaffMeasureContents() – e.g. RH of piano doesn’t appear until m. 40, and earlier music for LH needs to be merged first in order to find earliest <attributes>.
Called by
Multiple keys:
>>> from music21.musicxml import testPrimitive >>> xmlDir = common.getSourceFilePath() / 'musicxml' / 'lilypondTestSuite' >>> s = converter.parse(xmlDir / '43b-MultiStaff-DifferentKeys.xml') >>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter(s) >>> root = SX.parse() >>> m1 = root.find('part/measure') >>> SX.dump(m1) <measure number="1"> <attributes> <divisions>10080</divisions> <key number="1"> <fifths>0</fifths> </key> <key number="2"> <fifths>2</fifths> </key> <time> <beats>4</beats> <beat-type>4</beat-type> </time> <staves>2</staves> <clef number="1"> <sign>G</sign> <line>2</line> </clef> <clef number="2"> <sign>F</sign> <line>4</line> </clef> </attributes> ... </measure>
Multiple meters (not very well supported by MusicXML readers):
>>> from music21.musicxml import testPrimitive >>> s = converter.parse(testPrimitive.pianoStaffPolymeterWithClefOctaveChange) >>> SX = musicxml.m21ToXml.ScoreExporter(s) >>> root = SX.parse() >>> m1 = root.find('part/measure') >>> SX.dump(m1) <measure number="1"> <attributes> <divisions>10080</divisions> <key> <fifths>0</fifths> </key> <time number="1"> <beats>4</beats> <beat-type>4</beat-type> </time> <time number="2"> <beats>2</beats> <beat-type>2</beat-type> </time> <staves>2</staves> <clef number="1"> <sign>G</sign> <line>2</line> </clef> <clef number="2"> <sign>G</sign> <line>2</line> <clef-octave-change>-1</clef-octave-change> </clef> </attributes> ... </measure>
- music21.musicxml.partStaffExporter.addStaffTags(measure: Element, staffNumber: int, tagList: List[str])¶
For a <measure> tag measure, add a <staff> grandchild to any instance of a child tag of a type in tagList.
>>> from xml.etree.ElementTree import fromstring as El >>> from music21.musicxml.partStaffExporter import addStaffTags >>> from music21.musicxml.helpers import dump >>> elem = El(""" ... <measure number="1"> ... <note> ... <rest measure="yes" /> ... <duration>8</duration> ... </note> ... </measure>""" ... ) >>> addStaffTags(elem, 2, tagList=['note', 'forward', 'direction', 'harmony']) >>> dump(elem) <measure number="1"> <note> <rest measure="yes" /> <duration>8</duration> <staff>2</staff> </note> </measure>
Raise if a <staff> grandchild is already present:
>>> addStaffTags(elem, 2, tagList=['note', 'forward', 'direction']) Traceback (most recent call last): music21.musicxml.xmlObjects.MusicXMLExportException: In part (), measure (1): Attempted to create a second <staff> tag
The function doesn’t accept elements other than <measure>:
>>> addStaffTags(elem.find('note'), 2, tagList=['direction']) Traceback (most recent call last): music21.musicxml.xmlObjects.MusicXMLExportException: addStaffTags() only accepts <measure> tags