Music21 class for dealing with Roman Numeral analysis
- class music21.roman.RomanNumeral(figure: str | int = '', keyOrScale: Key | ConcreteScale | str | None = None, *, caseMatters=True, updatePitches=True, sixthMinor=Minor67Default.QUALITY, seventhMinor=Minor67Default.QUALITY)¶
A RomanNumeral object is a specialized type of
object that stores the function and scale degree of a chord within aKey
.>>> ivInE = roman.RomanNumeral('IV', key.Key('E')) >>> ivInE.pitches (<music21.pitch.Pitch A4>, <music21.pitch.Pitch C#5>, <music21.pitch.Pitch E5>)
Octaves assigned are arbitrary (generally C-4 or above) and just exist to keep the pitches properly sorted.
Major and minor are written with capital and lowercase numerals respectively. Inversions and seventh-, ninth-, etc. chords are specified by putting the figured bass symbols directly after the chord. Keys can be specified with Key objects or (less efficiently) a string.
Dominant-seventh chord in c minor.
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('V7', 'c').pitches (<music21.pitch.Pitch G4>, <music21.pitch.Pitch B4>, <music21.pitch.Pitch D5>, <music21.pitch.Pitch F5>)
Minor chord on the fifth scale degree, in second inversion:
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('v64', 'c').pitches (<music21.pitch.Pitch D4>, <music21.pitch.Pitch G4>, <music21.pitch.Pitch B-4>)
If no Key is given then it exists as a theoretical, keyless RomanNumeral; e.g., V in any key. But when realized, keyless RomanNumerals are treated as if they are in C major.
>>> V = roman.RomanNumeral('V') >>> V.quality 'major'
>>> V.inversion() 0
>>> V.forteClass '3-11B'
>>> V.scaleDegree 5
Default key is C Major
>>> for p in V.pitches: ... p <music21.pitch.Pitch G4> <music21.pitch.Pitch B4> <music21.pitch.Pitch D5>
Neapolitan chords can be written as ‘N6’, ‘bII6’, or simply ‘N’
>>> neapolitan = roman.RomanNumeral('N6', 'c#') >>> neapolitan.key <music21.key.Key of c# minor>
>>> neapolitan.isMajorTriad() True
>>> neapolitan.scaleDegreeWithAlteration (2, <music21.pitch.Accidental flat>)
>>> for p in neapolitan.pitches: ... p <music21.pitch.Pitch F#4> <music21.pitch.Pitch A4> <music21.pitch.Pitch D5>
>>> neapolitan2 = roman.RomanNumeral('bII6', 'g#') >>> [str(p) for p in neapolitan2.pitches] ['C#5', 'E5', 'A5']
>>> neapolitan2.scaleDegree 2
Here’s another dominant seventh chord in minor:
>>> em = key.Key('e') >>> dominantV = roman.RomanNumeral('V7', em) >>> [str(p) for p in dominantV.pitches] ['B4', 'D#5', 'F#5', 'A5']
Now using the older terminology where the case does not determine the quality, it becomes a minor-seventh chord:
>>> minorV = roman.RomanNumeral('V43', em, caseMatters=False) >>> [str(p) for p in minorV.pitches] ['F#4', 'A4', 'B4', 'D5']
(We will do this str(p) for p in… thing enough that let’s make a helper function:)
>>> def cp(rn_in): # cp = chord pitches ... return [str(p) for p in rn_in.pitches] >>> cp(minorV) ['F#4', 'A4', 'B4', 'D5']
In minor – VII and VI are assumed to refer to the flattened scale degree, while vii, viio, viio7, viiø7 and vi, vio, vio7, and viø7 all refer to the sharpened scale degree. To get a minor triad on lowered 6 for instance, you will need to use ‘bvi’ while to get a major triad on raised 6, use ‘#VI’.
The actual rule is that if the chord implies minor, diminished, or half-diminished, an implied “#” is read before the figure. Anything else does not add the sharp. The lowered (natural minor) is the assumed basic chord.
>>> majorFlatSeven = roman.RomanNumeral('VII', em) >>> cp(majorFlatSeven) ['D5', 'F#5', 'A5']
>>> minorSharpSeven = roman.RomanNumeral('vii', em) >>> cp(minorSharpSeven) ['D#5', 'F#5', 'A#5']
>>> majorFlatSix = roman.RomanNumeral('VI', em) >>> cp(majorFlatSix) ['C5', 'E5', 'G5']
>>> minorSharpSix = roman.RomanNumeral('vi', em) >>> cp(minorSharpSix) ['C#5', 'E5', 'G#5']
These rules can be changed by passing in a sixthMinor or seventhMinor parameter set to a member of
:>>> majorSharpSeven = roman.RomanNumeral('VII', em, seventhMinor=roman.Minor67Default.SHARP) >>> cp(majorSharpSeven) ['D#5', 'F##5', 'A#5']
For instance, if you prefer a harmonic minor context where VI (or vi) always refers to the lowered 6 and viio (or VII) always refers to the raised 7, send along sixthMinor=roman.Minor67Default.FLAT and seventhMinor=roman.Minor67Default.SHARP
>>> dimHarmonicSeven = roman.RomanNumeral('viio', em, seventhMinor=roman.Minor67Default.SHARP) >>> cp(dimHarmonicSeven) ['D#5', 'F#5', 'A5']
>>> majHarmonicSeven = roman.RomanNumeral('bVII', em, seventhMinor=roman.Minor67Default.SHARP) >>> cp(majHarmonicSeven) ['D5', 'F#5', 'A5']
>>> majHarmonicSix = roman.RomanNumeral('VI', em, sixthMinor=roman.Minor67Default.FLAT) >>> cp(majHarmonicSix) ['C5', 'E5', 'G5'] >>> minHarmonicSix = roman.RomanNumeral('#vi', em, sixthMinor=roman.Minor67Default.FLAT) >>> cp(minHarmonicSix) ['C#5', 'E5', 'G#5']
See the docs for
for more information on configuring sixth and seventh interpretation in minor along with the useful CAUTIONARY setting where CAUTIONARY sharp and flat accidentals are allowed but not required.Either of these is the same way of getting a minor iii in a minor key:
>>> minoriii = roman.RomanNumeral('iii', em, caseMatters=True) >>> cp(minoriii) ['G4', 'B-4', 'D5']
>>> minoriiiB = roman.RomanNumeral('IIIb', em, caseMatters=False) >>> cp(minoriiiB) ['G4', 'B-4', 'D5']
caseMatters=False will prevent sixthMinor or seventhMinor from having effect.
>>> vii = roman.RomanNumeral('viio', 'a', caseMatters=False, ... seventhMinor=roman.Minor67Default.QUALITY) >>> cp(vii) ['G5', 'B-5', 'D-6']
Can also take a scale object, here we build a first-inversion chord on the raised-three degree of D-flat major, that is, F#-major (late Schubert would be proud.)
>>> sharp3 = roman.RomanNumeral('#III6', scale.MajorScale('D-')) >>> sharp3.scaleDegreeWithAlteration (3, <music21.pitch.Accidental sharp>)
>>> cp(sharp3) ['A#4', 'C#5', 'F#5']
>>> sharp3.figure '#III6'
Figures can be changed and pitches will change. (Caution: there are still some bugs on this for extreme edge cases).
>>> sharp3.figure = 'V' >>> cp(sharp3) ['A-4', 'C5', 'E-5']
A diminished chord is specified with an o (the letter-O) or ° symbol:
>>> leadingToneSeventh = roman.RomanNumeral( ... 'viio', scale.MajorScale('F')) >>> cp(leadingToneSeventh) ['E5', 'G5', 'B-5'] >>> cp(roman.RomanNumeral('vii°7', 'F')) ['E5', 'G5', 'B-5', 'D-6']
Note in the above example we passed in a Scale object not a Key. This can be used in the theoretical case of applying roman numerals in 7-note scales that are not major or minor. (see the documentation for the
attribute for scales other than 7-note scales).Half-diminished seventh chords can be written with either ø or /o symbol:
>>> cp(roman.RomanNumeral('viiø7', 'F')) ['E5', 'G5', 'B-5', 'D6'] >>> cp(roman.RomanNumeral('vii/o7', 'F')) ['E5', 'G5', 'B-5', 'D6']
A little modal mixture:
>>> lessObviousDiminished = roman.RomanNumeral( ... 'vio', scale.MajorScale('c')) >>> for p in lessObviousDiminished.pitches: ... p <music21.pitch.Pitch A4> <music21.pitch.Pitch C5> <music21.pitch.Pitch E-5>
>>> diminished7th = roman.RomanNumeral( ... 'vio7', scale.MajorScale('c')) >>> for p in diminished7th.pitches: ... p <music21.pitch.Pitch A4> <music21.pitch.Pitch C5> <music21.pitch.Pitch E-5> <music21.pitch.Pitch G-5>
>>> diminished7th1stInv = roman.RomanNumeral( ... 'vio65', scale.MajorScale('c')) >>> for p in diminished7th1stInv.pitches: ... p <music21.pitch.Pitch C4> <music21.pitch.Pitch E-4> <music21.pitch.Pitch G-4> <music21.pitch.Pitch A4>
>>> halfDim7th2ndInv = roman.RomanNumeral( ... 'ivø43', scale.MajorScale('F')) >>> for p in halfDim7th2ndInv.pitches: ... p <music21.pitch.Pitch F-4> <music21.pitch.Pitch A-4> <music21.pitch.Pitch B-4> <music21.pitch.Pitch D-5>
>>> alteredChordHalfDim3rdInv = roman.RomanNumeral( ... 'biiø42', scale.MajorScale('F')) >>> cp(alteredChordHalfDim3rdInv) ['F-4', 'G-4', 'B--4', 'D--5']
>>> alteredChordHalfDim3rdInv.intervalVector [0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1]
>>> alteredChordHalfDim3rdInv.commonName 'half-diminished seventh chord'
>>> alteredChordHalfDim3rdInv.romanNumeral 'bii'
>>> alteredChordHalfDim3rdInv.romanNumeralAlone 'ii'
Tones may be omitted by putting the number in a bracketed [noX] clause. These numbers refer to the note above the root, not above the bass:
>>> openFifth = roman.RomanNumeral('V[no3]', key.Key('F')) >>> openFifth.pitches (<music21.pitch.Pitch C5>, <music21.pitch.Pitch G5>) >>> openFifthInv = roman.RomanNumeral('V64[no3]', key.Key('F')) >>> openFifthInv.pitches (<music21.pitch.Pitch G4>, <music21.pitch.Pitch C5>)
Some theoretical traditions express a viio7 as a V9 chord with omitted root. Music21 allows that:
>>> fiveOhNine = roman.RomanNumeral('V9[no1]', key.Key('g')) >>> cp(fiveOhNine) ['F#5', 'A5', 'C6', 'E-6']
Putting [no] or [add] should never change the root
>>> fiveOhNine.root() <music21.pitch.Pitch D5>
Tones may be added by putting a number (with an optional accidental) in a bracketed [addX] clause:
>>> susChord = roman.RomanNumeral('I[add4][no3]', key.Key('C')) >>> susChord.pitches (<music21.pitch.Pitch C4>, <music21.pitch.Pitch F4>, <music21.pitch.Pitch G4>) >>> susChord.root() <music21.pitch.Pitch C4>
Figures such as ‘V54’ give the same result:
>>> anotherSus = roman.RomanNumeral('V54', key.Key('C')) >>> anotherSus.pitches (<music21.pitch.Pitch G4>, <music21.pitch.Pitch C5>, <music21.pitch.Pitch D5>)
Putting it all together:
>>> weirdChord = roman.RomanNumeral('V65[no5][add#6][b3]', key.Key('C')) >>> cp(weirdChord) ['B-4', 'E#5', 'F5', 'G5'] >>> weirdChord.root() <music21.pitch.Pitch G5>
Other scales besides major and minor can be used. Just for kicks (no worries if this is goobley-gook):
>>> ots = scale.OctatonicScale('C2') >>> rn_I9 = roman.RomanNumeral('I9', ots, caseMatters=False) >>> cp(rn_I9) ['C2', 'E-2', 'G-2', 'A2', 'C3']
>>> romanNumeral2 = roman.RomanNumeral( ... 'V7#5b3', ots, caseMatters=False) >>> cp(romanNumeral2) ['G-2', 'A-2', 'C#3', 'E-3']
>>> rn_minor_64_secondary = roman.RomanNumeral('v64/V', key.Key('e')) >>> rn_minor_64_secondary <music21.roman.RomanNumeral v64/V in e minor>
>>> rn_minor_64_secondary.figure 'v64/V'
>>> cp(rn_minor_64_secondary) ['C#5', 'F#5', 'A5']
>>> rn_minor_64_secondary.secondaryRomanNumeral <music21.roman.RomanNumeral V in e minor>
Dominant 7ths can be specified by the character ‘d’ followed by the figure indicating the inversion of the chord:
>>> r = roman.RomanNumeral('bVIId7', key.Key('B-')) >>> r.figure 'bVIId7'
>>> cp(r) ['A-5', 'C6', 'E-6', 'G-6']
>>> r = roman.RomanNumeral('VId42') >>> r.figure 'VId42'
>>> r.key = key.Key('B-') >>> cp(r) ['F5', 'G5', 'B5', 'D6']
>>> r = roman.RomanNumeral('IVd43', key.Key('B-')) >>> r.figure 'IVd43'
>>> cp(r) ['B-4', 'D-5', 'E-5', 'G5']
>>> r2 = roman.RomanNumeral('V42/V7/vi', key.Key('C')) >>> cp(r2) ['A4', 'B4', 'D#5', 'F#5']
>>> r2.secondaryRomanNumeral <music21.roman.RomanNumeral V7/vi in C major>
>>> r2.secondaryRomanNumeral.secondaryRomanNumeral <music21.roman.RomanNumeral vi in C major>
The I64 chord can also be specified as Cad64, which simply parses as I64:
>>> r = roman.RomanNumeral('Cad64', key.Key('C')) >>> r <music21.roman.RomanNumeral Cad64 in C major> >>> cp(r) ['G4', 'C5', 'E5']
>>> r = roman.RomanNumeral('Cad64', key.Key('c')) >>> r <music21.roman.RomanNumeral Cad64 in c minor> >>> cp(r) ['G4', 'C5', 'E-5']
Works also for secondary romans:
>>> r = roman.RomanNumeral('Cad64/V', key.Key('c')) >>> r <music21.roman.RomanNumeral Cad64/V in c minor> >>> cp(r) ['D5', 'G5', 'B5']
In a major context, i7 and iv7 and their inversions are treated as minor-7th chords:
>>> r = roman.RomanNumeral('i7', 'C') >>> r <music21.roman.RomanNumeral i7 in C major> >>> cp(r) ['C4', 'E-4', 'G4', 'B-4']
>>> r = roman.RomanNumeral('iv42', 'C') >>> cp(r) ['E-4', 'F4', 'A-4', 'C5']
For a minor-Major 7th chord in major, write it as i[add7] or i7[#7] or another inversion:
>>> minorMajor = roman.RomanNumeral('i[add7]', 'C') >>> minorMajor <music21.roman.RomanNumeral i[add7] in C major> >>> cp(minorMajor) ['C4', 'E-4', 'G4', 'B4'] >>> cp(roman.RomanNumeral('i7[#7]', 'C')) ['C4', 'E-4', 'G4', 'B4']
Note that this is not the same as i#7, which gives a rather unusual chord in major.
>>> cp(roman.RomanNumeral('i#7', 'C')) ['C4', 'E-4', 'G4', 'B#4']
In minor, it’s just fine. I mean, just as fine:
>>> cp(roman.RomanNumeral('i#7', 'c')) ['C4', 'E-4', 'G4', 'B4']
>>> cp(roman.RomanNumeral('i42[#7]', 'C')) ['B4', 'C5', 'E-5', 'G5']
As noted above, Minor-Major 7th chords in minor have a different form in root position:
>>> cp(roman.RomanNumeral('i#7', 'c')) ['C4', 'E-4', 'G4', 'B4']
(these are both the same)
>>> cp(roman.RomanNumeral('i#753', 'c')) ['C4', 'E-4', 'G4', 'B4'] >>> cp(roman.RomanNumeral('i7[#7]', 'c')) ['C4', 'E-4', 'G4', 'B4']
Other inversions are the same as with major keys:
>>> cp(roman.RomanNumeral('i65[#7]', 'c')) ['E-4', 'G4', 'B4', 'C5'] >>> cp(roman.RomanNumeral('i43[#7]', 'c')) ['G4', 'B4', 'C5', 'E-5']
The RomanNumeral constructor accepts a keyword ‘updatePitches’ which is passed to harmony.Harmony. By default, it is True, but can be set to False to initialize faster if pitches are not needed.
>>> r = roman.RomanNumeral('vio', em, updatePitches=False) >>> r.pitches ()
Two RomanNumerals compare equal if their NotRest components (noteheads, beams, expressions, articulations, etc.) are equal and if their figures and keys are equal:
>>> c1 = chord.Chord('C4 E4 G4 C5') >>> c2 = chord.Chord('C3 E4 G4') >>> rn1 = roman.romanNumeralFromChord(c1, 'C') >>> rn2 = roman.romanNumeralFromChord(c2, 'C') >>> rn1 == rn2 True >>> rn1.duration.type = 'half' >>> rn1 == rn2 False >>> rn3 = roman.RomanNumeral('I', 'd') >>> rn2 == rn3 False >>> rn3.key = key.Key('C') >>> rn2 == rn3 True >>> rn4 = roman.RomanNumeral('ii', 'C') >>> rn2 == rn4 False >>> rn4.figure = 'I' >>> rn2 == rn4 True
Changed in v6.5 – caseMatters is keyword only. It along with sixthMinor and seventhMinor are now the only allowable keywords to pass in.
Changed in v7 – RomanNumeral.romanNumeral will always give a “b” for a flattened degree (i.e., ‘-II’ becomes ‘bII’) as this is what people expect in looking at the figure.
Changed in v8 – Figures are now validated as alphanumeric or containing one of the following symbols (after the example “V”):
>>> specialCharacterFigure = roman.RomanNumeral('V#+-/[]') >>> specialCharacterFigure <music21.roman.RomanNumeral V#+-/[]>
And degree symbols (°) convert to o:
>>> dimSeventh = roman.RomanNumeral('vii°7', 'c') >>> dimSeventh <music21.roman.RomanNumeral viio7 in c minor>
Otherwise, an invalid figure raises RomanNumeralException:
>>> roman.RomanNumeral("V64==53") Traceback (most recent call last): music21.roman.RomanNumeralException: Invalid figure: V64==53
Changed in v.7.3 – figures that are not normally used to indicate inversion such as V54 (a suspension) no longer give strange inversions.
read-only properties
- RomanNumeral.figureAndKey¶
Returns the figure and the key and mode as a string
>>> rn = roman.RomanNumeral('V65/V', 'e') >>> rn.figureAndKey 'V65/V in e minor'
Without a key, it is the same as figure:
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('V7').figureAndKey 'V7'
- RomanNumeral.scaleDegreeWithAlteration¶
Returns a two element tuple of the scale degree and the accidental that alters the scale degree for things such as #ii or bV.
Note that vi and vii in minor have a frontAlterationAccidental of <sharp> even if it is not preceded by a # sign.
Has the same effect as setting .scaleDegree and .frontAlterationAccidental separately
>>> v = roman.RomanNumeral('V', 'C') >>> v.scaleDegreeWithAlteration (5, None)
>>> neapolitan = roman.RomanNumeral('N6', 'c#') >>> neapolitan.scaleDegreeWithAlteration (2, <music21.pitch.Accidental flat>)
Read-only properties inherited from Chord
Read-only properties inherited from Music21Object
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
read/write properties
- RomanNumeral.figure¶
Gives a string representation of the roman numeral, which is usually the same as what you passed in as a string:
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('bVII65/V', 'C').figure 'bVII65/V'
There are a few exceptions. If the RomanNumeral is initialized with an int, then it is converted to a string:
>>> roman.RomanNumeral(2).figure 'II'
A 0 used for o in a diminished seventh chord is converted to o, and the /o form of half-diminished is converted to ø:
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('vii07').figure 'viio7' >>> roman.RomanNumeral('vii/o7').figure 'viiø7'
Changing this value will not change existing pitches.
Changed in v6.5 – empty RomanNumerals now have figure of ‘’ not None
- RomanNumeral.functionalityScore¶
Return or set a number from 1 to 100 representing the relative functionality of this RN.figure (possibly given the mode, etc.).
Numbers are ordinal, not cardinal.
>>> rn1 = roman.RomanNumeral('V7') >>> rn1.functionalityScore 80
>>> rn2 = roman.RomanNumeral('vi6') >>> rn2.functionalityScore 10
>>> rn2.functionalityScore = 99 >>> rn2.functionalityScore 99
For secondary dominants, the functionality scores are multiplied, reducing all but the first by 1/100th:
>>> rn3 = roman.RomanNumeral('V') >>> rn3.functionalityScore 70
>>> rn4 = roman.RomanNumeral('vi') >>> rn4.functionalityScore 40
>>> rn5 = roman.RomanNumeral('V/vi') >>> rn5.functionalityScore 28
- RomanNumeral.key¶
Gets or Sets the current Key (or Scale object) for a given RomanNumeral object.
If a new key is set, then the pitches will probably change:
>>> r1 = roman.RomanNumeral('V')
(No key means an implicit C-major)
>>> r1.key is None True
>>> [str(p) for p in r1.pitches] ['G4', 'B4', 'D5']
Change to A major
>>> r1.key = key.Key('A') >>> [str(p) for p in r1.pitches] ['E5', 'G#5', 'B5']
>>> r1 <music21.roman.RomanNumeral V in A major>
>>> r1.key <music21.key.Key of A major>
>>> r1.key = key.Key('e') >>> [str(p) for p in r1.pitches] ['B4', 'D#5', 'F#5']
>>> r1 <music21.roman.RomanNumeral V in e minor>
- RomanNumeral.romanNumeral¶
Read-only property that returns either the romanNumeralAlone (e.g. just II) or the frontAlterationAccidental.modifier (with ‘b’ for ‘-’) + romanNumeralAlone (e.g. #II, bII)
>>> rn = roman.RomanNumeral('#II7') >>> rn.romanNumeral '#II'
>>> rn = roman.RomanNumeral('Ger+6') >>> rn.romanNumeral 'Ger'
>>> rn = roman.RomanNumeral('bbII/V') >>> rn.romanNumeral 'bbII' >>> rn = roman.RomanNumeral('--II/V') >>> rn.romanNumeral 'bbII'
Read/write properties inherited from Harmony
Read/write properties inherited from Chord
Read/write properties inherited from ChordBase
Read/write properties inherited from NotRest
Read/write properties inherited from GeneralNote
Read/write properties inherited from Music21Object
- RomanNumeral.__eq__(other) bool ¶
Compare equality, just based on NotRest and on figure and key
- RomanNumeral.adjustMinorVIandVIIByQuality(useScale: Key | ConcreteScale) None ¶
Fix minor vi and vii to always be #vi and #vii if .caseMatters.
>>> rn = roman.RomanNumeral() >>> rn.scaleDegree = 6 >>> rn.impliedQuality = 'minor' >>> rn.adjustMinorVIandVIIByQuality(key.Key('c')) >>> rn.frontAlterationTransposeInterval <music21.interval.Interval A1>
>>> rn.frontAlterationAccidental <music21.pitch.Accidental sharp>
>>> rn = roman.RomanNumeral() >>> rn.scaleDegree = 6 >>> rn.impliedQuality = 'major' >>> rn.adjustMinorVIandVIIByQuality(key.Key('c')) >>> rn.frontAlterationTransposeInterval is None True >>> rn.frontAlterationAccidental is None True
Changed in v.6.4: public function became hook to private function having the actual guts
- RomanNumeral.bassScaleDegreeFromNotation(notationObject: t.Optional['music21.figuredBass.notation.Notation'] = None)¶
Given a notationObject from
return the scaleDegree of the bass.>>> fbn = figuredBass.notation.Notation('6,3') >>> V = roman.RomanNumeral('V') >>> V.bassScaleDegreeFromNotation(fbn) 7
>>> fbn2 = figuredBass.notation.Notation('#6,4') >>> vi = roman.RomanNumeral('vi') >>> vi.bassScaleDegreeFromNotation(fbn2) 3
Can figure it out directly from an existing RomanNumeral:
>>> ii65 = roman.RomanNumeral('ii65', 'C') >>> ii65.bassScaleDegreeFromNotation() 4
Simple test:
>>> I = roman.RomanNumeral('I') >>> I.bassScaleDegreeFromNotation() 1
Figures that do not imply a bass like 54 just return the instance
:>>> V = roman.RomanNumeral('V54') >>> V.bassScaleDegreeFromNotation() 5
- RomanNumeral.isMixture(evaluateSecondaryNumeral: bool = False)¶
Checks if a RomanNumeral is an instance of ‘modal mixture’ in which the chord is not diatonic in the key specified, but would be in the parallel (German: variant) major / minor and can therefore be thought of as a ‘mixture’ of major and minor modes, or as a ‘borrowing’ from the one to the other.
Examples include “i” in major or “I” in minor (sic).
Specifically, this method returns True for all and only the following cases in any inversion:
Major context (example of C major):
scale degree 1 and triad quality minor (minor tonic chord, c);
scale degree 2 and triad quality diminished (covers both iio and iiø7);
scale degree b3 and triad quality major (Eb);
scale degree 4 and triad quality minor (f);
scale degree 5 and triad quality minor (g, NB: potentially controversial);
scale degree b6 and triad quality major (Ab);
scale degree b7 and triad quality major (Bb); and
scale degree 7, and it is a diminished seventh (specifically b-d-f-ab).
Minor context (example of c minor):
scale degree 1 and triad quality major (major tonic chord, C);
scale degree 2 and triad quality minor (d, not diminished);
scale degree #3 and triad quality minor (e);
scale degree 4 and triad quality major (F);
scale degree #6 and triad quality minor (a); and
scale degree 7, and it is a half-diminished seventh (specifically b-d-f-a).
This list is broadly consistent with (and limited to) borrowing between the major and natural minor, except for excluding V (G-B-D) and viio (B-D-F) in minor. There are several borderline caes and this in-/exclusion is all open to debate, of course. The choices here reflect this method’s primarily goal to aid anthologizing and pointing to clear cases of mixture in common practice Classical music. At least in that context, V and viio are not generally regarded as mixure.
By way of example usage, here are both major and minor versions of the tonic and subdominant triads in the major context.
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('I', 'D-').isMixture() False
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('i', 'D-').isMixture() True
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('IV', 'F').isMixture() False
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('iv', 'F').isMixture() True
For any cases extending beyond triad/seventh chords, major/minor keys, and the like, this method simply returns False.
So when the mode is not major or minor (including when it’s undefined), that’s False.
>>> rn = roman.RomanNumeral('iv', 'C') >>> rn.key.mode 'major'
>>> rn.isMixture() True
>>> rn.key.mode = 'hypomixolydian' >>> rn.isMixture() False
A scale for a key never returns True for mixture.
>>> rn = roman.RomanNumeral('i', scale.MajorScale('D')) # mode undefined >>> rn.isMixture() False
Likewise, anything that’s not a triad or seventh will return False:
>>> rn = roman.romanNumeralFromChord(chord.Chord("C D E")) >>> rn.isMixture() False
Note that Augmented sixth chords do count as sevenths but never indicate modal mixture (not least because those augmented sixths are the same in both major and minor).
>>> rn = roman.RomanNumeral('Ger65') >>> rn.isSeventh() True
>>> rn.isMixture() False
False is also returned for any case in which the triad quality is not diminished, minor, or major:
>>> rn = roman.RomanNumeral('bIII+') >>> rn.quality 'augmented'
>>> rn.isMixture() False
(That specific example of bIII+ in major is a borderline case that arguably ought to be included and may be added later without a deprecation cycle.)
Naturally, really extended usages such as scale degrees beyond 7 (in the Octatonic mode, for instance) also return False.
The evaluateSecondaryNumeral parameter allows users to choose whether to consider secondary Roman numerals (like V/vi) or to ignore them. When considered, exactly the same rules apply but recasting the comparison on the secondaryRomanNumeral. This is an extended usage that is open to debate and liable to change.
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('V/bVI', 'E-').isMixture() False
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('V/bVI', 'E-').isMixture(evaluateSecondaryNumeral=True) True
In case of secondary numeral chains, read the last one for mixture.
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('V/V/bVI', 'E-').isMixture(evaluateSecondaryNumeral=True) True
- RomanNumeral.isNeapolitan(require1stInversion: bool = True)¶
Music21’s Chord class contains methods for identifying chords of a particular type, such as
.Some similar chord types are defined not only by the structure of a chord but by its relation to a key. The Neapolitan sixth is a notable example. A chord is a Neapolitan sixth if it is a major triad, in first inversion, and (here’s the key-dependent part) rooted on the flattened second scale degree.
>>> chd = chord.Chord(['F4', 'Ab4', 'Db5']) >>> rn = roman.romanNumeralFromChord(chd, 'C') >>> rn.isNeapolitan() True
As this is key-dependent, changing the key changes the outcome.
>>> rn = roman.romanNumeralFromChord(chd, 'Db') >>> rn.isNeapolitan() False
The ‘N’, ‘N6’ and ‘N53’ shorthand forms are accepted.
>>> rn = roman.RomanNumeral('N') >>> rn.isNeapolitan() True
>>> rn = roman.RomanNumeral('N6') >>> rn.isNeapolitan() True
Requiring first inversion is optional.
>>> rn = roman.RomanNumeral('bII') >>> rn.isNeapolitan(require1stInversion=False) True
>>> rn = roman.RomanNumeral('N53') >>> rn.isNeapolitan(require1stInversion=False) True
Methods inherited from Harmony
Methods inherited from Chord
Methods inherited from ChordBase
Methods inherited from NotRest
Methods inherited from GeneralNote
Methods inherited from Music21Object
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
instance variables
- RomanNumeral.addedSteps¶
Returns a list of the added steps, each as a tuple of modifier as a string (which might be empty) and a chord factor as an int.
>>> rn = roman.RomanNumeral('V7[addb6]', 'C') >>> rn.addedSteps [('-', 6)] >>> rn.pitches (<music21.pitch.Pitch G4>, <music21.pitch.Pitch B4>, <music21.pitch.Pitch D5>, <music21.pitch.Pitch E-5>, <music21.pitch.Pitch F5>)
You can add multiple added steps:
>>> strange = roman.RomanNumeral('V7[addb6][add#6][add-8]') >>> strange.addedSteps [('-', 6), ('#', 6), ('-', 8)] >>> ' '.join([p.nameWithOctave for p in strange.pitches]) 'G4 B4 D5 E-5 E#5 F5 G-5'
NOTE: The modifier name is currently changed from ‘b’ to ‘-’, but this might change in a future version to match bracketedAlteration.
- RomanNumeral.bracketedAlterations¶
Returns a list of the bracketed alterations, each as a tuple of modifier as a string and a chord factor as an int.
>>> rn = roman.RomanNumeral('V7[b5]') >>> rn.bracketedAlterations [('b', 5)] >>> rn.pitches (<music21.pitch.Pitch G4>, <music21.pitch.Pitch B4>, <music21.pitch.Pitch D-5>, <music21.pitch.Pitch F5>)
NOTE: The bracketed alteration name is currently left as ‘b’, but this might change in a future version to match addedSteps.
The difference between a bracketed alteration and just putting b5 in is that, a bracketed alteration changes notes already present in a chord and does not imply that the normally present notes would be missing. Here, the presence of 7 and b5 means that no 3rd should appear.
>>> rn2 = roman.RomanNumeral('V7b5') >>> rn2.bracketedAlterations [] >>> len(rn2.pitches) 3 >>> [ for p in rn2.pitches] ['G', 'D-', 'F']
Changed in v6.5 – always returns a list, even if it is empty.
- RomanNumeral.caseMatters¶
Boolean to determine whether the case (upper or lowercase) of the figure determines whether it is major or minor. Defaults to True; not everything has been tested with False yet.
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('viiø7', 'd').caseMatters True
- RomanNumeral.figuresNotationObj¶
Returns a
object that represents the figures in a RomanNumeral>>> rn = roman.RomanNumeral('V65') >>> notationObj = rn.figuresNotationObj >>> notationObj <music21.figuredBass.notation.Notation 6,5> >>> notationObj.numbers (6, 5, 3)
>>> rn = roman.RomanNumeral('Ib75#3') >>> notationObj = rn.figuresNotationObj >>> notationObj.numbers (7, 5, 3) >>> notationObj.modifiers (<music21.figuredBass.notation.Modifier b flat>, <music21.figuredBass.notation.Modifier None None>, <music21.figuredBass.notation.Modifier # sharp>)
- RomanNumeral.figuresWritten¶
Returns a string containing any figured-bass figures as passed in:
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('V65').figuresWritten '65' >>> roman.RomanNumeral('V').figuresWritten '' >>> roman.RomanNumeral('Fr43', 'c').figuresWritten '43' >>> roman.RomanNumeral('I7#5b3').figuresWritten '7#5b3'
Note that the o and ø symbols are quality designations and not figures:
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('viio6').figuresWritten '6' >>> roman.RomanNumeral('viiø7').figuresWritten '7'
- RomanNumeral.frontAlterationAccidental¶
An optional
object representing the chromatic alteration of a RomanNumeral, if any>>> roman.RomanNumeral('bII43/vi', 'C').frontAlterationAccidental <music21.pitch.Accidental flat>
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('##IV').frontAlterationAccidental <music21.pitch.Accidental double-sharp>
For most roman numerals this will be None:
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('V', 'f#').frontAlterationAccidental
Changing this value will not change existing pitches.
Changed in v6.5 – always returns a string, never None
- RomanNumeral.frontAlterationString¶
A string representing the chromatic alteration of a RomanNumeral, if any
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('bII43/vi', 'C').frontAlterationString 'b' >>> roman.RomanNumeral('V', 'f#').frontAlterationString ''
Changing this value will not change existing pitches.
Changed in v6.5 – always returns a string, never None
- RomanNumeral.frontAlterationTransposeInterval¶
An optional
object representing the transposition of a chromatically altered chord from the normal scale degree:>>> sharpFour = roman.RomanNumeral('#IV', 'C') >>> sharpFour.frontAlterationTransposeInterval <music21.interval.Interval A1> >>> sharpFour.frontAlterationTransposeInterval.niceName 'Augmented Unison'
Flats, as in this Neapolitan (bII6) chord, are given as diminished unisons:
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('N6', 'C').frontAlterationTransposeInterval <music21.interval.Interval d1>
Most RomanNumerals will have None and not a perfect unison for this value (this is for the speed of creating objects)
>>> intv = roman.RomanNumeral('V', 'e-').frontAlterationTransposeInterval >>> intv is None True
Changing this value will not change existing pitches.
- RomanNumeral.impliedQuality¶
The quality of the chord implied by the figure:
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('V', 'C').impliedQuality 'major' >>> roman.RomanNumeral('ii65', 'C').impliedQuality 'minor' >>> roman.RomanNumeral('viio7', 'C').impliedQuality 'diminished'
The impliedQuality can differ from the actual quality if there are not enough notes to satisfy the implied quality, as in this half-diminished chord on vii which does not also have a seventh:
>>> incorrectSeventh = roman.RomanNumeral('vii/o', 'C') >>> incorrectSeventh.impliedQuality 'half-diminished' >>> incorrectSeventh.quality 'diminished'
>>> powerChordMinor = roman.RomanNumeral('v[no3]', 'C') >>> powerChordMinor.impliedQuality 'minor' >>> powerChordMinor.quality 'other'
If case does not matter then an empty quality is implied:
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('II', 'C', caseMatters=False).impliedQuality ''
- RomanNumeral.impliedScale¶
If no key or scale is passed in as the second object, then impliedScale will be set to C major:
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('V').impliedScale <music21.scale.MajorScale C major>
Otherwise this will be empty:
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('V', key.Key('D')).impliedScale
- RomanNumeral.omittedSteps¶
A list of integers showing chord factors that have been specifically omitted:
>>> emptyNinth = roman.RomanNumeral('V9[no7][no5]', 'C') >>> emptyNinth.omittedSteps [7, 5] >>> emptyNinth.pitches (<music21.pitch.Pitch G4>, <music21.pitch.Pitch B4>, <music21.pitch.Pitch A5>)
Usually an empty list:
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('IV6').omittedSteps []
- RomanNumeral.pivotChord¶
Defaults to None; if not None, stores another interpretation of the same RN in a different key; stores a RomanNumeral object.
While not enforced, for consistency the pivotChord should be the new interpretation going forward (to the right on the staff)
>>> rn = roman.RomanNumeral('V7/IV', 'C') >>> rn.pivotChord is None True >>> rn.pivotChord = roman.RomanNumeral('V7', 'F')
- RomanNumeral.primaryFigure¶
A string representing everything before the slash in a RomanNumeral with applied chords. In other roman numerals it is the same as figure:
>>> rn = roman.RomanNumeral('bII43/vi', 'C') >>> rn.primaryFigure 'bII43'
>>> rnSimple = roman.RomanNumeral('V6', 'a') >>> rnSimple.primaryFigure 'V6'
Changing this value will not change existing pitches.
- RomanNumeral.romanNumeralAlone¶
Returns a string of just the roman numeral part (I-VII or i-vii) of the figure:
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('V6').romanNumeralAlone 'V'
Chromatic alterations and secondary numerals are omitted:
>>> rn = roman.RomanNumeral('#II7/vi', 'C') >>> rn.romanNumeralAlone 'II'
Neapolitan chords are changed to ‘II’:
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('N6').romanNumeralAlone 'II'
Currently augmented-sixth chords return the “national” base. But this behavior may change in future versions:
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('It6').romanNumeralAlone 'It' >>> roman.RomanNumeral('Ger65').romanNumeralAlone 'Ger'
This will be controversial in some circles, but it’s based on a root in isolation, and does not imply tonic quality:
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('Cad64').romanNumeralAlone 'I'
- RomanNumeral.scaleCardinality¶
Stores how many notes are in the scale; defaults to 7 for diatonic, obviously.
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('IV', 'a').scaleCardinality 7
Probably you should not need to change this. And most code is untested with other cardinalities. But it is (in theory) possible to create roman numerals on octatonic scales, etc.
Changing this value will not change existing pitches.
- RomanNumeral.scaleDegree¶
An int representing what degree of the scale the figure (or primary figure in the case of secondary/applied numerals) is on. Discounts any front alterations:
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('vi', 'E').scaleDegree 6
Note that this is 2, not 1.5 or 6 or 6.5 or something like that:
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('bII43/vi', 'C').scaleDegree 2
Empty RomanNumeral objects have the special scaleDegree of 0:
>>> roman.RomanNumeral().scaleDegree 0
Changing this value will not change existing pitches.
Changed in v6.5 – empty RomanNumeral objects get scaleDegree 0, not None.
- RomanNumeral.secondaryRomanNumeral¶
An optional roman.RomanNumeral object that represents the part after the slash in a secondary/applied RomanNumeral object. For instance, in the roman numeral, C: V7/vi, the secondaryRomanNumeral would be the roman numeral C: vi. The key of the secondaryRomanNumeral is the key of the original RomanNumeral. In cases such as V/V/V, the secondaryRomanNumeral can itself have a secondaryRomanNumeral.
>>> rn = roman.RomanNumeral('V7/vi', 'C') >>> rn.secondaryRomanNumeral <music21.roman.RomanNumeral vi in C major>
- RomanNumeral.secondaryRomanNumeralKey¶
An optional key.Key object for secondary/applied RomanNumeral that represents the key that the part of the figure before the slash will be interpreted in. For instance in the roman numeral, C: V7/vi, the secondaryRomanNumeralKey would be a minor, since the vi (submediant) refers to an a-minor triad, and thus the V7 part is to be read as the dominant seventh in a minor.
>>> rn = roman.RomanNumeral('V7/vi', 'C') >>> rn.secondaryRomanNumeralKey <music21.key.Key of a minor>
- RomanNumeral.seventhMinor¶
How should vii, viio, and VII be parsed in minor? Defaults to Minor67Default.QUALITY.
This value should be passed into the constructor initially. Changing it after construction will not change the pitches.
- RomanNumeral.sixthMinor¶
How should vi, vio and VI be parsed in minor? Defaults to Minor67Default.QUALITY.
This value should be passed into the constructor initially. Changing it after construction will not change the pitches.
- RomanNumeral.useImpliedScale¶
A boolean indicating whether an implied scale is being used:
>>> roman.RomanNumeral('V').useImpliedScale True >>> roman.RomanNumeral('V', 'A').useImpliedScale False
Instance variables inherited from Chord
Instance variables inherited from ChordBase
Instance variables inherited from NotRest
Instance variables inherited from GeneralNote
Instance variables inherited from Music21Object
- class music21.roman.ChordFigureTuple(aboveBass, alter, prefix, pitch)¶
- class music21.roman.FigureTuple(aboveBass, alter, prefix)¶
- class music21.roman.Minor67Default(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
Enumeration that can be passed into
’s keyword arguments sixthMinor and seventhMinor to define how Roman numerals on the sixth and seventh scale degrees are parsed in minor.Here is a little helper function that creates the chord in c-minor with the given sixthMinor interpretation in order to show how Minor67Default affects the interpretation of vi.
>>> vi = lambda sixChord, quality: ' '.join( for p in roman.RomanNumeral( ... sixChord, ... 'c', ... sixthMinor=quality).pitches)
The default for new chords is QUALITY, which means that the chord quality (major, minor, diminished) determines what note is the root, lowered ^6 or raised ^6:
>>> vi('vi', roman.Minor67Default.QUALITY) 'A C E' >>> vi('VI', roman.Minor67Default.QUALITY) 'A- C E-'
The enumeration FLAT means that lowered ^6 is used for the root no matter what. (Note that FLAT does not mean that the root will have a flat sign on it, for instance, in f-sharp minor, lowered ^6 is D natural. and in a-sharp minor, lowered ^6 is F#.)
>>> vi('vi', roman.Minor67Default.FLAT) 'A- C- E-' >>> vi('VI', roman.Minor67Default.FLAT) 'A- C E-'
Conversely, SHARP implies that raised ^6 is used no matter what.
>>> vi('vi', roman.Minor67Default.SHARP) 'A C E' >>> vi('VI', roman.Minor67Default.SHARP) 'A C# E'
Since FLAT assumes lowered ^6 whether the chord is major or minor (or anything else), to get a raised ^6 with the FLAT enumeration add a sharp before the name:
>>> vi('#vi', roman.Minor67Default.FLAT) 'A C E'
Likewise, with SHARP, a flat sign is needed to get lowered ^6:
>>> vi('bVI', roman.Minor67Default.SHARP) 'A- C E-'
The enumeration of CAUTIONARY is identical to QUALITY except that it ignores the # in #vi and the b in bVI, allowing users to write these chords in two different way. CAUTIONARY is recommended in the case where users from different systems of training are working together, and no exotic chords (such as major triads on raised ^6) are used.
>>> vi('#vi', roman.Minor67Default.CAUTIONARY) 'A C E' >>> vi('vi', roman.Minor67Default.CAUTIONARY) 'A C E' >>> vi('bVI', roman.Minor67Default.CAUTIONARY) 'A- C E-' >>> vi('VI', roman.Minor67Default.CAUTIONARY) 'A- C E-'
Whereas QUALITY follows a strict interpretation of what preceeding sharp and flat signs mean. With QUALITY, since vi is already sharpened, #vi raises it even more. And since VI is already flattened, bVI lowers it even further:
>>> vi('vi', roman.Minor67Default.QUALITY) 'A C E' >>> vi('#vi', roman.Minor67Default.QUALITY) 'A# C# E#' >>> vi('VI', roman.Minor67Default.QUALITY) 'A- C E-' >>> vi('bVI', roman.Minor67Default.QUALITY) 'A-- C- E--'
If you are using the CAUTIONARY enum, these odd chords can still be created, but an additional sharp or flat should be used.
>>> vi('##vi', roman.Minor67Default.CAUTIONARY) 'A# C# E#' >>> vi('bbVI', roman.Minor67Default.CAUTIONARY) 'A-- C- E--'
For other odd chords that are contrary to the standard minor interpretation in the “wrong” direction, the interpretation is the same as QUALITY.
For instance, here is a major triad on raised ^6 (what might be generally conceived of as V/ii), in the QUALITY and CAUTIONARY systems:
>>> vi('#VI', roman.Minor67Default.QUALITY) 'A C# E' >>> vi('#VI', roman.Minor67Default.CAUTIONARY) 'A C# E'
And a minor triad on lowered ^6.
>>> vi('bvi', roman.Minor67Default.QUALITY) 'A- C- E-' >>> vi('bvi', roman.Minor67Default.CAUTIONARY) 'A- C- E-'
All these examples use ^6, but the same concepts apply to ^7 using seventhMinor instead.
This enumeration applies to secondary chords built on ^6 or ^7:
>>> vi('V/vi', roman.Minor67Default.QUALITY) 'E G# B' >>> vi('V/VI', roman.Minor67Default.QUALITY) 'E- G B-'
>>> vi('V/vi', roman.Minor67Default.FLAT) 'E- G B-' >>> vi('V/VI', roman.Minor67Default.FLAT) 'E- G B-'
Changed in v8 – previously sixthMinor and seventhMinor did not carry over to secondary roman numerals.
- music21.roman.correctRNAlterationForMinor(figureTuple: FigureTuple, keyObj: Key) FigureTuple ¶
(This will become a private function in version 10)
Takes in a FigureTuple and a Key object and returns the same or a new FigureTuple correcting for the fact that, for instance, Ab in c minor is VI not vi. Works properly only if the note is the root of the chord.
Used in RomanNumeralFromChord
These return new FigureTuple objects
>>> ft5 = roman.FigureTuple(aboveBass=6, alter=-1, prefix='') >>> ft5a = roman.correctRNAlterationForMinor(ft5, key.Key('c')) >>> ft5a FigureTuple(aboveBass=6, alter=-1, prefix='b') >>> ft5a is ft5 False
>>> ft6 = roman.FigureTuple(aboveBass=6, alter=0, prefix='') >>> roman.correctRNAlterationForMinor(ft6, key.Key('c')) FigureTuple(aboveBass=6, alter=0, prefix='b')
>>> ft7 = roman.FigureTuple(aboveBass=7, alter=1, prefix='#') >>> roman.correctRNAlterationForMinor(ft7, key.Key('c')) FigureTuple(aboveBass=7, alter=0, prefix='')
Does nothing for major and passes in the original Figure Tuple unchanged:
>>> ft1 = roman.FigureTuple(aboveBass=6, alter=-1, prefix='b') >>> ft2 = roman.correctRNAlterationForMinor(ft1, key.Key('C')) >>> ft2 FigureTuple(aboveBass=6, alter=-1, prefix='b') >>> ft1 is ft2 True
Does nothing for steps other than 6 or 7:
>>> ft3 = roman.FigureTuple(aboveBass=4, alter=-1, prefix='b') >>> ft4 = roman.correctRNAlterationForMinor(ft3, key.Key('c')) >>> ft4 FigureTuple(aboveBass=4, alter=-1, prefix='b') >>> ft3 is ft4 True
- music21.roman.correctSuffixForChordQuality(chordObj, inversionString)¶
Correct a given inversionString suffix given a chord of various qualities.
>>> c = chord.Chord('E3 C4 G4') >>> roman.correctSuffixForChordQuality(c, '6') '6'
>>> c = chord.Chord('E3 C4 G-4') >>> roman.correctSuffixForChordQuality(c, '6') 'o6'
- music21.roman.expandShortHand(shorthand)¶
Expands shorthand notation into a list with all figures expanded:
>>> roman.expandShortHand('64') ['6', '4'] >>> roman.expandShortHand('973') ['9', '7', '3'] >>> roman.expandShortHand('11b3') ['11', 'b3'] >>> roman.expandShortHand('b13#9-6') ['b13', '#9', '-6'] >>> roman.expandShortHand('-') ['5', '-3']
Slashes don’t matter:
>>> roman.expandShortHand('6/4') ['6', '4']
Note that this is not where abbreviations get expanded:
>>> roman.expandShortHand('') [] >>> roman.expandShortHand('7') # not 7, 5, 3 ['7'] >>> roman.expandShortHand('4/3') # not 6, 4, 3 ['4', '3']
Note that this is [‘6’] not [‘6’, ‘3’]:
>>> roman.expandShortHand('6') ['6']
Returns a list of individual shorthands.
- music21.roman.figureTupleSolo(pitchObj: Pitch, keyObj: Key, bass: Pitch) FigureTuple ¶
Return a single tuple for a pitch and key showing the interval above the bass, its alteration from a step in the given key, an alteration string, and the pitch object.
For instance, in C major, an A-3 above an F# bass would be:
>>> roman.figureTupleSolo( ... pitch.Pitch('A-3'), ... key.Key('C'), ... pitch.Pitch('F#2'), ... ) FigureTuple(aboveBass=3, alter=-1.0, prefix='b')
These figures can be more complex in minor, so this is a good reference, showing that natural minor is always used.
>>> c = key.Key('c') >>> c_as_bass = pitch.Pitch('C3') >>> for name in ('E--', 'E-', 'E', 'E#', 'A--', 'A-', 'A', 'A#', 'B--', 'B-', 'B', 'B#'): ... ft = roman.figureTupleSolo(pitch.Pitch(name + '4'), c, c_as_bass) ... print(f'{name:4s} {ft}') E-- FigureTuple(aboveBass=3, alter=-1.0, prefix='b') E- FigureTuple(aboveBass=3, alter=0.0, prefix='') E FigureTuple(aboveBass=3, alter=1.0, prefix='#') E# FigureTuple(aboveBass=3, alter=2.0, prefix='##') A-- FigureTuple(aboveBass=6, alter=-1.0, prefix='b') A- FigureTuple(aboveBass=6, alter=0.0, prefix='') A FigureTuple(aboveBass=6, alter=1.0, prefix='#') A# FigureTuple(aboveBass=6, alter=2.0, prefix='##') B-- FigureTuple(aboveBass=7, alter=-1.0, prefix='b') B- FigureTuple(aboveBass=7, alter=0.0, prefix='') B FigureTuple(aboveBass=7, alter=1.0, prefix='#') B# FigureTuple(aboveBass=7, alter=2.0, prefix='##')
Returns a namedtuple called a FigureTuple.
- music21.roman.figureTuples(chordObject: Chord, keyObject: Key) List[ChordFigureTuple] ¶
(This will become a private function in v.10)
Return a set of tuplets for each pitch showing the presence of a note, its interval above the bass its alteration (float) from a step in the given key, an alterationString, and the pitch object.
Note though that for roman numerals, the applicable key is almost always the root.
For instance, in C major, F# D A- C# would be:
>>> roman.figureTuples( ... chord.Chord(['F#2', 'D3', 'A-3', 'C#4']), ... key.Key('C'), ... ) [ChordFigureTuple(aboveBass=1, alter=1.0, prefix='#', pitch=<music21.pitch.Pitch F#2>), ChordFigureTuple(aboveBass=6, alter=0.0, prefix='', pitch=<music21.pitch.Pitch D3>), ChordFigureTuple(aboveBass=3, alter=-1.0, prefix='b', pitch=<music21.pitch.Pitch A-3>), ChordFigureTuple(aboveBass=5, alter=1.0, prefix='#', pitch=<music21.pitch.Pitch C#4>)]
In c-minor, the A- is a normal note, so the prefix is ‘’ not ‘b’. The natural minor is used exclusively.
>>> roman.figureTuples( ... chord.Chord(['F#2', 'D3', 'A-3', 'C#4']), ... key.Key('c'), ... ) [ChordFigureTuple(aboveBass=1, alter=1.0, prefix='#', pitch=<music21.pitch.Pitch F#2>), ChordFigureTuple(aboveBass=6, alter=0.0, prefix='', pitch=<music21.pitch.Pitch D3>), ChordFigureTuple(aboveBass=3, alter=0.0, prefix='', pitch=<music21.pitch.Pitch A-3>), ChordFigureTuple(aboveBass=5, alter=1.0, prefix='#', pitch=<music21.pitch.Pitch C#4>)]
A C dominant-seventh chord in c minor alters the bass but not the 7th degree
>>> roman.figureTuples( ... chord.Chord(['E3', 'C4', 'G4', 'B-5']), ... key.Key('c'), ... ) [ChordFigureTuple(aboveBass=1, alter=1.0, prefix='#', pitch=<music21.pitch.Pitch E3>), ChordFigureTuple(aboveBass=6, alter=0.0, prefix='', pitch=<music21.pitch.Pitch C4>), ChordFigureTuple(aboveBass=3, alter=0.0, prefix='', pitch=<music21.pitch.Pitch G4>), ChordFigureTuple(aboveBass=5, alter=0.0, prefix='', pitch=<music21.pitch.Pitch B-5>)]
>>> roman.figureTuples( ... chord.Chord(['C4', 'E4', 'G4', 'C#4']), ... key.Key('C'), ... ) [ChordFigureTuple(aboveBass=1, alter=0.0, prefix='', pitch=<music21.pitch.Pitch C4>), ChordFigureTuple(aboveBass=3, alter=0.0, prefix='', pitch=<music21.pitch.Pitch E4>), ChordFigureTuple(aboveBass=5, alter=0.0, prefix='', pitch=<music21.pitch.Pitch G4>), ChordFigureTuple(aboveBass=1, alter=1.0, prefix='#', pitch=<music21.pitch.Pitch C#4>)]
- music21.roman.identifyAsTonicOrDominant(inChord: list | tuple | Chord, inKey: Key) str | Literal[False] ¶
Returns the roman numeral string expression (either tonic or dominant) that best matches the inChord. Useful when you know inChord is either tonic or dominant, but only two pitches are provided in the chord. If neither tonic nor dominant is possibly correct, False is returned
>>> roman.identifyAsTonicOrDominant(['B2', 'F5'], key.Key('C')) 'V65'
>>> roman.identifyAsTonicOrDominant(['B3', 'G4'], key.Key('g')) 'i6'
>>> roman.identifyAsTonicOrDominant(['C3', 'B-4'], key.Key('f')) 'V7'
Notice that this – with B-natural is also identified as V7 because it is returning the roman numeral root and the inversion name, not yet checking for correctness.
>>> roman.identifyAsTonicOrDominant(['C3', 'B4'], key.Key('f')) 'V7'
>>> roman.identifyAsTonicOrDominant(['D3'], key.Key('f')) False
- music21.roman.postFigureFromChordAndKey(chordObj, keyObj=None)¶
(Note: this will become a private function by v10.)
Returns the post-RN figure for a given chord in a given key.
If keyObj is none, it uses the root as a major key:
>>> roman.postFigureFromChordAndKey( ... chord.Chord(['F#2', 'D3', 'A-3', 'C#4']), ... key.Key('C'), ... ) 'o6#5b3'
The function substitutes shorthand (e.g., ‘6’ not ‘63’)
>>> roman.postFigureFromChordAndKey( ... chord.Chord(['E3', 'C4', 'G4']), ... key.Key('C'), ... ) '6'
>>> roman.postFigureFromChordAndKey( ... chord.Chord(['E3', 'C4', 'G4', 'B-5']), ... key.Key('F'), ... ) '65'
>>> roman.postFigureFromChordAndKey( ... chord.Chord(['E3', 'C4', 'G4', 'B-5']), ... key.Key('C'), ... ) '6b5'
We reduce common omissions from seventh chords to be ‘7’ instead of ‘75’, ‘73’, etc.
>>> roman.postFigureFromChordAndKey( ... chord.Chord(['A3', 'E-4', 'G-4']), ... key.Key('b-'), ... ) 'o7'
- music21.roman.romanInversionName(inChord: Chord, inv: int | None = None) str ¶
Extremely similar to Chord’s inversionName() method, but returns string values and allows incomplete triads.
>>> roman.romanInversionName(chord.Chord('E4 G4 C5')) '6'
>>> roman.romanInversionName(chord.Chord('G4 B4 C5 E5')) '43'
Manually set the inversion to see what would happen.
>>> roman.romanInversionName(chord.Chord('C5 E5 G5'), inv=2) '64'
>>> roman.romanInversionName(chord.Chord('C5 E5 G5'), inv=0) ''
Uncommon/unusual chords return an empty string
>>> roman.romanInversionName(chord.Chord('C5 C#4')) ''
Does not return ninth or eleventh chord figures.
- music21.roman.romanNumeralFromChord(chordObj: Chord, keyObj: Key | str = None, preferSecondaryDominants: bool = False) RomanNumeral ¶
Takes a chord object and returns an appropriate chord name. If keyObj is omitted, the root of the chord is considered the key (if the chord has a major third, it’s major; otherwise it’s minor). preferSecondaryDominants does not currently do anything.
>>> rn = roman.romanNumeralFromChord( ... chord.Chord(['E-3', 'C4', 'G-6']), ... key.Key('g#'), ... ) >>> rn <music21.roman.RomanNumeral bivo6 in g# minor>
The pitches remain the same with the same octaves:
>>> for p in rn.pitches: ... p <music21.pitch.Pitch E-3> <music21.pitch.Pitch C4> <music21.pitch.Pitch G-6>
>>> romanNumeral2 = roman.romanNumeralFromChord( ... chord.Chord(['E3', 'C4', 'G4', 'B-4', 'E5', 'G5']), ... key.Key('F'), ... ) >>> romanNumeral2 <music21.roman.RomanNumeral V65 in F major>
Note that vi and vii in minor, by default, signifies what you might think of alternatively as #vi and #vii:
>>> romanNumeral3 = roman.romanNumeralFromChord( ... chord.Chord(['A4', 'C5', 'E-5']), ... key.Key('c'), ... ) >>> romanNumeral3 <music21.roman.RomanNumeral vio in c minor>
>>> romanNumeral4 = roman.romanNumeralFromChord( ... chord.Chord(['A-4', 'C5', 'E-5']), ... key.Key('c'), ... ) >>> romanNumeral4 <music21.roman.RomanNumeral bVI in c minor> >>> romanNumeral4.sixthMinor <Minor67Default.CAUTIONARY: 2>
>>> romanNumeral5 = roman.romanNumeralFromChord( ... chord.Chord(['B4', 'D5', 'F5']), ... key.Key('c'), ... ) >>> romanNumeral5 <music21.roman.RomanNumeral viio in c minor>
>>> romanNumeral6 = roman.romanNumeralFromChord( ... chord.Chord(['B-4', 'D5', 'F5']), ... key.Key('c'), ... ) >>> romanNumeral6 <music21.roman.RomanNumeral bVII in c minor>
Diminished and half-diminished seventh chords can omit the third and still be diminished: (n.b. we also demonstrate that chords can be created from a string):
>>> romanNumeralDim7 = roman.romanNumeralFromChord( ... chord.Chord('A3 E-4 G-4'), ... key.Key('b-'), ... ) >>> romanNumeralDim7 <music21.roman.RomanNumeral viio7 in b- minor>
For reference, odder notes:
>>> romanNumeral7 = roman.romanNumeralFromChord( ... chord.Chord(['A--4', 'C-5', 'E--5']), ... key.Key('c'), ... ) >>> romanNumeral7 <music21.roman.RomanNumeral bbVI in c minor>
>>> romanNumeral8 = roman.romanNumeralFromChord( ... chord.Chord(['A#4', 'C#5', 'E#5']), ... key.Key('c'), ... ) >>> romanNumeral8 <music21.roman.RomanNumeral #vi in c minor>
>>> romanNumeral10 = roman.romanNumeralFromChord( ... chord.Chord(['F#3', 'A3', 'E4', 'C5']), ... key.Key('d'), ... ) >>> romanNumeral10 <music21.roman.RomanNumeral #iiiø7 in d minor>
Augmented 6ths without key context
>>> roman.romanNumeralFromChord( ... chord.Chord('E-4 G4 C#5'), ... ) <music21.roman.RomanNumeral It6 in g minor>
>>> roman.romanNumeralFromChord( ... chord.Chord('E-4 G4 B-4 C#5'), ... ) <music21.roman.RomanNumeral Ger65 in g minor>
>>> roman.romanNumeralFromChord( ... chord.Chord('E-4 G4 A4 C#5'), ... ) <music21.roman.RomanNumeral Fr43 in g minor>
>>> roman.romanNumeralFromChord( ... chord.Chord('E-4 G4 A#4 C#5'), ... ) <music21.roman.RomanNumeral Sw43 in g minor>
With correct key context:
>>> roman.romanNumeralFromChord( ... chord.Chord('E-4 G4 C#5'), ... key.Key('G') ... ) <music21.roman.RomanNumeral It6 in G major>
With incorrect key context does not find an augmented 6th chord:
>>> roman.romanNumeralFromChord( ... chord.Chord('E-4 G4 C#5'), ... key.Key('C') ... ) <music21.roman.RomanNumeral #io6b3 in C major>
Empty chords, including
objects, give empty RomanNumerals:>>> roman.romanNumeralFromChord(harmony.NoChord()) <music21.roman.RomanNumeral>
Augmented 6th chords in other inversions do not currently find correct roman numerals
Changed in v7 – i7 is given for a tonic or subdominant minor-seventh chord in major:
>>> roman.romanNumeralFromChord( ... chord.Chord('C4 E-4 G4 B-4'), ... key.Key('C')) <music21.roman.RomanNumeral i7 in C major>
>>> roman.romanNumeralFromChord( ... chord.Chord('E-4 G4 B-4 C5'), ... key.Key('G')) <music21.roman.RomanNumeral iv65 in G major>
minor-Major chords are written with a [#7] modifier afterwards:
>>> roman.romanNumeralFromChord( ... chord.Chord('C4 E-4 G4 B4'), ... key.Key('C')) <music21.roman.RomanNumeral i7[#7] in C major> >>> roman.romanNumeralFromChord( ... chord.Chord('E-4 G4 B4 C5'), ... key.Key('C')) <music21.roman.RomanNumeral i65[#7] in C major>
Former bugs that are now fixed:
>>> romanNumeral11 = roman.romanNumeralFromChord( ... chord.Chord(['E4', 'G4', 'B4', 'D5']), ... key.Key('C'), ... ) >>> romanNumeral11 <music21.roman.RomanNumeral iii7 in C major>
>>> roman.romanNumeralFromChord(chord.Chord('A3 C4 E-4 G4'), key.Key('c')) <music21.roman.RomanNumeral viø7 in c minor>
>>> roman.romanNumeralFromChord(chord.Chord('A3 C4 E-4 G4'), key.Key('B-')) <music21.roman.RomanNumeral viiø7 in B- major>
>>> romanNumeral9 = roman.romanNumeralFromChord( ... chord.Chord(['C4', 'E5', 'G5', 'C#6']), ... key.Key('C'), ... ) >>> romanNumeral9 <music21.roman.RomanNumeral I#853 in C major>
Not an augmented 6th:
>>> roman.romanNumeralFromChord( ... chord.Chord('E4 G4 B-4 C#5') ... ) <music21.roman.RomanNumeral io6b5b3 in c# minor>