ABC is a music format that, while being able to encode all sorts of scores, is especially strong at representing monophonic music, and folk music in particular.
Modules in the music21.abcFormat package deal with importing ABC into music21. Most people
working with ABC data won’t need to use this package. To convert ABC from a file or URL
to a Stream
use the parse()
function of
the converter module:
>>> from music21 import *
>>> abcScore = converter.parse('/users/ariza/')
For users who will be editing ABC extensively or need a way to have music21 output ABC (which it doesn’t do natively), we suggest using the open source EasyABC package: . You can set it up as a MusicXML reader through:
>>> us = environment.UserSettings()
>>> us['musicxmlPath'] = '/Applications/'
or wherever you have downloaded EasyABC to (PC users might need: ‘c:/program files (x86)/easyabc/easyabc.exe’) (Thanks to Norman Schmidt for the heads-up)
There is a two-step process in converting ABC files to music21 Streams. First this module
reads in the text-based .abc file and converts all the information into ABCToken objects. Then
the function music21.abcFormat.translate.abcToStreamScore()
the music21.abcFormat.translate module
translates those Tokens into music21 objects.
Music21 implements the entire v1.6 ABC standard (January 1997) found at . The system aims to support the v2.1 ABC standard (December 2011) found at but some parts (e.g. 4.10 Variant Endings) are not implemented. No support is yet given for the draft 2.2 standard.
- class music21.abcFormat.ABCFile(abcVersion: tuple[int, int, int] = (1, 3, 0))¶
ABC File or String access
The abcVersion attribution optionally specifies the (major, minor, patch) version of ABC to process– e.g., (2, 1, 0).
If not set, default ABC 1.3 parsing is performed.
read-only properties
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
- ABCFile.close()¶
- static ABCFile.extractReferenceNumber(strSrc: str, number: int) str ¶
Extract the string data relating to a single reference number from a file that defines multiple songs or pieces.
This method permits loading a single work from a collection/opus without parsing the entire file.
Here is sample data that is not correct ABC but demonstrates the basic concept:
>>> fileData = """ ... X:1 ... Hello ... X:2 ... Aloha ... X:3 ... Goodbye ... """
>>> file2 = abcFormat.ABCFile.extractReferenceNumber(fileData, 2) >>> print(file2) X:2 Aloha
If the number does not exist, raises an ABCFileException:
>>> abcFormat.ABCFile.extractReferenceNumber(fileData, 99) Traceback (most recent call last): music21.abcFormat.ABCFileException: cannot find requested reference number in source file: 99
If the same number is defined twice in one file (should not be) only the first data is returned.
Changed in v6.2: now a static method.
- str | pathlib.Path)¶
Open a file for reading
- ABCFile.openFileLike(fileLike)¶
Assign a file-like object, such as those provided by StringIO, as an open file object.
>>> from io import StringIO >>> fileLikeOpen = StringIO()
Read a file. Note that this calls readstr, which processes all tokens.
If number is given, a work number will be extracted if possible.
- ABCFile.readstr(strSrc: str, number: int | None = None) ABCHandler ¶
Read a string and process all Tokens. Returns a ABCHandler instance.
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
- class music21.abcFormat.ABCHandler(abcVersion: tuple[int, ...] = (1, 3, 0), lineBreaksDefinePhrases=False)¶
An ABCHandler is able to divide elements of a character stream into objects and handle store in a list, and passes global information to components
Optionally, specify the (major, minor, patch) version of ABC to process– e.g., (1.2.0). If not set, default ABC 1.3 parsing is performed.
If lineBreaksDefinePhrases is True then new lines within music elements define new phrases. This is useful for parsing extra information from the Essen Folksong repertory
New in v6.3: lineBreaksDefinePhrases – does not yet do anything
- static ABCHandler.barlineTokenFilter(token: str) list[ABCBar] ¶
Some single barline tokens are better replaced with two tokens. This method, given a token, returns a list of tokens. If there is no change necessary, the provided token will be returned within the list.
A staticmethod. Call on the class itself.
>>> abcFormat.ABCHandler.barlineTokenFilter('::') [<music21.abcFormat.ABCBar ':|'>, <music21.abcFormat.ABCBar '|:'>]
>>> abcFormat.ABCHandler.barlineTokenFilter('|2') [<music21.abcFormat.ABCBar '|'>, <music21.abcFormat.ABCBar '[2'>]
>>> abcFormat.ABCHandler.barlineTokenFilter(':|1') [<music21.abcFormat.ABCBar ':|'>, <music21.abcFormat.ABCBar '[1'>]
If nothing matches, the original token is returned as an ABCBar object:
>>> abcFormat.ABCHandler.barlineTokenFilter('hi') [<music21.abcFormat.ABCBar 'hi'>]
- ABCHandler.definesMeasures()¶
Returns True if this token structure defines Measures in a normal Measure form. Otherwise False
>>> abcStr = ('M:6/8\nL:1/8\nK:G\nV:1 name="Whistle" ' + ... 'snm="wh"\nB3 A3 | G6 | B3 A3 | G6 ||\nV:2 name="violin" ' + ... 'snm="v"\nBdB AcA | GAG D3 | BdB AcA | GAG D6 ||\nV:3 name="Bass" ' + ... 'snm="b" clef=bass\nD3 D3 | D6 | D3 D3 | D6 ||') >>> ah = abcFormat.ABCHandler() >>> junk = ah.process(abcStr) >>> ah.definesMeasures() True
>>> abcStr = 'M:6/8\nL:1/8\nK:G\nB3 A3 G6 B3 A3 G6' >>> ah = abcFormat.ABCHandler() >>> junk = ah.process(abcStr) >>> ah.definesMeasures() False
- ABCHandler.definesReferenceNumbers()¶
Return True if this token structure defines more than 1 reference number, usually implying multiple pieces encoded in one file.
>>> abcStr = 'X:5\nM:6/8\nL:1/8\nK:G\nB3 A3 | G6 | B3 A3 | G6 ||' >>> ah = abcFormat.ABCHandler() >>> junk = ah.process(abcStr) >>> ah.definesReferenceNumbers() # only one returns False False
>>> abcStr = 'X:5\nM:6/8\nL:1/8\nK:G\nB3 A3 | G6 | B3 A3 | G6 ||\n' >>> abcStr += 'X:6\nM:6/8\nL:1/8\nK:G\nB3 A3 | G6 | B3 A3 | G6 ||' >>> ah = abcFormat.ABCHandler() >>> junk = ah.process(abcStr)
There are two tokens, so this returns True
>>> ah.definesReferenceNumbers() True
- ABCHandler.getReferenceNumber()¶
If tokens are processed, get the first reference number defined.
>>> abcStr = 'X:5\nM:6/8\nL:1/8\nK:G\nB3 A3 | G6 | B3 A3 | G6 ||' >>> ah = abcFormat.ABCHandler() >>> junk = ah.process(abcStr) >>> ah.getReferenceNumber() '5'
- ABCHandler.getTitle() str | None ¶
Get the first title tag. Used for testing.
Requires tokens to have been processed.
- ABCHandler.hasNotes() bool ¶
If tokens are processed, return True if ABCNote or ABCChord classes are defined
>>> abcStr = 'M:6/8\nL:1/8\nK:G\n' >>> ah1 = abcFormat.ABCHandler() >>> junk = ah1.process(abcStr) >>> ah1.hasNotes() False
>>> abcStr = 'M:6/8\nL:1/8\nK:G\nc1D2' >>> ah2 = abcFormat.ABCHandler() >>> junk = ah2.process(abcStr) >>> ah2.hasNotes() True
- ABCHandler.parseHeaderForVersionInformation(inputSearch: str) None ¶
Search a line of text for a comment abc version number
>>> ah = abcFormat.ABCHandler() >>> ah.abcVersion (1, 3, 0)
>>> ah.parseHeaderForVersionInformation('%abc-2.3.2') >>> ah.abcVersion (2, 3, 2)
Changed in v9: abcVersion defaults to (1, 3, 0) as documented.
- ABCHandler.process(strSrc: str) None ¶
- ABCHandler.processComment()¶
Processes the comment at self.pos in self.strSrc, setting self.skipAhead and self.abcDirectives for the directiveKey.
>>> from textwrap import dedent >>> ah = abcFormat.ABCHandler() >>> data = dedent(""" ... Hello % this is a comment ... Bye ... """) >>> ah.strSrc = data >>> ah.pos = 6 >>> ah.processComment() >>> ah.skipAhead 19 >>> len(' this is a comment\n') 19
Directives get stored in the handler:
>>> data = '%%abc-hello world' >>> ah = abcFormat.ABCHandler() >>> ah.strSrc = data >>> ah.pos = 0 >>> ah.processComment() >>> ah.abcDirectives {'abc-hello': 'world'} >>> ah.abcDirectives['abc-hello'] 'world'
Changed in v9: version is not parsed by this method.
- static ABCHandler.returnAbcVersionFromMatch(verMats: Match) tuple[int, int, int] ¶
Given a match from a regular expression return the parsed ABC version
>>> import re >>> match = re.match('(\d+).(\d+).(\d+)', '2.3.4') >>> ah = abcFormat.ABCHandler() >>> ah.returnAbcVersionFromMatch(match) (2, 3, 4)
>>> match = re.match('(\d+).(\d+).?(\d?)', '1.7') >>> ah.returnAbcVersionFromMatch(match) (1, 7, 0)
- ABCHandler.splitByMeasure() list[ABCHandlerBar] ¶
Divide a token list by Measures, also defining start and end bars of each Measure.
If a component does not have notes, leave as an empty bar. This is often done with leading metadata.
Returns a list of ABCHandlerBar instances. The first usually defines only Metadata
TODO: Test and examples
- ABCHandler.splitByReferenceNumber() dict[int | None, ABCHandler] ¶
Split tokens by reference numbers.
Returns a dictionary of ABCHandler instances, where the reference number is used to access the music. If no reference numbers are defined, the tune is available under the dictionary entry None.
>>> abcStr = 'X:5\nM:6/8\nL:1/8\nK:G\nB3 A3 | G6 | B3 A3 | G6 ||' >>> abcStr += 'X:6\nM:6/8\nL:1/8\nK:G\nB3 A3 | G6 | B3 A3 | G6 ||' >>> ah = abcFormat.ABCHandler() >>> junk = ah.process(abcStr) >>> len(ah) 28 >>> ahDict = ah.splitByReferenceNumber() >>> 5 in ahDict True >>> 6 in ahDict True >>> 7 in ahDict False
Each entry is its own ABCHandler object.
>>> ahDict[5] <music21.abcFormat.ABCHandler object at 0x10b0cf5f8> >>> len(ahDict[5].tokens) 14
Header information (except for comments) should be appended to all pieces.
>>> from textwrap import dedent >>> abcEarly = dedent("""X:4 ... M:6/8 ... L:1/8 ... K:F ... I:abc-version 1.6 ... B=3 B3 | G6 | B3 A3 | G6 || ... """) >>> abcStrWHeader = '%abc-2.1\nO: Irish\n' + abcEarly + abcStr
>>> ah = abcFormat.ABCHandler() >>> junk = ah.process(abcStrWHeader) >>> len(ah) 44 >>> ahDict = ah.splitByReferenceNumber()
Did we get the origin header in each score?
>>> ahDict[5].tokens[0] <music21.abcFormat.ABCMetadata 'O: Irish'> >>> ahDict[6].tokens[0] <music21.abcFormat.ABCMetadata 'O: Irish'>
Before parsing all the tokens should have the 2.1 version:
>>> ahDict[4].abcVersion (2, 1, 0) >>> ahDict[5].abcVersion (2, 1, 0)
After parsing, the abcVersion should be set for score 4 and revert for score 5.
>>> for f in ahDict: ... _ = abcFormat.translate.abcToStreamScore(ahDict[f]) >>> ahDict[4].abcVersion (1, 6, 0) >>> ahDict[5].abcVersion (2, 1, 0)
- ABCHandler.splitByVoice() list[ABCHandler] ¶
Given a processed token list, look for voices. If voices exist, split into parts: common metadata, then next voice, next voice, etc.
Each part is returned as a ABCHandler instance.
>>> abcStr = ('M:6/8\nL:1/8\nK:G\nV:1 name="Whistle" ' + ... 'snm="wh"\nB3 A3 | G6 | B3 A3 | G6 ||\nV:2 name="violin" ' + ... 'snm="v"\nBdB AcA | GAG D3 | BdB AcA | GAG D6 ||\nV:3 name="Bass" ' + ... 'snm="b" clef=bass\nD3 D3 | D6 | D3 D3 | D6 ||') >>> ah = abcFormat.ABCHandler() >>> ah.process(abcStr) >>> tokenColls = ah.splitByVoice() >>> tokenColls[0] <music21.abcFormat.ABCHandler object at 0x...>
Common headers are first
>>> [token.src for token in tokenColls[0].tokens] ['M:6/8', 'L:1/8', 'K:G']
Then each voice
>>> [token.src for token in tokenColls[1].tokens] ['V:1 name="Whistle" snm="wh"', 'B3', 'A3', '|', 'G6', '|', 'B3', 'A3', '|', 'G6', '||'] >>> [token.src for token in tokenColls[2].tokens] ['V:2 name="violin" snm="v"', 'B', 'd', 'B', 'A', 'c', 'A', '|', 'G', 'A', 'G', 'D3', '|', 'B', 'd', 'B', 'A', 'c', 'A', '|', 'G', 'A', 'G', 'D6', '||'] >>> [token.src for token in tokenColls[3].tokens] ['V:3 name="Bass" snm="b" clef=bass', 'D3', 'D3', '|', 'D6', '|', 'D3', 'D3', '|', 'D6', '||']
Then later the metadata can be merged at the start of each voice…
>>> mergedTokens = tokenColls[0] + tokenColls[1] >>> mergedTokens <music21.abcFormat.ABCHandler object at 0x...> >>> [token.src for token in mergedTokens.tokens] ['M:6/8', 'L:1/8', 'K:G', 'V:1 name="Whistle" snm="wh"', 'B3', 'A3', '|', 'G6', '|', 'B3', 'A3', '|', 'G6', '||']
- static ABCHandler.startsMetadata(c: str, cNext: str | None, cNextNext: str | None) bool ¶
Returns True if this context describes the start of a metadata section, like
Metadata: capital letter, with next char as ‘:’ and some following character
>>> ah = abcFormat.ABCHandler >>> ah.startsMetadata('A', ':', 's') True
lowercase w: is a special case for lyric defs
>>> ah.startsMetadata('w', ':', 's') True
Following char must be “:”
>>> ah.startsMetadata('A', ' ', 's') False
Pipe after colon indicates not metadata (bar info). For example need to not misinterpret repeat bars as metadata e.g. dAG FED:|2 dAG FGA|
this is incorrect, but we can avoid it by looking for a leading pipe and returning False
>>> ah.startsMetadata('A', ':', '|') False
>>> ah.startsMetadata('A', ':', None) False
- ABCHandler.tokenProcess() None ¶
Process all token objects. First, calls preParse(), then does context assignments, then calls parse().
- ABCHandler.tokenize(strSrc: str) None ¶
Walk the abc string, creating ABC objects along the way.
This may be called separately from process(), in the case that pre-/post-parse processing is not needed.
>>> abch = abcFormat.ABCHandler() >>> abch.tokens [] >>> abch.tokenize('X: 1') >>> abch.tokens [<music21.abcFormat.ABCMetadata 'X: 1'>]
>>> abch = abcFormat.ABCHandler() >>> abch.tokenize('(6f') >>> abch.tokens [<music21.abcFormat.ABCTuplet '(6'>, <music21.abcFormat.ABCNote 'f'>]
>>> abch = abcFormat.ABCHandler() >>> abch.tokenize('(6:4f') >>> abch.tokens [<music21.abcFormat.ABCTuplet '(6:4'>, <music21.abcFormat.ABCNote 'f'>]
>>> abch = abcFormat.ABCHandler() >>> abch.tokenize('(6:4:2f') >>> abch.tokens [<music21.abcFormat.ABCTuplet '(6:4:2'>, <music21.abcFormat.ABCNote 'f'>]
>>> abch = abcFormat.ABCHandler() >>> abch.tokenize('(6::2f') >>> abch.tokens [<music21.abcFormat.ABCTuplet '(6::2'>, <music21.abcFormat.ABCNote 'f'>]
- ABCHandler.tokensToBarIndices() list[int] ¶
Return a list of indices indicating which tokens in self.tokens are bar lines or the last piece of metadata before a note or chord.
- class music21.abcFormat.ABCHandlerBar¶
A Handler specialized for storing bars. All left and right bars are collected and assigned to their respective attributes.
Methods inherited from ABCHandler
- class music21.abcFormat.ABCAccent(src: str = '')¶
ABCAccent tokens “K” precede a note or chord; they are a property of that note/chord. These appear as “>” in the output.
read-only properties
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from ABCToken
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from EqualSlottedObjectMixin
- class music21.abcFormat.ABCBar(src)¶
An ABCBar token represents a barline, possibly with repeat information.
Currently 4.10 Variant
read-only properties
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
- ABCBar.getBarObject() bar.Barline | None ¶
Return a music21 bar object
>>> ab = abcFormat.ABCBar('|:') >>> ab.parse() >>> barObject = ab.getBarObject() >>> barObject < direction=start>
- ABCBar.isRegular() bool ¶
Return True if this is a regular, single, light bar line.
>>> ab = abcFormat.ABCBar('|') >>> ab.parse() >>> ab.isRegular() True
- ABCBar.isRepeat() bool ¶
- ABCBar.isRepeatBracket() int | Literal[False] ¶
Return a number if this defines a repeat bracket for an alternate ending otherwise returns False.
>>> ab = abcFormat.ABCBar('[2') >>> ab.parse() >>> ab.isRepeat() False >>> ab.isRepeatBracket() 2
- ABCBar.parse() None ¶
Assign the bar-type based on the source string.
>>> ab = abcFormat.ABCBar('|') >>> ab.parse() >>> ab <music21.abcFormat.ABCBar '|'>
>>> ab.barType 'barline' >>> ab.barStyle 'regular'
>>> ab = abcFormat.ABCBar('||') >>> ab.parse() >>> ab.barType 'barline' >>> ab.barStyle 'light-light'
>>> ab = abcFormat.ABCBar('|:') >>> ab.parse() >>> ab.barType 'repeat' >>> ab.barStyle 'heavy-light' >>> ab.repeatForm 'start'
Methods inherited from ABCToken
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from EqualSlottedObjectMixin
- class music21.abcFormat.ABCBrokenRhythmMarker(src: str = '')¶
Marks that rhythm is broken with ‘>>>’
read-only properties
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
- ABCBrokenRhythmMarker.preParse()¶
Called before context adjustments: need to have access to data
>>> brokenRhythm = abcFormat.ABCBrokenRhythmMarker('>>>') >>> brokenRhythm.preParse() >>> '>>>'
Methods inherited from ABCToken
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from EqualSlottedObjectMixin
- class music21.abcFormat.ABCChord(src: str = '')¶
A representation of an ABC Chord, which contains within its delimiters individual notes.
A subclass of ABCNote.
read-only properties
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
- ABCChord.parse(forceKeySignature=None, forceDefaultQuarterLength=None)¶
Handles the following types of chords:
Chord without length modifier: [ceg]
Chords with outer length modifier: [ceg]2, [ceg]/2
Chords with inner length modifier: [c2e2g2], [c2eg]
Chords with inner and outer length modifier: [c2e2g2]/2, [c/2e/2g/2]2
Methods inherited from ABCNote
Methods inherited from ABCToken
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from EqualSlottedObjectMixin
- class music21.abcFormat.ABCCrescStart(src: str = '')¶
ABCCrescStart tokens always precede the notes in a crescendo. These tokens coincide with the string “!crescendo(“; the closing string “!crescendo)” counts as an ABCParenStop.
read-only properties
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
- ABCCrescStart.fillCresc() None ¶
Methods inherited from ABCToken
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from EqualSlottedObjectMixin
- class music21.abcFormat.ABCDimStart(src: str = '')¶
ABCDimStart tokens always precede the notes in a diminuendo. They function identically to ABCCrescStart tokens.
read-only properties
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
- ABCDimStart.fillDim()¶
Methods inherited from ABCToken
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from EqualSlottedObjectMixin
- class music21.abcFormat.ABCDownbow(src: str = '')¶
ABCDownbow tokens “v” precede a note or chord; they are a property of that note/chord.
read-only properties
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from ABCToken
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from EqualSlottedObjectMixin
- class music21.abcFormat.ABCGraceStart(src: str = '')¶
Grace note start
read-only properties
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from ABCToken
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from EqualSlottedObjectMixin
- class music21.abcFormat.ABCGraceStop(src: str = '')¶
Grace note end
read-only properties
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from ABCToken
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from EqualSlottedObjectMixin
- class music21.abcFormat.ABCMetadata(src: str = '')¶
Defines a token of metadata in ABC.
>>> md = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('I:linebreak') >>> md.src 'I:linebreak'
Has two attributes, tag and data which are strings. Initially both are set to ‘’:
>>> md.tag ''
After calling preParse(), these are separated:
>>> md.preParse() >>> md.tag 'I' >>> 'linebreak'
read-only properties
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
- ABCMetadata.getClefObject() tuple[clef.Clef | None, int | None] ¶
Extract any clef parameters stored in the key metadata token. Assume that a clef definition suggests a transposition. Return both the Clef and the transposition.
Returns a two-element tuple of clefObj and transposition in semitones
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('K:Eb Lydian bass') >>> am.preParse() >>> am.getClefObject() (<music21.clef.BassClef>, -24)
- ABCMetadata.getDefaultQuarterLength() float ¶
If there is a quarter length representation available, return it as a floating point value
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('L:1/2') >>> am.preParse() >>> am.getDefaultQuarterLength() 2.0
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('L:1/8') >>> am.preParse() >>> am.getDefaultQuarterLength() 0.5
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('M:C|') >>> am.preParse() >>> am.getDefaultQuarterLength() 0.5
If taking from meter, find the “fraction” and if < 0.75 use sixteenth notes. If >= 0.75 use eighth notes.
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('M:2/4') >>> am.preParse() >>> am.getDefaultQuarterLength() 0.25
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('M:3/4') >>> am.preParse() >>> am.getDefaultQuarterLength() 0.5
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('M:6/8') >>> am.preParse() >>> am.getDefaultQuarterLength() 0.5
Meter is only used for default length if there is no L:
>>> x = 'L:1/4\nM:3/4\n\nf' >>> sc = converter.parse(x, format='abc') >>> sc.recurse().notes.first().duration.type 'quarter'
- ABCMetadata.getKeySignatureObject() t.Union[key.Key, key.KeySignature, None] ¶
Return a music21
object for this metadata tag.>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('K:G') >>> am.preParse() >>> ks = am.getKeySignatureObject() >>> ks <music21.key.Key of G major>
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('K:Gmin') >>> am.preParse() >>> ks = am.getKeySignatureObject() >>> ks <music21.key.Key of g minor> >>> ks.sharps -2
Note that capitalization does not matter ( so this should still be minor.
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('K:GM') >>> am.preParse() >>> ks = am.getKeySignatureObject() >>> ks <music21.key.Key of g minor>
- ABCMetadata.getKeySignatureParameters() tuple[int, str | None] ¶
Extract key signature parameters, returning the number of sharps and the mode.
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('K:Eb Lydian') >>> am.preParse() >>> am.getKeySignatureParameters() (-2, 'lydian')
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('K:APhry') >>> am.preParse() >>> am.getKeySignatureParameters() (-1, 'phrygian')
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('K:G Mixolydian') >>> am.preParse() >>> am.getKeySignatureParameters() (0, 'mixolydian')
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('K: Edor') >>> am.preParse() >>> am.getKeySignatureParameters() (2, 'dorian')
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('K: F') >>> am.preParse() >>> am.getKeySignatureParameters() (-1, 'major')
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('K:G') >>> am.preParse() >>> am.getKeySignatureParameters() (1, 'major')
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('K:Gm') >>> am.preParse() >>> am.getKeySignatureParameters() (-2, 'minor')
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('K:Hp') >>> am.preParse() >>> am.getKeySignatureParameters() (2, None)
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('K:G ionian') >>> am.preParse() >>> am.getKeySignatureParameters() (1, 'ionian')
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('K:G aeol') >>> am.preParse() >>> am.getKeySignatureParameters() (-2, 'aeolian')
- ABCMetadata.getMetronomeMarkObject() tempo.MetronomeMark | None ¶
Extract any tempo parameters stored in a tempo metadata token.
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('Q: "Allegro" 1/4=120') >>> am.preParse() >>> am.getMetronomeMarkObject() <music21.tempo.MetronomeMark Allegro Quarter=120>
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('Q: 3/8=50 "Slowly"') >>> am.preParse() >>> am.getMetronomeMarkObject() <music21.tempo.MetronomeMark Slowly Dotted Quarter=50>
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('Q:1/2=120') >>> am.preParse() >>> am.getMetronomeMarkObject() <music21.tempo.MetronomeMark animato Half=120>
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('Q:1/4 3/8 1/4 3/8=40') >>> am.preParse() >>> am.getMetronomeMarkObject() <music21.tempo.MetronomeMark grave Whole tied to Quarter (5 total QL)=40>
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('Q:90') >>> am.preParse() >>> am.getMetronomeMarkObject() <music21.tempo.MetronomeMark maestoso Quarter=90>
- ABCMetadata.getTimeSignatureObject() meter.TimeSignature | None ¶
Return a music21
object for this metadata tag, if isMeter is True, otherwise raise exception.>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('M:2/2') >>> am.preParse() >>> ts = am.getTimeSignatureObject() >>> ts <music21.meter.TimeSignature 2/2>
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('Q:40') >>> am.getTimeSignatureObject() Traceback (most recent call last): music21.abcFormat.ABCTokenException: no time signature associated with this non-metrical metadata.
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('M:none') >>> am.preParse() >>> ts = am.getTimeSignatureObject() >>> ts is None True
- ABCMetadata.getTimeSignatureParameters() tuple[int, int, str] | None ¶
If there is a time signature representation available, get a numerator, denominator and an abbreviation symbol. To get a music21
object, use thegetTimeSignatureObject()
method.>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('M:2/2') >>> am.preParse() >>> am.isMeter() True >>> am.getTimeSignatureParameters() (2, 2, 'normal')
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('M:C|') >>> am.preParse() >>> am.getTimeSignatureParameters() (2, 2, 'cut')
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('M: none') >>> am.preParse() >>> am.getTimeSignatureParameters() is None True
>>> am = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('M: FREI4/4') >>> am.preParse() >>> am.getTimeSignatureParameters() (4, 4, 'normal')
- ABCMetadata.isComposer() bool ¶
Returns True if the tag is “C” for composer, False otherwise.
- ABCMetadata.isDefaultNoteLength() bool ¶
Returns True if the tag is “L”, False otherwise.
- ABCMetadata.isKey() bool ¶
Returns True if the tag is “K”, False otherwise. Note that in some cases a Key will encode clef information.
(example from corpus: josquin/
- ABCMetadata.isMeter() bool ¶
Returns True if the tag is “M” for meter, False otherwise.
- ABCMetadata.isOrigin() bool ¶
Returns True if the tag is “O” for origin, False otherwise. This value is set in the Metadata localOfComposition of field.
- ABCMetadata.isReferenceNumber() bool ¶
Returns True if the tag is “X”, False otherwise.
>>> x = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('X:5') >>> x.preParse() >>> x.tag 'X' >>> x.isReferenceNumber() True
- ABCMetadata.isTempo() bool ¶
Returns True if the tag is “Q” for tempo, False otherwise.
- ABCMetadata.isTitle() bool ¶
Returns True if the tag is “T” for title, False otherwise.
- ABCMetadata.isVersion() bool ¶
Returns True if the tag is “I” for “Information” and the data is “abc-version”, False otherwise.
>>> x = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('I:abc-version 2.1') >>> x.preParse() >>> x.tag 'I' >>> x.isVersion() True
>>> deer = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('I:abc-venison yummy') >>> deer.preParse() >>> deer.tag 'I' >>> deer.isVersion() False
- ABCMetadata.isVoice() bool ¶
Returns True if the tag is “V”, False otherwise.
- ABCMetadata.parse()¶
Dummy method that reads self.src and loads attributes. It is called after contextual adjustments.
It is designed to be subclassed or overridden.
- ABCMetadata.preParse() None ¶
Called before contextual adjustments and needs to have access to data. Divides a token into .tag (a single capital letter or w) and .data representations.
>>> x = abcFormat.ABCMetadata('T:tagData') >>> x.preParse() >>> x.tag 'T' >>> 'tagData'
Methods inherited from ABCToken
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from EqualSlottedObjectMixin
- class music21.abcFormat.ABCNote(src='', carriedAccidental: str = '')¶
A model of an ABCNote.
General usage requires multi-pass processing. After being tokenized, each ABCNote needs a number of attributes updates. Attributes to be updated after tokenizing, and based on the linear sequence of tokens: inBar, inBeam (not used), inGrace, activeDefaultQuarterLength, brokenRhythmMarker, and activeKeySignature.
The chordSymbols list stores one or more chord symbols (ABC calls these guitar chords) associated with this note. This attribute is updated when parse() is called.
read-only properties
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
- ABCNote.getPitchName(strSrc: str, forceKeySignature=None) tuple[str | None, bool | None] ¶
Given a note or rest string without a chord symbol, return a music21 pitch string or None (if a rest), and the accidental display status. This value is paired with an accidental display status. Pitch alterations, and accidental display status, are adjusted if a key is declared in the Note.
>>> an = abcFormat.ABCNote() >>> an.getPitchName('e2') ('E5', None) >>> an.getPitchName('C') ('C4', None) >>> an.getPitchName('B,,') ('B2', None) >>> an.getPitchName('C,') ('C3', None) >>> an.getPitchName('c') ('C5', None) >>> an.getPitchName("c'") ('C6', None) >>> an.getPitchName("c''") ('C7', None) >>> an.getPitchName("^g") ('G#5', True) >>> an.getPitchName("_g''") ('G-7', True) >>> an.getPitchName('=c') ('Cn5', True)
If pitch is a rest (z) then the Pitch name is None:
>>> an.getPitchName('z4') (None, None)
Grace note:
>>> an.getPitchName('{c}') ('C5', None)
Given an active KeySignature object, the pitch name might change:
>>> an.activeKeySignature = key.KeySignature(3) >>> an.getPitchName('c') ('C#5', False)
Illegal pitch names raise an ABCHandlerException
>>> an.getPitchName('x') Traceback (most recent call last): music21.abcFormat.ABCHandlerException: cannot find any pitch information in: 'x'
- ABCNote.getQuarterLength(strSrc: str, forceDefaultQuarterLength: float | None = None) float ¶
Called with parse(), after context processing, to calculate duration
>>> an = abcFormat.ABCNote() >>> an.activeDefaultQuarterLength = 0.5 >>> an.getQuarterLength('e2') 1.0 >>> an.getQuarterLength('G') 0.5 >>> an.getQuarterLength('=c/2') 0.25 >>> an.getQuarterLength('A3/2') 0.75 >>> an.getQuarterLength('A/') 0.25
>>> an.getQuarterLength('A//') 0.125 >>> an.getQuarterLength('A///') 0.0625
>>> an = abcFormat.ABCNote() >>> an.activeDefaultQuarterLength = 0.5 >>> an.brokenRhythmMarker = ('>', 'left') >>> an.getQuarterLength('A') 0.75 >>> an.brokenRhythmMarker = ('>', 'right') >>> an.getQuarterLength('A') 0.25
>>> an.brokenRhythmMarker = ('<<', 'left') >>> an.getQuarterLength('A') 0.125 >>> an.brokenRhythmMarker = ('<<', 'right') >>> an.getQuarterLength('A') 0.875
>>> an.brokenRhythmMarker = ('<<<', 'left') >>> an.getQuarterLength('A') 0.0625 >>> an.brokenRhythmMarker = ('<<<', 'right') >>> an.getQuarterLength('A') 0.9375
>>> an.getQuarterLength('A', forceDefaultQuarterLength=1.0) 1.875
- ABCNote.parse(forceDefaultQuarterLength: float | None = None, forceKeySignature: key.KeySignature | None = None) None ¶
Dummy method that reads self.src and loads attributes. It is called after contextual adjustments.
It is designed to be subclassed or overridden.
Methods inherited from ABCToken
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from EqualSlottedObjectMixin
- class music21.abcFormat.ABCParenStop(src: str = '')¶
A general parenthesis stop; comes at the end of a tuplet, slur, or dynamic marking.
read-only properties
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from ABCToken
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from EqualSlottedObjectMixin
- class music21.abcFormat.ABCSlurStart(src: str = '')¶
ABCSlurStart tokens always precede the notes in a slur. For nested slurs, each open parenthesis gets its own token.
read-only properties
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
- ABCSlurStart.fillSlur()¶
Creates a spanner object for each open paren associated with a slur; these slurs are filled with notes until end parens are read.
Methods inherited from ABCToken
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from EqualSlottedObjectMixin
- class music21.abcFormat.ABCStaccato(src: str = '')¶
ABCStaccato tokens “.” precede a note or chord; they are a property of that note/chord.
read-only properties
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from ABCToken
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from EqualSlottedObjectMixin
- class music21.abcFormat.ABCStraccent(src: str = '')¶
ABCStraccent tokens “k” precede a note or chord; they are a property of that note/chord. These appear as “^” in the output.
read-only properties
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from ABCToken
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from EqualSlottedObjectMixin
- class music21.abcFormat.ABCTenuto(src: str = '')¶
ABCTenuto tokens “M” precede a note or chord; they are a property of that note/chord.
read-only properties
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from ABCToken
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from EqualSlottedObjectMixin
- class music21.abcFormat.ABCTie(src='')¶
Handles instances of ties ‘-’ between notes in an ABC score. Ties are treated as an attribute of the note before the ‘-‘; the note after is marked as the end of the tie.
read-only properties
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from ABCToken
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from EqualSlottedObjectMixin
- class music21.abcFormat.ABCToken(src: str = '')¶
ABC processing works with a multi-pass procedure. The first pass breaks the data stream into a list of ABCToken objects. ABCToken objects are specialized in subclasses.
The multi-pass procedure is conducted by an ABCHandler object. The ABCHandler.tokenize() method breaks the data stream into ABCToken objects. The
method first calls thepreParse()
method on each token, then does contextual adjustments to all tokens, then callsparse()
on all tokens.The source ABC string itself is stored in self.src.
Because of how copying ABCTokens works, all tokens must have default parameters in their initializers
read-only properties
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
- ABCToken.parse()¶
Dummy method that reads self.src and loads attributes. It is called after contextual adjustments.
It is designed to be subclassed or overridden.
- ABCToken.preParse()¶
Dummy method that is called before contextual adjustments. Designed to be subclassed or overridden.
- static ABCToken.stripComment(strSrc: str) str ¶
removes ABC-style comments from a string:
>>> ao = abcFormat.ABCToken() >>> ao.stripComment('asdf') 'asdf' >>> ao.stripComment('asdf%234') 'asdf' >>> ao.stripComment('asdf % 234') 'asdf ' >>> ao.stripComment('[ceg]% this chord appears 50% more often than other chords do') '[ceg]'
This is a static method, so it can also be called on the class itself:
>>> abcFormat.ABCToken.stripComment('b1 % a b-flat actually') 'b1 '
Changed in v6.2: made a staticmethod
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from EqualSlottedObjectMixin
- class music21.abcFormat.ABCTuplet(src: str = '')¶
ABCTuplet tokens always precede the notes they describe.
In ABCHandler.tokenProcess(), rhythms are adjusted.
read-only properties
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
- ABCTuplet.updateNoteCount() None ¶
Update the note count of notes that are affected by this tuplet. Can be set by p:q:r style tuplets. Also creates a tuplet object.
>>> at = abcFormat.ABCTuplet('(6') >>> at.updateRatio() >>> at.updateNoteCount() >>> at.noteCount 6 >>> at.tupletObj <music21.duration.Tuplet 6/2>
>>> at = abcFormat.ABCTuplet('(6:4:12') >>> at.updateRatio() >>> at.updateNoteCount() >>> at.noteCount 12 >>> at.tupletObj <music21.duration.Tuplet 6/4>
>>> at = abcFormat.ABCTuplet('(6::18') >>> at.updateRatio() >>> at.updateNoteCount() >>> at.noteCount 18
- ABCTuplet.updateRatio(timeSignatureObj: meter.TimeSignature | None = None) None ¶
Cannot be called until local meter context is established.
>>> at = abcFormat.ABCTuplet('(3') >>> at.updateRatio() >>> at.numberNotesActual, at.numberNotesNormal (3, 2)
Generally a 5:n tuplet is 5 in the place of 2.
>>> at = abcFormat.ABCTuplet('(5') >>> at.updateRatio() >>> at.numberNotesActual, at.numberNotesNormal (5, 2)
Unless it’s in a meter.TimeSignature compound (triple) context:
>>> at = abcFormat.ABCTuplet('(5') >>> at.updateRatio(meter.TimeSignature('6/8')) >>> at.numberNotesActual, at.numberNotesNormal (5, 3)
Six is 6:2, not 6:4!
>>> at = abcFormat.ABCTuplet('(6') >>> at.updateRatio() >>> at.numberNotesActual, at.numberNotesNormal (6, 2)
>>> at = abcFormat.ABCTuplet('(6:4') >>> at.updateRatio() >>> at.numberNotesActual, at.numberNotesNormal (6, 4)
>>> at = abcFormat.ABCTuplet('(6::6') >>> at.updateRatio() >>> at.numberNotesActual, at.numberNotesNormal (6, 2)
2 is 2 in 3…
>>> at = abcFormat.ABCTuplet('(2') >>> at.updateRatio() >>> at.numberNotesActual, at.numberNotesNormal (2, 3)
Some other types:
>>> for n in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9: ... at = abcFormat.ABCTuplet(f'({n}') ... at.updateRatio() ... print(at.numberNotesActual, at.numberNotesNormal) 1 1 2 3 3 2 4 3 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 3 9 2
Tuplets > 9 raise an exception:
>>> at = abcFormat.ABCTuplet('(10') >>> at.updateRatio() Traceback (most recent call last): music21.abcFormat.ABCTokenException: cannot handle tuplet of form: '(10'
Methods inherited from ABCToken
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from EqualSlottedObjectMixin
- class music21.abcFormat.ABCUpbow(src: str = '')¶
ABCUpbow tokens “u” precede a note or chord; they are a property of that note/chord.
read-only properties
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from ABCToken
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
Methods inherited from EqualSlottedObjectMixin
- music21.abcFormat.mergeLeadingMetaData(barHandlers: list[ABCHandlerBar]) list[ABCHandlerBar] ¶
Given a list of ABCHandlerBar objects, return a list of ABCHandlerBar objects where leading metadata is merged, if possible, with the bar data following.
This consolidates all metadata in bar-like entities.