If it doesn’t fit anywhere else in the common directory, you’ll find it here…
- music21.common.misc.cleanedFlatNotation(music_str: str) str ¶
Returns a copy of the given string where each occurrence of a flat note specified with a ‘b’ is replaced by a ‘-‘.
music_str is a string containing a note specified (for example in a chord)
Returns a new string with flats only specified with ‘-‘.
>>> common.cleanedFlatNotation('Cb') 'C-'
- music21.common.misc.defaultDeepcopy(obj: Any, memo=None, *, ignoreAttributes: Iterable[str] = ())¶
Unfortunately, it is not possible to do something like:
def __deepcopy__(self, memo): if self._noDeepcopy: return self.__class__() else: copy.deepcopy(self, memo, ignore__deepcopy__=True)
Or, else: return NotImplemented
so that’s what this is for:
def __deepcopy__(self, memo): if self._noDeepcopy: return self.__class__() else: return common.defaultDeepcopy(self, memo)
Does a deepcopy of the state returned by __reduce_ex__ for protocol 4.
Changed in v9: callInit is removed, replaced with ignoreAttributes. uses __reduce_ex__ internally.
- music21.common.misc.flattenList(originalList: Iterable[Iterable[_T]]) list[_T] ¶
Flatten a list of lists into a flat list
but not a list of lists of lists…
>>> l = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5], [6]] >>> common.flattenList(l) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
- music21.common.misc.getMissingImportStr(modNameList)¶
Given a list of missing module names, returns a nicely-formatted message to the user that gives instructions on how to expand music21 with optional packages.
>>> print(common.getMissingImportStr(['matplotlib'])) Certain music21 functions might need the optional package matplotlib; if you run into errors, install it by following the instructions at
>>> print(common.getMissingImportStr(['matplotlib', 'numpy'])) Certain music21 functions might need these optional packages: matplotlib, numpy; if you run into errors, install them by following the instructions at
- music21.common.misc.getPlatform() str ¶
Return the name of the platform, where platforms are divided between ‘win’ (for Windows), ‘darwin’ (for MacOS X), and ‘nix’ for (GNU/Linux and other variants).
Does not discern between Linux/FreeBSD, etc.
Lowercase names are for backwards compatibility – this existed before the platform module.
- music21.common.misc.macOSVersion() tuple[int, int, int] ¶
On a Mac returns the current version as a tuple of (currently 3) ints, such as: (10, 5, 6) for 10.5.6.
On other systems, returns (0, 0, 0)
- music21.common.misc.pitchList(pitchL)¶
utility method that replicates the previous behavior of lists of pitches.
May be moved in v8 or later to a common.testing or test.X module.
- music21.common.misc.runningInNotebook() bool ¶
return bool if we are running under Jupyter Notebook (not IPython terminal) or Google Colabatory (colab).
Methods based on:
(No tests provided here, since results will differ depending on environment)
- music21.common.misc.runningUnderIPython() bool ¶
DEPRECATED in v9: use runningInNotebook() instead
- music21.common.misc.sortModules(moduleList: Iterable[Any]) list[object] ¶
Sort a list of imported module names such that most recently modified is first. In ties, last access time is used then module name
Will return a different order each time depending on the last mod time
- music21.common.misc.unique(originalList: Iterable, *, key: Callable | None = None) list ¶
Return a List of unique items from an iterable, preserving order. (unlike casting to a set and back)
(And why is this not already in Python?)
>>> common.misc.unique([3, 2, 4, 3, 2, 5]) [3, 2, 4, 5]
Works on any iterable, but order might not be preserved for sets, etc.
>>> common.misc.unique(range(5)) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
If key is a function then use that to get the value:
>>> s = converter.parse('tinyNotation: c4 E d C f# e a') >>> common.misc.unique(s.recurse().notes, key=lambda n: [<music21.note.Note C>, <music21.note.Note E>, <music21.note.Note D>, <music21.note.Note F#>, <music21.note.Note A>]