Classes and functions for creating Notes, Rests, and Lyrics.
The Pitch
object is stored within,
and used to configure, Note
- class music21.note.Note(pitch: str | int | Pitch | None = None, *, name: str | None = None, nameWithOctave: str | None = None, **keywords)¶
One of the most important music21 classes, a Note stores a single note (that is, not a rest or an unpitched element) that can be represented by one or more notational units – so for instance a C quarter-note and a D# eighth-tied-to-32nd are both a single Note object.
A Note knows both its total duration and how to express itself as a set of tied notes of different lengths. For instance, a note of 2.5 quarters in length could be half tied to eighth or dotted quarter tied to quarter.
The first argument to the Note is the pitch name (with or without octave, see the introduction to
). Further arguments can be specified as keywords (such as type, dots, etc.) and are passed to the underlyingmusic21.duration.Duration
element.>>> n = note.Note() >>> n <music21.note.Note C> >>> n.pitch <music21.pitch.Pitch C4>
>>> n = note.Note('B-') >>> 'B-' >>> n.octave is None True >>> n.pitch.implicitOctave 4
>>> n = note.Note(name='D#') >>> 'D#' >>> n = note.Note(nameWithOctave='D#5') >>> n.nameWithOctave 'D#5'
Other ways of instantiating a Pitch object, such as by MIDI number or pitch class are also possible:
>>> note.Note(64).nameWithOctave 'E4'
All keyword args that are valid for Duration or Pitch objects are valid (as well as those for superclasses, NotRest, GeneralNote, Music21Object):
>>> n = note.Note(step='C', accidental='sharp', octave=2, id='csharp', type='eighth', dots=2) >>> n.nameWithOctave 'C#2' >>> n.duration <music21.duration.Duration 0.875>
Equality and ordering
Two notes are equal if they pass all the equality tests for NotRest and their pitches are equal.
Attributes that might change based on the wider context of a note (such as offset) are not compared. This test does not look at lyrics in establishing equality. (It may in the future.)
>>> note.Note('C4') == note.Note('C4') True
Enharmonics are not equal:
>>> note.Note('D#4') == note.Note('E-4') False
>>> note.Note('C4', type='half') == note.Note('C4', type='quarter') False
Notes, like pitches, also have an ordering based on their pitches.
>>> highE = note.Note('E5') >>> lowF = note.Note('F2') >>> otherHighE = note.Note('E5')
>>> highE > lowF True >>> highE < lowF False >>> highE >= otherHighE True >>> highE <= otherHighE True
Notice you cannot compare Notes w/ ints or anything that does not a have a .pitch attribute.
>>> highE < 50 Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'Note' and 'int'
Note also that two objects can be >= and <= without being equal, because only pitch-height is being compared in <, <=, >, >= but duration and other elements are compared in equality.
>>> otherHighE.duration.type = 'whole'
Now otherHighE is != highE
>>> highE == otherHighE False
But it is both >= and <= it:
>>> highE >= otherHighE True >>> highE <= otherHighE True
(The pigeonhole principle police have a bounty out on my head for this.)
read-only properties
- Note.fullName¶
Return the most complete representation of this Note, providing duration and pitch information.
>>> n = note.Note('A-', quarterLength=1.5) >>> n.fullName 'A-flat Dotted Quarter Note'
>>> n = note.Note('E~3', quarterLength=2) >>> n.fullName 'E-half-sharp in octave 3 Half Note'
>>> n = note.Note('D', quarterLength=0.25) >>> n.pitch.microtone = 25 >>> n.fullName 'D (+25c) 16th Note'
Read-only properties inherited from Music21Object
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
read/write properties
- Note.nameWithOctave¶
Return or set the pitch name with octave from the
object. See Pitch’s attributenameWithOctave
- Note.pitches¶
Return the single
object in a tuple. This property is designed to provide an interface analogous to that found onChord
so that [c.pitches for c in s.notes] provides a consistent interface for all objects.>>> n = note.Note('g#') >>> n.nameWithOctave 'G#' >>> n.pitches (<music21.pitch.Pitch G#>,)
Since this is a Note, not a chord, from the list or tuple, only the first one will be used:
>>> n.pitches = [pitch.Pitch('c2'), pitch.Pitch('g2')] >>> n.nameWithOctave 'C2' >>> n.pitches (<music21.pitch.Pitch C2>,)
The value for setting must be a list or tuple:
>>> n.pitches = pitch.Pitch('C4') Traceback (most recent call last): music21.note.NoteException: cannot set pitches with provided object: C4
For setting a single one, use n.pitch instead.
Don’t use strings, or you will get a string back!
>>> n.pitches = ('C4', 'D4') >>> n.pitch 'C4' >>> n.pitch.diatonicNoteNum Traceback (most recent call last): AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'diatonicNoteNum'
Read/write properties inherited from NotRest
Read/write properties inherited from GeneralNote
Read/write properties inherited from Music21Object
- Note.pitchChanged()¶
Called by the underlying pitch if something changed there.
- Note.transpose(value, *, inPlace=False)¶
Transpose the Note by the user-provided value. If the value is an integer, the transposition is treated in half steps.
If the value is a string, any Interval string specification can be provided.
>>> a = note.Note('g4') >>> b = a.transpose('m3') >>> b <music21.note.Note B-> >>> aInterval = interval.Interval(-6) >>> b = a.transpose(aInterval) >>> b <music21.note.Note C#>
>>> c = b.transpose(interval.GenericInterval(2)) >>> c <music21.note.Note D#>
>>> a.transpose(aInterval, inPlace=True) >>> a <music21.note.Note C#>
If the transposition value is an integer, take the KeySignature or Key context into account…
>>> s = stream.Stream() >>> s.append(key.Key('D')) >>> s.append(note.Note('F')) >>> s.append(key.Key('b-', 'minor')) >>> s.append(note.Note('F')) >>>'text') {0.0} <music21.key.Key of D major> {0.0} <music21.note.Note F> {1.0} <music21.key.Key of b- minor> {1.0} <music21.note.Note F> >>> for n in s.notes: ... n.transpose(1, inPlace=True) >>>'text') {0.0} <music21.key.Key of D major> {0.0} <music21.note.Note F#> {1.0} <music21.key.Key of b- minor> {1.0} <music21.note.Note G->
Methods inherited from NotRest
Methods inherited from GeneralNote
Methods inherited from Music21Object
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
instance variables
- Note.isNote¶
Boolean read-only value describing if this Note is a Note (True).
- Note.isRest¶
Boolean read-only value describing if this Note is a Rest (False).
- Note.pitch¶
object containing all the information about the note’s pitch. Many .pitch properties and methods are also made Note properties also
Instance variables inherited from NotRest
Instance variables inherited from GeneralNote
Instance variables inherited from Music21Object
- class music21.note.Rest(length: str | OffsetQLIn | None = None, *, stepShift: int = 0, fullMeasure: t.Literal[True, False, 'auto', 'always'] = 'auto', **keywords)¶
Rests are represented in music21 as GeneralNote objects that do not have a pitch object attached to them. By default, they have length 1.0 (Quarter Rest)
on a Stream does not get rests. However, the propertynotesAndRests
of Streams gets rests as well.>>> r = note.Rest() >>> r.isRest True >>> r.isNote False >>> r.duration.quarterLength = 2.0 >>> r.duration.type 'half'
All Rests have the name property ‘rest’:
>>> 'rest'
And their .pitches is an empty tuple
>>> r.pitches ()
All arguments to Duration are valid in constructing:
>>> r2 = note.Rest(type='whole') >>> r2.duration.quarterLength 4.0
Or they can just be specified in without a type, and they’ll be evaluated automatically
>>> r3, r4 = note.Rest('half'), note.Rest(2.0) >>> r3 == r4 True >>> r3.duration.quarterLength 2.0
Two rests are considered equal if their durations are equal.
>>> r1 = note.Rest('quarter') >>> r2 = note.Rest('quarter') >>> r1 == r2 True >>> r1 != r2 False
>>> r2.duration.quarterLength = 4/3 >>> r1 == r2 False
A rest is never equal to a note.
>>> r1 == note.Note() False
read-only properties
- Rest.fullName¶
Return the most complete representation of this Rest, providing duration information.
>>> r = note.Rest(quarterLength=1.5) >>> r.fullName 'Dotted Quarter Rest'
>>> note.Rest(type='whole').fullName 'Whole Rest'
Read-only properties inherited from Music21Object
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
read/write properties
Read/write properties inherited from GeneralNote
Read/write properties inherited from Music21Object
Methods inherited from GeneralNote
Methods inherited from Music21Object
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
instance variables
- Rest.fullMeasure¶
does this rest last a full measure or if it does, should it display itself as whole rest (or breve rest) and centered.
Options are “auto” (default), False, True, and “always”
“auto” is the default, where if the rest value happens to match the current time signature context (and there is no pickup or other padding), then display it as a whole rest, centered, etc. otherwise will display normally.
False means do not display the rest as full measure whole rest, no matter what. This setting is often used by composers in very small time signatures such as 1/8, where a whole rest can look incongruous.
True keeps the set duration, but will always display as a full measure rest even if it’s not the length of the measure (generally a whole note unless the time signature is very long).
“always” means that on export, the duration will (EVENTUALLY, not yet!) update automatically to match the time signature context and always display as a whole rest. “always” does not work yet – functions as True.
See examples in
- Rest.isNote¶
Boolean read-only value describing if this Rest is a Note (False).
- Rest.isRest¶
Boolean read-only value describing if this Rest is a Rest (True, obviously).
returns “rest” always. It is here so that you can get on all .notesAndRests objects
- Rest.stepShift¶
number of lines/spaces to shift the note upwards or downwards for display.
Instance variables inherited from GeneralNote
Instance variables inherited from Music21Object
- class music21.note.Unpitched(displayName: str | None = None, **keywords)¶
A General class of unpitched objects which appear at different places on the staff. Examples: percussion notation.
>>> unp = note.Unpitched()
Unpitched elements have
, which shows where they should be displayed as if the staff were a 5-line staff in treble clef, but they do not have pitch objects:>>> unp.displayStep 'B' >>> unp.displayOctave 4 >>> unp.displayStep = 'G' >>> unp.pitch Traceback (most recent call last): AttributeError: 'Unpitched' object has no attribute 'pitch'
read-only properties
- Unpitched.displayName¶
Returns the nameWithOctave of the
.>>> unp = note.Unpitched('B2') >>> unp.displayName 'B2'
Read-only properties inherited from GeneralNote
Read-only properties inherited from Music21Object
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
read/write properties
- Unpitched.storedInstrument¶
Read/write properties inherited from NotRest
Read/write properties inherited from GeneralNote
Read/write properties inherited from Music21Object
- Unpitched.displayPitch() Pitch ¶
returns a pitch object that is the same as the displayStep and displayOctave. it will never have an accidental.
>>> unp = note.Unpitched() >>> unp.displayStep = 'E' >>> unp.displayOctave = 4 >>> unp.displayPitch() <music21.pitch.Pitch E4>
Methods inherited from NotRest
Methods inherited from GeneralNote
Methods inherited from Music21Object
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
instance variables
Instance variables inherited from NotRest
Instance variables inherited from GeneralNote
Instance variables inherited from Music21Object
- class music21.note.NotRest(beams: Beams | None = None, **keywords)¶
Parent class for Note-like objects that are not rests; that is to say they have a stem, can be tied, and volume is important. Basically, that’s a
(or their subclasses such asChordSymbol
), orUnpitched
read-only properties
Read-only properties inherited from GeneralNote
Read-only properties inherited from Music21Object
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
read/write properties
- NotRest.notehead¶
Get or set the notehead type of this NotRest object. Valid notehead type names are found in note.noteheadTypeNames (see below):
>>> note.noteheadTypeNames ('arrow down', 'arrow up', 'back slashed', 'circle dot', 'circle-x', 'circled', 'cluster', 'cross', 'diamond', 'do', 'fa', 'inverted triangle', 'la', 'left triangle', 'mi', 'none', 'normal', 'other', 're', 'rectangle', 'slash', 'slashed', 'so', 'square', 'ti', 'triangle', 'x') >>> n = note.Note() >>> n.notehead = 'diamond' >>> n.notehead 'diamond'
>>> n.notehead = 'junk' Traceback (most recent call last): music21.note.NotRestException: not a valid notehead type name: 'junk'
- NotRest.noteheadFill¶
Get or set the note head fill status of this NotRest. Valid note head fill values are True, False, or None (meaning default). “yes” and “no” are converted to True and False.
>>> n = note.Note() >>> n.noteheadFill = 'no' >>> n.noteheadFill False >>> n.noteheadFill = 'filled' >>> n.noteheadFill True
>>> n.noteheadFill = 'jelly' Traceback (most recent call last): music21.note.NotRestException: not a valid notehead fill value: 'jelly'
- NotRest.noteheadParenthesis¶
Get or set the note head parentheses for this Note/Unpitched/Chord object.
>>> n = note.Note() >>> n.noteheadParenthesis False >>> n.noteheadParenthesis = True >>> n.noteheadParenthesis True
‘yes’ or 1 equate to True; ‘no’ or 0 to False
>>> n.noteheadParenthesis = 'no' >>> n.noteheadParenthesis False
Anything else raises an exception:
>>> n.noteheadParenthesis = 'blah' Traceback (most recent call last): music21.note.NotRestException: notehead parentheses must be True or False, not 'blah'
- NotRest.stemDirection¶
Get or set the stem direction of this NotRest object. Valid stem direction names are found in note.stemDirectionNames (see below).
>>> note.stemDirectionNames ('double', 'down', 'noStem', 'none', 'unspecified', 'up') >>> n = note.Note()
By default, a Note’s stemDirection is ‘unspecified’ meaning that it is unknown:
>>> n.stemDirection 'unspecified'
>>> n.stemDirection = 'noStem' >>> n.stemDirection 'noStem'
The alias ‘none’ (the string) is the same as ‘noStem’
>>> n.stemDirection = 'none' >>> n.stemDirection 'noStem'
>>> n.stemDirection = 'junk' Traceback (most recent call last): music21.note.NotRestException: not a valid stem direction name: junk
Stem direction can be set explicitly to None to remove any prior stem information, same as ‘unspecified’:
>>> n.stemDirection = None >>> n.stemDirection 'unspecified'
- NotRest.storedInstrument¶
Get and set the
that should be used to play this note, overriding whatever Instrument object may be active in the Stream. (SeegetInstrument()
for a means of retrieving storedInstrument if available before falling back to a context search to find the active instrument.)
- NotRest.volume¶
Get and set the
object of this object. Volume objects are created on demand.>>> n1 = note.Note() >>> n1.volume.velocity = 120 >>> n2 = note.Note() >>> n2.volume = 80 # can directly set a velocity value >>> s = stream.Stream() >>> s.append([n1, n2]) >>> [n.volume.velocity for n in s.notes] [120, 80]
Read/write properties inherited from GeneralNote
Read/write properties inherited from Music21Object
- NotRest.getInstrument(*, returnDefault: Literal[True] = True) instrument.Instrument ¶
- NotRest.getInstrument(*, returnDefault: Literal[False]) instrument.Instrument | None
Retrieves the .storedInstrument on this NotRest instance, if any. If one is not found, executes a context search (without following derivations) to find the closest (i.e., active) instrument in the stream hierarchy.
Returns a default instrument if no instrument is found in the context and returnDefault is True (default).
>>> n = note.Note() >>> m = stream.Measure([n]) >>> n.getInstrument(returnDefault=False) is None True >>> dulcimer = instrument.Dulcimer() >>> m.insert(0, dulcimer) >>> n.getInstrument() is dulcimer True
Overridden .storedInstrument is privileged:
>>> picc = instrument.Piccolo() >>> n.storedInstrument = picc >>> n.getInstrument() is picc True
Instruments in containing streams ARE found:
>>> n.storedInstrument = None >>> m.remove(dulcimer) >>> p = stream.Part([m]) >>> p.insert(0, dulcimer) >>> n.getInstrument() is dulcimer True
But not if the instrument is only found in a derived stream:
>>> derived = p.stripTies() >>> p.remove(dulcimer) >>> derived.getInstruments().first() <music21.instrument.Dulcimer 'Dulcimer'> >>> n.getInstrument(returnDefault=False) is None True
Electing to return a default generic Instrument:
>>> n.getInstrument(returnDefault=True) <music21.instrument.Instrument ''>
- NotRest.hasVolumeInformation() bool ¶
Returns bool whether volume was set – saving some time for advanced users (such as MusicXML exporters) that only want to look at the volume if it is already there.
>>> n = note.Note() >>> n.hasVolumeInformation() False >>> n.volume <music21.volume.Volume realized=0.71> >>> n.hasVolumeInformation() True
Methods inherited from GeneralNote
Methods inherited from Music21Object
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
instance variables
Instance variables inherited from GeneralNote
Instance variables inherited from Music21Object
- class music21.note.GeneralNote(*, duration: Duration | None = None, lyric: None | str | Lyric = None, **keywords)¶
A GeneralNote object is the base class object for the
, and related objects.Keywords can be passed to a GeneralNote which are then passed to the underlying
. These keywords might be listed like type=’16th’, dots=2 etc. to create a double-dotted sixteenth note.In almost every circumstance, you should create note.Note() or note.Rest() or chord.Chord() objects directly, and not use this underlying structure.
>>> gn = note.GeneralNote(type='16th', dots=2) >>> gn.quarterLength 0.4375
GeneralNote objects are equal if they pass superclass tests (e.g., their durations are equal), and they have the same articulation and expression classes (in any order), and their ties are equal.
read-only properties
- GeneralNote.fullName¶
Read-only properties inherited from Music21Object
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
read/write properties
- GeneralNote.lyric¶
The lyric property can be used to get and set a lyric for this Note, Chord, or Rest. This is a simplified version of the more general
method.>>> a = note.Note('A4') >>> a.lyrics [] >>> a.lyric = 'hel-' >>> a.lyric 'hel' >>> a.lyrics [<music21.note.Lyric number=1 syllabic=begin text='hel'>]
Eliminate Lyrics by setting a.lyric to None
>>> a.lyric = None >>> a.lyric >>> a.lyrics []
Set multiple lyrics with n separated text:
>>> a.lyric = '1. Hi\n2. Bye' >>> a.lyric '1. Hi\n2. Bye' >>> a.lyrics [<music21.note.Lyric number=1 syllabic=single text='1. Hi'>, <music21.note.Lyric number=2 syllabic=single text='2. Bye'>]
You can also set a lyric with a lyric object directly:
>>> b = note.Note('B5') >>> ly = note.Lyric('bon-') >>> b.lyric = ly >>> b.lyrics [<music21.note.Lyric number=1 syllabic=begin text='bon'>] >>> b.lyric 'bon'
Changed in v6.7: added setting to a Lyric object. Removed undocumented setting to False instead of setting to None
- GeneralNote.pitches¶
Returns an empty tuple. (Useful for iterating over NotRests since they include Notes and Chords.)
- GeneralNote.tie¶
Return and set a
object, or None.>>> n = note.Note() >>> n.tie is None True >>> n.tie = tie.Tie('start')
Read/write properties inherited from Music21Object
- GeneralNote.__eq__(other)¶
Define equality for Music21Objects. See main class docs.
- GeneralNote.addLyric(text, lyricNumber=None, *, applyRaw=False, lyricIdentifier=None) None ¶
Adds a lyric, or an additional lyric, to a Note, Chord, or Rest’s lyric list. If lyricNumber is not None, a specific line of lyric text can be set. The lyricIdentifier can also be set.
>>> n1 = note.Note() >>> n1.addLyric('hello') >>> n1.lyrics[0].text 'hello' >>> n1.lyrics[0].number 1
An added option gives the lyric number, not the list position
>>> n1.addLyric('bye', 3) >>> n1.lyrics[1].text 'bye' >>> n1.lyrics[1].number 3 >>> for lyr in n1.lyrics: ... print(lyr.text) hello bye
Replace an existing lyric by specifying the same number:
>>> n1.addLyric('ciao', 3) >>> n1.lyrics[1].text 'ciao' >>> n1.lyrics[1].number 3
Giving a lyric with a hyphen at either end will set whether it is part of a multisyllable word:
>>> n1.addLyric('good-') >>> n1.lyrics[2].text 'good' >>> n1.lyrics[2].syllabic 'begin'
This feature can be overridden by specifying the keyword only argument “applyRaw=True”:
>>> n1.addLyric('-5', applyRaw=True) >>> n1.lyrics[3].text '-5' >>> n1.lyrics[3].syllabic 'single'
- GeneralNote.augmentOrDiminish(scalar, *, inPlace=False)¶
Given a scalar greater than zero, return a Note with a scaled Duration. If inPlace is True, this is done in-place and the method returns None. If inPlace is False [default], this returns a modified deepcopy.
Changed in v5: inPlace is now False.
>>> n = note.Note('g#') >>> n.quarterLength = 3 >>> n.augmentOrDiminish(2, inPlace=True) >>> n.quarterLength 6.0
>>> c = chord.Chord(['g#', 'a#', 'd']) >>> c.quarterLength = 2 >>> c.augmentOrDiminish(0.25, inPlace=True) >>> c.quarterLength 0.5
>>> n = note.Note('g#') >>> n.augmentOrDiminish(-1) Traceback (most recent call last): music21.note.NoteException: scalar must be greater than zero
>>> n = note.Note() >>> n.quarterLength = 3 >>> n2 = n.augmentOrDiminish(1/3, inPlace=False) >>> n2.quarterLength 1.0 >>> n.quarterLength 3.0
- GeneralNote.getGrace(*, appoggiatura=False, inPlace=False)¶
Return a grace version of this GeneralNote
>>> n = note.Note('G4', quarterLength=2) >>> n.duration.quarterLength 2.0 >>> n.duration.isGrace False >>> n.duration <music21.duration.Duration 2.0> >>> n.duration.type 'half' >>> n.duration.components (DurationTuple(type='half', dots=0, quarterLength=2.0),)
>>> ng = n.getGrace() >>> ng.duration.quarterLength 0.0 >>> ng.duration.isGrace True >>> ng.duration <music21.duration.GraceDuration unlinked type:half quarterLength:0.0> >>> ng.duration.type 'half' >>> ng.duration.components (DurationTuple(type='half', dots=0, quarterLength=0.0),)
Appoggiaturas are still a work in progress… * Changed in v6: corrected spelling of appoggiatura keyword.
>>> ng2 = n.getGrace(appoggiatura=True) >>> ng2.duration <music21.duration.AppoggiaturaDuration unlinked type:half quarterLength:0.0> >>> ng2.duration.slash False
Set inPlace to True to change the duration element on the Note. This can have negative consequences if the Note is in a stream.
>>> r = note.Rest(quarterLength=0.5) >>> r.getGrace(inPlace=True) >>> r.duration <music21.duration.GraceDuration unlinked type:eighth quarterLength:0.0>
- GeneralNote.insertLyric(text, index=0, *, applyRaw=False, identifier=None)¶
Inserts a lyric into the Note, Chord, or Rest’s lyric list in front of the index specified (0 by default), using index + 1 as the inserted lyric’s line number. shifts line numbers of all following lyrics in list
>>> n1 = note.Note() >>> n1.addLyric('second') >>> n1.lyrics [<music21.note.Lyric number=1 syllabic=single text='second'>] >>> n1.insertLyric('first', 0) >>> n1.lyrics [<music21.note.Lyric number=1 syllabic=single text='first'>, <music21.note.Lyric number=2 syllabic=single text='second'>]
Methods inherited from Music21Object
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object
instance variables
- GeneralNote.articulations¶
a list of articulations such as
, etc.) that are stored on this Note.
- GeneralNote.expressions¶
a list of expressions (such as
, etc.) that are stored on this Note.
- GeneralNote.isChord¶
Boolean read-only value describing if this object is a Chord.
Instance variables inherited from Music21Object
- class music21.note.Lyric(text: str = '', number: int = 1, *, applyRaw: bool = False, syllabic: Literal[None, 'begin', 'single', 'end', 'middle', 'composite'] = None, identifier: str | None = None, **keywords)¶
An object representing a single Lyric as part of a note’s .lyrics property.
The note.lyric property is a simple way of specifying a single lyric, but Lyric objects are needed for working with multiple lyrics.
>>> l = note.Lyric(text='hello') >>> l <music21.note.Lyric number=1 syllabic=single text='hello'>
Music21 processes leading and following hyphens intelligently…
>>> l2 = note.Lyric(text='hel-') >>> l2 <music21.note.Lyric number=1 syllabic=begin text='hel'>
…unless applyRaw is set to True
>>> l3 = note.Lyric(number=3, text='hel-', applyRaw=True) >>> l3 <music21.note.Lyric number=3 syllabic=single text='hel-'>
Lyrics have four properties: text, number, identifier, syllabic (single, begin, middle, end, or (not in musicxml) composite)
>>> l3.text 'hel-'
>>> l3.number 3
>>> l3.syllabic 'single'
Note musicXML only supports one ‘identifier’ attribute which is called ‘number’ but which can be a number or a descriptive identifier like ‘part2verse1.’ To preserve lyric ordering, music21 stores a number and a descriptive identifier separately. The descriptive identifier is by default the same as the number, but in cases where a string identifier is present, it will be different.
Both music21 and musicxml support multiple Lyric objects in the same stanza, for instance, if there is an elision on a note then multiple lyrics with different syllabics can appear on a single note. In music21 these are supported by setting .components into a list of Lyric object. For instance in the madrigal “Il bianco e dolce cigno”, the “co” and “e” of “bianco e” are elided into a single lyric:
>>> bianco = note.Lyric() >>> co = note.Lyric('co', syllabic='end') >>> e = note.Lyric('e', syllabic='single') >>> bianco.components = [co, e] >>> bianco.isComposite True >>> bianco.text 'co e' >>> bianco.syllabic 'composite' >>> e.elisionBefore = '_' >>> bianco.text 'co_e'
>>> [component.syllabic for component in bianco.components] ['end', 'single']
Custom elision elements for composite components will be supported later.
New in v6.7: composite components, elisionBefore
Changed in v8: lyric text can be an empty string, but not None.
read-only properties
- Lyric.isComposite¶
Returns True if this Lyric has composite elements, for instance, is multiple lyrics placed together.
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
Read-only properties inherited from StyleMixin
read/write properties
- Lyric.identifier¶
By default, this is the same as self.number. However, if there is a descriptive identifier like ‘part2verse1’, it is stored here and will be different from self.number. When converting to musicXML, this property will be stored in the lyric ‘number’ attribute which can store a number or a descriptive identifier but not both.
>>> l = note.Lyric() >>> l.number = 12 >>> l.identifier 12
>>> l.identifier = 'Rainbow' >>> l.identifier 'Rainbow'
Default value is the same as default for number, that is, 1:
>>> note.Lyric().identifier 1
- Lyric.number¶
This stores the number of the lyric (which determines the order lyrics appear in the score if there are multiple lyrics). Unlike the musicXML lyric number attribute, this value must always be a number; lyric order is always stored in this form. Descriptive identifiers like ‘part2verse1’ which can be found in the musicXML lyric number attribute should be stored in self.identifier.
Default is 1
>>> l = note.Lyric('Hi') >>> l.number 1
>>> l.number = 5 >>> l.number 5 >>> l.number = None Traceback (most recent call last): music21.note.LyricException: Number best be number
- Lyric.rawText¶
returns the text of the syllable with ‘-’ etc.
>>> l = note.Lyric('hel-') >>> l.text 'hel' >>> l.rawText 'hel-'
>>> l = note.Lyric('lo', syllabic='end') >>> l.rawText '-lo'
>>> l = note.Lyric('-ti-') >>> l.rawText '-ti-'
>>> l = note.Lyric('bye') >>> l.rawText 'bye'
Composite lyrics take their endings from the first and last components:
>>> composite = note.Lyric() >>> co = note.Lyric('co', syllabic='end') >>> e = note.Lyric('e', syllabic='single') >>> e.elisionBefore = '_' >>> composite.components = [co, e] >>> composite.rawText '-co_e' >>> e.syllabic = 'middle' >>> composite.rawText '-co_e-'
- Lyric.syllabic¶
Returns or sets the syllabic property of a lyric.
>>> fragment = note.Lyric('frag', syllabic='begin') >>> fragment.syllabic 'begin' >>> fragment.rawText 'frag-' >>> fragment.syllabic = 'end' >>> fragment.rawText '-frag'
Illegal values raise a LyricException
>>> fragment.syllabic = 'slide' Traceback (most recent call last): music21.note.LyricException: Syllabic value 'slide' is not in note.SYLLABIC_CHOICES, namely: [None, 'begin', 'single', 'end', 'middle', 'composite']
- Lyric.text¶
Gets or sets the text of the lyric. For composite lyrics, set the text of individual components instead of setting the text here.
>>> l = note.Lyric() >>> l.text '' >>> l.text = 'hi' >>> l.text 'hi'
Setting the text of a composite lyric wipes out the components:
>>> bianco = note.Lyric() >>> co = note.Lyric('co', syllabic='end') >>> e = note.Lyric('e', syllabic='single') >>> bianco.components = [co, e] >>> bianco.isComposite True >>> bianco.text 'co e' >>> bianco.text = 'co_e' >>> bianco.isComposite False
Read/write properties inherited from StyleMixin
- Lyric.setTextAndSyllabic(rawText: str, applyRaw: bool = False) None ¶
Given a setting for rawText and applyRaw, sets the syllabic type for a lyric based on the rawText. Useful for parsing raw text from, say, an OMR score. Or just to quickly set text and syllabic.
>>> l = note.Lyric() >>> l.setTextAndSyllabic('hel-') >>> l.text 'hel' >>> l.syllabic 'begin' >>> l.setTextAndSyllabic('-lo') >>> l.text 'lo' >>> l.syllabic 'end' >>> l.setTextAndSyllabic('the') >>> l.text 'the' >>> l.syllabic 'single'
If applyRaw is True then this will assume you actually want hyphens in the text, and if syllabic is None, sets it to ‘single’
>>> l = note.Lyric() >>> l.setTextAndSyllabic('hel-', applyRaw=True) >>> l.text 'hel-' >>> l.syllabic 'single'
If applyRaw is True, other syllabic settings except None are retained
>>> l.syllabic = 'begin' >>> l.setTextAndSyllabic('-lo', applyRaw=True) >>> l.text '-lo' >>> l.syllabic 'begin'
This method wipes out components.
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object