These are the lowest level tools for working with self-balancing AVL trees.
There’s an overhead to creating an AVL tree, but for a large score it is absolutely balanced by having O(log n) search times.
- class music21.tree.core.AVLNode(position, payload=None)¶
An AVL Tree Node, not specialized in any way, just contains positions.
>>> position = 1.0 >>> node = tree.core.AVLNode(position) >>> node <AVLNode: Start:1.0 Height:0 L:None R:None> >>> n2 = tree.core.AVLNode(2.0) >>> node.rightChild = n2 >>> node.update() >>> node <AVLNode: Start:1.0 Height:1 L:None R:0>
Nodes can rebalance themselves, but they work best in a Tree…
Please consult the Wikipedia entry on AVL trees ( for a very detailed description of how this data structure works.
- AVLNode.debug()¶
Get a debug of the Node:
>>> score = tree.makeExampleScore() >>> scoreTree = tree.fromStream.asTimespans(score, flatten=True, ... classList=(note.Note, chord.Chord)) >>> rn = scoreTree.rootNode >>> print(rn.debug()) <OffsetNode 3.0 Indices:0,5,6,12 Length:1> L: <OffsetNode 1.0 Indices:0,2,3,5 Length:1> L: <OffsetNode 0.0 Indices:0,0,2,2 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 2.0 Indices:3,3,5,5 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 5.0 Indices:6,8,9,12 Length:1> L: <OffsetNode 4.0 Indices:6,6,8,8 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 6.0 Indices:9,9,11,12 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 7.0 Indices:11,11,12,12 Length:1>
- AVLNode.moveAttributes(other)¶
move attributes from this node to another in case “removal” actually means substituting one node for another in the tree.
Subclass this in derived classes
Do not copy anything about height, balance, left or right children, etc. By default just moves position and payload.
- AVLNode.rebalance()¶
Rebalances the subtree rooted on this node.
Returns the new central node.
- AVLNode.rotateLeftLeft()¶
Rotates a node left twice.
Makes this node the rightChild of the former leftChild and makes the former leftChild’s rightChild be the leftChild of this node.
Used during tree rebalancing.
Returns the prior leftChild node as the new central node.
- AVLNode.rotateLeftRight()¶
Rotates a node left, then right.
Makes this note the rightChild of the former rightChild of the former leftChild node
Used during tree rebalancing.
Returns the former rightChild of the former leftChild node as the new central node.
- AVLNode.rotateRightLeft()¶
Rotates a node right, then left.
Makes this note the leftChild of the former leftChild of the former rightChild node
Used during tree rebalancing.
Returns the former leftChild of the former rightChild node as the new central node.
- AVLNode.rotateRightRight()¶
Rotates a node right twice.
Makes this node the leftChild of the former rightChild and makes the former rightChild’s leftChild be the rightChild of this node.
Used during tree rebalancing.
Returns the prior rightChild node as the new central node.
- AVLNode.update()¶
Updates the height and balance attributes of the nodes.
Must be called whenever .leftChild or .rightChild are changed.
Used for the next balancing operation – does not rebalance itself.
Note that it only looks at its children’s height and balance attributes not their children’s. So if they are wrong, this will be too.
Returns None
We create a score with everything correct.
>>> score = tree.makeExampleScore() >>> scoreTree = tree.fromStream.asTimespans(score, flatten=True, ... classList=(note.Note, chord.Chord)) >>> n = scoreTree.rootNode >>> n <OffsetNode 3.0 Indices:0,5,6,12 Length:1> >>> n.height, n.balance (3, 1)
Now let’s screw up the height and balance
>>> n.height = 100 >>> n.balance = -2 >>> n.height, n.balance (100, -2)
But we can fix it with .update()
>>> n.update() >>> n.height, n.balance (3, 1)
Note that if we were to screw up the balance/height of one of the child notes of n then this would not fix that node’s balance/height. This method assumes that children have the correct information and only updates the information for this node.
instance variables
- AVLNode.balance¶
Returns the current state of the difference in heights of the two subtrees rooted on this node.
This attribute is used to help balance the AVL tree.
>>> score = tree.makeExampleScore() >>> scoreTree = tree.fromStream.asTimespans(score, flatten=True, ... classList=(note.Note, chord.Chord)) >>> print(scoreTree.debug()) <OffsetNode 3.0 Indices:0,5,6,12 Length:1> L: <OffsetNode 1.0 Indices:0,2,3,5 Length:1> L: <OffsetNode 0.0 Indices:0,0,2,2 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 2.0 Indices:3,3,5,5 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 5.0 Indices:6,8,9,12 Length:1> L: <OffsetNode 4.0 Indices:6,6,8,8 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 6.0 Indices:9,9,11,12 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 7.0 Indices:11,11,12,12 Length:1>
This tree has one more depth on the right than on the left
>>> scoreTree.rootNode.balance 1
The leftChild of the rootNote is perfectly balanced, while the rightChild is off by one (acceptable).
>>> scoreTree.rootNode.leftChild.balance 0 >>> scoreTree.rootNode.rightChild.balance 1
The rightChild’s children are also (acceptably) unbalanced:
>>> scoreTree.rootNode.rightChild.leftChild.balance 0 >>> scoreTree.rootNode.rightChild.rightChild.balance 1
You should never see a balance other than 1, -1, or 0. If you do then something has gone wrong.
- AVLNode.height¶
The height of the subtree rooted on this node.
This property is used to help balance the AVL tree.
>>> score = tree.makeExampleScore() >>> scoreTree = tree.fromStream.asTimespans(score, flatten=True, ... classList=(note.Note, chord.Chord)) >>> print(scoreTree.debug()) <OffsetNode 3.0 Indices:0,5,6,12 Length:1> L: <OffsetNode 1.0 Indices:0,2,3,5 Length:1> L: <OffsetNode 0.0 Indices:0,0,2,2 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 2.0 Indices:3,3,5,5 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 5.0 Indices:6,8,9,12 Length:1> L: <OffsetNode 4.0 Indices:6,6,8,8 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 6.0 Indices:9,9,11,12 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 7.0 Indices:11,11,12,12 Length:1>
>>> scoreTree.rootNode.height 3
>>> scoreTree.rootNode.rightChild.height 2
>>> scoreTree.rootNode.rightChild.rightChild.height 1
>>> scoreTree.rootNode.rightChild.rightChild.rightChild.height 0
Once you hit a height of zero, then the next child on either size should be None
>>> print(scoreTree.rootNode.rightChild.rightChild.rightChild.rightChild) None
- AVLNode.leftChild¶
The left child of this node.
After setting the left child you need to do a node update. with node.update()
>>> score = tree.makeExampleScore() >>> scoreTree = tree.fromStream.asTimespans(score, flatten=True, ... classList=(note.Note, chord.Chord)) >>> print(scoreTree.rootNode.debug()) <OffsetNode 3.0 Indices:0,5,6,12 Length:1> L: <OffsetNode 1.0 Indices:0,2,3,5 Length:1> L: <OffsetNode 0.0 Indices:0,0,2,2 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 2.0 Indices:3,3,5,5 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 5.0 Indices:6,8,9,12 Length:1> L: <OffsetNode 4.0 Indices:6,6,8,8 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 6.0 Indices:9,9,11,12 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 7.0 Indices:11,11,12,12 Length:1>
>>> print(scoreTree.rootNode.leftChild.debug()) <OffsetNode 1.0 Indices:0,2,3,5 Length:1> L: <OffsetNode 0.0 Indices:0,0,2,2 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 2.0 Indices:3,3,5,5 Length:2>
- AVLNode.payload¶
The content of the node at this point. Usually a Music21Object.
- AVLNode.position¶
The position of this node – this is often the same as the offset of the node in a containing score, but does not need to be. It could be the .sortTuple
>>> score = tree.makeExampleScore() >>> scoreTree = tree.fromStream.asTimespans(score, flatten=True, ... classList=(note.Note, chord.Chord)) >>> print(scoreTree.rootNode.debug()) <OffsetNode 3.0 Indices:0,5,6,12 Length:1> L: <OffsetNode 1.0 Indices:0,2,3,5 Length:1> L: <OffsetNode 0.0 Indices:0,0,2,2 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 2.0 Indices:3,3,5,5 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 5.0 Indices:6,8,9,12 Length:1> L: <OffsetNode 4.0 Indices:6,6,8,8 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 6.0 Indices:9,9,11,12 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 7.0 Indices:11,11,12,12 Length:1>
>>> scoreTree.rootNode.position 3.0
>>> scoreTree.rootNode.leftChild.position 1.0
>>> scoreTree.rootNode.rightChild.position 5.0
- AVLNode.rightChild¶
The right child of this node.
After setting the right child you need to do a node update. with node.update()
>>> score = tree.makeExampleScore() >>> scoreTree = tree.fromStream.asTimespans(score, flatten=True, ... classList=(note.Note, chord.Chord)) >>> print(scoreTree.rootNode.debug()) <OffsetNode 3.0 Indices:0,5,6,12 Length:1> L: <OffsetNode 1.0 Indices:0,2,3,5 Length:1> L: <OffsetNode 0.0 Indices:0,0,2,2 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 2.0 Indices:3,3,5,5 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 5.0 Indices:6,8,9,12 Length:1> L: <OffsetNode 4.0 Indices:6,6,8,8 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 6.0 Indices:9,9,11,12 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 7.0 Indices:11,11,12,12 Length:1>
>>> print(scoreTree.rootNode.rightChild.debug()) <OffsetNode 5.0 Indices:6,8,9,12 Length:1> L: <OffsetNode 4.0 Indices:6,6,8,8 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 6.0 Indices:9,9,11,12 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 7.0 Indices:11,11,12,12 Length:1>
>>> print(scoreTree.rootNode.rightChild.rightChild.debug()) <OffsetNode 6.0 Indices:9,9,11,12 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 7.0 Indices:11,11,12,12 Length:1>
>>> print(scoreTree.rootNode.rightChild.rightChild.rightChild.debug()) <OffsetNode 7.0 Indices:11,11,12,12 Length:1>
- class music21.tree.core.AVLTree¶
Data structure for working with tree.node.AVLNode objects.
To be subclassed in order to do anything useful with music21 objects.
read-only properties
Read-only properties inherited from ProtoM21Object
- AVLTree.createNodeAtPosition(position)¶
creates a new node at position and sets the rootNode appropriately
>>> avl = tree.core.AVLTree() >>> avl.createNodeAtPosition(20) >>> avl.rootNode <AVLNode: Start:20 Height:0 L:None R:None>
>>> avl.createNodeAtPosition(10) >>> avl.rootNode <AVLNode: Start:20 Height:1 L:0 R:None>
>>> avl.createNodeAtPosition(5) >>> avl.rootNode <AVLNode: Start:10 Height:1 L:0 R:0>
>>> avl.createNodeAtPosition(30) >>> avl.rootNode <AVLNode: Start:10 Height:2 L:0 R:1> >>> avl.rootNode.leftChild <AVLNode: Start:5 Height:0 L:None R:None> >>> avl.rootNode.rightChild <AVLNode: Start:20 Height:1 L:None R:0>
>>> avl.rootNode.rightChild.rightChild <AVLNode: Start:30 Height:0 L:None R:None>
- AVLTree.debug()¶
Gets string representation of the node tree.
Useful only for debugging its internal node structure.
>>> tsList = [(0, 2), (0, 9), (1, 1), (2, 3), (3, 4), ... (4, 9), (5, 6), (5, 8), (6, 8), (7, 7)] >>> tss = [tree.spans.Timespan(x, y) for x, y in tsList] >>> tsTree = tree.timespanTree.TimespanTree() >>> tsTree.insert(tss)
>>> print(tsTree.debug()) <OffsetNode 3.0 Indices:0,4,5,10 Length:1> L: <OffsetNode 1.0 Indices:0,2,3,4 Length:1> L: <OffsetNode 0.0 Indices:0,0,2,2 Length:2> R: <OffsetNode 2.0 Indices:3,3,4,4 Length:1> R: <OffsetNode 5.0 Indices:5,6,8,10 Length:2> L: <OffsetNode 4.0 Indices:5,5,6,6 Length:1> R: <OffsetNode 6.0 Indices:8,8,9,10 Length:1> R: <OffsetNode 7.0 Indices:9,9,10,10 Length:1>
- AVLTree.getNodeAfter(position)¶
Gets the first node after position.
>>> score = corpus.parse('bwv66.6') >>> scoreTree = score.asTree(flatten=True) >>> node1 = scoreTree.getNodeAfter(0.5) >>> node1 <ElementNode: Start:1.0 <0.20...> Indices:(l:27 *29* r:33) Payload:<music21.note.Note A>> >>> node2 = scoreTree.getNodeAfter(0.6) >>> node2 is node1 True
>>> endNode = scoreTree.getNodeAfter(9999) >>> endNode <ElementNode: Start:End <0.-5...> Indices:(l:191 *195* r:199) Payload:< type=final>>
>>> while endNode is not None: ... print(endNode) ... endNodePosition = endNode.position ... endNode = scoreTree.getNodeAfter(endNodePosition) <ElementNode: Start:End <0.-5...> Indices:(l:191 *195* r:199) Payload:< type=final>> <ElementNode: Start:End <0.-5...> Indices:(l:196 *196* r:197) Payload:< type=final>> <ElementNode: Start:End <0.-5...> Indices:(l:196 *197* r:199) Payload:< type=final>> <ElementNode: Start:End <0.-5...> Indices:(l:198 *198* r:199) Payload:< type=final>>
>>> note1 = score.flatten().notes[30]
Works with sortTuple positions as well…
>>> st = note1.sortTuple() >>> st SortTuple(atEnd=0, offset=6.0, priority=0, classSortOrder=20, isNotGrace=1, insertIndex=...)
>>> scoreTree.getNodeAfter(st) <ElementNode: Start:6.5 <0.20...> Indices:(l:55 *56* r:57) Payload:<music21.note.Note D>>
- AVLTree.getNodeBefore(position)¶
Finds the node immediately before position.
>>> score = corpus.parse('bwv66.6') >>> scoreTree = score.asTimespans()
100 is beyond the end, so it will get the last node in piece.
>>> scoreTree.getNodeBefore(100) <OffsetNode 36.0 Indices:195,195,199,199 Length:4>
>>> scoreTree.getNodeBefore(0) is None True
- AVLTree.getNodeByPosition(position)¶
Searches for a node whose position is position in the subtree rooted on node.
Returns a Node object or None
- AVLTree.getPositionAfter(position)¶
Gets start position after position.
>>> score = corpus.parse('bwv66.6') >>> scoreTree = score.asTree(flatten=True) >>> scoreTree.getPositionAfter(0.5).offset 1.0
Returns None if no succeeding position exists.
>>> endPosition = scoreTree.getPositionAfter(9999) >>> while endPosition is not None: ... print(endPosition) ... endPosition = scoreTree.getPositionAfter(endPosition) SortTuple(atEnd=1, offset=36.0, priority=0, classSortOrder=-5, ...) SortTuple(atEnd=1, offset=36.0, priority=0, classSortOrder=-5, ...) SortTuple(atEnd=1, offset=36.0, priority=0, classSortOrder=-5, ...) SortTuple(atEnd=1, offset=36.0, priority=0, classSortOrder=-5, ...)
Generally speaking, negative positions will usually return 0.0
>>> scoreTree.getPositionAfter(-999).offset 0.0
Unless the Tree is empty in which case, None is returned:
>>> at = tree.core.AVLTree() >>> at.getPositionAfter(-999) is None True
- AVLTree.getPositionBefore(position)¶
Gets the start position immediately preceding position in this position-tree.
>>> score = corpus.parse('bwv66.6') >>> scoreTree = score.asTimespans() >>> scoreTree.getPositionBefore(100) 36.0
Return None if no preceding position exists.
>>> scoreTree.getPositionBefore(0) is None True
- AVLTree.populateFromSortedList(listOfTuples)¶
Populate this tree from a sorted list of two-tuples of (position, payload).
This is about an order of magnitude faster (3ms vs 21ms for 1000 items; 31 vs. 300ms for 10,000 items) than running createNodeAtPosition() for each element in a list if it is already sorted. Thus, it should be used when converting a Stream where .isSorted is True into a tree.
This method assumes that the current tree is empty (or will be wiped) and that listOfTuples is a non-empty list where the first element is a unique position to insert, and the second is the complete payload for that node, and that the positions are strictly increasing in order.
If any of the conditions is not true, expect to get a dangerously badly sorted tree that will be useless.
>>> listOfTuples = [(i, str(i)) for i in range(1000)] >>> listOfTuples[10] (10, '10') >>> avlTree = tree.core.AVLTree() >>> avlTree.rootNode is None True >>> avlTree.populateFromSortedList(listOfTuples) >>> avlTree.rootNode <AVLNode: Start:500 Height:9 L:8 R:8>
>>> n = avlTree.rootNode >>> while n is not None: ... print(n, repr(n.payload)) ... n = n.leftChild <AVLNode: Start:500 Height:9 L:8 R:8> '500' <AVLNode: Start:250 Height:8 L:7 R:7> '250' <AVLNode: Start:125 Height:7 L:6 R:6> '125' <AVLNode: Start:62 Height:6 L:5 R:5> '62' <AVLNode: Start:31 Height:5 L:4 R:4> '31' <AVLNode: Start:15 Height:4 L:3 R:3> '15' <AVLNode: Start:7 Height:3 L:2 R:2> '7' <AVLNode: Start:3 Height:2 L:1 R:1> '3' <AVLNode: Start:1 Height:1 L:0 R:0> '1' <AVLNode: Start:0 Height:0 L:None R:None> '0'
- AVLTree.removeNode(position)¶
Removes a node at position and rebalances the tree
Used internally by TimespanTree.
>>> avl = tree.core.AVLTree() >>> avl.createNodeAtPosition(20) >>> avl.createNodeAtPosition(10) >>> avl.createNodeAtPosition(5) >>> avl.createNodeAtPosition(30) >>> avl.rootNode <AVLNode: Start:10 Height:2 L:0 R:1>
Remove node at 30
>>> avl.removeNode(30) >>> avl.rootNode <AVLNode: Start:10 Height:1 L:0 R:0>
Removing a node eliminates its payload:
>>> ten = avl.getNodeByPosition(10) >>> ten.payload = 'ten' >>> twenty = avl.getNodeByPosition(20) >>> twenty.payload = 'twenty'
>>> avl.removeNode(10) >>> avl.rootNode <AVLNode: Start:20 Height:1 L:0 R:None> >>> avl.rootNode.payload 'twenty'
Removing a non-existent node does nothing.
>>> avl.removeNode(9.5) >>> avl.rootNode <AVLNode: Start:20 Height:1 L:0 R:None>
>>> for n in avl: ... print(n, n.payload) <AVLNode: Start:5 Height:0 L:None R:None> None <AVLNode: Start:20 Height:1 L:0 R:None> twenty
Methods inherited from ProtoM21Object