Custom CSS#
If you are not satisfied with the CSS styles provided by nbsphinx
and by your Sphinx theme, don’t worry, you can add your own styles easily.
For All Pages#
Just create your own CSS file, e.g. my-own-style.css
, and put it into the _static/
sub-directory of your source directory.
You’ll also have to set the config values html_static_path and html_css_files in your
, e.g. like this:
html_static_path = ['_static']
html_css_files = ['my-own-style.css']
For All RST files#
If you want your style to only apply to *.rst
files (and not Jupyter notebooks or other source files), you can use rst_prolog with the raw directive in your
like this:
rst_prolog = """
.. raw:: html
h1 {
color: fuchsia;
For All Notebooks#
Similarly, if you want your style to only apply to notebooks, you can use nbsphinx_prolog like this:
nbsphinx_prolog = """
.. raw:: html
h1 {
color: chartreuse;
For a Single Notebook#
For styles that should affect only the current notebook, you can simply insert <style>
tags into Markdown cells like this:
.nbinput .prompt,
.nboutput .prompt {
display: none;
This CSS example removes the input and output prompts from code cells, see the following cell:
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