
In the Nextflow framework architecture, the executor is the component that determines the system where a pipeline process is run and supervises its execution.

The executor provides an abstraction between the pipeline processes and the underlying execution system. This allows you to write the pipeline functional logic independently from the actual processing platform.

In other words, you can write your pipeline script once and have it running on your computer, a cluster resource manager, or the cloud — simply change the executor definition in the Nextflow configuration file.

AWS Batch

Nextflow supports the AWS Batch service that allows job submission in the cloud without having to spin out and manage a cluster of virtual machines. AWS Batch uses Docker containers to run tasks, which greatly simplifies pipeline deployment.

The pipeline processes must specify the Docker image to use by defining the container directive, either in the pipeline script or the nextflow.config file.

To enable this executor, set the property process.executor = 'awsbatch' in the nextflow.config file.

The pipeline can be launched either in a local computer, or an EC2 instance. EC2 is suggested for heavy or long-running workloads. Moreover, an S3 bucket must be used as the pipeline work directory.

Resource requests and other job characteristics can be controlled via the following process directives:

See the AWS Batch page for further configuration details.

Azure Batch

Nextflow supports the Azure Batch service that allows job submission in the cloud without having to spin out and manage a cluster of virtual machines. Azure Batch uses Docker containers to run tasks, which greatly simplifies pipeline deployment.

The pipeline processes must specify the Docker image to use by defining the container directive, either in the pipeline script or the nextflow.config file.

To enable this executor, set the property process.executor = 'azurebatch' in the nextflow.config file.

The pipeline can be launched either in a local computer, or a cloud virtual machine. The cloud VM is suggested for heavy or long-running workloads. Moreover, an Azure Blob storage container must be used as the pipeline work directory.

See the Azure Batch page for further configuration details.


Bridge is an abstraction layer to ease batch system and resource manager usage in heterogeneous HPC environments.

It is open source software that can be installed on top of existing classical job schedulers such as Slurm, LSF, or other schedulers. Bridge allows you to submit jobs, get information on running jobs, stop jobs, get information on the cluster system, etc.

For more details on how to install the Bridge system, see the documentation.

To enable the Bridge executor, simply set process.executor = 'bridge' in the nextflow.config file.

Resource requests and other job characteristics can be controlled via the following process directives:

Flux Framework Executor

The flux executor allows you to run your pipeline script using the Flux Framework.

Nextflow manages each process as a separate job that is submitted to the cluster by using the flux mini submit command.

To enable the Flux executor, simply set process.executor = 'flux' in the nextflow.config file.

Resource requests and other job characteristics can be controlled via the following process directives:

Additionally, to have Flux print all output to stderr and stdout, set flux.terminalOutput to true.


Flux does not support specifying memory.



This is an experimental feature and it may change in future releases. It requires Nextflow version 0.31.0 or later.

The Task Execution Schema (TES) project by the GA4GH standardization initiative is an effort to define a standardized schema and API for describing batch execution tasks in a portable manner.

Nextflow includes experimental support for the TES API by providing a tes executor, which allows the submission of workflow tasks to a remote execution back-end exposing a TES API endpoint.

To use this feature, define the following variables in the workflow launching environment:

export NXF_MODE=ga4gh
export NXF_EXECUTOR=tes
export NXF_EXECUTOR_TES_ENDPOINT='http://back.end.com'

It is important that the endpoint is specified without the trailing slash; otherwise, the resulting URLs will not be normalized and the requests to TES will fail.

You will then be able to run your workflow over TES using the usual Nextflow command line. Be sure to specify the Docker image to use, i.e.:

nextflow run rnaseq-nf -with-docker alpine


If the variable NXF_EXECUTOR_TES_ENDPOINT is omitted, the default endpoint is http://localhost:8000.


You can use a local Funnel server using the following launch command line:

./funnel server --Server.HTTPPort 8000 --LocalStorage.AllowedDirs $HOME run

(tested with version 0.8.0 on macOS)


Make sure the TES back-end can access the workflow work directory when data is exchanged using a local or shared file system.

Known Limitations

  • Automatic deployment of workflow scripts in the bin folder is not supported.

  • Process output directories are not supported. For details see #76.

  • Glob patterns in process output declarations are not supported. For details see #77.

Google Cloud Batch

Google Cloud Batch is a managed computing service that allows the execution of containerized workloads in the Google Cloud Platform infrastructure.

Nextflow provides built-in support for the Batch API that allows the seamless deployment of a Nextflow pipeline in the cloud, offloading the process executions as pipelines (requires Nextflow 22.07.1-edge or later).

The pipeline processes must specify the Docker image to use by defining the container directive, either in the pipeline script or the nextflow.config file. Moreover, the pipeline work directory must be located in a Google Storage bucket.

To enable this executor, set the property process.executor = 'google-batch' in the nextflow.config file.

Resource requests and other job characteristics can be controlled via the following process directives:

See the Google Cloud Batch page for further configuration details.

Google Life Sciences

Google Cloud Life Sciences is a managed computing service that allows the execution of containerized workloads in the Google Cloud Platform infrastructure.

Nextflow provides built-in support for the Life Sciences API that allows the seamless deployment of a Nextflow pipeline in the cloud, offloading the process executions as pipelines (requires Nextflow 20.01.0 or later).

The pipeline processes must specify the Docker image to use by defining the container directive, either in the pipeline script or the nextflow.config file. Moreover, the pipeline work directory must be located in a Google Storage bucket.

To enable this executor, set the property process.executor = 'google-lifesciences' in the nextflow.config file.

Resource requests and other job characteristics can be controlled via the following process directives:

See the Google Life Sciences page for further configuration details.



This is an incubating feature. It may change in future Nextflow releases.

The hyperqueue executor allows you to run your pipeline script by using the HyperQueue job scheduler.

Nextflow manages each process as a separate job that is submitted to the cluster using the hq command line tool.

The pipeline must be launched from a node where the hq command is available. In a common usage scenario, that is the cluster head node.

To enable the HTCondor executor, simply set process.executor = 'hyperqueue' in the nextflow.config file.

Resource requests and other job characteristics can be controlled via the following process directives:



This is an incubating feature. It may change in future Nextflow releases.

The condor executor allows you to run your pipeline script by using the HTCondor resource manager.

Nextflow manages each process as a separate job that is submitted to the cluster using the condor_submit command.

The pipeline must be launched from a node where the condor_submit command is available. In a common usage scenario, that is the cluster head node.


The HTCondor executor for Nextflow does not currently support the HTCondor ability to transfer input/output data to the corresponding job computing node. Therefore, the data needs to be made accessible to the computing nodes using a shared file system directory from where the Nextflow workflow is executed (or specified via the -w option).

To enable the HTCondor executor, simply set process.executor = 'condor' in the nextflow.config file.

Resource requests and other job characteristics can be controlled via the following process directives:



This feature has been phased out and is no longer supported as of version 22.01.x.

The ignite executor allows you to run a pipeline on an Apache Ignite cluster.

To enable this executor, set process.executor = 'ignite' in the nextflow.config file.

Resource requests and other job characteristics can be controlled via the following process directives:

See the Apache Ignite page to learn how to configure Nextflow to deploy and run an Ignite cluster in your infrastructure.


The k8s executor allows you to run a pipeline on a Kubernetes cluster.

Resource requests and other job characteristics can be controlled via the following process directives:

See the Kubernetes page to learn how to set up a Kubernetes cluster to run Nextflow pipelines.


The local executor is used by default. It runs the pipeline processes on the computer where Nextflow is launched. The processes are parallelised by spawning multiple threads, taking advantage of the multi-core architecture of the CPU.

The local executor is useful to develop and test your pipeline script on your computer, before switching to a cluster facility when you need to run it on production data.


The lsf executor allows you to run your pipeline script using a Platform LSF cluster.

Nextflow manages each process as a separate job that is submitted to the cluster using the bsub command.

The pipeline must be launched from a node where the bsub command is available. In a common usage scenario, that is the cluster head node.

To enable the LSF executor, simply set process.executor = 'lsf' in the nextflow.config file.

Resource requests and other job characteristics can be controlled via the following process directives:


LSF supports both per-core and per-job memory limits. Nextflow assumes that LSF works in the per-core memory limits mode, thus it divides the requested memory by the number of requested cpus.

This is not required when LSF is configured to work in the per-job memory limit mode. You need to specify this by adding the option perJobMemLimit in Scope executor in the Nextflow configuration file.

See also the Platform LSF documentation.


The moab executor allows you to run your pipeline script using the Moab resource manager by Adaptive Computing.

Nextflow manages each process as a separate job that is submitted to the cluster using the msub command provided by the resource manager.

The pipeline must be launched from a node where the msub command is available. In a common usage scenario, that is the compute cluster login node.

To enable the Moab executor, simply set process.executor = 'moab' in the nextflow.config file.

Resource requests and other job characteristics can be controlled via the following process directives:


The nsqii executor allows you to run your pipeline script using the NQSII resource manager.

Nextflow manages each process as a separate job that is submitted to the cluster using the qsub command provided by the scheduler.

The pipeline must be launched from a node where the qsub command is available. In a common usage scenario, that is the cluster login node.

To enable the NQSII executor, simply set process.executor = 'nqsii' in the nextflow.config file.

Resource requests and other job characteristics can be controlled via the following process directives:


The oar executor allows you to run your pipeline script using the OAR resource manager.

Nextflow manages each process as a separate job that is submitted to the cluster using the oarsub command.

The pipeline must be launched from a node where the oarsub command is available. In a common usage scenario, that is the cluster head node.

To enable the OAR executor, simply set process.executor = 'oar' in the nextflow.config file.

Resource requests and other job characteristics can be controlled via the following process directives:

Known Limitations

  • Multiple clusterOptions should be semicolon-separated. This ensures that the OAR batch script is accurately formatted:

    clusterOptions = '-t besteffort;--project myproject'


The pbs executor allows you to run your pipeline script using a resource manager from the PBS/Torque family of batch schedulers.

Nextflow manages each process as a separate job that is submitted to the cluster using the qsub command provided by the scheduler.

The pipeline must be launched from a node where the qsub command is available. In a common usage scenario, that is the cluster login node.

To enable the PBS executor, simply set process.executor = 'pbs' in the nextflow.config file.

Resource requests and other job characteristics can be controlled via the following process directives:


As of Nextflow version 23.02.0-edge or later, it is possible to specify resource settings with both the clusterOptions and the cpus directives by specifying the cluster options dynamically:

cpus = 2
clusterOptions = { "-l nodes=1:ppn=${task.cpus}:..." }

This technique allows you to specify clusterOptions once for all processes, including any options that are specific to your cluster, and use the standard resource directives throughout the rest of your pipeline.


The pbspro executor allows you to run your pipeline script using the PBS Pro resource manager.

Nextflow manages each process as a separate job that is submitted to the cluster using the qsub command provided by the scheduler.

The pipeline must be launched from a node where the qsub command is available. In a common usage scenario, that is the cluster login node.

To enable the PBS Pro executor, simply set process.executor = 'pbspro' in the nextflow.config file.

Resource requests and other job characteristics can be controlled via the following process directives:


As of Nextflow version 23.02.0-edge or later, it is possible to specify resource settings with both the clusterOptions and the cpus and memory directives by specifying the cluster options dynamically:

cpus = 2
memory = 8.GB
clusterOptions = { "-l select=1:ncpus=${task.cpus}:mem=${task.memory.toMega()}mb:..." }

This technique allows you to specify clusterOptions once for all processes, including any options that are specific to your cluster, and use the standard resource directives throughout the rest of your pipeline.


The sge executor allows you to run your pipeline script using a Sun Grid Engine cluster, or a compatible platform (Open Grid Engine, Univa Grid Engine, etc).

Nextflow manages each process as a separate grid job that is submitted to the cluster using the qsub command.

The pipeline must be launched from a node where the qsub command is available. In a common usage scenario, that is the cluster head node.

To enable the SGE executor, simply set process.executor = 'sge' in the nextflow.config file.

Resource requests and other job characteristics can be controlled via the following process directives:


The slurm executor allows you to run your pipeline script using the SLURM resource manager.

Nextflow manages each process as a separate job that is submitted to the cluster using the sbatch command.

The pipeline must be launched from a node where the sbatch command is available. In a common usage scenario, that is the cluster head node.

To enable the SLURM executor, simply set process.executor = 'slurm' in the nextflow.config file.

Resource requests and other job characteristics can be controlled via the following process directives:


SLURM partitions are comparable to job queues. Nextflow allows you to set partitions using the queue directive listed above.


Nextflow does not provide direct support for SLURM multi-clusters. If you need to submit workflow executions to a cluster other than the current one, specify it using the SLURM_CLUSTERS variable in the launch environment.