=============== Getting started =============== Installation ============ This extension requires Python 3.7+, sphinx 3.0+ and is available from: * `numpydoc on PyPI `_ * `numpydoc on GitHub `_ `'numpydoc'` should be added to the ``extensions`` option in your Sphinx ``conf.py``. ``'sphinx.ext.autosummary'`` will automatically be loaded as well. Configuration ============= The following options can be set in your Sphinx ``conf.py``: numpydoc_use_plots : bool Whether to produce ``plot::`` directives for Examples sections that contain ``import matplotlib`` or ``from matplotlib import``. numpydoc_show_class_members : bool Whether to show all members of a class in the Methods and Attributes sections automatically. ``True`` by default. numpydoc_show_inherited_class_members : bool Whether to show all inherited members of a class in the Methods and Attributes sections automatically. If it's false, inherited members won't shown. ``True`` by default. numpydoc_class_members_toctree : bool Whether to create a Sphinx table of contents for the lists of class methods and attributes. If a table of contents is made, Sphinx expects each entry to have a separate page. ``True`` by default. numpydoc_citation_re : str A regular expression matching citations which should be mangled to avoid conflicts due to duplication across the documentation. Defaults to ``[\w-]+``. numpydoc_use_blockquotes : bool Until version 0.8, parameter definitions were shown as blockquotes, rather than in a definition list. If your styling requires blockquotes, switch this config option to True. This option will be removed in version 0.10. numpydoc_attributes_as_param_list : bool Whether to format the Attributes section of a class page in the same way as the Parameter section. If it's False, the Attributes section will be formatted as the Methods section using an autosummary table. ``True`` by default. numpydoc_xref_param_type : bool Whether to create cross-references for the parameter types in the ``Parameters``, ``Other Parameters``, ``Returns`` and ``Yields`` sections of the docstring. ``False`` by default. .. note:: Depending on the link types, the CSS styles might be different. consider overriding e.g. ``span.classifier a span.xref`` and ``span.classifier a code.docutils.literal.notranslate`` CSS classes to achieve a uniform appearance. numpydoc_xref_aliases : dict Mappings to fully qualified paths (or correct ReST references) for the aliases/shortcuts used when specifying the types of parameters. The keys should not have any spaces. Together with the ``intersphinx`` extension, you can map to links in any documentation. The default ``numpydoc_xref_aliases`` will supply some common ``Python`` standard library and ``NumPy`` names for you. Then for your module, a useful ``dict`` may look like the following (e.g., if you were documenting :mod:`sklearn.model_selection`):: numpydoc_xref_aliases = { 'LeaveOneOut': 'sklearn.model_selection.LeaveOneOut', ... } This option depends on the ``numpydoc_xref_param_type`` option being ``True``. numpydoc_xref_ignore : set or ``"all"`` How to handle terms not in ``numpydoc_xref_aliases`` when ``numpydoc_xref_aliases=True``. The value can either be a ``set`` containing terms to ignore, or ``"all"``. In the former case, the set contains words not to cross-reference. Most likely, these are common words used in parameter type descriptions that may be confused for classes of the same name. For example:: numpydoc_xref_ignore = {'type', 'optional', 'default'} The default is an empty set. If the ``numpydoc_xref_ignore="all"``, then all unrecognized terms are ignored, i.e. terms not in ``numpydoc_xref_aliases`` are *not* wrapped in ``:obj:`` roles. This configuration parameter may be useful if you only want to create cross references for a small number of terms. In this case, including the desired cross reference mappings in ``numpydoc_xref_aliases`` and setting ``numpydoc_xref_ignore="all"`` is more convenient than explicitly listing terms to ignore in a set. numpydoc_validation_checks : set The set of validation checks to report during the sphinx build process. The default is an empty set, so docstring validation is not run by default. If ``"all"`` is in the set, then the results of all of the :ref:`built-in validation checks ` are reported. If the set includes ``"all"`` and additional error codes, then all validation checks *except* the listed error codes will be run. If the set contains *only* individual error codes, then only those checks will be run. For example:: # Report warnings for all validation checks numpydoc_validation_checks = {"all"} # Report warnings for all checks *except* for GL01, GL02, and GL05 numpydoc_validation_checks = {"all", "GL01", "GL02", "GL05"} # Only report warnings for the SA01 and EX01 checks numpydoc_validation_checks = {"SA01", "EX01"} numpydoc_validation_exclude : set A container of strings using :py:mod:`re` syntax specifying patterns to ignore for docstring validation. For example, to skip docstring validation for all objects in ``mypkg.mymodule``:: numpydoc_validation_exclude = {"mypkg.mymodule."} If you wanted to also skip getter methods of ``MyClass``:: numpydoc_validation_exclude = {r"mypkg\.mymodule\.", r"MyClass\.get$"} The default is an empty set meaning no objects are excluded from docstring validation. Only has an effect when docstring validation is activated, i.e. ``numpydoc_validation_checks`` is not an empty set.