========== Validation ========== Docstring Validation using Python --------------------------------- To see the Restructured Text generated for an object, the ``numpydoc`` module can be called. For example, to do it for ``numpy.ndarray``, use: .. code-block:: bash $ python -m numpydoc numpy.ndarray This will validate that the docstring can be built. For an exhaustive validation of the formatting of the docstring, use the ``--validate`` parameter. This will report the errors detected, such as incorrect capitalization, wrong order of the sections, and many other issues. Docstring Validation during Sphinx Build ---------------------------------------- It is also possible to run docstring validation as part of the sphinx build process. This behavior is controlled by the ``numpydoc_validation_checks`` configuration parameter in ``conf.py``. For example, to verify that all of the parameters in the function signature are accounted for in the ``Parameters`` section of the docstring, add the following line to ``conf.py``:: numpydoc_validation_checks = {"PR01"} This will cause a sphinx warning to be raised for any (non-module) docstring that has undocumented parameters in the signature. The full set of validation checks can be activated by:: numpydoc_validation_checks = {"all"} The complete validation suite contains :ref:`many checks ` including some for style, capitalization, and grammar. It is unlikely that reporting *all* validation warnings is desirable for most use-cases. Individual checks can be excluded by including them in the set with the special keyword ``"all"``:: # Report warnings for all validation checks except GL01, GL02, and GL05 numpydoc_validation_checks = {"all", "GL01", "GL02", "GL05"} .. _validation_checks: Built-in Validation Checks -------------------------- The ``numpydoc.validation`` module provides a mapping with all of the checks that are run as part of the validation procedure. The mapping is of the form: ``error_code : `` where ``error_code`` provides a shorthand for the check being run, and ```` provides a more detailed message. For example:: "EX01" : "No examples section found" The full mapping of validation checks is given below. .. literalinclude:: ../numpydoc/validate.py :lines: 36-90