Tips and tricks

This page contains some tips and tricks on how to use pagure. These do not fit in their own page but are worth mentioning.

Place image onto your overview page

You can only use images that come from the Pagure host itself.


![See Copr workflow](/copr/copr/raw/master/f/doc/img/copr-workflow.png)

Text in the square brackets will be used as an alt description.

Pre-fill issue using the URL

When creating issues for a project pagure supports pre-filling the title and description input text using URL parameters.

Example:<Issue>&content=<Issue Content>

The above URL will autofill the text boxes for Title and Description field with Title set to <Issue> and Description set to <Issue Content>.

Pre-fill issue template using the URL

When creating issues for a project pagure supports pre-filling the title and description input text using URL parameters.


The above URL will autofill the ticket with the specified template. The TemplateName should be the name of the template file on disk (in the templates directory of the ticket git repository).

Filter for issues not having a certain tag

Very much in the same way pagure allows you to filter for issues having a certain tag, pagure allows to filter for issues not having a certain tag. To do this, simply prepend a ! in front of the tag.


Local user creation without email verification

If you set EMAIL_SEND to `False` from the configuration file, you will get the emails printed to the console instead of being sent. The admin of the instance can then access the URL to manually validate the account from there. This is generally used for development where we don’t need to send any emails.

Filter an user’s projects by their access

When watching a user’s page, the list of all the project that user is involved in is presented regardless of whether the user has ticket, commit, admin access or is the main admin of the project.

You can specify an acl= argument to the URL to filter the list of projects by access.


This also works for your home page when you are logged in.

Examples: admin

Filter issues by (custom) fields

Via the project’s settings page, admins can set custom keys to be used in issues. You can search them using the URL via the arguments ckeys and cvalue or simpler, using the search field at the top of the issue page.

This also works for the following regular fields: tags, milestones, author, assignee, status, priority (but tags and milestones despite their name only support a single value).
