
If you’re submitting patches to pagure, please observe the following:

  • Check that your python code is PEP8-compliant. There is a flake8 tool that automatically checks the sources as part of the tests.

  • We run the source code through black as part of the tests, so you may have to do some adjustments or run it yourself (which is simple: black /path/to/pagure).

  • Check that your code doesn’t break the test suite. The test suite can be run using tox at the top of the sources, you mayuse tox -e py38 ./test/ to run a single version of python. You can also run a single file by calling pytest directly: pytest-3 tests/ See Development for more information about the test suite.

  • If you are adding new code, please write tests for them in tests/, tox . will run the tests and show you the coverage of the code by the unit-tests.

  • If your change warrants a modification to the docs in doc/ or any docstrings in pagure/ please make that modification.


You have a doubt, you don’t know how to do something, you have an idea but don’t know how to implement it, you just have something bugging you?

Come to see us on IRC: #pagure or #fedora-apps on or directly on the project.