PIO Remote™ Agent

Start PIO Remote™ Agent on a host machine and work remotely with your devices WITHOUT extra software, services, SSH, VPN, tunneling or opening incoming network ports.

PIO Remote™ supports wired and wireless devices. Wired devices should be connected physically to host machine where PIO Remote™ Agent is started, where wireless devices should be visible for PIO Remote™ Agent to provide network operations Over-The-Air (OTA).

platformio remote agent list


platformio remote agent list
pio remote agent list


List active PIO Remote™ Agent s started using own PIO Account or shared with you by other PlatformIO developers.


> platformio remote agent list

PlatformIO Plus (https://pioplus.com)

ID: 98853d930......788d77375e7
Started: 2016-10-26 16:32:56

platformio remote agent start


platformio remote agent start [OPTIONS]
pio remote agent start [OPTIONS]


Start PIO Remote™ Agent and work remotely with your devices from anywhere in the world. This command can be run as daemon or added to autostart list of your OS.


-n, --name

Agent name/alias. By default, machine’s hostname will be used. You can use this name later for platformio remote device and platformio remote run commands. Good names are home, office, lab or etc.

-s, --share

Share your agent/devices with other PlatformIO developers who have PIO Account: friends, co-workers, team, etc.

The valid value for --share option is E-Mail address that was used for platformio account register command.

-d, --working-dir

A working directory where PIO Remote™ Agent stores projects data for incremental synchronization and embedded programs for PIO Process Supervisor.

platformio remote agent reload


platformio remote agent reload
pio remote agent reload

# reload specified PIO Remote Agents
platformio remote --agent NAME reload


Allows gracefully reload one or more PIO Remote™ Agent ‘s.


> platformio remote agent list

PlatformIO Plus (https://pioplus.com)

ID: 98853d93.....77375e7
Reloaded: 2016-11-11 23:33:32