It Simply Works. Easier than ever before!
New in version 3.4: (PlatformIO Plus)
“1-click” solution, zero configuration
Support for 100+ embedded boards (see below)
Multiple architectures and development platforms
Windows, MacOS, Linux (+ARMv6-8)
Built-in into PlatformIO IDE for Atom and PlatformIO IDE for VSCode
Integration with Eclipse and Sublime Text
You should have PIO Account to work with PIO Unified Debugger. A registration is FREE.
For the JTAG probes implemented as USB devices (actually most of them), you need to configure the UDEV subsystem:
Linux Users: Install “udev” rules file 98-openocd-udev.rules (an instruction is located inside a file).
Windows Users:: Please check that you have a correctly installed USB driver from board manufacturer
PIO Unified Debugger can be configured from Project Configuration File platformio.ini
debug_extra_cmds (conditional project breakpoints, extra configuration, etc.)
You can change debugging tool via debug_tool option.
debug_tool = blackmagic
The Black Magic Probe is a modern, in-application debugging tool for embedded microprocessors. It is able to control and examine the state of the target microprocessor using a JTAG or Serial Wire Debugging (SWD) port and on-chip debug logic provided by the microprocessor. The probe connects to a host computer using a standard USB interface.
Also, see Custom debugging configuration with Black Magic Probe.
debug_tool = cmsis-dap
CMSIS-DAP is generally implemented as an on-board interface chip, providing direct USB connection from a development board to a debugger running on a host computer on one side, and over JTAG (Joint Test Action Group) or SWD (Serial Wire Debug) to the target device to access the Coresight DAP on the other.
debug_tool = jlink
SEGGER J-Links are the most widely used line of debug probes available today. They’ve proven their value for more than 10 years with over 400,000 units sold, including OEM versions and on-board solutions. This popularity stems from the unparalleled performance, extensive feature set, large number of supported CPUs, and compatibility with all popular development environments.
Also, see Custom debugging configuration with J-Link GDB Server.
debug_tool = mspdebug
The MSP debug stack (MSPDS) for all MSP430™ microcontrollers (MCUs) and SimpleLink™ MSP432™ devices consists of a static library on the host system side as well as an embedded firmware that runs on debug tools including the MSP-FET, MSP-FET430UIF or on-board eZ debuggers. It is the bridging element between all PC software and all MSP430 and SimpleLink MSP432 microcontroller derivatives and handles tasks such as code download, stepping through code or break points
debug_tool = ti-icdi
Tiva™ C Series evaluation and reference design kits provide an integrated In-Circuit Debug Interface (ICDI) which allows programming and debugging of the onboard C Series microcontroller
debug_tool = stlink
The ST-LINK is an in-circuit debugger and programmer for the STM8 and STM32 microcontroller families. The single wire interface module (SWIM) and JTAG/serial wire debugging (SWD) interfaces are used to communicate with any STM8 or STM32 microcontroller located on an application board.
debug_tool = stlink-v1
ST-LINK/V1 in-circuit debugger/programmer for STM8 and STM32. Details ST-LINK.
debug_tool = stlink-v2
ST-LINK/V2 in-circuit debugger/programmer for STM8 and STM32. Details ST-LINK.
debug_tool = stlink-v2-1
ST-LINK/V2-1 in-circuit debugger/programmer for STM8 and STM32. Details ST-LINK.
debug_tool = custom
Custom debugging configuration:
debug_extra_cmds (conditional project breakpoints, extra configuration, etc.)
Black Magic Probe with a custom debug_port (list ports with platformio device list)
platform = ...
board = ...
framework = ...
debug_tool = custom
; set here a valid port...
debug_port = /dev/cu.usbmodem7BB07991
debug_init_cmds =
target extended-remote $DEBUG_PORT
monitor swdp_scan
attach 1
set mem inaccessible-by-default off
file "$PROG_PATH"
Segger J-Link probe and ST Nucleo F446RE board in pair with J-Link GDB Server:
You can use configuration below in pair with other boards, not only with ST
Nucleo F446RE. In this case, please replace STM32F446RE
your own device name in debug_server
See full list with J-Link Supported Devices.
platform = ststm32
framework = mbed
board = nucleo_f446re
debug_tool = custom
debug_server =
Segger J-Link probe as debugger and uploader for a custom Teensy-based board
Install J-Link GDB Server
platform = teensy
framework = arduino
board = teensy31
extra_scripts =
debug_tool = custom
debug_server =
Place this file on the same level as Project Configuration File platformio.ini.
env.VerboseAction(" ".join([
"sed", "-i.bak",
]), "Fixing $BUILD_DIR/firmware.hex secure flash flags"))
env.VerboseAction(" ".join([
"'h\\nloadfile $BUILD_DIR/firmware.hex\\nr\\nq\\n'",
]), "Creating auxiliary files"))
'JLinkExe -device MK20DX256xxx7 -speed 4000 -if swd -autoconnect 1 -CommanderScript $BUILD_DIR/aux.jlink'
On-board ST-Link V2/V2-1 in pair with ST-Util GDB Server:
platform = ststm32
framework = mbed
board = ...
debug_tool = custom
debug_port = :4242
debug_server = $PLATFORMIO_HOME_DIR/packages/tool-stlink/bin/st-util
On-board ST-Link V2/V2-1 in pair with OpenOCD GDB Server:
platform = ststm32
framework = mbed
board = ...
debug_tool = custom
debug_server =
Using pyOCD for CMSIS-DAP based boards
Firstly, please install pyOCD and
check that pyocd-gdbserver --version
command works.
platform = ...
board = ...
framework = mbed
debug_tool = custom
debug_server = pyocd-gdbserver
Name |
Description |
Atmel | SMART offers Flash- based ARM products based on the ARM Cortex-M0+, Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 architectures, ranging from 8KB to 2MB of Flash including a rich peripheral and feature mix. |
Freescale Kinetis Microcontrollers is family of multiple hardware- and software-compatible ARM Cortex-M0+, Cortex-M4 and Cortex-M7-based MCU series. Kinetis MCUs offer exceptional low-power performance, scalability and feature integration. |
The Nordic nRF51 Series is a family of highly flexible, multi-protocol, system-on-chip (SoC) devices for ultra-low power wireless applications. nRF51 Series devices support a range of protocol stacks including Bluetooth Smart (previously called Bluetooth low energy), ANT and proprietary 2.4GHz protocols such as Gazell. |
The nRF52 Series are built for speed to carry out increasingly complex tasks in the shortest possible time and return to sleep, conserving precious battery power. They have a Cortex-M4F processor and are the most capable Bluetooth Smart SoCs on the market. |
The NXP LPC is a family of 32-bit microcontroller integrated circuits by NXP Semiconductors. The LPC chips are grouped into related series that are based around the same 32-bit ARM processor core, such as the Cortex-M4F, Cortex-M3, Cortex-M0+, or Cortex-M0. Internally, each microcontroller consists of the processor core, static RAM memory, flash memory, debugging interface, and various peripherals. |
The IOP (Internet Offload Processor) W7500 is the one-chip solution which integrates an ARM Cortex-M0, 128KB Flash and hardwired TCP/IP core for various embedded application platform especially requiring Internet of things |
The Samsung ARTIK Smart IoT platform brings hardware modules and cloud services together, with built-in security and an ecosystem of tools and partners to speed up your time-to-market. |
Silicon Labs EFM32 Gecko 32-bit microcontroller (MCU) family includes devices that offer flash memory configurations up to 256 kB, 32 kB of RAM and CPU speeds up to 48 MHz. Based on the powerful ARM Cortex-M core, the Gecko family features innovative low energy techniques, short wake-up time from energy saving modes and a wide selection of peripherals, making it ideal for battery operated applications and other systems requiring high performance and low-energy consumption. |
The STM32 family of 32-bit Flash MCUs based on the ARM Cortex-M processor is designed to offer new degrees of freedom to MCU users. It offers a 32-bit product range that combines very high performance, real-time capabilities, digital signal processing, and low-power, low-voltage operation, while maintaining full integration and ease of development. |
Teensy is a complete USB-based microcontroller development system, in a very small footprint, capable of implementing many types of projects. All programming is done via the USB port. No special programmer is needed, only a standard USB cable and a PC or Macintosh with a USB port. |
MSP430 microcontrollers (MCUs) from Texas Instruments (TI) are 16-bit, RISC-based, mixed-signal processors designed for ultra-low power. These MCUs offer the lowest power consumption and the perfect mix of integrated peripherals for thousands of applications. |
Texas Instruments TM4C12x MCUs offer the industrys most popular ARM Cortex-M4 core with scalable memory and package options, unparalleled connectivity peripherals, advanced application functions, industry-leading analog integration, and extensive software solutions. |
Name |
Description |
Arduino Wiring-based Framework allows writing cross-platform software to control devices attached to a wide range of Arduino boards to create all kinds of creative coding, interactive objects, spaces or physical experiences. |
The ARM Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS) is a vendor-independent hardware abstraction layer for the Cortex-M processor series and specifies debugger interfaces. The CMSIS enables consistent and simple software interfaces to the processor for interface peripherals, real-time operating systems, and middleware. It simplifies software re-use, reducing the learning curve for new microcontroller developers and cutting the time-to-market for devices. |
Energia Wiring-based framework enables pretty much anyone to start easily creating microcontroller-based projects and applications. Its easy-to-use libraries and functions provide developers of all experience levels to start blinking LEDs, buzzing buzzers and sensing sensors more quickly than ever before. |
The libOpenCM3 framework aims to create a free/libre/open-source firmware library for various ARM Cortex-M0(+)/M3/M4 microcontrollers, including ST STM32, Ti Tiva and Stellaris, NXP LPC 11xx, 13xx, 15xx, 17xx parts, Atmel SAM3, Energy Micro EFM32 and others. |
The mbed framework The mbed SDK has been designed to provide enough hardware abstraction to be intuitive and concise, yet powerful enough to build complex projects. It is built on the low-level ARM CMSIS APIs, allowing you to code down to the metal if needed. In addition to RTOS, USB and Networking libraries, a cookbook of hundreds of reusable peripheral and module libraries have been built on top of the SDK by the mbed Developer Community. |
The ST Standard Peripheral Library provides a set of functions for handling the peripherals on the STM32 Cortex-M3 family. The idea is to save the user (the new user, in particular) having to deal directly with the registers. |
STM32Cube embedded software libraries, including: The HAL hardware abstraction layer, enabling portability between different STM32 devices via standardized API calls; The Low-Layer (LL) APIs, a light-weight, optimized, expert oriented set of APIs designed for both performance and runtime efficiency. |
Tizen RT is a lightweight RTOS-based platform to support low-end IoT devices |
For more detailed board
information please scroll tables below by horizontal.
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
Black Magic Probe (default) |
STM32F415RGT |
168 MHz |
1024 Kb |
128 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F446VET6 |
168 MHz |
512 Kb |
128 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
SAMD21G18A |
48 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
SAMD21G18A |
48 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
SAMD21G18A |
48 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
SAMD21G18A |
48 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
SAMD21G18A |
48 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
SAMD21G18A |
48 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
SAMD21G18A |
48 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F417VGT6 |
168 MHz |
1024 Kb |
192 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F427VIT6 |
168 MHz |
2048 Kb |
256 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F407VET6 |
168 MHz |
512 Kb |
192 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
48 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
48 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
48 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
48 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
NRF51822 |
16 MHz |
256 Kb |
16 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
NRF51822 |
32 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
NRF52832 |
64 MHz |
512 Kb |
64 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
NRF51822 |
32 MHz |
256 Kb |
16 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
NRF51822 |
32 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
LPC812 |
30 MHz |
16 Kb |
4 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
LPC4088 |
120 MHz |
512 Kb |
96 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
LPC4088 |
120 MHz |
512 Kb |
96 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
STM32F411RET6 |
100 MHz |
512 Kb |
128 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
MK64FN1M0VLL12 |
120 MHz |
1024 Kb |
256 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
MK20DX128VLH5 |
48 MHz |
128 Kb |
16 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
MK22FN512VLH12 |
120 MHz |
512 Kb |
128 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
MK64FN1M0VLL12 |
120 MHz |
1024 Kb |
256 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
MK66FN2M0VMD18 |
180 MHz |
2048 Kb |
256 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
MKL05Z32VFM4 |
48 MHz |
32 Kb |
4 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
MKL25Z128VLK4 |
48 MHz |
128 Kb |
16 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
MKL26Z128VLH4 |
48 MHz |
128 Kb |
16 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
MKL27Z64VLH4 |
48 MHz |
64 Kb |
16 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
MKL43Z256VLH4 |
48 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
MKL46Z256VLL4 |
48 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
MKW41Z512VHT4 |
48 MHz |
512 Kb |
128 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2 (default), ST-LINK/V2-1 |
STM32F103C8T6 |
72 MHz |
64 Kb |
20 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2 (default), ST-LINK/V2-1 |
STM32F103C8 |
72 MHz |
64 Kb |
20 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2 (default), ST-LINK/V2-1 |
STM32F103CB |
72 MHz |
128 Kb |
20 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2 (default), ST-LINK/V2-1 |
STM32F103R8 |
72 MHz |
64 Kb |
20 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2 (default), ST-LINK/V2-1 |
STM32F103RB |
72 MHz |
128 Kb |
20 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2 (default), ST-LINK/V2-1 |
STM32F103RC |
72 MHz |
256 Kb |
48 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2 (default), ST-LINK/V2-1 |
STM32F103RE |
72 MHz |
512 Kb |
64 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
NRF51822 |
16 MHz |
128 Kb |
16 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
STM32F103RB |
72 MHz |
128 Kb |
17 Kb |
STM32F103CB |
72 MHz |
128 Kb |
20 Kb |
STM32F103CB |
72 MHz |
128 Kb |
17 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F412ZGT6 |
100 MHz |
1024 Kb |
256 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
LPC4330 |
204 MHz |
8192 Kb |
264 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
MK64FN1M0VDC12 |
120 MHz |
1024 Kb |
256 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
STM32F411RET6 |
100 MHz |
512 Kb |
128 Kb |
STM32F411RET6 |
100 MHz |
512 Kb |
128 Kb |
STM32F411RET6 |
100 MHz |
512 Kb |
128 Kb |
STM32L151CCU6 |
32 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
LPC11U24 |
48 MHz |
32 Kb |
8 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
LPC11U24 |
48 MHz |
32 Kb |
8 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
LPC11U68 |
50 MHz |
256 Kb |
36 Kb |
LPC1768 |
96 MHz |
512 Kb |
64 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
LPC2460 |
72 MHz |
64 Kb |
16 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
LPC812 |
30 MHz |
16 Kb |
4 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
LPC824 |
30 MHz |
32 Kb |
8 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
NRF51822 |
32 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
NRF51822 |
32 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
NRF51822 |
16 MHz |
128 Kb |
16 Kb |
J-LINK (on-board) |
NRF52840 |
64 MHz |
1024 Kb |
256 Kb |
J-LINK (on-board) |
NRF52832 |
64 MHz |
512 Kb |
64 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
NRF51822 |
32 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
NRF51822 |
16 MHz |
128 Kb |
8 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
NRF51822 |
16 MHz |
256 Kb |
16 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
NRF51822 |
16 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
NRF52832 |
64 MHz |
512 Kb |
64 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
NRF52832 |
64 MHz |
512 Kb |
64 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F401RET6 |
84 MHz |
512 Kb |
96 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32L476RGT6 |
80 MHz |
1024 Kb |
128 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
SAMD21J18A |
48 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
SAMD21G18A |
48 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2 (on-board) |
STM32F030R8T6 |
48 MHz |
64 Kb |
8 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2 (on-board) |
STM32F051R8T6 |
48 MHz |
64 Kb |
8 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V1 (on-board) |
STM32F100RBT6 |
24 MHz |
128 Kb |
8 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2 (on-board) |
STM32F303VCT6 |
72 MHz |
256 Kb |
48 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F334C8T6 |
72 MHz |
64 Kb |
12 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2 (on-board) |
STM32F401VCT6 |
84 MHz |
256 Kb |
64 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2 (on-board) |
STM32F407VGT6 |
168 MHz |
1024 Kb |
128 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F411VET6 |
100 MHz |
512 Kb |
128 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F413ZHT6 |
100 MHz |
512 Kb |
128 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2 (on-board) |
STM32F429ZIT6 |
180 MHz |
2048 Kb |
256 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2 (on-board) |
STM32F469NIH6 |
180 MHz |
1024 Kb |
384 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F746NGH6 |
216 MHz |
1024 Kb |
320 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F769NIH6 |
80 MHz |
1024 Kb |
512 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32L053C8T6 |
32 MHz |
64 Kb |
8 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32L072CZ |
32 MHz |
192 Kb |
20 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32L152RBT6 |
32 MHz |
128 Kb |
16 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32L475VGT6 |
80 MHz |
1024 Kb |
128 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32L476VGT6 |
80 MHz |
1024 Kb |
128 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board), J-LINK |
STM32L073VZT6 |
32 MHz |
192 Kb |
20 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F030R8T6 |
48 MHz |
64 Kb |
8 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F031K6T6 |
48 MHz |
32 Kb |
4 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F042K6T6 |
48 MHz |
32 Kb |
6 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F070RBT6 |
48 MHz |
128 Kb |
16 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F072RBT6 |
48 MHz |
128 Kb |
16 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F091RCT6 |
48 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F103RBT6 |
72 MHz |
128 Kb |
20 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F207ZGT6 |
120 MHz |
1024 Kb |
128 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F302R8T6 |
72 MHz |
64 Kb |
16 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F303K8T6 |
72 MHz |
64 Kb |
16 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F303RET6 |
72 MHz |
512 Kb |
64 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F303ZET6 |
72 MHz |
512 Kb |
64 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F334R8T6 |
72 MHz |
64 Kb |
16 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F401RET6 |
84 MHz |
512 Kb |
96 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F410RBT6 |
100 MHz |
128 Kb |
32 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F411RET6 |
100 MHz |
512 Kb |
128 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F412ZGT6 |
100 MHz |
1024 Kb |
256 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F429ZIT6 |
180 MHz |
2048 Kb |
256 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F446RET6 |
180 MHz |
512 Kb |
128 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F446ZET6 |
180 MHz |
512 Kb |
128 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F746ZGT6 |
216 MHz |
1024 Kb |
320 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F767ZIT6 |
216 MHz |
2048 Kb |
512 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32L011K4T6 |
32 MHz |
16 Kb |
2 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32L031K6T6 |
32 MHz |
32 Kb |
8 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32L053R8T6 |
48 MHz |
64 Kb |
8 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32L073RZ |
32 MHz |
192 Kb |
20 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32L152RET6 |
32 MHz |
512 Kb |
80 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32L432KCU6 |
80 MHz |
256 Kb |
64 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32L476RGT6 |
80 MHz |
1024 Kb |
128 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
Custom (default) |
S5JT200 |
320 MHz |
8192 Kb |
1280 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
NRF51822 |
16 MHz |
128 Kb |
16 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
NRF51822 |
16 MHz |
256 Kb |
16 Kb |
Black Magic Probe, ST-LINK/V2-1 (on-board) |
STM32F407VET6 |
168 MHz |
512 Kb |
192 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
LPC1768 |
96 MHz |
512 Kb |
64 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
NRF51822 |
16 MHz |
256 Kb |
16 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
STM32L152RC |
32 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
J-LINK (on-board) |
EFM32GG990F1024 |
48 MHz |
1024 Kb |
128 Kb |
J-LINK (on-board) |
EFM32HG322F64 |
24 MHz |
64 Kb |
8 Kb |
J-LINK (on-board) |
EFM32LG990F256 |
48 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
J-LINK (on-board) |
EFM32PG1B200F256 |
40 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
J-LINK (on-board) |
EFM32WG990F256 |
48 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
J-LINK (on-board) |
EFM32ZG222F32 |
24 MHz |
32 Kb |
4 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
SAMD21G18A |
48 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
SAMD21G18A |
48 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
NRF51822 |
16 MHz |
256 Kb |
16 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
LPC1114FN28 |
48 MHz |
32 Kb |
4 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
LPC824 |
30 MHz |
32 Kb |
8 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
NRF51822 |
32 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
TI-ICDI (on-board) |
80 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
MSP Debug (on-board) |
MSP430F5529 |
16 MHz |
128 Kb |
8 Kb |
MSP Debug (on-board) |
MSP430FR4133 |
8 MHz |
16 Kb |
2 Kb |
MSP Debug (on-board) |
MSP430FR5739 |
16 MHz |
16 Kb |
0.5 Kb |
MSP Debug (on-board) |
MSP430FR5969 |
8 MHz |
64 Kb |
2 Kb |
MSP Debug (on-board) |
MSP430FR6989 |
8 MHz |
128 Kb |
2 Kb |
MSP Debug (on-board) |
MSP430G2553 |
16 MHz |
16 Kb |
0.5 Kb |
TI-ICDI (on-board) |
LPTM4C1230C3PM |
80 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
TI-ICDI (on-board) |
120 MHz |
1024 Kb |
256 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
NRF52832 |
64 MHz |
512 Kb |
64 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
MK64FX512 |
120 MHz |
512 Kb |
192 Kb |
MK66FX1M0 |
180 MHz |
1024 Kb |
256 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
NRF51822 |
16 MHz |
128 Kb |
32 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
WIZNET7500 |
48 MHz |
128 Kb |
48 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
48 MHz |
128 Kb |
48 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
48 MHz |
128 Kb |
48 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
NRF51822 |
32 MHz |
256 Kb |
32 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
STM32F437VG |
180 MHz |
1024 Kb |
256 Kb |
STM32F437VG |
180 MHz |
1024 Kb |
256 Kb |
J-LINK (on-board) |
NRF52832 |
64 MHz |
512 Kb |
64 Kb |
STM32F439ZIY6 |
168 MHz |
2048 Kb |
256 Kb |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
LPC1768 |
96 MHz |
512 Kb |
64 Kb |
ID |
Name |
Platform |
Debug |
Microcontroller |
Frequency |
Flash |
CMSIS-DAP (on-board) |
NRF51822 |
16 MHz |
256 Kb |
16 Kb |