

See “Drivers” section for FTDI Chip debug probe.

Running modes

GAPuino supports 2 main modes:

  1. Running from RAM, boot_mode=jtag

  2. Running from HyperFlash, boot_mode=jtag_hyper

A running process can be controlled through the internal upload commands:

  • load, @TODO

  • reqloop, @TODO

  • ioloop, @TODO

  • start, @TODO

  • wait, @TODO

You can configure “boot mode” and list of upload commands using “platformio.ini” (Project Configuration File). Default values are:

  • board_upload.boot_mode = jtag

  • board_upload.commands = load reqloop ioloop start wait

Run from RAM

This is a default behavior when you run “Upload” task in PlatformIO IDE or use PlatformIO Core (CLI) and platformio run --target command with upload target.

Run from RAM (without any bridge interaction)

Flash and run from RAM

The same as Uploading files to HyperFlash.

Flash and run from Flash

Run from Flash


You have to perform Uploading files to HyperFlash before.

Run from Flash (without any bridge interaction)


You have to perform Uploading files to HyperFlash before.

Uploading files to HyperFlash

  1. Create new project using PlatformIO IDE or initialize project using PlatformIO Core (CLI) and platformio init (if you have not initialized it yet)

  2. Create data folder (it should be on the same level as src folder) and put files here. Also, you can specify own location for data_dir

  3. Run “Upload File System image” task in PlatformIO IDE or use PlatformIO Core (CLI) and platformio run --target command with uploadfs target.
