
Cloud9 combines a powerful online code editor with a full Ubuntu workspace in the cloud. Workspaces are powered by Docker Ubuntu containers that give you full freedom over your environment, including sudo rights. Do a git push, compile SASS, see server output, and Run apps easily with the built-in Terminal and Runners.


  1. Please make sure to read PIO Remote guide first.

  2. You need PIO Account if you don’t have it. Registration is FREE.

  3. You should have a running PIO Remote Agent on a remote machine where hardware devices are connected physically or accessible for the remote operations. See PIO Remote Quick Start for details.




  1. Sign in to Cloud9. A registration is FREE and gives you for FREE 1 private workspace (where you can host multiple PlatformIO Projects) and unlimited public workspaces.

  2. Create a new workspace using Blank template

  1. Install PlatformIO Core (CLI) using Cloud IDE Terminal. Paste a next command

sudo python -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  1. Log in to PIO Account using platformio account login command.

Quick Start

Let’s create our first PlatformIO-based Cloud9 Project

  1. Initialize new PlatformIO-based Project. Run a next command in Cloud IDE Terminal:

    platformio init --board <ID>
    # initialize project for Arduino Uno
    platformio init --board uno

    To get board ID please use platformio boards command or Embedded Boards Explorer.

  2. Create new source file named main.cpp in src folder using Project Tree (left side). Please make right click on src folder, then “New File” and insert a next content:

    #include <Arduino.h>
    int i = 0;
    void setup() {
        Serial.println("Hello Cloud9!");
    void loop() {
        /*  serial echo */
        while (Serial.available()) {
  1. If you prefer to work with PlatformIO Core (CLI) CLI, then you can process project using Cloud IDE Terminal and the next commands:

    If you are interested in better integration with Cloud9 and GUI, please read guide below where we will explain how to create custom Build System for PlatformIO and own Runners.

PlatformIO Build System

Cloud9 allows to create own build system and use hotkey or command (Menu: Run > Build) to build a project.

Let’s create PlatformIO Build System that will be used for C/C++/H/INO/PDE files by default. Please click on Menu: Run > Build System > New Build System and replace all content with the next:

    "cmd" : ["pio", "run", "-d", "$file"],
    "info" : "Building $project_path/$file_name",
    "selector": "^.*\\.(cpp|c|h|hpp|S|ini|ino|pde)$"

Save new Build System and give a name PIOBuilder. Now, you can select it as default Build System using Menu: Run > Build System > PIOBuilder.

Remote Device Manager

Remote Device Manager works in pair with PIO Remote. You can list remote devices that are connected to host machine where PIO Remote Agent is started or are visible for it.

Let’s create New Run Configuration (shortcut) that will be used for Remote Device Manager. Please click on Menu: Run > Run Configurations > Manage..., then “Add New Config” and specify the next values:

  • First Blank Input: a name of runner. Please set it to “PIO: Remote Devices”

  • Command: set to pio remote device list

  • Runner: set to “Shell command”


Remote Firmware Uploading

Remote Firmware Uploading works in pair with PIO Remote. You can deploy firmware (program) to any devices which are visible for PIO Remote Agent.

Let’s create New Run Configuration (shortcut) that will be used for Remote Firmware Uploading. Please click on Menu: Run > Run Configurations > Manage..., then “Add New Config” and specify the next values:

  • First Blank Input: a name of runner. Please set it to “PIO: Remote Upload”

  • Command: set to pio remote run -t upload

  • Runner: set to “Shell command”


Remote Serial Port Monitor

Remote Serial Port Monitor works in pair with PIO Remote. You can read or send data to any device that is connected to host machine where PIO Remote Agent is started. To list active agents please use this command platformio remote agent list.

Let’s create New Run Configuration (shortcut) that will be used for Remote Serial Port Monitor. Please click on Menu: Run > Run Configurations > Manage..., then “Add New Config” and specify the next values:

  • First Blank Input: a name of runner. Please set it to “PIO: Remote Serial Monitor”

  • Command: set to pio remote device monitor

  • Runner: set to “Shell command”


Multi-Project workspace

You can have multiple PlatformIO-based Projects in the same workspace. We recommend a next folders structure:

├── project-A
│   ├── lib
│   │   └── README
│   ├── platformio.ini
│   └── src
│       └── main.ino
└── project-B
    ├── lib
    │   └── README
    ├── platformio.ini
    └── src
        ├── main.cpp
        └── main.h

In this case, you need to create 2 “New Run Configuration” for Remote Firmware Uploading with using the next commands:

  • pio remote run --project-dir project-A -t upload for Project-A

  • pio remote run -d project-B -t upload for Project-B

See documentation for platformio remote run --project-dir option.