platformio lib install


platformio lib [STORAGE_OPTIONS] install [OPTIONS] [LIBRARY...]
pio lib [STORAGE_OPTIONS] install [OPTIONS] [LIBRARY...]

# install all project dependencies declared via "lib_deps"
# (run it from a project root where is located "platformio.ini")
platformio lib install [OPTIONS]

# install project dependent library
# (run it from a project root where is located "platformio.ini")
platformio lib install [OPTIONS] [LIBRARY...]

# install dependencies for the specific project build environment
# (run it from a project root where is located "platformio.ini")
platformio lib -e myenv install [OPTIONS] [LIBRARY...]
platformio lib -d /path/to/platformio/project -e myenv install [OPTIONS] [LIBRARY...]

# install to global storage
platformio lib --global install [OPTIONS] [LIBRARY...]
platformio lib -g install [OPTIONS] [LIBRARY...]

# install to custom storage
platformio lib --storage-dir /path/to/dir install [OPTIONS] [LIBRARY...]
platformio lib -d /path/to/dir1 -d /path/to/dir2 install [OPTIONS] [LIBRARY...]

# [LIBRARY...] forms
platformio lib [STORAGE_OPTIONS] install (with no args, project dependencies)
platformio lib [STORAGE_OPTIONS] install <id>
platformio lib [STORAGE_OPTIONS] install id=<id>
platformio lib [STORAGE_OPTIONS] install <id>@<version>
platformio lib [STORAGE_OPTIONS] install <id>@<version range>
platformio lib [STORAGE_OPTIONS] install <name>
platformio lib [STORAGE_OPTIONS] install <name>@<version>
platformio lib [STORAGE_OPTIONS] install <name>@<version range>
platformio lib [STORAGE_OPTIONS] install <zip or tarball url>
platformio lib [STORAGE_OPTIONS] install file://<zip or tarball file>
platformio lib [STORAGE_OPTIONS] install file://<folder>
platformio lib [STORAGE_OPTIONS] install <repository>
platformio lib [STORAGE_OPTIONS] install <name>=<repository> (name it should have locally)
platformio lib [STORAGE_OPTIONS] install <repository#tag> ("tag" can be commit, branch or tag)


If some libraries are not visible in PlatformIO IDE and Code Completion or Code Linting does not work properly, please perform

  • Atom: “Menu: PlatformIO > Rebuild C/C++ Project Index (Autocomplete, Linter)”

  • VSCode: “Menu: View > Command Palette… > PlatformIO: Rebuild C/C++ Project Index”


Install a library, and any libraries that it depends on using:

  1. Library id or name from PlatformIO Library Registry

  2. Custom folder, repository or archive.

The version supports Semantic Versioning ( <major>.<minor>.<patch>) and can take any of the following forms:

  • 1.2.3 - an exact version number. Use only this exact version

  • ^1.2.3 - any compatible version (exact version for 1.x.x versions)

  • ~1.2.3 - any version with the same major and minor versions, and an equal or greater patch version

  • >1.2.3 - any version greater than 1.2.3. >=, <, and <= are also possible

  • >0.1.0,!=0.2.0,<0.3.0 - any version greater than 0.1.0, not equal to 0.2.0 and less than 0.3.0

PlatformIO supports installing from local directory or archive. Need to use file:// prefix before local path. Also, directory or archive should contain .library.json manifest (see library.json).

  • file:///local/path/to/the/platform/dir

  • file:///local/path/to/the/

  • file:///local/path/to/the/platform.tar.gz

Storage Options

See base options for Library Manager CLI.



Save installed libraries into the “platformio.ini” (Project Configuration File) dependency list (lib_deps).

You can save libraries for the specific project environment using -e, --environment option from platformio lib command. For example, platformio lib -e myenv install [LIBRARY...].

-s, --silent

Suppress progress reporting


Allow one to make a choice for all prompts

-f, --force

Reinstall/redownload library if it exists

Version control

PlatformIO supports installing from Git, Mercurial and Subversion, and detects the type of VCS using url prefixes: “git+”, “hg+”, or “svn+”.


PlatformIO requires a working VCS command on your path: git, hg or svn.


The supported schemes are: git, git+https and git+ssh. Here are the supported forms:

  • user/library (short version for GitHub repository)


  • git+git://

  • git+

  • git+ssh://

  • git+ssh://

  • [user@]host.xz:path/to/repo.git

Passing branch names, a commit hash or a tag name is possible like so:


The supported schemes are: hg+http, hg+https and hg+ssh. Here are the supported forms:

Passing branch names, a commit hash or a tag name is possible like so:

  • hg+hg://

  • hg+

  • hg+ssh://


The supported schemes are: svn, svn+svn, svn+http, svn+https and svn+ssh. Here are the supported forms:

  • svn+svn://

  • svn+

  • svn+ssh://

You can also give specific revisions to an SVN URL, like so:

  • svn+svn://


  1. Install the latest version of library to a global storage using ID or NAME

> platformio lib -g install 4

Library Storage: /storage/dir/...
LibraryManager: Installing id=4
Downloading  [####################################]  100%
Unpacking  [####################################]  100%
IRremote @ 2.2.1 has been successfully installed!

# repeat command with name
> platformio lib -g install IRRemote

Library Storage: /storage/dir/...
Looking for IRRemote library in registry
LibraryManager: Installing id=4
IRremote @ 2.2.1 is already installed
  1. Install specified version of a library to a global storage

> platformio lib -g install ArduinoJson@5.6.7

Library Storage: /storage/dir/...
Looking for ArduinoJson library in registry
LibraryManager: Installing id=64 @ 5.6.7
Downloading  [####################################]  100%
Unpacking  [####################################]  100%
ArduinoJson @ 5.6.7 has been successfully installed!
  1. Install library with dependencies to custom storage

> platformio lib --storage-dir /my/storage/dir install DallasTemperature

Library Storage: /my/storage/dir
Looking for DallasTemperature library in registry
LibraryManager: Installing id=54
Downloading  [####################################]  100%
Unpacking  [####################################]  100%
DallasTemperature @ 3.7.7 has been successfully installed!
Installing dependencies
Looking for OneWire library in registry
LibraryManager: Installing id=1
Downloading  [####################################]  100%
Unpacking  [####################################]  100%
OneWire @ 8fd2ebfec7 has been successfully installed!
  1. Install ARM mbed library to the global storage

> platformio lib -g install

Library Storage: /storage/dir/...
LibraryManager: Installing TextLCD
Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 3.8.4)
(see for more information)

Copyright (C) 2005-2016 Matt Mackall and others
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
requesting all changes
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 9 changesets with 18 changes to 6 files
updating to branch default
2 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
TextLCD @ 308d188a2d3a has been successfully installed!
  1. Install from archive using URL

> platformio lib -g install

Library Storage: /storage/dir/...
LibraryManager: Installing master
Downloading  [####################################]  100%
Unpacking  [####################################]  100%
DHT sensor library @ 1.2.3 has been successfully installed!