Install Shell Commands

PlatformIO Core (CLI) consists of 2 standalone tools in a system:

If you have PlatformIO IDE already installed, you do not need to install PlatformIO Core (CLI) separately. Just link these tools with your shell:

Unix and Unix-like

In Unix and Unix-like systems, there are multiple ways to achieve this.

Method 1

You can export the PlatformIO executables’ directory to the PATH environmental variable. This method will allow you to execute platformio commands from any terminal emulator as long as you’re logged in as the user PlatformIO is installed and configured for.

If you use Bash as your default shell, you can do it by editing either ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile and adding the following line:

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.platformio/penv/bin

If you use Zsh, you can either edit ~/.zprofile and add the code above, or for supporting both, Bash and Zsh, you can first edit ~/.profile and add the code above, then edit ~/.zprofile and add the following line:

emulate sh -c '. ~/.profile'

After everything’s done, just restart your session (log out and log back in) and you’re good to go.

If you don’t know the difference between the two, check out this page.

Method 2

You can create system-wide symlinks. This method is not recommended if you have multiple users on your computer because the symlinks will be broken for other users and they will get errors while executing PlatformIO commands. If that’s not a problem, open your system terminal app and paste these commands (MAY require administrator access sudo):

ln -s ~/.platformio/penv/bin/platformio /usr/local/bin/platformio
ln -s ~/.platformio/penv/bin/pio /usr/local/bin/pio
ln -s ~/.platformio/penv/bin/piodebuggdb /usr/local/bin/piodebuggdb

After that, you should be able to run PlatformIO from terminal. No restart is required.


Please read one of these instructions How do I set or change the PATH system variable?

You need to edit the system environment variable called Path and append C:\Users\UserName\.platformio\penv\Scripts; path in the beginning of a list (please replace UserName with your account name).