pio pkg exec [OPTIONS] [ARGS]
pio pkg exec -- <CMD> [ARGS]
pio pkg exec --package <SPECIFICATION> -- <CMD> [ARGS]
pio pkg exec --call '<cmd> [args]'
Run command from a PlatformIO package.
A double-hyphen --
flag is required before a command when passing its options.
Run a command from the specified package using Package Specifications. If a package has not been installed yet, PlatformIO will install it from the PlatformIO Registry.
If a package is not provided, run an arbitrary command from the first matched installed package.
Run a command and its arguments specified as a string.
Run an arbitrary command from the first matched installed package
> pio pkg exec -- openocd --help
OpenOCD x86_64 Open On-Chip Debugger 0.11.0+dev (2021-10-17-00:18)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
Open On-Chip Debugger
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
--help | -h display this help
--version | -v display OpenOCD version
--file | -f use configuration file <name>
--search | -s dir to search for config files and scripts
--debug | -d set debug level to 3
| -d<n> set debug level to <level>
--log_output | -l redirect log output to file <name>
--command | -c run <command>
Install JLink package and run GDB server
> pio pkg exec -p tool-jlink -- JLinkGDBServer -singlerun -if JTAG -select USB -jtagconf -1,-1 -device EFR32BG22CxxxF512 -port 2331