pio pkg uninstall [OPTIONS]
Uninstall the project dependencies or custom packages from the PlatformIO Registry or external sources.
If no custom packages (--library
, --platform
, or --tool
) are
specified, the command will uninstall the following project
dependencies based on “platformio.ini” (Project Configuration File):
Library dependencies declared using the lib_deps option
Development platform declared using the platform option and its dependencies (toolchain, framework, SDKs, debugging server, etc)
Custom tools declared using the platform_packages option.
See pio pkg install command for package specification.
Specify the path to project directory. By default, --project-dir
is equal
to current working directory (CWD
Uninstall project dependencies only for the specified environments. Multiple environments are allowed.
Uninstall specified development platform using Package Specifications. Multiple items are allowed.
pio pkg uninstall -p "aceinna/aceinna_imu@^1.3.8" -p "platformio/atmelavr"
pio pkg uninstall --platform "https://github.com/platformio/platform-sifive.git"
Uninstall specified tool using Package Specifications. Multiple items are allowed.
pio pkg uninstall -t "platformio/tool-openocd"
pio pkg uninstall --tool https://github.com/platformio/platform-sifive.git
Uninstall specified library using Package Specifications. Multiple items are allowed.
pio pkg uninstall -l "bblanchon/ArduinoJson@^6.19.2" -l "milesburton/DallasTemperature@^3.9.1"
pio pkg uninstall --library https://github.com/Makuna/NeoPixelBus.git
Prevent removing specified packages from “platformio.ini” (Project Configuration File).
Uninstall a package and keep its dependencies declared in the manifest dependencies field.
Uninstall packages from the global storage:
platforms_dir - development platforms
packages_dir - tools
globallib_dir - libraries.
Specify a custom Package Manager storage for global packages.
Suppress progress reporting.