pio project init


pio project init [OPTIONS]


Initialize a new PlatformIO based project or update existing with new data.

This command will create:


-d, --project-dir

A path to a directory where PlatformIO will initialize new project.

-b, --board

If you specify board ID (you can pass multiple --board options), then PlatformIO will automatically generate environment for “platformio.ini” (Project Configuration File) and pre-fill these data:

The full list with pre-configured boards is available here Development Platforms.


Initialize PlatformIO project for the specified IDE which can be imported later via “Import Project” functionality.

A list with supported IDE is available within pio project init --help command. Also, please take a look at Cloud & Desktop IDEs page.

-e, --environment

Update project using existing environment.

-O, --project-option

Initialize project with additional options from “platformio.ini” (Project Configuration File). For example, pio project init --project-option="lib_deps=ArduinoJSON". Multiple options are allowed.


An environment prefix which will be used with pair in board ID. For example, the default environment name for Teensy 3.1 / 3.2 board will be [env:teensy31].


Do not resolve project dependencies and do not install missed packages.


New in version 6.1.7.

Include sample code in the newly created project. The availability of sample code depends on the Development Platforms being used.

-s, --silent

Suppress progress reporting.


  1. Initialize new project in a current working directory

> pio project init

The current working directory *** will be used for the new project.
You can specify another project directory via
`pio project init -d %PATH_TO_THE_PROJECT_DIR%` command.

The following files/directories will be created in ***
platformio.ini - Project Configuration File. |-> PLEASE EDIT ME <-|
src - Put your source files here
lib - Put here project specific (private) libraries
Project has been successfully initialized!
Useful commands:
`pio run` - process/build project from the current directory
`pio run --target upload` or `pio run -t upload` - upload firmware to embedded board
`pio run --target clean` - clean project (remove compiled files)
  1. Initialize new project in a specified directory

> pio project init -d %PATH_TO_DIR%

The following files/directories will be created in ***
 platformio.ini - Project Configuration File. |-> PLEASE EDIT ME <-|
  1. Initialize project for Arduino Uno

> pio project init --board uno

The current working directory *** will be used for the new project.
You can specify another project directory via
`pio project init -d %PATH_TO_THE_PROJECT_DIR%` command.
  1. Initialize project for Teensy 3.1 board with custom Mbed

> pio project init --board teensy31 --project-option "framework=mbed"

The current working directory *** will be used for the new project.
You can specify another project directory via
`pio project init -d %PATH_TO_THE_PROJECT_DIR%` command.

  1. Initialize a new project passing working environment name and its options

> pio project init --environment native --project-option="platform=native" --project-option="build_flags=-DRELEASE=1"

The current working directory *** will be used for the new project.