platform = riscv_gap
GreenWaves GAP8 IoT application processor enables the cost-effective development, deployment and autonomous operation of intelligent sensing devices that capture, analyze, classify and act on the fusion of rich data sources such as images, sounds or vibrations.
For more detailed information please visit vendor site.
See “Drivers” section for FTDI Chip debug probe.
You need GAP8 AutoTiler library, please request it via
Put a library somewhere on a disk and add this folder to library path using build_flags in “platformio.ini” (Project Configuration File). For example,
[env:gapuino] platform = riscv_gap board = gapuino framework = ... build_flags = -L/path/to/libtile/folder
GAPuino supports 2 main modes:
Running from RAM, boot_mode=jtag
Running from HyperFlash, boot_mode=jtag_hyper
A running process can be controlled through the internal upload commands:
You can configure “boot mode” and list of upload commands using “platformio.ini” (Project Configuration File). Default values are:
board_upload.boot_mode = jtag
board_upload.commands = load reqloop ioloop start wait
This is a default behavior when you run “Upload” task in PlatformIO IDE or use
PlatformIO Core (CLI) and pio run --target
command with upload
Configure build environment using “platformio.ini” (Project Configuration File) as described below
platform = riscv_gap
board = gapuino
framework = ...
board_upload.commands = load start
Run “Upload” task in PlatformIO IDE or use PlatformIO Core (CLI) and
pio run --target
command with upload
The same as Uploading files to HyperFlash.
Configure build environment using “platformio.ini” (Project Configuration File) as described below
platform = riscv_gap
board = gapuino
framework = ...
board_upload.boot_mode = jtag_hyper
board_upload.commands = reqloop ioloop start wait
Perform Uploading files to HyperFlash.
You have to perform Uploading files to HyperFlash before.
Configure build environment using “platformio.ini” (Project Configuration File) as described below
platform = riscv_gap
board = gapuino
framework = ...
board_upload.boot_mode = jtag_hyper
board_upload.commands = reqloop ioloop start wait
Run “Upload” task in PlatformIO IDE or use PlatformIO Core (CLI) and
pio run --target
command with upload
You have to perform Uploading files to HyperFlash before.
Configure build environment using “platformio.ini” (Project Configuration File) as described below
platform = riscv_gap
board = gapuino
framework = ...
board_upload.boot_mode = jtag_hyper
board_upload.commands = start
Run “Upload” task in PlatformIO IDE or use PlatformIO Core (CLI) and
pio run --target
command with upload
Create new project using PlatformIO IDE or initialize project using PlatformIO Core (CLI) and pio project init (if you have not initialized it yet)
Create data
folder (it should be on the same level as src
and put files here. Also, you can specify own location for
Run “Upload File System image” task in PlatformIO IDE or use PlatformIO Core (CLI)
and pio run --target
command with uploadfs
Examples are listed from RISC-V GAP development platform repository:
Debugging - “1-click” solution for debugging with a zero configuration.
Supported debugging tools are listed in “Debug” column. For more detailed information, please scroll table by horizontal. You can switch between debugging Tools & Debug Probes using debug_tool option in “platformio.ini” (Project Configuration File).
You will need to install debug tool drivers depending on your system. Please click on compatible debug tool below for the further instructions.
Boards listed below have on-board debug probe and ARE READY for debugging! You do not need to use/buy external debug probe.
Name |
Frequency |
Flash |
GAP8 |
250MHz |
64MB |
8MB |
You can switch between stable releases of RISC-V GAP development platform and the latest upstream version using platform option in “platformio.ini” (Project Configuration File) as described below.
; Latest stable version, NOT recommended
; Pin the version as shown below
platform = riscv_gap
board = ...
; Specific version
platform = riscv_gap@x.y.z
board = ...
platform =
board = ...
Name |
Description |
SDK for Greenwaves Technologies’ GAP8 IoT Application Processor |
Top project for building PULP development tools |
GNU toolchain for RISC-V (PULP platform) |
Linux Users:
Install “udev” rules 99-platformio-udev.rules
Raspberry Pi users, please read this article Enable serial port on Raspberry Pi.
Windows Users:
Please check that you have a correctly installed USB driver from board manufacturer
Name |
Description |
Arm Mbed OS is a platform operating system designed for the internet of things |
SDK for Greenwaves Technologies’ GAP8 IoT Application Processor |
You can list pre-configured boards by pio boards command
For more detailed board
information please scroll the tables below by
Name |
Debug |
Frequency |
Flash |
On-board |
GAP8 |
250MHz |
64MB |
8MB |