“Cheese” Phantoms

Added in version 3.9.


These algorithms have only a limited amount of testing data and results should be scrutinized. Further, the algorithm is more likely to change in the future when a more robust test suite is built up. If you’d like to submit data, enter it here. Thanks!

The Cheese module provides routines for automatically analyzing DICOM images of phantoms commonly called “cheese” phantoms, defined by round phantoms with holes where the user can insert plugs, usually of known density. The primary use case is performing HU calibration or verification although some plugs allow for additional functionality such as spatial resolution. It can load a folder or zip file of images, correcting for translational and rotational offsets.

Phantoms Supported

The following phantoms are supported:

  • Tomotherapy Cheese

  • CIRS Electron Density

Running the Demo

To run one of the Cheese phantom demos, create a script or start an interpreter and input:

from pylinac import TomoCheese


(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


Results will be also be printed to the console:

- TomoTherapy Cheese Phantom Analysis -
- HU Module -
ROI 1 median: 17.0, stdev: 37.9
ROI 2 median: 20.0, stdev: 44.2
ROI 3 median: 23.0, stdev: 36.9
ROI 4 median: 1.0, stdev: 45.7
ROI 5 median: 17.0, stdev: 37.6
ROI 6 median: -669.0, stdev: 39.6
ROI 7 median: 14.5, stdev: 45.8
ROI 8 median: 26.0, stdev: 38.6
ROI 9 median: 653.0, stdev: 47.4
ROI 10 median: 25.0, stdev: 36.7
ROI 11 median: 24.0, stdev: 35.3
ROI 12 median: 102.0, stdev: 46.2
ROI 13 median: 8.0, stdev: 38.1
ROI 14 median: -930.0, stdev: 43.8
ROI 15 median: 23.0, stdev: 36.3
ROI 16 median: 15.0, stdev: 37.1
ROI 17 median: -516.0, stdev: 45.1
ROI 18 median: 448.0, stdev: 38.1
ROI 19 median: 269.0, stdev: 45.3
ROI 20 median: 15.0, stdev: 37.9

Typical Use

The cheese phantom analyses follows a similar pattern of load/analyze/output as the rest of the library. Unlike the CatPhan analysis, tolerances are not applied and comparison to known values is not the goal. There are two reasons for this: 1) The plugs are interchangable and thus the reference values are not necessarily constant. 2) Evaluation against a reference is not the end goal as described in the philosophy. Thus, measured values are provided; what you do with them is your business.

To use the Tomo Cheese analysis, import the class:

from pylinac import TomoCheese

And then load, analyze, and view the results:

  • Load images – Loading can be done with a directory or zip file:

    cheese_folder = r"C:/TomoTherapy/QA/September"
    cheese = TomoCheese(cheese_folder)

    or load from zip:

    cheese_zip = r"C:/TomoTherapy/QA/September.zip"
    cheese = TomoCheese.from_zip(cheese_zip)
  • Analyze – Analyze the dataset:

  • View the results – Reviewing the results can be done in text or dictionary format as well as images:

    # print text to the console
    # return a dictionary or dataclass
    results = cheese.results_data()
    # view analyzed image summary
    # save the images
    # finally, save a PDF

Plotting density

An HU-to-density curve can be plotted if an ROI configuration is passed to the analyze parameter like so:

import pylinac

density_info = {
    "1": {"density": 1.0},
    "3": {"density": 3.05},
}  # add more as needed. all keys must have a dict with 'density' defined
tomo = pylinac.TomoCheese(...)
tomo.plot_density_curve()  # in this case, ROI 1 and 3 will be plotted vs the stated density

This will plot a simple HU vs density graph.

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)



The keys of the configuration must be strings matching the ROI number on the phantom. I.e. 1 matches to “ROI 1”, etc.


Not all ROI densities have to be defined. Any ROI between 1 and 20 can be set.

Extending for other phantoms

While new commercial cheese-like phantoms will continue to be added to this module, creating new classes is relatively easy. The following steps show how this can be accomplished.

  1. Create a new class “module” that inherits from CheeseModule. This class contains information about the ROIs, such as the distance and angle away from the center. You can use the TomoCheeseModule as a guide in the source code. An example:

    from pylinac.cheese import CheeseModule
    class SwissCheeseModule(CheeseModule):
        common_name = "Swiss cheese phantom"
        roi_settings = {  # configuration of each ROI.
            "1": {  # each ROI should have a string key and the following keys
                "angle": 90,
                "distance": 45,
                "radius": 6,
            "2": {
                "angle": 45,
                "distance": 80,
                "radius": 6,
            "3": {...},


    Not all ROIs have to be defined. E.g. if you are only interested in 5 ROIs out of 20 then simply configure those 5.

  2. Create a new class that inherits from CheesePhantomBase. This will define the phantom itself:

    from pylinac.cheese import CheesePhantomBase
    class SwissCheesePhantom(CheesePhantomBase):
        model = "Swiss Cheese Phantom"
        # generally this is just the radius of a normal ROI
        air_bubble_radius_mm = 14
        # This is the radius in mm to a "ring" of ROIs that is used for localization and roll determination.
        # Generally speaking, set the value to the ring that contains the highest ROI HUs.
        localization_radius = 110
        # minimum number of images that should be in the dataset
        min_num_images = 10
        # the radius of the phantom itself
        catphan_radius_mm = 150
        # set this to the module we just created above
        module_class = SwissModule
        # Optional: for the best type inference when using an IDE, set this as well to the new module. Note it's only a type annotation!!
        module: SwissModule
  3. Use the class as normal. The base classes contain all the infrastructure code for analysis and plotting.

    swiss = SwissCheesePhantom("my/swiss/data")


The TomoCheese algorithm leverages a lot of infrastructure from the CatPhan algorithm. It is not based on a manual.


  • The images can be any size.

  • The phantom can have significant translation in all 3 directions.

  • The phantom can have significant roll and moderate yaw and pitch.



Analysis can fail or give unreliable results if any Restriction is violated.

  • The phantom cannot touch any edge of the FOV.

  • There must be at least one ROI in the “outer” ROI ring that is higher than water/background phantom. This has to do with the automatic roll compensation.


    This is not strictly required but will assist in accurate sub-degree roll compensation.


The pre-analysis is almost exactly the same as the CatPhan pre-analysis.


  • Determine image properties – Automatic roll compensation is attempted by creating a circular profile at the radius of the “outer” ROIs. This profile is then searched for peaks, which correspond to high-density plugs that have been inserted. If a peak is not found, no correction is applied and the phantom is assumed to be at 0. This would occur if all plugs have been filled with water/background plugs. If a peak is found, i.e. a plug has been inserted with HU detectably above water, the center of the peak is determined which would correspond to the center of the ROI. The distance to the nearest nominal ROI is calculated. If the value is <5 degrees, the roll compensation is applied. If the value is >5 degrees, the compensation is not applied and the phantom is assumed to be at 0.

  • Measure HU values of each plug – Based on the nominal spacing and roll compensation (if applied), each plug area is sampled for the median and standard deviation values.

API Documentation

class pylinac.cheese.TomoCheese(folderpath: str | Sequence[str] | Path | Sequence[Path] | Sequence[BytesIO], check_uid: bool = True)[source]

Bases: CheesePhantomBase

A class for analyzing the TomoTherapy ‘Cheese’ Phantom containing insert holes and plugs for HU analysis.


folderpathstr, list of strings, or Path to folder

String that points to the CBCT image folder location.


Whether to enforce raising an error if more than one UID is found in the dataset.



If folder str passed is not a valid directory.


If no CT images are found in the folder


alias of TomoCheeseModule

static run_demo(show: bool = True)[source]

Run the Tomotherapy Cheese demo

results_data(as_dict: bool = False) TomoCheeseResult | dict[source]

Return the results of the analysis as a structure dataclass

analyze(roi_config: dict | None = None) None

Analyze the Tomo Cheese phantom.



The configuration of the ROIs, specifically the known densities.

property catphan_size: float

The expected size of the phantom in pixels, based on a 20cm wide phantom.

find_origin_slice() int

Using a brute force search of the images, find the median HU linearity slice.

This method walks through all the images and takes a collapsed circle profile where the HU linearity ROIs are. If the profile contains both low (<800) and high (>800) HU values and most values are the same (i.e. it’s not an artifact), then it can be assumed it is an HU linearity slice. The median of all applicable slices is the center of the HU slice.



The middle slice of the HU linearity module.


We fit all the center locations of the phantom across all slices to a 1D poly function instead of finding them individually for robustness.

Normally, each slice would be evaluated individually, but the RadMachine jig gets in the way of detecting the HU module (🤦‍♂️). To work around that in a backwards-compatible way we instead look at all the slices and if the phantom was detected, capture the phantom center. ALL the centers are then fitted to a 1D poly function and passed to the individual slices. This way, even if one slice is messed up (such as because of the phantom jig), the poly function is robust to give the real center based on all the other properly-located positions on the other slices.

find_phantom_roll(func: Callable | None = None) float

Examine the phantom for the maximum HU delta insert position. Roll the phantom by the measured angle to the nearest nominal angle if nearby. If not nearby, default to 0

classmethod from_demo_images()

Construct a CBCT object from the demo images.

classmethod from_url(url: str, check_uid: bool = True)

Instantiate a CBCT object from a URL pointing to a .zip object.



URL pointing to a zip archive of CBCT images.


Whether to enforce raising an error if more than one UID is found in the dataset.

classmethod from_zip(zip_file: str | zipfile.ZipFile | BinaryIO, check_uid: bool = True)

Construct a CBCT object and pass the zip file.


zip_filestr, ZipFile

Path to the zip file or a ZipFile object.


Whether to enforce raising an error if more than one UID is found in the dataset.


FileExistsError : If zip_file passed was not a legitimate zip file. FileNotFoundError : If no CT images are found in the folder

localize() None

Find the slice number of the catphan’s HU linearity module and roll angle

property mm_per_pixel: float

The millimeters per pixel of the DICOM images.

property num_images: int

The number of images loaded.

plot_analyzed_image(show: bool = True, **plt_kwargs: dict) None

Plot the images used in the calculation and summary data.



Whether to plot the image or not.


Keyword args passed to the plt.figure() method. Allows one to set things like figure size.

plot_analyzed_subimage() None

Plot a specific component of the CBCT analysis.


subimage{‘hu’, ‘un’, ‘sp’, ‘lc’, ‘mtf’, ‘lin’, ‘prof’, ‘side’}

The subcomponent to plot. Values must contain one of the following letter combinations. E.g. linearity, linear, and lin will all draw the HU linearity values.

  • hu draws the HU linearity image.

  • un draws the HU uniformity image.

  • sp draws the Spatial Resolution image.

  • lc draws the Low Contrast image (if applicable).

  • mtf draws the RMTF plot.

  • lin draws the HU linearity values. Used with delta.

  • prof draws the HU uniformity profiles.

  • side draws the side view of the phantom with lines of the module locations.


Only for use with lin. Whether to plot the HU delta or actual values.


Whether to actually show the plot.

plot_density_curve(show: bool = True, **plt_kwargs: dict)

Plot the densities of the ROIs vs the measured HU. This will sort the ROIs by measured HU before plotting.



Whether to plot the image or not.


Keyword args passed to the plt.figure() method. Allows one to set things like figure size.

plot_side_view(axis: Axes) None

Plot a view of the scan from the side with lines showing detected module positions

publish_pdf(filename: str | Path, notes: str | None = None, open_file: bool = False, metadata: dict | None = None, logo: Path | str | None = None) None

Publish (print) a PDF containing the analysis and quantitative results.


filename(str, file-like object}

The file to write the results to.

notesstr, list of strings

Text; if str, prints single line. If list of strings, each list item is printed on its own line.


Whether to open the file using the default program after creation.


Extra data to be passed and shown in the PDF. The key and value will be shown with a colon. E.g. passing {‘Author’: ‘James’, ‘Unit’: ‘TrueBeam’} would result in text in the PDF like: ————– Author: James Unit: TrueBeam ————–

logo: Path, str

A custom logo to use in the PDF report. If nothing is passed, the default pylinac logo is used.

results(as_list: bool = False) str | list[str]

Return the results of the analysis as a string. Use with print().



Whether to return as a list of strings vs single string. Pretty much for internal usage.

save_analyzed_image(filename: str | Path | BinaryIO, **kwargs) None

Save the analyzed summary plot.


filenamestr, file object

The name of the file to save the image to.

kwargs :

Any valid matplotlib kwargs.

save_analyzed_subimage() None

Save a component image to file.


filenamestr, file object

The file to write the image to.


See plot_analyzed_subimage() for parameter info.


Only for use with lin. Whether to plot the HU delta or actual values.

class pylinac.cheese.CIRS062M(folderpath: str | Sequence[str] | Path | Sequence[Path] | Sequence[BytesIO], check_uid: bool = True)[source]

Bases: CheesePhantomBase

A class for analyzing the CIRS Electron Density Phantom containing insert holes and plugs for HU analysis.

See Also



folderpathstr, list of strings, or Path to folder

String that points to the CBCT image folder location.


Whether to enforce raising an error if more than one UID is found in the dataset.



If folder str passed is not a valid directory.


If no CT images are found in the folder


alias of CIRSHUModule

classmethod from_demo_images()[source]

Construct a CBCT object from the demo images.

find_origin_slice() int[source]

We override to lower the minimum variation required. This is ripe for refactor, but I’d like to add a few more phantoms first to get the full picture required.

analyze(roi_config: dict | None = None) None

Analyze the Tomo Cheese phantom.



The configuration of the ROIs, specifically the known densities.

property catphan_size: float

The expected size of the phantom in pixels, based on a 20cm wide phantom.


We fit all the center locations of the phantom across all slices to a 1D poly function instead of finding them individually for robustness.

Normally, each slice would be evaluated individually, but the RadMachine jig gets in the way of detecting the HU module (🤦‍♂️). To work around that in a backwards-compatible way we instead look at all the slices and if the phantom was detected, capture the phantom center. ALL the centers are then fitted to a 1D poly function and passed to the individual slices. This way, even if one slice is messed up (such as because of the phantom jig), the poly function is robust to give the real center based on all the other properly-located positions on the other slices.

find_phantom_roll(func: Callable | None = None) float

Examine the phantom for the maximum HU delta insert position. Roll the phantom by the measured angle to the nearest nominal angle if nearby. If not nearby, default to 0

classmethod from_url(url: str, check_uid: bool = True)

Instantiate a CBCT object from a URL pointing to a .zip object.



URL pointing to a zip archive of CBCT images.


Whether to enforce raising an error if more than one UID is found in the dataset.

classmethod from_zip(zip_file: str | zipfile.ZipFile | BinaryIO, check_uid: bool = True)

Construct a CBCT object and pass the zip file.


zip_filestr, ZipFile

Path to the zip file or a ZipFile object.


Whether to enforce raising an error if more than one UID is found in the dataset.


FileExistsError : If zip_file passed was not a legitimate zip file. FileNotFoundError : If no CT images are found in the folder

localize() None

Find the slice number of the catphan’s HU linearity module and roll angle

property mm_per_pixel: float

The millimeters per pixel of the DICOM images.

property num_images: int

The number of images loaded.

plot_analyzed_image(show: bool = True, **plt_kwargs: dict) None

Plot the images used in the calculation and summary data.



Whether to plot the image or not.


Keyword args passed to the plt.figure() method. Allows one to set things like figure size.

plot_analyzed_subimage() None

Plot a specific component of the CBCT analysis.


subimage{‘hu’, ‘un’, ‘sp’, ‘lc’, ‘mtf’, ‘lin’, ‘prof’, ‘side’}

The subcomponent to plot. Values must contain one of the following letter combinations. E.g. linearity, linear, and lin will all draw the HU linearity values.

  • hu draws the HU linearity image.

  • un draws the HU uniformity image.

  • sp draws the Spatial Resolution image.

  • lc draws the Low Contrast image (if applicable).

  • mtf draws the RMTF plot.

  • lin draws the HU linearity values. Used with delta.

  • prof draws the HU uniformity profiles.

  • side draws the side view of the phantom with lines of the module locations.


Only for use with lin. Whether to plot the HU delta or actual values.


Whether to actually show the plot.

plot_density_curve(show: bool = True, **plt_kwargs: dict)

Plot the densities of the ROIs vs the measured HU. This will sort the ROIs by measured HU before plotting.



Whether to plot the image or not.


Keyword args passed to the plt.figure() method. Allows one to set things like figure size.

plot_side_view(axis: Axes) None

Plot a view of the scan from the side with lines showing detected module positions

publish_pdf(filename: str | Path, notes: str | None = None, open_file: bool = False, metadata: dict | None = None, logo: Path | str | None = None) None

Publish (print) a PDF containing the analysis and quantitative results.


filename(str, file-like object}

The file to write the results to.

notesstr, list of strings

Text; if str, prints single line. If list of strings, each list item is printed on its own line.


Whether to open the file using the default program after creation.


Extra data to be passed and shown in the PDF. The key and value will be shown with a colon. E.g. passing {‘Author’: ‘James’, ‘Unit’: ‘TrueBeam’} would result in text in the PDF like: ————– Author: James Unit: TrueBeam ————–

logo: Path, str

A custom logo to use in the PDF report. If nothing is passed, the default pylinac logo is used.

results(as_list: bool = False) str | list[str]

Return the results of the analysis as a string. Use with print().



Whether to return as a list of strings vs single string. Pretty much for internal usage.

results_data(as_dict: bool = False) CheeseResult | dict

Return the results of the analysis as a structure dataclass

save_analyzed_image(filename: str | Path | BinaryIO, **kwargs) None

Save the analyzed summary plot.


filenamestr, file object

The name of the file to save the image to.

kwargs :

Any valid matplotlib kwargs.

save_analyzed_subimage() None

Save a component image to file.


filenamestr, file object

The file to write the image to.


See plot_analyzed_subimage() for parameter info.


Only for use with lin. Whether to plot the HU delta or actual values.

class pylinac.cheese.TomoCheeseModule(catphan, tolerance: float | None = None, offset: int = 0, clear_borders: bool = True)[source]

Bases: CheeseModule

The pluggable module with user-accessible holes.

The ROIs of the inner circle are ~45 degrees apart. The ROIs of the outer circle are ~30 degrees apart.


catphanCatPhanBase instance.

The catphan instance.


The slice number of the DICOM array desired. If None, will use the slice_num property of subclass.


If True, combines the slices +/- num_slices around the slice of interest to improve signal/noise.

combine_method{‘mean’, ‘max’}

How to combine the slices if combine is True.


The number of slices on either side of the nominal slice to combine to improve signal/noise; only applicable if combine is True.

is_phantom_in_view() bool

Whether the phantom appears to be within the slice.

property phan_center: Point

Determine the location of the center of the phantom.

property phantom_roi: RegionProperties

Get the Scikit-Image ROI of the phantom

The image is analyzed to see if: 1) the CatPhan is even in the image (if there were any ROIs detected) 2) an ROI is within the size criteria of the catphan 3) the ROI area that is filled compared to the bounding box area is close to that of a circle

plot(axis: Axes)

Plot the image along with ROIs to an axis

plot_rois(axis: Axes) None

Plot the ROIs to the axis. We add the ROI # to help the user differentiate


A preprocessing step before analyzing the CTP module.


catphan : ~pylinac.cbct.CatPhanBase instance.


alias of float

property slice_num: int

The slice number of the spatial resolution module.



class pylinac.cheese.CIRSHUModule(catphan, tolerance: float | None = None, offset: int = 0, clear_borders: bool = True)[source]

Bases: CheeseModule

The pluggable module with user-accessible holes.

The ROIs of each circle are ~45 degrees apart.


catphanCatPhanBase instance.

The catphan instance.


The slice number of the DICOM array desired. If None, will use the slice_num property of subclass.


If True, combines the slices +/- num_slices around the slice of interest to improve signal/noise.

combine_method{‘mean’, ‘max’}

How to combine the slices if combine is True.


The number of slices on either side of the nominal slice to combine to improve signal/noise; only applicable if combine is True.

is_phantom_in_view() bool

Whether the phantom appears to be within the slice.

property phan_center: Point

Determine the location of the center of the phantom.

property phantom_roi: RegionProperties

Get the Scikit-Image ROI of the phantom

The image is analyzed to see if: 1) the CatPhan is even in the image (if there were any ROIs detected) 2) an ROI is within the size criteria of the catphan 3) the ROI area that is filled compared to the bounding box area is close to that of a circle

plot(axis: Axes)

Plot the image along with ROIs to an axis

plot_rois(axis: Axes) None

Plot the ROIs to the axis. We add the ROI # to help the user differentiate


A preprocessing step before analyzing the CTP module.


catphan : ~pylinac.cbct.CatPhanBase instance.


alias of float

property slice_num: int

The slice number of the spatial resolution module.



class pylinac.cheese.CheeseResult(origin_slice: int, num_images: int, phantom_roll: float, rois: dict)[source]

Bases: ResultBase

This class should not be called directly. It is returned by the results_data() method. It is a dataclass under the hood and thus comes with all the dunder magic.

Use the following attributes as normal class attributes.

origin_slice: int
num_images: int
phantom_roll: float
rois: dict
class pylinac.cheese.TomoCheeseResult(origin_slice: int, num_images: int, phantom_roll: float, rois: dict, roi_1: dict, roi_2: dict, roi_3: dict, roi_4: dict, roi_5: dict, roi_6: dict, roi_7: dict, roi_8: dict, roi_9: dict, roi_10: dict, roi_11: dict, roi_12: dict, roi_13: dict, roi_14: dict, roi_15: dict, roi_16: dict, roi_17: dict, roi_18: dict, roi_19: dict, roi_20: dict)[source]

Bases: ResultBase

This class should not be called directly. It is returned by the results_data() method. It is a dataclass under the hood and thus comes with all the dunder magic.

Use the following attributes as normal class attributes.

origin_slice: int
num_images: int
phantom_roll: float
rois: dict
roi_1: dict
roi_2: dict
roi_3: dict
roi_4: dict
roi_5: dict
roi_6: dict
roi_7: dict
roi_8: dict
roi_9: dict
roi_10: dict
roi_11: dict
roi_12: dict
roi_13: dict
roi_14: dict
roi_15: dict
roi_16: dict
roi_17: dict
roi_18: dict
roi_19: dict
roi_20: dict
class pylinac.cheese.CheesePhantomBase(folderpath: str | Sequence[str] | Path | Sequence[Path] | Sequence[BytesIO], check_uid: bool = True)[source]

Bases: CatPhanBase

A base class for doing cheese-like phantom analysis. A subset of catphan analysis where only one module is assumed.


folderpathstr, list of strings, or Path to folder

String that points to the CBCT image folder location.


Whether to enforce raising an error if more than one UID is found in the dataset.



If folder str passed is not a valid directory.


If no CT images are found in the folder

analyze(roi_config: dict | None = None) None[source]

Analyze the Tomo Cheese phantom.



The configuration of the ROIs, specifically the known densities.

find_phantom_roll(func: Callable | None = None) float[source]

Examine the phantom for the maximum HU delta insert position. Roll the phantom by the measured angle to the nearest nominal angle if nearby. If not nearby, default to 0

plot_analyzed_image(show: bool = True, **plt_kwargs: dict) None[source]

Plot the images used in the calculation and summary data.



Whether to plot the image or not.


Keyword args passed to the plt.figure() method. Allows one to set things like figure size.

results(as_list: bool = False) str | list[str][source]

Return the results of the analysis as a string. Use with print().



Whether to return as a list of strings vs single string. Pretty much for internal usage.

plot_density_curve(show: bool = True, **plt_kwargs: dict)[source]

Plot the densities of the ROIs vs the measured HU. This will sort the ROIs by measured HU before plotting.



Whether to plot the image or not.


Keyword args passed to the plt.figure() method. Allows one to set things like figure size.

publish_pdf(filename: str | Path, notes: str | None = None, open_file: bool = False, metadata: dict | None = None, logo: Path | str | None = None) None[source]

Publish (print) a PDF containing the analysis and quantitative results.


filename(str, file-like object}

The file to write the results to.

notesstr, list of strings

Text; if str, prints single line. If list of strings, each list item is printed on its own line.


Whether to open the file using the default program after creation.


Extra data to be passed and shown in the PDF. The key and value will be shown with a colon. E.g. passing {‘Author’: ‘James’, ‘Unit’: ‘TrueBeam’} would result in text in the PDF like: ————– Author: James Unit: TrueBeam ————–

logo: Path, str

A custom logo to use in the PDF report. If nothing is passed, the default pylinac logo is used.

save_analyzed_subimage() None[source]

Save a component image to file.


filenamestr, file object

The file to write the image to.


See plot_analyzed_subimage() for parameter info.


Only for use with lin. Whether to plot the HU delta or actual values.

plot_analyzed_subimage() None[source]

Plot a specific component of the CBCT analysis.


subimage{‘hu’, ‘un’, ‘sp’, ‘lc’, ‘mtf’, ‘lin’, ‘prof’, ‘side’}

The subcomponent to plot. Values must contain one of the following letter combinations. E.g. linearity, linear, and lin will all draw the HU linearity values.

  • hu draws the HU linearity image.

  • un draws the HU uniformity image.

  • sp draws the Spatial Resolution image.

  • lc draws the Low Contrast image (if applicable).

  • mtf draws the RMTF plot.

  • lin draws the HU linearity values. Used with delta.

  • prof draws the HU uniformity profiles.

  • side draws the side view of the phantom with lines of the module locations.


Only for use with lin. Whether to plot the HU delta or actual values.


Whether to actually show the plot.

results_data(as_dict: bool = False) CheeseResult | dict[source]

Return the results of the analysis as a structure dataclass

property catphan_size: float

The expected size of the phantom in pixels, based on a 20cm wide phantom.

find_origin_slice() int

Using a brute force search of the images, find the median HU linearity slice.

This method walks through all the images and takes a collapsed circle profile where the HU linearity ROIs are. If the profile contains both low (<800) and high (>800) HU values and most values are the same (i.e. it’s not an artifact), then it can be assumed it is an HU linearity slice. The median of all applicable slices is the center of the HU slice.



The middle slice of the HU linearity module.


We fit all the center locations of the phantom across all slices to a 1D poly function instead of finding them individually for robustness.

Normally, each slice would be evaluated individually, but the RadMachine jig gets in the way of detecting the HU module (🤦‍♂️). To work around that in a backwards-compatible way we instead look at all the slices and if the phantom was detected, capture the phantom center. ALL the centers are then fitted to a 1D poly function and passed to the individual slices. This way, even if one slice is messed up (such as because of the phantom jig), the poly function is robust to give the real center based on all the other properly-located positions on the other slices.

classmethod from_demo_images()

Construct a CBCT object from the demo images.

classmethod from_url(url: str, check_uid: bool = True)

Instantiate a CBCT object from a URL pointing to a .zip object.



URL pointing to a zip archive of CBCT images.


Whether to enforce raising an error if more than one UID is found in the dataset.

classmethod from_zip(zip_file: str | zipfile.ZipFile | BinaryIO, check_uid: bool = True)

Construct a CBCT object and pass the zip file.


zip_filestr, ZipFile

Path to the zip file or a ZipFile object.


Whether to enforce raising an error if more than one UID is found in the dataset.


FileExistsError : If zip_file passed was not a legitimate zip file. FileNotFoundError : If no CT images are found in the folder

localize() None

Find the slice number of the catphan’s HU linearity module and roll angle

property mm_per_pixel: float

The millimeters per pixel of the DICOM images.

property num_images: int

The number of images loaded.

plot_side_view(axis: Axes) None

Plot a view of the scan from the side with lines showing detected module positions

save_analyzed_image(filename: str | Path | BinaryIO, **kwargs) None

Save the analyzed summary plot.


filenamestr, file object

The name of the file to save the image to.

kwargs :

Any valid matplotlib kwargs.