
This is a universal Python binding for the LMDB ‘Lightning’ Database. Two variants are provided and automatically selected during install: a CFFI variant that supports PyPy and all versions of CPython >=2.7, and a C extension that supports CPython >=2.7 and >=3.4. Both variants provide the same interface.

LMDB is a tiny database with some excellent properties:

  • Ordered map interface (keys are always lexicographically sorted).

  • Reader/writer transactions: readers don’t block writers, writers don’t block readers. Each environment supports one concurrent write transaction.

  • Read transactions are extremely cheap.

  • Environments may be opened by multiple processes on the same host, making it ideal for working around Python’s GIL.

  • Multiple named databases may be created with transactions covering all named databases.

  • Memory mapped, allowing for zero copy lookup and iteration. This is optionally exposed to Python using the buffer() interface.

  • Maintenance requires no external process or background threads.

  • No application-level caching is required: LMDB fully exploits the operating system’s buffer cache.

Installation: Windows

Binary eggs and wheels are published via PyPI for Windows, allowing the binding to be installed via pip and easy_install without the need for a compiler to be present. The binary releases statically link against the bundled version of LMDB.

Initially 32-bit and 64-bit binaries are provided for Python 2.7; in future binaries will be published for all supported versions of Python.

To install, use a command like:

C:\Python27\python -mpip install lmdb


C:\Python27\python -measy_install lmdb

Installation: UNIX

For convenience, a supported version of LMDB is bundled with the binding and built statically by default. If your system distribution includes LMDB, set the LMDB_FORCE_SYSTEM environment variable, and optionally LMDB_INCLUDEDIR and LMDB_LIBDIR prior to invoking setup.py.

By default, the LMDB library is patched before building. This patch (located at lib/py-lmdb/env-copy-txn.patch) provides a minor feature: the ability to copy/backup an environment under a particular transaction. If you prefer to bypass the patch, set the environment variable LMDB_PURE.

The CFFI variant depends on CFFI, which in turn depends on libffi, which may need to be installed from a package. On CPython, both variants additionally depend on the CPython development headers. On Debian/Ubuntu:

apt-get install libffi-dev python-dev build-essential

To install the C extension, ensure a C compiler and pip or easy_install are available and type:

pip install lmdb
# or
easy_install lmdb

The CFFI variant may be used on CPython by setting the LMDB_FORCE_CFFI environment variable before installation, or before module import with an existing installation:

>>> import os
>>> os.environ['LMDB_FORCE_CFFI'] = '1'

>>> # CFFI variant is loaded.
>>> import lmdb

Getting Help

Before getting in contact, please ensure you have thoroughly reviewed this documentation, and if applicable, the associated official Doxygen documentation.

If you have found a bug, please report it on the GitHub issue tracker, or mail it to the list below if you’re allergic to GitHub.

For all other problems and related discussion, please direct it to the py-lmdb@freelists.org mailing list. You must be subscribed to post. The list archives are also available.

Named Databases

Named databases require the max_dbs= parameter to be provided when calling lmdb.open() or lmdb.Environment. This must be done by the first process or thread opening the environment.

Once a correctly configured Environment is created, new named databases may be created via Environment.open_db().

Storage efficiency & limits

Records are grouped into pages matching the operating system’s VM page size, which is usually 4096 bytes. Each page must contain at least 2 records, in addition to 8 bytes per record and a 16 byte header. Due to this the engine is most space-efficient when the combined size of any (8+key+value) combination does not exceed 2040 bytes.

When an attempt to store a record would exceed the maximum size, its value part is written separately to one or more dedicated pages. Since the trailer of the last page containing the record value cannot be shared with other records, it is more efficient when large values are an approximate multiple of 4096 bytes, minus 16 bytes for an initial header.

Space usage can be monitored using Environment.stat():

>>> pprint(env.stat())
{'branch_pages': 1040L,
 'depth': 4L,
 'entries': 3761848L,
 'leaf_pages': 73658L,
 'overflow_pages': 0L,
 'psize': 4096L}

This database contains 3,761,848 records and no values were spilled (overflow_pages). Environment.stat only return information for the default database. If named databases are used, you must add the results from Transaction.stat on each named database.

By default record keys are limited to 511 bytes in length, however this can be adjusted by rebuilding the library. The compile-time key length can be queried via Environment.max_key_size().

Memory usage

Diagnostic tools often overreport the memory usage of LMDB databases, since the tools poorly classify that memory. The Linux ps command RSS measurement may report a process as having an entire database resident, causing user alarm. While the entire database may really be resident, it is half the story.

Unlike heap memory, pages in file-backed memory maps, such as those used by LMDB, may be efficiently reclaimed by the OS at any moment so long as the pages in the map are clean. Clean simply means that the resident pages’ contents match the associated pages that live in the disk file that backs the mapping. A clean mapping works exactly like a cache, and in fact it is a cache: the OS page cache.

On Linux, the /proc/<pid>/smaps file contains one section for each memory mapping in a process. To inspect the actual memory usage of an LMDB database, look for a data.mdb entry, then observe its Dirty and Clean values.

When no write transaction is active, all pages in an LMDB database should be marked clean, unless the Environment was opened with sync=False, and no explicit Environment.sync() has been called since the last write transaction, and the OS writeback mechanism has not yet opportunistically written the dirty pages to disk.


This documentation uses bytestring to mean either the Python<=2.7 str() type, or the Python>=3.0 bytes() type, depending on the Python version in use.

Due to the design of Python 2.x, LMDB will happily accept Unicode instances where str() instances are expected, so long as they contain only ASCII characters, in which case they are implicitly encoded to ASCII. You should not rely on this behaviour! It results in brittle programs that often break the moment they are deployed in production. Always explicitly encode and decode any Unicode values before passing them to LMDB.

This documentation uses bytes() in examples. In Python 3.x this is a distinct type, whereas in Python 2.7 it is simply an alias for str().


Since LMDB is memory mapped it is possible to access record data without keys or values ever being copied by the kernel, database library, or application. To exploit this the library can be instructed to return buffer() objects instead of bytestrings by passing buffers=True to Environment.begin() or Transaction.

In Python buffer() objects can be used in many places where bytestrings are expected. In every way they act like a regular sequence: they support slicing, indexing, iteration, and taking their length. Many Python APIs will automatically convert them to bytestrings as necessary:

>>> txn = env.begin(buffers=True)
>>> buf = txn.get('somekey')
>>> buf
<read-only buffer ptr 0x12e266010, size 4096 at 0x10d93b970>

>>> len(buf)
>>> buf[0]
>>> buf[:2]
>>> value = bytes(buf)
>>> len(value)
>>> type(value)
<type 'bytes'>

It is also possible to pass buffers directly to many native APIs, for example file.write(), socket.send(), zlib.decompress() and so on. A buffer may be sliced without copying by passing it to buffer():

>>> # Extract bytes 10 through 210:
>>> sub_buf = buffer(buf, 10, 200)
>>> len(sub_buf)

In both PyPy and CPython, returned buffers must be discarded after their producing transaction has completed or been modified in any way. To preserve buffer’s contents, copy it using bytes():

with env.begin(write=True, buffers=True) as txn:
    buf = txn.get('foo')           # only valid until the next write.
    buf_copy = bytes(buf)          # valid forever
    txn.delete('foo')              # this is a write!
    txn.put('foo2', 'bar2')        # this is also a write!

    print('foo: %r' % (buf,))      # ERROR! invalidated by write
    print('foo: %r' % (buf_copy,)) # OK

print('foo: %r' % (buf,))          # ERROR! also invalidated by txn end
print('foo: %r' % (buf_copy,))     # still OK

writemap mode

When Environment or open() is invoked with writemap=True, the library will use a writeable memory mapping to directly update storage. This improves performance at a cost to safety: it is possible (though fairly unlikely) for buggy C code in the Python process to accidentally overwrite the map, resulting in database corruption.


This option may cause filesystems that don’t support sparse files, such as OSX, to immediately preallocate map_size= bytes of underlying storage when the environment is opened or closed for the first time.


A filesystem failure (such as running out of space), will crash the Python process if this option is enabled. (This is a general OS limitation, and not limited to LMDB).

Resource Management

Environment, Transaction, and Cursor support the context manager protocol, allowing for robust resource cleanup in the case of exceptions.

with env.begin() as txn:
    with txn.cursor() as curs:
        # do stuff
        print 'key is:', curs.get('key')

On CFFI it is important to use the Cursor context manager, or explicitly call Cursor.close() if many cursors are created within a single transaction. Failure to close a cursor on CFFI may cause many dead objects to accumulate until the parent transaction is aborted or committed.

Transaction management

While any reader exists, writers cannot reuse space in the database file that has become unused in later versions. Due to this, continual use of long-lived read transactions may cause the database to grow without bound. A lost reference to a read transaction will simply be aborted (and its reader slot freed) when the Transaction is eventually garbage collected. This should occur immediately on CPython, but may be deferred indefinitely on PyPy.

However the same is not true for write transactions: losing a reference to a write transaction can lead to deadlock, particularly on PyPy, since if the same process that lost the Transaction reference immediately starts another write transaction, it will deadlock on its own lock. Subsequently the lost transaction may never be garbage collected (since the process is now blocked on itself) and the database will become unusable.

These problems are easily avoided by always wrapping Transaction in a with statement somewhere on the stack:

# Even if this crashes, txn will be correctly finalized.
with env.begin() as txn:
    if txn.get('foo'):


MDB_NOTLS mode is used exclusively, which allows read transactions to freely migrate across threads and for a single thread to maintain multiple read transactions. This enables mostly care-free use of read transactions, for example when using gevent.

Most objects can be safely called by a single caller from a single thread, and usually it only makes sense to to have a single caller, except in the case of Environment.

Most Environment methods are thread-safe, and may be called concurrently, except for Environment.close(). Running close at the same time as other database operations may crash the interpreter.

A write Transaction may only be used from the thread it was created on.

A read-only Transaction can move across threads, but it cannot be used concurrently from multiple threads.

Cursor is not thread-safe, but it does not make sense to use it on any thread except the thread that currently owns its associated Transaction.

Limitations running on 32-bit Processes

32-bit processes (for example 32-bit builds of Python on Windows) are severely limited in the amount of virtual memory that can be mapped in. This is particularly true for any 32-bit process but is particularly true for Python running on Windows and long running processes.

Virtual address space fragmentation is a significant issue for mapping files into memory, a requirement for lmdb, as lmdb requires a contiguous range of virtual addresses. See https://web.archive.org/web/20170701204304/http://forthescience.org/blog/2014/08/16/python-and-memory-fragmentation for more information and a solution that potentially gives another 50% of virtual address space on Windows.

Importantly, using a 32-bit instance of Python (even with the OS being 64-bits) means that the maximum size file that can be ever be mapped into memory is around 1.1 GiB, and that number decreases as the python process lives and allocates/deallocates memory. That means the DB file you can open now might not be the DB file you can open in a hour, given the same process.

On Windows, You can see the see the precise maximum mapping size by using the SysInternals tool VMMap, then selecting your Python process, then selecting the “free” row, then sorting by size.

This is not a problem at all for 64-bit processes.


lmdb.open(path, **kwargs)

Shortcut for Environment constructor.


Return a tuple of integers (major, minor, patch) describing the LMDB library version that the binding is linked against. The version of the binding itself is available from lmdb.__version__.


If true, returns a 4 integer tuple consisting of the same plus an extra integer that represents any patches applied by py-lmdb itself (0 representing no patches).

Environment class

class lmdb.Environment(path, map_size=10485760, subdir=True, readonly=False, metasync=True, sync=True, map_async=False, mode=493, create=True, readahead=True, writemap=False, meminit=True, max_readers=126, max_dbs=0, max_spare_txns=1, lock=True)

Structure for a database environment. An environment may contain multiple databases, all residing in the same shared-memory map and underlying disk file.

To write to the environment a Transaction must be created. One simultaneous write transaction is allowed, however there is no limit on the number of read transactions even when a write transaction exists.

This class is aliased to lmdb.open.

It is a serious error to have open the same LMDB file in the same process at the same time. Failure to heed this may lead to data corruption and interpreter crash.

Equivalent to mdb_env_open()


Location of directory (if subdir=True) or file prefix to store the database.


Maximum size database may grow to; used to size the memory mapping. If database grows larger than map_size, an exception will be raised and the user must close and reopen Environment. On 64-bit there is no penalty for making this huge (say 1TB). Must be <2GB on 32-bit.


The default map size is set low to encourage a crash, so users can figure out a good value before learning about this option too late.


If True, path refers to a subdirectory to store the data and lock files in, otherwise it refers to a filename prefix.


If True, disallow any write operations. Note the lock file is still modified. If specified, the write flag to begin() or Transaction is ignored.


If False, flush system buffers to disk only once per transaction, omit the metadata flush. Defer that until the system flushes files to disk, or next commit or sync().

This optimization maintains database integrity, but a system crash may undo the last committed transaction. I.e. it preserves the ACI (atomicity, consistency, isolation) but not D (durability) database property.


If False, don’t flush system buffers to disk when committing a transaction. This optimization means a system crash can corrupt the database or lose the last transactions if buffers are not yet flushed to disk.

The risk is governed by how often the system flushes dirty buffers to disk and how often sync() is called. However, if the filesystem preserves write order and writemap=False, transactions exhibit ACI (atomicity, consistency, isolation) properties and only lose D (durability). I.e. database integrity is maintained, but a system crash may undo the final transactions.

Note that sync=False, writemap=True leaves the system with no hint for when to write transactions to disk, unless sync() is called. map_async=True, writemap=True may be preferable.


File creation mode.


If False, do not create the directory path if it is missing.


If False, LMDB will disable the OS filesystem readahead mechanism, which may improve random read performance when a database is larger than RAM.


If True, use a writeable memory map unless readonly=True. This is faster and uses fewer mallocs, but loses protection from application bugs like wild pointer writes and other bad updates into the database. Incompatible with nested transactions.

Processes with and without writemap on the same environment do not cooperate well.


If False LMDB will not zero-initialize buffers prior to writing them to disk. This improves performance but may cause old heap data to be written saved in the unused portion of the buffer. Do not use this option if your application manipulates confidential data (e.g. plaintext passwords) in memory. This option is only meaningful when writemap=False; new pages are always zero-initialized when writemap=True.


When writemap=True, use asynchronous flushes to disk. As with sync=False, a system crash can then corrupt the database or lose the last transactions. Calling sync() ensures on-disk database integrity until next commit.


Maximum number of simultaneous read transactions. Can only be set by the first process to open an environment, as it affects the size of the lock file and shared memory area. Attempts to simultaneously start more than this many read transactions will fail.


Maximum number of databases available. If 0, assume environment will be used as a single database.


Read-only transactions to cache after becoming unused. Caching transactions avoids two allocations, one lock and linear scan of the shared environment per invocation of begin(), Transaction, get(), gets(), or cursor(). Should match the process’s maximum expected concurrent transactions (e.g. thread count).


If False, don’t do any locking. If concurrent access is anticipated, the caller must manage all concurrency itself. For proper operation the caller must enforce single-writer semantics, and must ensure that no readers are using old transactions while a writer is active. The simplest approach is to use an exclusive lock so that no readers may be active at all when a writer begins.

begin(db=None, parent=None, write=False, buffers=False)

Shortcut for lmdb.Transaction


Close the environment, invalidating any open iterators, cursors, and transactions. Repeat calls to close() have no effect.

Equivalent to mdb_env_close()

copy(path, compact=False, txn=None)

Make a consistent copy of the environment in the given destination directory.


If True, perform compaction while copying: omit free pages and sequentially renumber all pages in output. This option consumes more CPU and runs more slowly than the default, but may produce a smaller output database.


If provided, the backup will be taken from the database with respect to that transaction, otherwise a temporary read-only transaction will be created. Note: this parameter being non-None is not available if the module was built with LMDB_PURE. Note: this parameter may be set only if compact=True.

Equivalent to mdb_env_copy2() or mdb_env_copy3()

copyfd(fd, compact=False, txn=None)

Copy a consistent version of the environment to file descriptor fd.


If True, perform compaction while copying: omit free pages and sequentially renumber all pages in output. This option consumes more CPU and runs more slowly than the default, but may produce a smaller output database.


If provided, the backup will be taken from the database with respect to that transaction, otherwise a temporary read-only transaction will be created. Note: this parameter being non-None is not available if the module was built with LMDB_PURE.

Equivalent to mdb_env_copyfd2() or mdb_env_copyfd3


Return a dict describing Environment constructor flags used to instantiate this environment.


Return some nice environment information as a dict:


Address of database map in RAM.


Size of database map in RAM.


ID of last used page.


ID of last committed transaction.


Number of reader slots allocated in the lock file. Equivalent to the value of maxreaders= specified by the first process opening the Environment.


Maximum number of reader slots in simultaneous use since the lock file was initialized.

Equivalent to mdb_env_info()


Return the maximum size in bytes of a record’s key part. This matches the MDB_MAXKEYSIZE constant set at compile time.


Return the maximum number of readers specified during open of the environment by the first process. This is the same as max_readers= specified to the constructor if this process was the first to open the environment.

open_db(key=None, txn=None, reverse_key=False, dupsort=False, create=True, integerkey=False, integerdup=False, dupfixed=False)

Open a database, returning an instance of _Database. Repeat Environment.open_db() calls for the same name will return the same handle. As a special case, the main database is always open.

Equivalent to mdb_dbi_open()

Named databases are implemented by storing a special descriptor in the main database. All databases in an environment share the same file. Because the descriptor is present in the main database, attempts to create a named database will fail if a key matching the database’s name already exists. Furthermore the key is visible to lookups and enumerations. If your main database keyspace conflicts with the names you use for named databases, then move the contents of your main database to another named database.

>>> env = lmdb.open('/tmp/test', max_dbs=2)
>>> with env.begin(write=True) as txn
...     txn.put('somename', 'somedata')

>>> # Error: database cannot share name of existing key!
>>> subdb = env.open_db('somename')

A newly created database will not exist if the transaction that created it aborted, nor if another process deleted it. The handle resides in the shared environment, it is not owned by the current transaction or process. Only one thread should call this function; it is not mutex-protected in a read-only transaction.

The dupsort, integerkey, integerdup, and dupfixed parameters are ignored if the database already exists. The state of those settings are persistent and immutable per database. See _Database.flags() to view the state of those options for an opened database. A consequence of the immutability of these flags is that the default non-named database will never have these flags set.

Preexisting transactions, other than the current transaction and any parents, must not use the new handle, nor must their children.


Bytestring database name. If None, indicates the main database should be returned, otherwise indicates a named database should be created inside the main database.

In other words, a key representing the database will be visible in the main database, and the database name cannot conflict with any existing key.


Transaction used to create the database if it does not exist. If unspecified, a temporarily write transaction is used. Do not call open_db() from inside an existing transaction without supplying it here. Note the passed transaction must have write=True.


If True, keys are compared from right to left (e.g. DNS names).


Duplicate keys may be used in the database. (Or, from another perspective, keys may have multiple data items, stored in sorted order.) By default keys must be unique and may have only a single data item.


If True, create the database if it doesn’t exist, otherwise raise an exception.


If True, indicates keys in the database are C unsigned or size_t integers encoded in native byte order. Keys must all be either unsigned or size_t, they cannot be mixed in a single database.


If True, values in the database are C unsigned or size_t integers encode din native byte order. Implies dupsort and dupfixed are True.


If True, values for each key in database are of fixed size, allowing each additional duplicate value for a key to be stored without a header indicating its size. Implies dupsort is True.


Directory path or file name prefix where this environment is stored.

Equivalent to mdb_env_get_path()


Search the reader lock table for stale entries, for example due to a crashed process. Returns the number of stale entries that were cleared.


Return a multi line Unicode string describing the current state of the reader lock table.


Change the maximum size of the map file. This function will fail if any transactions are active in the current process.


The new size in bytes.

Equivalent to mdb_env_set_mapsize()

Warning: There’s a data race in the underlying library that may cause catastrophic loss of data if you use this method.

You are safe if one of the following are true:
  • Only one process accessing a particular LMDB file ever calls this method.

  • You use locking external to this library to ensure that only one process accessing the current LMDB file can be inside this function.


Return some environment statistics for the default database as a dict:


Size of a database page in bytes.


Height of the B-tree.


Number of internal (non-leaf) pages.


Number of leaf pages.


Number of overflow pages.


Number of data items.

Equivalent to mdb_env_stat()


Flush the data buffers to disk.

Equivalent to mdb_env_sync()

Data is always written to disk when Transaction.commit() is called, but the operating system may keep it buffered. MDB always flushes the OS buffers upon commit as well, unless the environment was opened with sync=False or metasync=False.


If True, force a synchronous flush. Otherwise if the environment was opened with sync=False the flushes will be omitted, and with map_async=True they will be asynchronous.

Database class

class lmdb._Database(env, txn, name, reverse_key, dupsort, create, integerkey, integerdup, dupfixed)

Internal database handle. This class is opaque, save a single method.

Should not be constructed directly. Use Environment.open_db() instead.


Return the database’s associated flags as a dict of _Database constructor kwargs.

Transaction class

class lmdb.Transaction(env, db=None, parent=None, write=False, buffers=False)

A transaction object. All operations require a transaction handle, transactions may be read-only or read-write. Write transactions may not span threads. Transaction objects implement the context manager protocol, so that reliable release of the transaction happens even in the face of unhandled exceptions:

# Transaction aborts correctly:
with env.begin(write=True) as txn:

# Transaction commits automatically:
with env.begin(write=True) as txn:
    txn.put('a', 'b')

Equivalent to mdb_txn_begin()


Environment the transaction should be on.


Default named database to operate on. If unspecified, defaults to the environment’s main database. Can be overridden on a per-call basis below.


None, or a parent transaction (see lmdb.h).


Transactions are read-only by default. To modify the database, you must pass write=True. This flag is ignored if Environment was opened with readonly=True.


If True, indicates buffer() objects should be yielded instead of bytestrings. This setting applies to the Transaction instance itself and any Cursors created within the transaction.

This feature significantly improves performance, since MDB has a zero-copy design, but it requires care when manipulating the returned buffer objects. The benefit of this facility is diminished when using small keys and values.


Abort the pending transaction. Repeat calls to abort() have no effect after a previously successful commit() or abort(), or after the associated Environment has been closed.

Equivalent to mdb_txn_abort()


Commit the pending transaction.

Equivalent to mdb_txn_commit()


Shortcut for lmdb.Cursor(db, self)

delete(key, value=b'', db=None)

Delete a key from the database.

Equivalent to mdb_del()


The key to delete.


If the database was opened with dupsort=True and value is not the empty bytestring, then delete elements matching only this (key, value) pair, otherwise all values for key are deleted.

Returns True if at least one key was deleted.

drop(db, delete=True)

Delete all keys in a named database and optionally delete the named database itself. Deleting the named database causes it to become unavailable, and invalidates existing cursors.

Equivalent to mdb_drop()

get(key, default=None, db=None)

Fetch the first value matching key, returning default if key does not exist. A cursor must be used to fetch all values for a key in a dupsort=True database.

Equivalent to mdb_get()


Return the transaction’s ID.

This returns the identifier associated with this transaction. For a read-only transaction, this corresponds to the snapshot being read; concurrent readers will frequently have the same transaction ID.

pop(key, db=None)

Use a temporary cursor to invoke Cursor.pop().


Named database to operate on. If unspecified, defaults to the database given to the Transaction constructor.

put(key, value, dupdata=True, overwrite=True, append=False, db=None)

Store a record, returning True if it was written, or False to indicate the key was already present and overwrite=False. On success, the cursor is positioned on the new record.

Equivalent to mdb_put()


Bytestring key to store.


Bytestring value to store.


If False and database was opened with dupsort=True, will return False if the key already has that value. In other words, this only affects the return value.


If False, do not overwrite any existing matching key. If False and writing to a dupsort=True database, this will not add a value to the key and this function will return False.


If True, append the pair to the end of the database without comparing its order first. Appending a key that is not greater than the highest existing key will fail and return False.


Named database to operate on. If unspecified, defaults to the database given to the Transaction constructor.

replace(key, value, db=None)

Use a temporary cursor to invoke Cursor.replace().


Named database to operate on. If unspecified, defaults to the database given to the Transaction constructor.


Return statistics like Environment.stat(), except for a single DBI. db must be a database handle returned by open_db().

Cursor class

class lmdb.Cursor(db, txn)

Structure for navigating a database.

Equivalent to mdb_cursor_open()


_Database to navigate.


Transaction to navigate.

As a convenience, Transaction.cursor() can be used to quickly return a cursor:

>>> env = lmdb.open('/tmp/foo')
>>> child_db = env.open_db('child_db')
>>> with env.begin() as txn:
...     cursor = txn.cursor()           # Cursor on main database.
...     cursor2 = txn.cursor(child_db)  # Cursor on child database.

Cursors start in an unpositioned state. If iternext() or iterprev() are used in this state, iteration proceeds from the start or end respectively. Iterators directly position using the cursor, meaning strange behavior results when multiple iterators exist on the same cursor.


From the perspective of the Python binding, cursors return to an ‘unpositioned’ state once any scanning or seeking method (e.g. next(), prev_nodup(), set_range()) returns False or raises an exception. This is primarily to ensure safe, consistent semantics in the face of any error condition.

When the Cursor returns to an unpositioned state, its key() and value() return empty strings to indicate there is no active position, although internally the LMDB cursor may still have a valid position.

This may lead to slightly surprising behaviour when iterating the values for a dupsort=True database’s keys, since methods such as iternext_dup() will cause Cursor to appear unpositioned, despite it returning False only to indicate there are no more values for the current key. In that case, simply calling next() would cause iteration to resume at the next available key.

This behaviour may change in future.

Iterator methods such as iternext() and iterprev() accept keys and values arguments. If both are True, then the value of item() is yielded on each iteration. If only keys is True, key() is yielded, otherwise only value() is yielded.

Prior to iteration, a cursor can be positioned anywhere in the database:

>>> with env.begin() as txn:
...     cursor = txn.cursor()
...     if not cursor.set_range('5'): # Position at first key >= '5'.
...         print('Not found!')
...     else:
...         for key, value in cursor: # Iterate from first key >= '5'.
...             print((key, value))

Iteration is not required to navigate, and sometimes results in ugly or inefficient code. In cases where the iteration order is not obvious, or is related to the data being read, use of set_key(), set_range(), key(), value(), and item() may be preferable:

>>> # Record the path from a child to the root of a tree.
>>> path = ['child14123']
>>> while path[-1] != 'root':
...     assert cursor.set_key(path[-1]), \
...         'Tree is broken! Path: %s' % (path,)
...     path.append(cursor.value())

Close the cursor, freeing its associated resources.


Return the number of values (“duplicates”) for the current key.

Only meaningful for databases opened with dupsort=True.

Equivalent to mdb_cursor_count()


Delete the current element and move to the next, returning True on success or False if the database was empty.

If dupdata is True, delete all values (“duplicates”) for the current key, otherwise delete only the currently positioned value. Only meaningful for databases opened with dupsort=True.

Equivalent to mdb_cursor_del()


Move to the first key in the database, returning True on success or False if the database is empty.

If the database was opened with dupsort=True and the key contains duplicates, the cursor is positioned on the first value (“duplicate”).

Equivalent to mdb_cursor_get() with MDB_FIRST


Move to the first value (“duplicate”) for the current key, returning True on success or False if the database is empty.

Only meaningful for databases opened with dupsort=True.

Equivalent to mdb_cursor_get() with MDB_FIRST_DUP

get(key, default=None)

Equivalent to set_key(), except value() is returned when key is found, otherwise default.

getmulti(keys, dupdata=False, dupfixed_bytes=None, keyfixed=False)

Returns an iterable of (key, value) 2-tuples containing results for each key in the iterable keys.


Iterable to read keys from.


If True and database was opened with dupsort=True, read all duplicate values for each matching key.


If database was opened with dupsort=True and dupfixed=True, accepts the size of each value, in bytes, and applies an optimization reducing the number of database lookups.


If dupfixed_bytes is set and database key size is fixed, setting keyfixed=True will result in this function returning a memoryview to the results as a structured array of bytes. The structured array can be instantiated by passing the memoryview buffer to NumPy:

key_bytes, val_bytes = 4, 8
dtype = np.dtype([(f'S{key_bytes}', f'S{val_bytes}}')])
arr = np.frombuffer(
    cur.getmulti(keys, dupdata=True, dupfixed_bytes=val_bytes, keyfixed=True)

Return the current (key, value) pair.

iternext(keys=True, values=True)

Return a forward iterator that yields the current element before calling next(), repeating until the end of the database is reached. As a convenience, Cursor implements the iterator protocol by automatically returning a forward iterator when invoked:

>>> # Equivalent:
>>> it = iter(cursor)
>>> it = cursor.iternext(keys=True, values=True)

If the cursor is not yet positioned, it is moved to the first key in the database, otherwise iteration proceeds from the current position.

iternext_dup(keys=False, values=True)

Return a forward iterator that yields the current value (“duplicate”) of the current key before calling next_dup(), repeating until the last value of the current key is reached.

Only meaningful for databases opened with dupsort=True.

if not cursor.set_key("foo"):
    print("No values found for 'foo'")
    for idx, data in enumerate(cursor.iternext_dup()):
        print("%d'th value for 'foo': %s" % (idx, data))
iternext_nodup(keys=True, values=False)

Return a forward iterator that yields the current value (“duplicate”) of the current key before calling next_nodup(), repeating until the end of the database is reached.

Only meaningful for databases opened with dupsort=True.

If the cursor is not yet positioned, it is moved to the first key in the database, otherwise iteration proceeds from the current position.

for key in cursor.iternext_nodup():
    print("Key '%s' has %d values" % (key, cursor.count()))
iterprev(keys=True, values=True)

Return a reverse iterator that yields the current element before calling prev(), until the start of the database is reached.

If the cursor is not yet positioned, it is moved to the last key in the database, otherwise iteration proceeds from the current position.

>>> with env.begin() as txn:
...     for i, (key, value) in enumerate(txn.cursor().iterprev()):
...         print('%dth last item is (%r, %r)' % (1+i, key, value))
iterprev_dup(keys=False, values=True)

Return a reverse iterator that yields the current value (“duplicate”) of the current key before calling prev_dup(), repeating until the first value of the current key is reached.

Only meaningful for databases opened with dupsort=True.

iterprev_nodup(keys=True, values=False)

Return a reverse iterator that yields the current value (“duplicate”) of the current key before calling prev_nodup(), repeating until the start of the database is reached.

If the cursor is not yet positioned, it is moved to the last key in the database, otherwise iteration proceeds from the current position.

Only meaningful for databases opened with dupsort=True.


Return the current key.


Move to the last key in the database, returning True on success or False if the database is empty.

If the database was opened with dupsort=True and the key contains duplicates, the cursor is positioned on the last value (“duplicate”).

Equivalent to mdb_cursor_get() with MDB_LAST


Move to the last value (“duplicate”) for the current key, returning True on success or False if the database is empty.

Only meaningful for databases opened with dupsort=True.

Equivalent to mdb_cursor_get() with MDB_LAST_DUP


Move to the next element, returning True on success or False if there is no next element.

For databases opened with dupsort=True, moves to the next value (“duplicate”) for the current key if one exists, otherwise moves to the first value of the next key.

Equivalent to mdb_cursor_get() with MDB_NEXT


Move to the next value (“duplicate”) of the current key, returning True on success or False if there is no next value.

Only meaningful for databases opened with dupsort=True.

Equivalent to mdb_cursor_get() with MDB_NEXT_DUP


Move to the first value (“duplicate”) of the next key, returning True on success or False if there is no next key.

Only meaningful for databases opened with dupsort=True.

Equivalent to mdb_cursor_get() with MDB_NEXT_NODUP


Fetch a record’s value then delete it. Returns None if no previous value existed. This uses the best available mechanism to minimize the cost of a delete-and-return-previous operation.

For databases opened with dupsort=True, the first data element (“duplicate”) for the key will be popped.


Bytestring key to delete.


Move to the previous element, returning True on success or False if there is no previous item.

For databases opened with dupsort=True, moves to the previous data item (“duplicate”) for the current key if one exists, otherwise moves to the previous key.

Equivalent to mdb_cursor_get() with MDB_PREV


Move to the previous value (“duplicate”) of the current key, returning True on success or False if there is no previous value.

Only meaningful for databases opened with dupsort=True.

Equivalent to mdb_cursor_get() with MDB_PREV_DUP


Move to the last value (“duplicate”) of the previous key, returning True on success or False if there is no previous key.

Only meaningful for databases opened with dupsort=True.

Equivalent to mdb_cursor_get() with MDB_PREV_NODUP

put(key, val, dupdata=True, overwrite=True, append=False)

Store a record, returning True if it was written, or False to indicate the key was already present and overwrite=False. On success, the cursor is positioned on the key.

Equivalent to mdb_cursor_put()


Bytestring key to store.


Bytestring value to store.


If False and database was opened with dupsort=True, will return False if the key already has that value. In other words, this only affects the return value.


If False, do not overwrite the value for the key if it exists, just return False. For databases opened with dupsort=True, False will always be returned if a duplicate key/value pair is inserted, regardless of the setting for overwrite.


If True, append the pair to the end of the database without comparing its order first. Appending a key that is not greater than the highest existing key will fail and return False.

putmulti(items, dupdata=True, overwrite=True, append=False)

Invoke put() for each (key, value) 2-tuple from the iterable items. Elements must be exactly 2-tuples, they may not be of any other type, or tuple subclass.

Returns a tuple (consumed, added), where consumed is the number of elements read from the iterable, and added is the number of new entries added to the database. added may be less than consumed when overwrite=False.


Iterable to read records from.


If True and database was opened with dupsort=True, add pair as a duplicate if the given key already exists. Otherwise overwrite any existing matching key.


If False, do not overwrite the value for the key if it exists, just return False. For databases opened with dupsort=True, False will always be returned if a duplicate key/value pair is inserted, regardless of the setting for overwrite.


If True, append records to the end of the database without comparing their order first. Appending a key that is not greater than the highest existing key will cause corruption.

replace(key, val)

Store a record, returning its previous value if one existed. Returns None if no previous value existed. This uses the best available mechanism to minimize the cost of a set-and-return-previous operation.

For databases opened with dupsort=True, only the first data element (“duplicate”) is returned if it existed, all data elements are removed and the new (key, data) pair is inserted.


Bytestring key to store.


Bytestring value to store.


Seek exactly to key, returning True on success or False if the exact key was not found. It is an error to set_key() the empty bytestring.

For databases opened with dupsort=True, moves to the first value (“duplicate”) for the key.

Equivalent to mdb_cursor_get() with MDB_SET_KEY

set_key_dup(key, value)

Seek exactly to (key, value), returning True on success or False if the exact key and value was not found. It is an error to set_key() the empty bytestring.

Only meaningful for databases opened with dupsort=True.

Equivalent to mdb_cursor_get() with MDB_GET_BOTH


Seek to the first key greater than or equal to key, returning True on success, or False to indicate key was past end of database. Behaves like first() if key is the empty bytestring.

For databases opened with dupsort=True, moves to the first value (“duplicate”) for the key.

Equivalent to mdb_cursor_get() with MDB_SET_RANGE

set_range_dup(key, value)

Seek to the first key/value pair greater than or equal to key, returning True on success, or False to indicate that value was past the last value of key or that (key, value) was past the end end of database.

Only meaningful for databases opened with dupsort=True.

Equivalent to mdb_cursor_get() with MDB_GET_BOTH_RANGE


Return the current value.


class lmdb.Error

Raised when an LMDB-related error occurs, and no more specific lmdb.Error subclass exists.

class lmdb.KeyExistsError

Key/data pair already exists.

class lmdb.NotFoundError

No matching key/data pair found.

Normally py-lmdb indicates a missing key by returning None, or a user-supplied default value, however LMDB may return this error where py-lmdb does not know to convert it into a non-exceptional return.

class lmdb.PageNotFoundError

Request page not found.

class lmdb.CorruptedError

Located page was of the wrong type.

class lmdb.PanicError

Update of meta page failed.

class lmdb.VersionMismatchError

Database environment version mismatch.

class lmdb.InvalidError

File is not an MDB file.

class lmdb.MapFullError

Environment map_size= limit reached.

class lmdb.DbsFullError

Environment max_dbs= limit reached.

class lmdb.ReadersFullError

Environment max_readers= limit reached.

class lmdb.TlsFullError

Thread-local storage keys full - too many environments open.

class lmdb.TxnFullError

Transaciton has too many dirty pages - transaction too big.

class lmdb.CursorFullError

Internal error - cursor stack limit reached.

class lmdb.PageFullError

Internal error - page has no more space.

class lmdb.MapResizedError

Database contents grew beyond environment map_size=.

class lmdb.IncompatibleError

Operation and DB incompatible, or DB flags changed.

class lmdb.BadDbiError

The specified DBI was changed unexpectedly.

class lmdb.BadRslotError

Invalid reuse of reader locktable slot.

class lmdb.BadTxnError

Transaction cannot recover - it must be aborted.

class lmdb.BadValsizeError

Too big key/data, key is empty, or wrong DUPFIXED size.

class lmdb.ReadonlyError

An attempt was made to modify a read-only database.

class lmdb.InvalidParameterError

An invalid parameter was specified.

class lmdb.LockError

The environment was locked by another process.

class lmdb.MemoryError

Out of memory.

class lmdb.DiskError

No more disk space.

Command line tools

A rudimentary interface to most of the binding’s functionality is provided. These functions are useful for e.g. backup jobs.

$ python -mlmdb --help
Usage: python -mlmdb [options] <command>

Basic tools for working with LMDB.

    copy: Consistent high speed backup an environment.
        python -mlmdb copy -e source.lmdb target.lmdb

    copyfd: Consistent high speed backup an environment to stdout.
        python -mlmdb copyfd -e source.lmdb > target.lmdb/data.mdb

    drop: Delete one or more sub-databases.
        python -mlmdb drop db1

    dump: Dump one or more databases to disk in 'cdbmake' format.
        Usage: dump [db1=file1.cdbmake db2=file2.cdbmake]

        If no databases are given, dumps the main database to 'main.cdbmake'.

    edit: Add/delete/replace values from a database.
        python -mlmdb edit --set key=value --set-file key=/path \
                   --add key=value --add-file key=/path/to/file \
                   --delete key

    get: Read one or more values from a database.
        python -mlmdb get [<key1> [<keyN> [..]]]

    readers: Display readers in the lock table
        python -mlmdb readers -e /path/to/db [-c]

        If -c is specified, clear stale readers.

    restore: Read one or more database from disk in 'cdbmake' format.
        python -mlmdb restore db1=file1.cdbmake db2=file2.cdbmake

        The special db name ":main:" may be used to indicate the main DB.

    rewrite: Re-create an environment using MDB_APPEND
        python -mlmdb rewrite -e src.lmdb -E dst.lmdb [<db1> [<dbN> ..]]

        If no databases are given, rewrites only the main database.

    shell: Open interactive console with ENV set to the open environment.

    stat: Print environment statistics.

    warm: Read environment into page cache sequentially.

    watch: Show live environment statistics

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e ENV, --env=ENV     Environment file to open
  -d DB, --db=DB        Database to open (default: main)
  -r READ, --read=READ  Open environment read-only
  -S MAP_SIZE, --map_size=MAP_SIZE
                        Map size in megabytes (default: 10)
  -a, --all             Make "dump" dump all databases
  -E TARGET_ENV, --target_env=TARGET_ENV
                        Target environment file for "dumpfd"
  -x, --xxd             Print values in xxd format
  -M MAX_DBS, --max-dbs=MAX_DBS
                        Maximum open DBs (default: 128)
  --out-fd=OUT_FD       "copyfd" command target fd

  Options for "copy" command:
    --compact           Perform compaction while copying.

  Options for "edit" command:
    --set=SET           List of key=value pairs to set.
                        List of key pairs to read from files.
    --add=ADD           List of key=value pairs to add.
                        List of key pairs to read from files.
    --delete=DELETE     List of key=value pairs to delete.

  Options for "readers" command:
    -c, --clean         Clean stale readers? (default: no)

  Options for "watch" command:
    --csv               Generate CSV instead of terminal output.
                        Interval size (default: 1sec)
    --window=WINDOW     Average window size (default: 10)

Implementation Notes


It was tempting to make Cursor directly act as an iterator, however that would require overloading its next() method to mean something other than the natural definition of next() on an LMDB cursor. It would additionally introduce unintuitive state tied to the cursor that does not exist in LMDB: such as iteration direction and the type of value yielded.

Instead a separate iterator is produced by __iter__(), iternext(), and iterprev(), with easily described semantics regarding how they interact with the cursor.

Memsink Protocol

If the memsink package is available during installation of the CPython extension, then the resulting module’s Transaction object will act as a source for the Memsink Protocol. This is an experimental protocol to allow extension of LMDB’s zero-copy design outward to other C types, without requiring explicit management by the user.

This design is a work in progress; if you have an application that would benefit from it, please leave a comment on the ticket above.

Deviations from LMDB API


This is not exposed since its use is perilous at best. Users must ensure all activity on the DBI has ceased in all threads before closing the handle. Failure to do this could result in “impossible” errors, or the DBI slot becoming reused, resulting in operations being serviced by the wrong named database. Leaving handles open wastes a tiny amount of memory, which seems a good price to avoid subtle data corruption.

Cursor.replace(), Cursor.pop():

There are no native equivalents to these calls, they just implement common operations in C to avoid a chunk of error prone, boilerplate Python from having to do the same.

mdb_set_compare(), mdb_set_dupsort():

Neither function is exposed for a variety of reasons. In particular, neither can be supported safely, since exceptions cannot be propagated through LMDB callbacks, and can lead to database corruption if used incorrectly. Secondarily, since both functions are repeatedly invoked for every single lookup in the LMDB read path, most of the performance benefit of LMDB is lost by introducing Python interpreter callbacks to its hot path.

There are a variety of workarounds that could make both functions useful, but not without either punishing binding users who do not require these features (especially on CFFI), or needlessly complicating the binding for what is essentially an edge case.

In all cases where mdb_set_compare() might be useful, use of a special key encoding that encodes your custom order is usually desirable. See issue #79 for example approaches.

The answer is not so clear for mdb_set_dupsort(), since a custom encoding there may necessitate wasted storage space, or complicating record decoding in an application’s hot path. Please file a ticket if you think you have a use for mdb_set_dupsort().


The binding is implemented twice: once using CFFI, and once as native C extension. This is since a CFFI binding is necessary for PyPy, but its performance on CPython is very poor. For good performance on CPython, only Cython and a native extension are viable options. Initially Cython was used, however this was abandoned due to the effort and relative mismatch involved compared to writing a native extension.

Invalidation lists

Much effort has gone into avoiding crashes: when some object is invalidated (e.g. due to Transaction.abort()), child objects are updated to ensure they don’t access memory of the no-longer-existent resource, and that they correspondingly free their own resources. On CPython this is accomplished by weaving a linked list into all PyObject structures. This avoids the need to maintain a separate heap-allocated structure, or produce excess weakref objects (which internally simply manage their own lists).

With CFFI this isn’t possible. Instead each object has a _deps dict that maps dependent object IDs to the corresponding objects. Weakrefs are avoided since they are very inefficient on PyPy. Prior to invalidation _deps is walked to notify each dependent that the resource is about to disappear.

Finally, each object may either store an explicit _invalid attribute and check it prior to every operation, or rely on another mechanism to avoid the crash resulting from using an invalidated resource. Instead of performing these explicit tests continuously, on CFFI a magic Some_LMDB_Resource_That_Was_Deleted_Or_Closed object is used. During invalidation, all native handles are replaced with an instance of this object. Since CFFI cannot convert the magical object to a C type, any attempt to make a native call will raise TypeError with a nice descriptive type name indicating the problem. Hacky but efficient, and mission accomplished.

Argument parsing

The CPython module parse_args() may look “special”, at best. The alternative PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords performs continuous heap allocations and string copies, resulting in a difference of 10,000 lookups/sec slowdown in a particular microbenchmark. The 10k/sec slowdown could potentially disappear given a sufficiently large application, so this decision needs revisited at some stage.


2021-04-19 v1.2.1
* Resolve CI bug where non-Linux wheels were not being published to PyPI.

2021-04-15 v1.2.0
* Update bundled LMDB to 0.9.29.

* Add non-bundled testing to CI.

* Remove wheel generation for 2.7 because the manylinux images no longer
  support it.

* Allow passing None as a value to transaction.del in CFFI implementation
  for parity with cpython implementation.

* Fix Cursor.put behavior on a dupsort DB with append=True.

* Add warning to docs about use of Environment.set_mapsize.  This is currently
an unresolved issue with upstream LMDB.

* CFFI implementation:  fix a seg fault when open_db returns map full.

* CFFI implementation:  fix a bug in open_db in a read-only environment.

2021-02-05 v1.1.1
* Dowgrade underlying LMDB to 0.9.26.  0.9.27 has a minor defect that will
  need to get resolved.

2021-02-04 v1.1.0
* Migrate CI pipeline from Travis and AppVeyor to Github Actions.  Now
  includes comprehensive testing across 4 dimensions (OS, Python version,
  cpython/CFFI, pure/with mods).  Also includes publishing to PyPI.

* Prevent invalid flag combinations when creating a database.

* Add a Cursor.getmulti method with optional buffer support.  Contributed by
  Will Thompson <willsthompson@gmail.com>.

* Upgrade underlying LMDB to 0.9.27.

2020-08-28 v1.0.0
* Start of new semantic versioning scheme.  This would be a minor version
  bump from the 0.99 release if it were semantically versioned.

* Allow environment copy to take a passed-in transaction.  This is the
  first released feature that requires a (very small) patch to the
  underlying C library.  By default, the patch will be applied unless
  this module is built with LMDB_PURE environment variable set.

2020-08-13 v0.99
* Fix lmdb.tool encoding issues.

* Fix -l lmdb invocation issue.

* Minor documentation improvements.

* Update LMDB to version 0.9.24.

* Update for Python 3.9 (current release candidate) support.

* Resolve a bug when using cursor.putmulti and append=True on dupsort DBs.

* Allow _Database.flags method to take no arguments since the one argument
  wasn't being used.

2019-11-06 v0.98
* Fix that a duplicate argument to a lmdb method would cause an assert.

* Solaris needs ```#include "python.h"``` as soon as possible.  Fix
  contributed by Jesús Cea.

* Fix crash under debug cpython when mdb_cursor_open failed

2019-08-11 v0.97

* Fix a missed GIL unlock sequence.  Reported by ajschorr.

* Fix argv check in JEP (cpython under Java) environment.  Contributed by

2019-07-14 v0.96

* First release under new maintainer, Nic Watson.

* Doc updates.

* More removal of code for now-unsupported Python versions.

* Only preload the value with the GIL unlocked when the value is actually
  requested. This significantly improves read performance to retrieve keys
  with large values when the value isn't retrieved. Reported by Dan Patton.

2019-06-08 v0.95

* The minimum supported version of Python is now 2.7.

* The library is no longer tested on Python 3.2.

* The address-book.py example was updated for Python 3. Contributed by Jamie

* Development-related files were removed from the distribution tarball.

* Handling of the Environment(create=True) flag was improved. Fix contributed
  by Nir Soffer.

* Database names may be reused after they are dropped on CFFI, without
  reopening the environment. Fix contributed by Gareth Bult.

2018-04-09 v0.94

* CPython argument parsing now matches the behaviour of CFFI, and most sane
  Python APIs: a bool parameter is considered to be true if it is any truthy
  value, not just if it is exactly True. Reported by Nic Watson.

* Removed Python 2.6 support due to urllib3 warnings and pytest dropping it.

* Updared LMDB to version 0.9.22.

* Fixed several 2.7/3 bugs in command line tool.

2017-07-16 v0.93

* py-lmdb is now built with AppVeyor CI, providing early feedback on Windows
  build health. Egg and wheel artifacts are being generated, removing the need
  for a dedicated Windows build machine, however there is no mechanism to
  paublish these to PyPI yet.

* The "warm" tool command did not function on Python 3.x. Reported by Github
  user dev351.

* Tests now pass on non-4kb page-sized machines, such as ppc64le. Reported by
  Jonathan J. Helmus.

* Windows 3.6 eggs and wheels are now available on PyPI, and tests are run
  against 3.6. Reported by Ofek Lev.

* Python 3.2 is no longer supported, due to yet more pointless breakage
  introduced in pip/pkg_resources.

* py-lmdb currently does not support LMDB >=0.9.19 due to interface changes in
  LMDB. Support will appear in a future release.

2016-10-17 v0.92

* Changes to support __all__ caused the CPython module to fail to import at
  runtime on Python 3. This was hidden during testing as the CFFI module was
  successfully imported.

2016-10-17 v0.91

* The docstring for NotFoundError was clarified to indicate that it is
  not raised in normal circumstances.

* CFFI open_db() would always attempt to use a write transaction, even if the
  environment was opened with readonly=True. Now both CPython and CFFI will
  use a read-only transaction in this case. Reported by Github user

* The source distribution previously did not include a LICENSE file, and may
  have included random cached junk from the source tree during build. Reported
  by Thomas Petazzoni.

* Transaction.id() was broken on Python 2.5.

* Repair Travis CI build again.

* CFFI Cursor did not correctly return empty strings for key()/value()/item()
  when iternext()/iterprev() had reached the start/end of the database.
  Detected by tests contributed by Ong Teck Wu.

* The package can now be imported from within a CPython subinterpreter. Fix
  contributed by Vitaly Repin.

* lmdb.tool --delete would not delete keys in some circumstances. Fix
  contributed by Vitaly Repin.

* Calls to Cursor.set_range_dup() could lead to memory corruption due to
  Cursor's idea of the key and value failing to be updated correctly. Reported
  by Michael Lazarev.

* The lmdb.tool copy command now supports a --compact flag. Contributed by
  Achal Dave.

* The lmdb.tool edit command selects the correct database when --delete is
  specified. Contributed by ispequalnp.

* lmdb.tool correctly supports the -r flag to select a read-only environment.
  Contributed by ispequalnp.

* The lmdb.tool --txn_size parameter was removed, as it was never implemented,
  and its original function is no longer necessary with modern LMDB. Reported
  by Achal Dave.

* The documentation template was updated to fix broken links. Contributed by
  Adam Chainz.

* The Travis CI build configuration was heavily refactored by Alexander Zhukov.
  Automated tests are running under Travis CI once more.

* The CPython extension module did not define __all__. It is now defined
  contain the same names as on CFFI.

* Both implementations were updated to remove lmdb.open() from __all__,
  ensuring "from lmdb import *" does not shadow the builtin open(). The
  function can still be invoked using its fully qualified name, and the alias
  "Environment" may be used when "from lmdb import *" is used. Reported by
  Alexander Zhukov.

* The CPython extension exported BadRSlotError, instead of BadRslotError. The
  exception's name was corrected to match CFFI.

* Environment.open_db() now supports integerdup=True, dupfixed=True, and
  integerkey=True flags. Based on a patch by Jonathan Heyman.

2016-07-11 v0.90

* This release was deleted from PyPI due to an erroneous pull request
  upgrading the bundled LMDB to mdb.master.

2016-02-12 v0.89

* LMDB 0.9.18 is bundled.

* CPython Iterator.next() was incorrectly defined as pointing at the
  implementation for Cursor.next(), triggering a crash if the method was ever
  invoked manually. Reported by Kimikazu Kato.

2016-01-24 v0.88

* LMDB 0.9.17 is bundled.

* Transaction.id() is exposed.

* Binary wheels are built for Python 3.5 Windows 32/64-bit.

2015-08-11 v0.87

* Environment.set_mapsize() was added to allow runtime adjustment of the
  environment map size.

* Remove non-determinism from setup.py, to support Debian's reproducible
  builds project. Patch by Chris Lamb.

* Documentation correctness and typo fixes. Patch by Gustav Larsson.

* examples/keystore: beginnings of example that integrates py-lmdb with an
  asynchronous IO loop.

2015-06-07 v0.86

* LMDB_FORCE_SYSTEM builds were broken by the GIL/page fault change. This
  release fixes the problem.

* Various cosmetic fixes to documentation.

2015-06-06 v0.85

* New exception class: lmdb.BadDbiError.

* Environment.copy() and Environment.copyfd() now support compact=True, to
  trigger database compaction while copying.

* Various small documentation updates.

* CPython set_range_dup() and set_key_dup() both invoked MDB_GET_BOTH, however
  set_range_dup() should have instead invoked MDB_GET_BOTH_RANGE. Fix by
  Matthew Battifarano.

* lmdb.tool module was broken on Win32, since Win32 lacks signal.SIGWINCH. Fix
  suggested by David Khess.

* LMDB 0.9.14 is bundled along with extra fixes from mdb.RE/0.9 (release
  engineering) branch.

* CPython previously lacked a Cursor.close() method. Problem was noticed by
  Jos Vos.

* Several memory leaks affecting the CFFI implementation when running on
  CPython were fixed, apparent only when repeatedly opening and discarding a
  large number of environments. Noticed by Jos Vos.

* The CPython extension previously did not support weakrefs on Environment
  objects, and the implementation for Transaction objects was flawed. The
  extension now correctly invalidates weakrefs during deallocation.

* Both variants now try to avoid taking page faults with the GIL held,
  accomplished by touching one byte of every page in a value during reads.
  This does not guarantee faults will never occur with the GIL held, but it
  drastically reduces the possibility. The binding should now be suitable for
  use in multi-threaded applications with databases containing >2KB values
  where the entire database does not fit in RAM.

2014-09-22 v0.84

* LMDB 0.9.14 is bundled.

* CFFI Cursor.putmulti() could crash when append=False and a key already

2014-06-24 v0.83

* LMDB 0.9.13 is bundled along with extra fixes from upstream Git.

* Environment.__enter__() and __exit__() are implemented, allowing
  Environments to behave like context managers.

* Cursor.close(), __enter__() and __exit__() are implemented, allowing Cursors
  to be explicitly closed. In CFFI this mechanism *must* be used when many
  cursors are used within a single transaction, otherwise a resource leak will

* Dependency tracking in CFFI is now much faster, especially on PyPy, however
  at a cost: Cursor use must always be wrapped in a context manager, or
  .close() must be manually invoked for discarded Cursors when the parent
  transaction is long lived.

* Fixed crash in CFFI Cursor.putmulti().

2014-05-26 v0.82

* Both variants now implement max_spare_txns, reducing the cost of creating a
  read-only transaction 4x for an uncontended database and by up to 20x for
  very read-busy environments. By default only 1 read-only transaction is
  cached, adjust max_spare_txns= parameter if your script operates multiple
  simultaneous read transactions.

* Patch from Vladimir Vladimirov implementing MDB_NOLOCK.

* The max_spare_iters and max_spare_cursors parameters were removed, neither
  ever had any effect.

* Cursor.putmulti() implemented based on a patch from Luke Kenneth Casson
  Leighton. This function moves the loop required to batch populate a
  database out of Python and into C.

* The bundled LMDB 0.9.11 has been updated with several fixes from upstream

* The cost of using keyword arguments in the CPython extension was
  significantly reduced.

2014-04-26 v0.81

* On Python 2.x the extension module would silently interpret Unicode
  instances as buffer objects, causing UCS-2/UCS-4 string data to end up in
  the database. This was never intentional and now raises TypeError. Any
  Unicode data passed to py-lmdb must explicitly be encoded with .encode()

* open_db()'s name argument was renamed to key, and its semantics now match
  get() and put(): in other words the key must be a bytestring, and passing
  Unicode will raise TypeError.

* The extension module now builds under Python 3.4 on Windows.

2014-04-21 v0.80

* Both variants now build successfully as 32 bit / 64bit binaries on
  Windows under Visual Studio 9.0, the compiler for Python 2.7. This enables
  py-lmdb to be installed via pip on Windows without requiring a compiler to
  be available. In future, .egg/.whl releases will be pre-built for all recent
  Python versions on Windows.

  Known bugs: Environment.copy() and Environment.copyfd() currently produce a
  database that cannot be reopened.

* The lmdb.enable_drop_gil() function was removed. Its purpose was
  experimental at best, confusing at worst.

2014-03-17 v0.79

* CPython Cursor.delete() lacked dupdata argument, fixed.

* Fixed minor bug where CFFI _get_cursor() did not note its idea of
  the current key and value were up to date.

* Cursor.replace() and Cursor.pop() updated for MDB_DUPSORT databases. For
  pop(), the first data item is popped and returned. For replace(), the first
  data item is returned, and all duplicates for the key are replaced.

* Implement remaining Cursor methods necessary for working with MDB_DUPSORT
  databases: next_dup(), next_nodup(), prev_dup(), prev_nodup(), first_dup(),
  last_dup(), set_key_dup(), set_range_dup(), iternext_dup(),
  iternext_nodup(), iterprev_dup(), iterprev_nodup().

* The default for Transaction.put(dupdata=...) and Cursor.put(dupdata=...) has
  changed from False to True. The previous default did not reflect LMDB's
  normal mode of operation.

* LMDB 0.9.11 is bundled along with extra fixes from upstream Git.

2014-01-18 v0.78

* Patch from bra-fsn to fix LMDB_LIBDIR.

* Various inaccurate documentation improvements.

* Initial work towards Windows/Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 build.

* LMDB 0.9.11 is now bundled.

* To work around install failures minimum CFFI version is now >=0.8.0.

* ticket #38: remove all buffer object hacks. This results in ~50% slowdown
  for cursor enumeration, but results in far simpler object lifetimes. A
  future version may introduce a better mechanism for achieving the same
  performance without loss of sanity.

2013-11-30 v0.77

* Added Environment.max_key_size(), Environment.max_readers().

* CFFI now raises the correct Error subclass associated with an MDB_* return

* Numerous CFFI vs. CPython behavioural inconsistencies have been fixed.

* An endless variety of Unicode related 2.x/3.x/CPython/CFFI fixes were made.

* LMDB 0.9.10 is now bundled, along with some extra fixes from Git.

* Added Environment(meminit=...) option.

2013-10-28 v0.76

* Added support for Environment(..., readahead=False).

* LMDB 0.9.9 is now bundled.

* Many Python 2.5 and 3.x fixes were made. Future changes are automatically
  tested via Travis CI <https://travis-ci.org/dw/py-lmdb>.

* When multiple cursors exist, and one cursor performs a mutation,
  remaining cursors may have returned corrupt results via key(), value(),
  or item(). Mutations are now explicitly tracked and cause the cursor's
  data to be refreshed in this case.

* setup.py was adjusted to ensure the distutils default of '-DNDEBUG' is never
  defined while building LMDB. This caused many important checks in the engine
  to be disabled.

* The old 'transactionless' API was removed. A future version may support the
  same API, but the implementation will be different.

* Transaction.pop() and Cursor.pop() helpers added, to complement
  Transaction.replace() and Cursor.replace().


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  Version 2.8, 17 August 2003

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