Schema Binding


Schema binding is new in colander 0.8.

Sometimes, when you define a schema at module-scope using a class statement, you simply don't have enough information to provide fully-resolved arguments to the colander.SchemaNode constructor. For example, the validator of a schema node may depend on a set of values that are only available within the scope of some function that gets called much later in the process lifetime; definitely some time very much later than module-scope import.

You needn't use schema binding at all to deal with this situation. You can instead mutate a cloned schema object by changing its attributes and assigning it values (such as widgets, validators, etc) within the function which has access to the missing values imperatively within the scope of that function.

However, if you'd prefer, you can use "deferred" values as SchemaNode keyword arguments to a schema defined at module scope, and subsequently use "schema binding" to resolve them later. This can make your schema seem "more declarative": it allows you to group all the code that will be run when your schema is used together at module scope.

What Is Schema Binding?

  • Any value passed as a keyword argument to a SchemaNode (e.g. description, missing, etc.) may be an instance of the colander.deferred class. Instances of the colander.deferred class are callables which accept two positional arguments: a node and a kw dictionary.

  • When a schema node is bound, it is cloned, and any colander.deferred values it has as attributes will be resolved by invoking the callable represented by the deferred value.

  • A colander.deferred value is a callable that accepts two positional arguments: the schema node being bound and a set of arbitrary keyword arguments. It should return a value appropriate for its usage (a widget, a missing value, a validator, etc).

  • Deferred values are not resolved until the schema is bound.

  • Schemas are bound via the colander.SchemaNode.bind() method. For example: someschema.bind(a=1, b=2). The keyword values passed to bind are presented as the value kw to each colander.deferred value found.

  • The schema is bound recursively. Each of the schema node's children are also bound.

An Example

Let's take a look at an example:

  1   import datetime
  2   import colander
  3   import deform
  5   @colander.deferred
  6   def deferred_date_validator(node, kw):
  7       max_date = kw.get('max_date')
  8       if max_date is None:
  9           max_date =
 10       return colander.Range(, max=max_date)
 12   @colander.deferred
 13   def deferred_date_description(node, kw):
 14       max_date = kw.get('max_date')
 15       if max_date is None:
 16           max_date =
 17       return 'Blog post date (no earlier than %s)' % max_date.ctime()
 19   @colander.deferred
 20   def deferred_date_missing(node, kw):
 21       default_date = kw.get('default_date')
 22       if default_date is None:
 23           default_date =
 24       return default_date
 26   @colander.deferred
 27   def deferred_body_validator(node, kw):
 28       max_bodylen = kw.get('max_bodylen')
 29       if max_bodylen is None:
 30           max_bodylen = 1 << 18
 31       return colander.Length(max=max_bodylen)
 33   @colander.deferred
 34   def deferred_body_description(node, kw):
 35       max_bodylen = kw.get('max_bodylen')
 36       if max_bodylen is None:
 37           max_bodylen = 1 << 18
 38       return 'Blog post body (no longer than %s bytes)' % max_bodylen
 40   @colander.deferred
 41   def deferred_body_widget(node, kw):
 42       body_type = kw.get('body_type')
 43       if body_type == 'richtext':
 44           widget = deform.widget.RichTextWidget()
 45       else:
 46           widget = deform.widget.TextAreaWidget()
 47       return widget
 49   @colander.deferred
 50   def deferred_category_validator(node, kw):
 51       categories = kw.get('categories', [])
 52       return colander.OneOf([ x[0] for x in categories ])
 54   @colander.deferred
 55   def deferred_category_widget(node, kw):
 56       categories = kw.get('categories', [])
 57       return deform.widget.RadioChoiceWidget(values=categories)
 59   @colander.deferred
 60   def deferred_author_node(node, kw):
 61       if kw.get('with_author'):
 62           return colander.SchemaNode(
 63               colander.String(),
 64               title='Author',
 65               description='Blog author',
 66               validator=colander.Length(min=3, max=100),
 67               widget=deform.widget.TextInputWidget(),
 68           )
 70   class BlogPostSchema(colander.Schema):
 71       title = colander.SchemaNode(
 72           colander.String(),
 73           title='Title',
 74           description='Blog post title',
 75           validator=colander.Length(min=5, max=100),
 76           widget=deform.widget.TextInputWidget(),
 77           )
 78       date = colander.SchemaNode(
 79           colander.Date(),
 80           title='Date',
 81           missing=deferred_date_missing,
 82           description=deferred_date_description,
 83           validator=deferred_date_validator,
 84           widget=deform.widget.DateInputWidget(),
 85           )
 86       body = colander.SchemaNode(
 87           colander.String(),
 88           title='Body',
 89           description=deferred_body_description,
 90           validator=deferred_body_validator,
 91           widget=deferred_body_widget,
 92           )
 93       category = colander.SchemaNode(
 94           colander.String(),
 95           title='Category',
 96           description='Blog post category',
 97           validator=deferred_category_validator,
 98           widget=deferred_category_widget,
 99           )
100       author = deferred_author_node
102   schema = BlogPostSchema().bind(
104       max_bodylen=5000,
105       body_type='richtext',
107       categories=[('one', 'One'), ('two', 'Two')]
108       with_author=True,
109       )

We use colander.deferred in its preferred manner here: as a decorator to a function that takes two arguments. For a schema node value to be considered deferred, it must be an instance of colander.deferred and using that class as a decorator is the easiest way to ensure that this happens.

To perform binding, the bind method of a schema node must be called. bind returns a clone of the schema node (and its children, recursively), with all colander.deferred values resolved. In the above example:

  • The date node's missing value will be

  • The date node's validator value will be a colander.Range validator with a max of

  • The date node's widget will be of the type DateInputWidget.

  • The body node's description will be the string Blog post body (no longer than 5000 bytes).

  • The body node's validator value will be a colander.Length validator with a max of 5000.

  • The body node's widget will be of the type RichTextWidget.

  • The category node's validator will be of the type colander.OneOf, and its choices value will be ['one', 'two'].

  • The category node's widget will be of the type RadioChoiceWidget, and the values it will be provided will be [('one', 'One'), ('two', 'Two')].

  • The author node will only exist if the schema is bound with with_author=True.


Whenever a cloned schema node has had its values successfully bound, it can optionally call an after_bind callback attached to itself. This can be useful for adding and removing children from schema nodes:

 1   def maybe_remove_date(node, kw):
 2       if not kw.get('use_date'):
 3           del node['date']
 5   class BlogPostSchema(colander.Schema):
 6       title = colander.SchemaNode(
 7           colander.String(),
 8           title = 'Title',
 9           description = 'Blog post title',
10           validator = colander.Length(min=5, max=100),
11           widget = deform.widget.TextInputWidget(),
12           )
13       date = colander.SchemaNode(
14           colander.Date(),
15           title = 'Date',
16           description = 'Date',
17           widget = deform.widget.DateInputWidget(),
18           )
20    blog_schema = BlogPostSchema(after_bind=maybe_remove_date)
21    blog_schema = blog_schema.bind(use_date=False)

An after_bind callback is called after a clone of this node has bound all of its values successfully. The above example removes the date node if the use_date keyword in the binding keyword arguments is not true.

The deepest nodes in the node tree are bound first, so the after_bind methods of the deepest nodes are called before the shallowest.

An after_bind callback should should accept two values: node and kw. node will be a clone of the bound node object, kw will be the set of keywords passed to the bind method. It usually operates on the node it is passed using the API methods described in SchemaNode.

Unbound Schemas With Deferreds

If you use a schema with deferred validator, missing or default attributes, but you use it to perform serialization and deserialization without calling its bind method:

  • If validator is deferred, deserialize() will raise an UnboundDeferredError.

  • If missing is deferred, the field will be considered required.

  • If default is deferred, the serialization default will be assumed to be colander.null.

See Also

See also the colander.SchemaNode.bind() method and the description of after_bind in the documentation of the colander.SchemaNode constructor.