
class hypatia.catalog.Catalog(family=None)
__setitem__(name, index)

Retrieve an index.

get(k[, d]) D[k] if k in D, else d.  d defaults to None.

Retrieve an index or return failobj.


Clear all indexes in this catalog.

index_doc(docid, obj)

Register the document represented by obj in indexes of this catalog using docid docid.


Unregister the document id from indexes of this catalog.

reindex_doc(docid, obj)

Reindex the document referenced by docid using the object passed in as obj (typically just does the equivalent of unindex_doc, then index_doc, but specialized indexes can override the method that this API calls to do less work.

index_doc(docid, obj)

Register the document represented by obj in indexes of this catalog using docid docid.

reindex_doc(docid, obj)

Reindex the document referenced by docid using the object passed in as obj (typically just does the equivalent of unindex_doc, then index_doc, but specialized indexes can override the method that this API calls to do less work.


Clear all indexes in this catalog.


Unregister the document id from indexes of this catalog.

class hypatia.catalog.CatalogQuery(catalog, family=None)

Legacy query API for non-index-based queries; might be useful if/when an index-based query doesn’t work properly, or a particular contstraint can’t be spelled with one.

__call__(queryobject, sort_index=None, limit=None, sort_type=None, reverse=False, names=None)

Use the arguments to perform a query. Return a tuple of (num, resultseq).

sort(docidset, sort_index, limit=None, sort_type=None, reverse=False)

Return (num, sorted-resultseq) for the concrete docidset.

query(queryobject, sort_index=None, limit=None, sort_type=None, reverse=False, names=None)

Use the arguments to perform a query. Return a tuple of (num, resultseq).


Use the query terms to perform a query. Return a tuple of (num, resultseq) based on the merging of results from individual indexes.


This method is deprecated. Use hypatia.catalog.CatalogQuery.__call__() instead.

sort(docidset, sort_index, limit=None, sort_type=None, reverse=False)

Return (num, sorted-resultseq) for the concrete docidset.



class hypatia.query.Contains(index, value)

Contains query.

CQE equivalent: ‘foo’ in index

class hypatia.query.Eq(index, value)

Equals query.

CQE equivalent: index == ‘foo’

class hypatia.query.NotEq(index, value)

Not equal query.

CQE equivalent: index != ‘foo’

class hypatia.query.Gt(index, value)

Greater than query.

CQE equivalent: index > ‘foo’

class hypatia.query.Lt(index, value)

Less than query.

CQE equivalent: index < ‘foo’

class hypatia.query.Ge(index, value)

Greater (or equal) query.

CQE equivalent: index >= ‘foo’

class hypatia.query.Le(index, value)

Less (or equal) query.

CQE equivalent: index <= ‘foo

class hypatia.query.Contains(index, value)

Contains query.

CQE equivalent: ‘foo’ in index

class hypatia.query.NotContains(index, value)

CQE equivalent: ‘foo’ not in index

class hypatia.query.Any(index, value)

Any of query.

CQE equivalent: index in any([‘foo’, ‘bar’])

class hypatia.query.NotAny(index, value)

Not any of query (ie, None of query)

CQE equivalent: index not in any([‘foo’, ‘bar’])

class hypatia.query.All(index, value)

All query.

CQE equivalent: index in all([‘foo’, ‘bar’])

class hypatia.query.NotAll(index, value)

NotAll query.

CQE equivalent: index not in all([‘foo’, ‘bar’])

class hypatia.query.InRange(index, start, end, start_exclusive=False, end_exclusive=False)

Index value falls within a range.

CQE equivalent: lower < index < upper

lower <= index <= upper

class hypatia.query.NotInRange(index, start, end, start_exclusive=False, end_exclusive=False)

Index value falls outside a range.

CQE equivalent: not(lower < index < upper)

not(lower <= index <= upper)

Boolean Operators

class hypatia.query.Or(*queries)

Boolean Or of multiple queries.

class hypatia.query.And(*queries)

Boolean And of multiple queries.

class hypatia.query.Not(query)

Negation of a query.

Other Helpers

class hypatia.query.Name(name)

A variable name in an expression, evaluated at query time. Can be used to defer evaluation of variables used inside of expressions until query time.


from hypatia.query import Eq
from hypatia.query import Name

# Define query at module scope
find_cats = Eq('color', Name('color')) & Eq('sex', Name('sex'))

# Use query in a search function, evaluating color and sex at the
# time of the query
def search_cats(catalog, resolver, color='tabby', sex='female'):
    # Let resolver be some function which can retrieve a cat object
    # from your application given a docid.
    params = dict(color=color, sex=sex)
    count, docids = catalog.query(find_cats, params)
    for docid in docids:
        yield resolver(docid)
hypatia.query.parse_query(expr, catalog, optimize_query=True)

Parses the given expression string and returns a query object. Requires Python >= 2.6.


class hypatia.util.ResultSet(ids, numids, resolver, sort_type=None)

Implements hypatia.interfaces.IResultSet


Intersect this resultset with a sequence of docids or another resultset. Returns a new ResultSet.


class hypatia.exc.BadResults(resultset)

Superclass of hypatia.exc.MultipleResults and hypatia.exc.NoResults. Has an attribute named resultset which is the resultset related to the error.

class hypatia.exc.MultipleResults(resultset)

Raised when a method that was expected to return a single result returns multiple results.

class hypatia.exc.NoResults(resultset)

Raised when a method that was expected to return at least one result returns zero results.

class hypatia.exc.Unsortable(docids)

Raised when a method which was expected to sort a set of provided document identifiers cannot sort one or more of those identifiers. An attribute named docids is a sequence containing the identifiers.


Field index

class hypatia.field.FieldIndex(discriminator, family=None)

Field indexing.

Query types supported:

  • Eq

  • NotEq

  • Gt

  • Ge

  • Lt

  • Le

  • In

  • NotIn

  • Any

  • NotAny

  • InRange

  • NotInRange

index_doc(docid, value)

See interface IIndexInjection


See IIndexedDocuments


See IIndexedDocuments

reindex_doc(docid, value)

See interface IIndexInjection


Initialize forward and reverse mappings.


See interface IIndexInjection.


Return the unique values in the index for all docids as an iterable


See interface IIndexStatistics


class hypatia.keyword.KeywordIndex(discriminator, family=None)

Keyword index.

Query types supported:

  • Eq

  • NotEq

  • In

  • NotIn

  • Any

  • NotAny

  • All

  • NotAll


Perform normalization on sequence of keywords.

Return normalized sequence. This method may be overriden by subclasses.


Optimize the index. Call this after changing tree_threshold.

This converts internal data structures between Sets and TreeSets based on tree_threshold.

reindex_doc(docid, value)

See interface IIndexInjection


Initialize forward and reverse mappings.

search(query, operator='and')

Execute a search given by ‘query’.


Return the unique values in the index for all docids as an iterable


Return the number of indexed words


Text index.

class hypatia.text.TextIndex(discriminator, lexicon=None, index=None, family=None)

Returns True if the querytext can be turned into a parse tree, returns False if otherwise.


See IIndexedDocuments

reindex_doc(docid, object)

See interface IIndexInjection

sort(result, reverse=False, limit=None, sort_type=None, raise_unsortable=True)

Sort by text relevance.

This only works if the query includes at least one text query, leading to a weighted result. This method raises TypeError if the result is not weighted.

A weighted result is a dictionary-ish object that has docids as keys and floating point weights as values. This method sorts the dictionary by weight and returns the sorted docids as a list.


Return the number of words in the index.


class hypatia.facet.FacetIndex(discriminator, facets, family=None)

Facet index.

Query types supported:

  • Eq

  • NotEq

  • In

  • NotIn

  • Any

  • NotAny

  • All

  • NotAll

counts(docids, omit_facets=())

Given a set of docids (usually returned from query), provide count information for further facet narrowing. Optionally omit count information for facets and their ancestors that are in ‘omit_facets’ (a sequence of facets)

index_doc(docid, obj)

Pass in an integer document id and an object supporting a sequence of facet specifiers ala [‘style:gucci:handbag’] via the discriminator



Used as an argument to the sort_type parameter of IIndexSort.sort.


Used as an argument to the sort_type parameter of IIndexSort.sort.