Source code for pyramid.i18n

import gettext
import os

from translationstring import (
    TranslationString,  # API
    TranslationStringFactory,  # API

from pyramid._compat import PY2
from pyramid.decorator import reify

from pyramid.interfaces import (

from pyramid.threadlocal import get_current_registry

TranslationString = TranslationString  # PyFlakes
TranslationStringFactory = TranslationStringFactory  # PyFlakes

DEFAULT_PLURAL = lambda n: int(n != 1)

[docs] class Localizer(object): """ An object providing translation and pluralizations related to the current request's locale name. A :class:`pyramid.i18n.Localizer` object is created using the :func:`pyramid.i18n.get_localizer` function. """ def __init__(self, locale_name, translations): self.locale_name = locale_name self.translations = translations self.pluralizer = None self.translator = None
[docs] def translate(self, tstring, domain=None, mapping=None): """ Translate a :term:`translation string` to the current language and interpolate any *replacement markers* in the result. The ``translate`` method accepts three arguments: ``tstring`` (required), ``domain`` (optional) and ``mapping`` (optional). When called, it will translate the ``tstring`` translation string to a ``unicode`` object using the current locale. If the current locale could not be determined, the result of interpolation of the default value is returned. The optional ``domain`` argument can be used to specify or override the domain of the ``tstring`` (useful when ``tstring`` is a normal string rather than a translation string). The optional ``mapping`` argument can specify or override the ``tstring`` interpolation mapping, useful when the ``tstring`` argument is a simple string instead of a translation string. Example:: from pyramid.18n import TranslationString ts = TranslationString('Add ${item}', domain='mypackage', mapping={'item':'Item'}) translated = localizer.translate(ts) Example:: translated = localizer.translate('Add ${item}', domain='mypackage', mapping={'item':'Item'}) """ if self.translator is None: self.translator = Translator(self.translations) return self.translator(tstring, domain=domain, mapping=mapping)
[docs] def pluralize(self, singular, plural, n, domain=None, mapping=None): """ Return a Unicode string translation by using two :term:`message identifier` objects as a singular/plural pair and an ``n`` value representing the number that appears in the message using gettext plural forms support. The ``singular`` and ``plural`` objects should be unicode strings. There is no reason to use translation string objects as arguments as all metadata is ignored. ``n`` represents the number of elements. ``domain`` is the translation domain to use to do the pluralization, and ``mapping`` is the interpolation mapping that should be used on the result. If the ``domain`` is not supplied, a default domain is used (usually ``messages``). Example:: num = 1 translated = localizer.pluralize('Add ${num} item', 'Add ${num} items', num, mapping={'num':num}) If using the gettext plural support, which is required for languages that have pluralisation rules other than n != 1, the ``singular`` argument must be the message_id defined in the translation file. The plural argument is not used in this case. Example:: num = 1 translated = localizer.pluralize('item_plural', '', num, mapping={'num':num}) """ if self.pluralizer is None: self.pluralizer = Pluralizer(self.translations) return self.pluralizer( singular, plural, n, domain=domain, mapping=mapping )
[docs] def default_locale_negotiator(request): """The default :term:`locale negotiator`. Returns a locale name or ``None``. - First, the negotiator looks for the ``_LOCALE_`` attribute of the request object (possibly set by a view or a listener for an :term:`event`). If the attribute exists and it is not ``None``, its value will be used. - Then it looks for the ``request.params['_LOCALE_']`` value. - Then it looks for the ``request.cookies['_LOCALE_']`` value. - Finally, the negotiator returns ``None`` if the locale could not be determined via any of the previous checks (when a locale negotiator returns ``None``, it signifies that the :term:`default locale name` should be used.) """ name = '_LOCALE_' locale_name = getattr(request, name, None) if locale_name is None: locale_name = request.params.get(name) if locale_name is None: locale_name = request.cookies.get(name) return locale_name
[docs] def negotiate_locale_name(request): """Negotiate and return the :term:`locale name` associated with the current request.""" try: registry = request.registry except AttributeError: registry = get_current_registry() negotiator = registry.queryUtility( ILocaleNegotiator, default=default_locale_negotiator ) locale_name = negotiator(request) if locale_name is None: settings = registry.settings or {} locale_name = settings.get('default_locale_name', 'en') return locale_name
[docs] def get_locale_name(request): """ .. deprecated:: 1.5 Use :attr:`pyramid.request.Request.locale_name` directly instead. Return the :term:`locale name` associated with the current request. """ return request.locale_name
[docs] def make_localizer(current_locale_name, translation_directories): """Create a :class:`pyramid.i18n.Localizer` object corresponding to the provided locale name from the translations found in the list of translation directories.""" translations = Translations() translations._catalog = {} locales_to_try = [] if '_' in current_locale_name: locales_to_try = [current_locale_name.split('_')[0]] locales_to_try.append(current_locale_name) # intent: order locales left to right in least specific to most specific, # e.g. ['de', 'de_DE']. This services the intent of creating a # translations object that returns a "more specific" translation for a # region, but will fall back to a "less specific" translation for the # locale if necessary. Ordering from least specific to most specific # allows us to call translations.add in the below loop to get this # behavior. for tdir in translation_directories: locale_dirs = [] for lname in locales_to_try: ldir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(tdir, lname)) if os.path.isdir(ldir): locale_dirs.append(ldir) for locale_dir in locale_dirs: messages_dir = os.path.join(locale_dir, 'LC_MESSAGES') if not os.path.isdir(os.path.realpath(messages_dir)): continue for mofile in os.listdir(messages_dir): mopath = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(messages_dir, mofile)) if mofile.endswith('.mo') and os.path.isfile(mopath): with open(mopath, 'rb') as mofp: domain = mofile[:-3] dtrans = Translations(mofp, domain) translations.add(dtrans) return Localizer( locale_name=current_locale_name, translations=translations )
[docs] def get_localizer(request): """ .. deprecated:: 1.5 Use the :attr:`pyramid.request.Request.localizer` attribute directly instead. Retrieve a :class:`pyramid.i18n.Localizer` object corresponding to the current request's locale name. """ return request.localizer
class Translations(gettext.GNUTranslations, object): """An extended translation catalog class (ripped off from Babel) """ DEFAULT_DOMAIN = 'messages' def __init__(self, fileobj=None, domain=DEFAULT_DOMAIN): """Initialize the translations catalog. :param fileobj: the file-like object the translation should be read from """ # germanic plural by default; self.plural will be overwritten by # GNUTranslations._parse (called as a side effect if fileobj is # passed to GNUTranslations.__init__) with a "real" self.plural for # this domain; see # It is only overridden the first time a new message file is found # for a given domain, so all message files must have matching plural # rules if they are in the same domain. We keep track of if we have # overridden so we can special case the default domain, which is always # instantiated before a message file is read. # See also self.plural = DEFAULT_PLURAL gettext.GNUTranslations.__init__(self, fp=fileobj) self.files = list(filter(None, [getattr(fileobj, 'name', None)])) self.domain = domain self._domains = {} @classmethod def load(cls, dirname=None, locales=None, domain=DEFAULT_DOMAIN): """Load translations from the given directory. :param dirname: the directory containing the ``MO`` files :param locales: the list of locales in order of preference (items in this list can be either `Locale` objects or locale strings) :param domain: the message domain :return: the loaded catalog, or a ``NullTranslations`` instance if no matching translations were found :rtype: `Translations` """ if locales is not None: if not isinstance(locales, (list, tuple)): locales = [locales] locales = [str(locale) for locale in locales] if not domain: domain = cls.DEFAULT_DOMAIN filename = gettext.find(domain, dirname, locales) if not filename: return gettext.NullTranslations() with open(filename, 'rb') as fp: return cls(fileobj=fp, domain=domain) def __repr__(self): return '<%s: "%s">' % ( type(self).__name__, self._info.get('project-id-version'), ) def add(self, translations, merge=True): """Add the given translations to the catalog. If the domain of the translations is different than that of the current catalog, they are added as a catalog that is only accessible by the various ``d*gettext`` functions. :param translations: the `Translations` instance with the messages to add :param merge: whether translations for message domains that have already been added should be merged with the existing translations :return: the `Translations` instance (``self``) so that `merge` calls can be easily chained :rtype: `Translations` """ domain = getattr(translations, 'domain', self.DEFAULT_DOMAIN) if domain == self.DEFAULT_DOMAIN and self.plural is DEFAULT_PLURAL: self.plural = translations.plural if merge and domain == self.domain: return self.merge(translations) existing = self._domains.get(domain) if merge and existing is not None: existing.merge(translations) else: translations.add_fallback(self) self._domains[domain] = translations return self def merge(self, translations): """Merge the given translations into the catalog. Message translations in the specified catalog override any messages with the same identifier in the existing catalog. :param translations: the `Translations` instance with the messages to merge :return: the `Translations` instance (``self``) so that `merge` calls can be easily chained :rtype: `Translations` """ if isinstance(translations, gettext.GNUTranslations): self._catalog.update(translations._catalog) if isinstance(translations, Translations): self.files.extend(translations.files) return self def dgettext(self, domain, message): """Like ``gettext()``, but look the message up in the specified domain. """ return self._domains.get(domain, self).gettext(message) def ldgettext(self, domain, message): """Like ``lgettext()``, but look the message up in the specified domain. """ return self._domains.get(domain, self).lgettext(message) def dugettext(self, domain, message): """Like ``ugettext()``, but look the message up in the specified domain. """ if PY2: return self._domains.get(domain, self).ugettext(message) else: return self._domains.get(domain, self).gettext(message) def dngettext(self, domain, singular, plural, num): """Like ``ngettext()``, but look the message up in the specified domain. """ return self._domains.get(domain, self).ngettext(singular, plural, num) def ldngettext(self, domain, singular, plural, num): """Like ``lngettext()``, but look the message up in the specified domain. """ return self._domains.get(domain, self).lngettext(singular, plural, num) def dungettext(self, domain, singular, plural, num): """Like ``ungettext()`` but look the message up in the specified domain. """ if PY2: return self._domains.get(domain, self).ungettext( singular, plural, num ) else: return self._domains.get(domain, self).ngettext( singular, plural, num ) class LocalizerRequestMixin(object): @reify def localizer(self): """ Convenience property to return a localizer """ registry = self.registry current_locale_name = self.locale_name localizer = registry.queryUtility(ILocalizer, name=current_locale_name) if localizer is None: # no localizer utility registered yet tdirs = registry.queryUtility(ITranslationDirectories, default=[]) localizer = make_localizer(current_locale_name, tdirs) registry.registerUtility( localizer, ILocalizer, name=current_locale_name ) return localizer @reify def locale_name(self): locale_name = negotiate_locale_name(self) return locale_name