Source code for pyramid.request

from collections import deque
import json

from zope.interface import implementer
from zope.interface.interface import InterfaceClass

from webob import BaseRequest

from pyramid.interfaces import (

from pyramid._compat import text_, bytes_, native_, iteritems_

from pyramid.decorator import reify
from pyramid.i18n import LocalizerRequestMixin
from pyramid.response import Response, _get_response_factory
from import AuthenticationAPIMixin, AuthorizationAPIMixin
from pyramid.url import URLMethodsMixin
from pyramid.util import InstancePropertyHelper, InstancePropertyMixin
from pyramid.view import ViewMethodsMixin

class TemplateContext(object):

class CallbackMethodsMixin(object):
    def finished_callbacks(self):
        return deque()

    def response_callbacks(self):
        return deque()

    def add_response_callback(self, callback):
        Add a callback to the set of callbacks to be called by the
        :term:`router` at a point after a :term:`response` object is
        successfully created.  :app:`Pyramid` does not have a
        global response object: this functionality allows an
        application to register an action to be performed against the
        response once one is created.

        A 'callback' is a callable which accepts two positional
        parameters: ``request`` and ``response``.  For example:

        .. code-block:: python

           def cache_callback(request, response):
               'Set the cache_control max_age for the response'
               response.cache_control.max_age = 360

        Response callbacks are called in the order they're added
        (first-to-most-recently-added).  No response callback is
        called if an exception happens in application code, or if the
        response object returned by :term:`view` code is invalid.

        All response callbacks are called *after* the tweens and
        *before* the :class:`` event is sent.

        Errors raised by callbacks are not handled specially.  They
        will be propagated to the caller of the :app:`Pyramid`
        router application.

        .. seealso::

            See also :ref:`using_response_callbacks`.


    def _process_response_callbacks(self, response):
        callbacks = self.response_callbacks
        while callbacks:
            callback = callbacks.popleft()
            callback(self, response)

    def add_finished_callback(self, callback):
        Add a callback to the set of callbacks to be called
        unconditionally by the :term:`router` at the very end of
        request processing.

        ``callback`` is a callable which accepts a single positional
        parameter: ``request``.  For example:

        .. code-block:: python

           import transaction

           def commit_callback(request):
               '''commit or abort the transaction associated with request'''
               if request.exception is not None:

        Finished callbacks are called in the order they're added (
        first- to most-recently- added).  Finished callbacks (unlike
        response callbacks) are *always* called, even if an exception
        happens in application code that prevents a response from
        being generated.

        The set of finished callbacks associated with a request are
        called *very late* in the processing of that request; they are
        essentially the last thing called by the :term:`router`. They
        are called after response processing has already occurred in a
        top-level ``finally:`` block within the router request
        processing code.  As a result, mutations performed to the
        ``request`` provided to a finished callback will have no
        meaningful effect, because response processing will have
        already occurred, and the request's scope will expire almost
        immediately after all finished callbacks have been processed.

        Errors raised by finished callbacks are not handled specially.
        They will be propagated to the caller of the :app:`Pyramid`
        router application.

        .. seealso::

            See also :ref:`using_finished_callbacks`.

    def _process_finished_callbacks(self):
        callbacks = self.finished_callbacks
        while callbacks:
            callback = callbacks.popleft()

[docs] @implementer(IRequest) class Request( BaseRequest, URLMethodsMixin, CallbackMethodsMixin, InstancePropertyMixin, LocalizerRequestMixin, AuthenticationAPIMixin, AuthorizationAPIMixin, ViewMethodsMixin, ): """ A subclass of the :term:`WebOb` Request class. An instance of this class is created by the :term:`router` and is provided to a view callable (and to other subsystems) as the ``request`` argument. The documentation below (save for the ``add_response_callback`` and ``add_finished_callback`` methods, which are defined in this subclass itself, and the attributes ``context``, ``registry``, ``root``, ``subpath``, ``traversed``, ``view_name``, ``virtual_root`` , and ``virtual_root_path``, each of which is added to the request by the :term:`router` at request ingress time) are autogenerated from the WebOb source code used when this documentation was generated. Due to technical constraints, we can't yet display the WebOb version number from which this documentation is autogenerated, but it will be the 'prevailing WebOb version' at the time of the release of this :app:`Pyramid` version. See for further information. """ exception = None exc_info = None matchdict = None matched_route = None request_iface = IRequest ResponseClass = Response @reify def tmpl_context(self): # docs-deprecated template context for Pylons-like apps; do not # remove. return TemplateContext() @reify def session(self): """Obtain the :term:`session` object associated with this request. If a :term:`session factory` has not been registered during application configuration, a :class:`pyramid.exceptions.ConfigurationError` will be raised""" factory = self.registry.queryUtility(ISessionFactory) if factory is None: raise AttributeError( 'No session factory registered ' '(see the Sessions chapter of the Pyramid documentation)' ) return factory(self) @reify def response(self): """This attribute is actually a "reified" property which returns an instance of the :class:`pyramid.response.Response`. class. The response object returned does not exist until this attribute is accessed. Subsequent accesses will return the same Response object. The ``request.response`` API is used by renderers. A render obtains the response object it will return from a view that uses that renderer by accessing ``request.response``. Therefore, it's possible to use the ``request.response`` API to set up a response object with "the right" attributes (e.g. by calling ``request.response.set_cookie()``) within a view that uses a renderer. Mutations to this response object will be preserved in the response sent to the client.""" response_factory = _get_response_factory(self.registry) return response_factory(self)
[docs] def is_response(self, ob): """Return ``True`` if the object passed as ``ob`` is a valid response object, ``False`` otherwise.""" if ob.__class__ is Response: return True registry = self.registry adapted = registry.queryAdapterOrSelf(ob, IResponse) if adapted is None: return False return adapted is ob
@property def json_body(self): return json.loads(text_(self.body, self.charset))
def route_request_iface(name, bases=()): # zope.interface treats the __name__ as the __doc__ and changes __name__ # to None for interfaces that contain spaces if you do not pass a # nonempty __doc__ (insane); see # zope.interface.interface.Element.__init__ and #; as a result, always pass # __doc__ to the InterfaceClass constructor. iface = InterfaceClass( '%s_IRequest' % name, bases=bases, __doc__="route_request_iface-generated interface", ) # for exception view lookups iface.combined = InterfaceClass( '%s_combined_IRequest' % name, bases=(iface, IRequest), __doc__='route_request_iface-generated combined interface', ) return iface def add_global_response_headers(request, headerlist): def add_headers(request, response): for k, v in headerlist: response.headerlist.append((k, v)) request.add_response_callback(add_headers) def call_app_with_subpath_as_path_info(request, app): # Copy the request. Use the source request's subpath (if it exists) as # the new request's PATH_INFO. Set the request copy's SCRIPT_NAME to the # prefix before the subpath. Call the application with the new request # and return a response. # # Postconditions: # - SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO are empty or start with / # - At least one of SCRIPT_NAME or PATH_INFO are set. # - SCRIPT_NAME is not '/' (it should be '', and PATH_INFO should # be '/'). environ = request.environ script_name = environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '') path_info = environ.get('PATH_INFO', '/') subpath = list(getattr(request, 'subpath', ())) new_script_name = '' # compute new_path_info new_path_info = '/' + '/'.join( [native_(x.encode('utf-8'), 'latin-1') for x in subpath] ) if new_path_info != '/': # don't want a sole double-slash if path_info != '/': # if orig path_info is '/', we're already done if path_info.endswith('/'): # readd trailing slash stripped by subpath (traversal) # conversion new_path_info += '/' # compute new_script_name workback = (script_name + path_info).split('/') tmp = [] while workback: if tmp == subpath: break el = workback.pop() if el: tmp.insert(0, text_(bytes_(el, 'latin-1'), 'utf-8')) # strip all trailing slashes from workback to avoid appending undue slashes # to end of script_name while workback and (workback[-1] == ''): workback = workback[:-1] new_script_name = '/'.join(workback) new_request = request.copy() new_request.environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = new_script_name new_request.environ['PATH_INFO'] = new_path_info return new_request.get_response(app)
[docs] def apply_request_extensions(request, extensions=None): """Apply request extensions (methods and properties) to an instance of :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IRequest`. This method is dependent on the ``request`` containing a properly initialized registry. After invoking this method, the ``request`` should have the methods and properties that were defined using :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_request_method`. """ if extensions is None: extensions = request.registry.queryUtility(IRequestExtensions) if extensions is not None: for name, fn in iteritems_(extensions.methods): method = fn.__get__(request, request.__class__) setattr(request, name, method) InstancePropertyHelper.apply_properties( request, extensions.descriptors )