Source code for pyramid.session

import base64
import binascii
import hashlib
import hmac
import os
import time
import warnings

from zope.deprecation import deprecated
from zope.interface import implementer

from webob.cookies import JSONSerializer, SignedSerializer

from pyramid._compat import pickle, PY2, text_, bytes_, native_
from pyramid.csrf import check_csrf_origin, check_csrf_token

from pyramid.interfaces import ISession
from pyramid.util import strings_differ

def manage_accessed(wrapped):
    """Decorator which causes a cookie to be renewed when an accessor
    method is called."""

    def accessed(session, *arg, **kw):
        session.accessed = now = int(time.time())
        if session._reissue_time is not None:
            if now - session.renewed > session._reissue_time:
        return wrapped(session, *arg, **kw)

    accessed.__doc__ = wrapped.__doc__
    return accessed

def manage_changed(wrapped):
    """Decorator which causes a cookie to be set when a setter method
    is called."""

    def changed(session, *arg, **kw):
        session.accessed = int(time.time())
        return wrapped(session, *arg, **kw)

    changed.__doc__ = wrapped.__doc__
    return changed

def signed_serialize(data, secret):
    """Serialize any pickleable structure (``data``) and sign it
    using the ``secret`` (must be a string).  Return the
    serialization, which includes the signature as its first 40 bytes.
    The ``signed_deserialize`` method will deserialize such a value.

    This function is useful for creating signed cookies.  For example:

    .. code-block:: python

       cookieval = signed_serialize({'a':1}, 'secret')
       response.set_cookie('signed_cookie', cookieval)

    .. deprecated:: 1.10

       This function will be removed in :app:`Pyramid` 2.0. It is using
       pickle-based serialization, which is considered vulnerable to remote
       code execution attacks and will no longer be used by the default
       session factories at that time.

    pickled = pickle.dumps(data, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
        # bw-compat with pyramid <= 1.5b1 where latin1 is the default
        secret = bytes_(secret)
    except UnicodeEncodeError:
        secret = bytes_(secret, 'utf-8')
    sig =, pickled, hashlib.sha1).hexdigest()
    return sig + native_(base64.b64encode(pickled))

    'This function will be removed in Pyramid 2.0. It is using pickle-based '
    'serialization, which is considered vulnerable to remote code execution '

def signed_deserialize(serialized, secret, hmac=hmac):
    """Deserialize the value returned from ``signed_serialize``.  If
    the value cannot be deserialized for any reason, a
    :exc:`ValueError` exception will be raised.

    This function is useful for deserializing a signed cookie value
    created by ``signed_serialize``.  For example:

    .. code-block:: python

       cookieval = request.cookies['signed_cookie']
       data = signed_deserialize(cookieval, 'secret')

    .. deprecated:: 1.10

       This function will be removed in :app:`Pyramid` 2.0. It is using
       pickle-based serialization, which is considered vulnerable to remote
       code execution attacks and will no longer be used by the default
       session factories at that time.
    # hmac parameterized only for unit tests
        input_sig, pickled = (
    except (binascii.Error, TypeError) as e:
        # Badly formed data can make base64 die
        raise ValueError('Badly formed base64 data: %s' % e)

        # bw-compat with pyramid <= 1.5b1 where latin1 is the default
        secret = bytes_(secret)
    except UnicodeEncodeError:
        secret = bytes_(secret, 'utf-8')
    sig = bytes_(, pickled, hashlib.sha1).hexdigest())

    # Avoid timing attacks (see
    if strings_differ(sig, input_sig):
        raise ValueError('Invalid signature')

    return pickle.loads(pickled)

    'This function will be removed in Pyramid 2.0. It is using pickle-based '
    'serialization, which is considered vulnerable to remote code execution '

[docs] class PickleSerializer(object): """A serializer that uses the pickle protocol to dump Python data to bytes. This is the default serializer used by Pyramid. ``protocol`` may be specified to control the version of pickle used. Defaults to :attr:`pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL`. """ def __init__(self, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL): self.protocol = protocol def loads(self, bstruct): """Accept bytes and return a Python object.""" try: return pickle.loads(bstruct) # at least ValueError, AttributeError, ImportError but more to be safe except Exception: raise ValueError def dumps(self, appstruct): """Accept a Python object and return bytes.""" return pickle.dumps(appstruct, self.protocol)
JSONSerializer = JSONSerializer # api
[docs] def BaseCookieSessionFactory( serializer, cookie_name='session', max_age=None, path='/', domain=None, secure=False, httponly=False, samesite='Lax', timeout=1200, reissue_time=0, set_on_exception=True, ): """ Configure a :term:`session factory` which will provide cookie-based sessions. The return value of this function is a :term:`session factory`, which may be provided as the ``session_factory`` argument of a :class:`pyramid.config.Configurator` constructor, or used as the ``session_factory`` argument of the :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.set_session_factory` method. The session factory returned by this function will create sessions which are limited to storing fewer than 4000 bytes of data (as the payload must fit into a single cookie). .. warning: This class provides no protection from tampering and is only intended to be used by framework authors to create their own cookie-based session factories. Parameters: ``serializer`` An object with two methods: ``loads`` and ``dumps``. The ``loads`` method should accept bytes and return a Python object. The ``dumps`` method should accept a Python object and return bytes. A ``ValueError`` should be raised for malformed inputs. ``cookie_name`` The name of the cookie used for sessioning. Default: ``'session'``. ``max_age`` The maximum age of the cookie used for sessioning (in seconds). Default: ``None`` (browser scope). ``path`` The path used for the session cookie. Default: ``'/'``. ``domain`` The domain used for the session cookie. Default: ``None`` (no domain). ``secure`` The 'secure' flag of the session cookie. Default: ``False``. ``httponly`` Hide the cookie from Javascript by setting the 'HttpOnly' flag of the session cookie. Default: ``False``. ``samesite`` The 'samesite' option of the session cookie. Set the value to ``None`` to turn off the samesite option. Default: ``'Lax'``. ``timeout`` A number of seconds of inactivity before a session times out. If ``None`` then the cookie never expires. This lifetime only applies to the *value* within the cookie. Meaning that if the cookie expires due to a lower ``max_age``, then this setting has no effect. Default: ``1200``. ``reissue_time`` The number of seconds that must pass before the cookie is automatically reissued as the result of a request which accesses the session. The duration is measured as the number of seconds since the last session cookie was issued and 'now'. If this value is ``0``, a new cookie will be reissued on every request accessing the session. If ``None`` then the cookie's lifetime will never be extended. A good rule of thumb: if you want auto-expired cookies based on inactivity: set the ``timeout`` value to 1200 (20 mins) and set the ``reissue_time`` value to perhaps a tenth of the ``timeout`` value (120 or 2 mins). It's nonsensical to set the ``timeout`` value lower than the ``reissue_time`` value, as the ticket will never be reissued. However, such a configuration is not explicitly prevented. Default: ``0``. ``set_on_exception`` If ``True``, set a session cookie even if an exception occurs while rendering a view. Default: ``True``. .. versionadded: 1.5a3 .. versionchanged: 1.10 Added the ``samesite`` option and made the default ``'Lax'``. """ @implementer(ISession) class CookieSession(dict): """ Dictionary-like session object """ # configuration parameters _cookie_name = cookie_name _cookie_max_age = max_age if max_age is None else int(max_age) _cookie_path = path _cookie_domain = domain _cookie_secure = secure _cookie_httponly = httponly _cookie_samesite = samesite _cookie_on_exception = set_on_exception _timeout = timeout if timeout is None else int(timeout) _reissue_time = ( reissue_time if reissue_time is None else int(reissue_time) ) # dirty flag _dirty = False def __init__(self, request): self.request = request now = time.time() created = renewed = now new = True value = None state = {} cookieval = request.cookies.get(self._cookie_name) if cookieval is not None: try: value = serializer.loads(bytes_(cookieval)) except ValueError: # the cookie failed to deserialize, dropped value = None if value is not None: try: # since the value is not necessarily signed, we have # to unpack it a little carefully rval, cval, sval = value renewed = float(rval) created = float(cval) state = sval new = False except (TypeError, ValueError): # value failed to unpack properly or renewed was not # a numeric type so we'll fail deserialization here state = {} if self._timeout is not None: if now - renewed > self._timeout: # expire the session because it was not renewed # before the timeout threshold state = {} self.created = created self.accessed = renewed self.renewed = renewed = new dict.__init__(self, state) # ISession methods def changed(self): if not self._dirty: self._dirty = True def set_cookie_callback(request, response): self._set_cookie(response) self.request = None # explicitly break cycle for gc self.request.add_response_callback(set_cookie_callback) def invalidate(self): self.clear() # XXX probably needs to unset cookie # non-modifying dictionary methods get = manage_accessed(dict.get) __getitem__ = manage_accessed(dict.__getitem__) items = manage_accessed(dict.items) values = manage_accessed(dict.values) keys = manage_accessed(dict.keys) __contains__ = manage_accessed(dict.__contains__) __len__ = manage_accessed(dict.__len__) __iter__ = manage_accessed(dict.__iter__) if PY2: iteritems = manage_accessed(dict.iteritems) itervalues = manage_accessed(dict.itervalues) iterkeys = manage_accessed(dict.iterkeys) has_key = manage_accessed(dict.has_key) # modifying dictionary methods clear = manage_changed(dict.clear) update = manage_changed(dict.update) setdefault = manage_changed(dict.setdefault) pop = manage_changed(dict.pop) popitem = manage_changed(dict.popitem) __setitem__ = manage_changed(dict.__setitem__) __delitem__ = manage_changed(dict.__delitem__) # flash API methods @manage_changed def flash(self, msg, queue='', allow_duplicate=True): storage = self.setdefault('_f_' + queue, []) if allow_duplicate or (msg not in storage): storage.append(msg) @manage_changed def pop_flash(self, queue=''): storage = self.pop('_f_' + queue, []) return storage @manage_accessed def peek_flash(self, queue=''): storage = self.get('_f_' + queue, []) return storage # CSRF API methods @manage_changed def new_csrf_token(self): token = text_(binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(20))) self['_csrft_'] = token return token @manage_accessed def get_csrf_token(self): token = self.get('_csrft_', None) if token is None: token = self.new_csrf_token() return token # non-API methods def _set_cookie(self, response): if not self._cookie_on_exception: exception = getattr(self.request, 'exception', None) if ( exception is not None ): # dont set a cookie during exceptions return False cookieval = native_( serializer.dumps((self.accessed, self.created, dict(self))) ) if len(cookieval) > 4064: raise ValueError( 'Cookie value is too long to store (%s bytes)' % len(cookieval) ) response.set_cookie( self._cookie_name, value=cookieval, max_age=self._cookie_max_age, path=self._cookie_path, domain=self._cookie_domain, secure=self._cookie_secure, httponly=self._cookie_httponly, samesite=self._cookie_samesite, ) return True return CookieSession
def UnencryptedCookieSessionFactoryConfig( secret, timeout=1200, cookie_name='session', cookie_max_age=None, cookie_path='/', cookie_domain=None, cookie_secure=False, cookie_httponly=False, cookie_samesite='Lax', cookie_on_exception=True, signed_serialize=signed_serialize, signed_deserialize=signed_deserialize, ): """ .. deprecated:: 1.5 Use :func:`pyramid.session.SignedCookieSessionFactory` instead. Caveat: Cookies generated using ``SignedCookieSessionFactory`` are not compatible with cookies generated using ``UnencryptedCookieSessionFactory``, so existing user session data will be destroyed if you switch to it. Configure a :term:`session factory` which will provide unencrypted (but signed) cookie-based sessions. The return value of this function is a :term:`session factory`, which may be provided as the ``session_factory`` argument of a :class:`pyramid.config.Configurator` constructor, or used as the ``session_factory`` argument of the :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.set_session_factory` method. The session factory returned by this function will create sessions which are limited to storing fewer than 4000 bytes of data (as the payload must fit into a single cookie). Parameters: ``secret`` A string which is used to sign the cookie. ``timeout`` A number of seconds of inactivity before a session times out. ``cookie_name`` The name of the cookie used for sessioning. ``cookie_max_age`` The maximum age of the cookie used for sessioning (in seconds). Default: ``None`` (browser scope). ``cookie_path`` The path used for the session cookie. ``cookie_domain`` The domain used for the session cookie. Default: ``None`` (no domain). ``cookie_secure`` The 'secure' flag of the session cookie. ``cookie_httponly`` The 'httpOnly' flag of the session cookie. ``cookie_samesite`` The 'samesite' option of the session cookie. Set the value to ``None`` to turn off the samesite option. Default: ``'Lax'``. ``cookie_on_exception`` If ``True``, set a session cookie even if an exception occurs while rendering a view. ``signed_serialize`` A callable which takes more or less arbitrary Python data structure and a secret and returns a signed serialization in bytes. Default: ``signed_serialize`` (using pickle). ``signed_deserialize`` A callable which takes a signed and serialized data structure in bytes and a secret and returns the original data structure if the signature is valid. Default: ``signed_deserialize`` (using pickle). .. versionchanged: 1.10 Added the ``samesite`` option and made the default ``'Lax'``. """ class SerializerWrapper(object): def __init__(self, secret): self.secret = secret def loads(self, bstruct): return signed_deserialize(bstruct, secret) def dumps(self, appstruct): return signed_serialize(appstruct, secret) serializer = SerializerWrapper(secret) return BaseCookieSessionFactory( serializer, cookie_name=cookie_name, max_age=cookie_max_age, path=cookie_path, domain=cookie_domain, secure=cookie_secure, httponly=cookie_httponly, samesite=cookie_samesite, timeout=timeout, reissue_time=0, # to keep session.accessed == session.renewed set_on_exception=cookie_on_exception, ) deprecated( 'UnencryptedCookieSessionFactoryConfig', 'The UnencryptedCookieSessionFactoryConfig callable is deprecated as of ' 'Pyramid 1.5. Use ``pyramid.session.SignedCookieSessionFactory`` instead.' ' Caveat: Cookies generated using SignedCookieSessionFactory are not ' 'compatible with cookies generated using UnencryptedCookieSessionFactory, ' 'so existing user session data will be destroyed if you switch to it.', )
[docs] def SignedCookieSessionFactory( secret, cookie_name='session', max_age=None, path='/', domain=None, secure=False, httponly=False, samesite='Lax', set_on_exception=True, timeout=1200, reissue_time=0, hashalg='sha512', salt='pyramid.session.', serializer=None, ): """ .. versionadded:: 1.5 Configure a :term:`session factory` which will provide signed cookie-based sessions. The return value of this function is a :term:`session factory`, which may be provided as the ``session_factory`` argument of a :class:`pyramid.config.Configurator` constructor, or used as the ``session_factory`` argument of the :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.set_session_factory` method. The session factory returned by this function will create sessions which are limited to storing fewer than 4000 bytes of data (as the payload must fit into a single cookie). Parameters: ``secret`` A string which is used to sign the cookie. The secret should be at least as long as the block size of the selected hash algorithm. For ``sha512`` this would mean a 512 bit (64 character) secret. It should be unique within the set of secret values provided to Pyramid for its various subsystems (see :ref:`admonishment_against_secret_sharing`). ``hashalg`` The HMAC digest algorithm to use for signing. The algorithm must be supported by the :mod:`hashlib` library. Default: ``'sha512'``. ``salt`` A namespace to avoid collisions between different uses of a shared secret. Reusing a secret for different parts of an application is strongly discouraged (see :ref:`admonishment_against_secret_sharing`). Default: ``'pyramid.session.'``. ``cookie_name`` The name of the cookie used for sessioning. Default: ``'session'``. ``max_age`` The maximum age of the cookie used for sessioning (in seconds). Default: ``None`` (browser scope). ``path`` The path used for the session cookie. Default: ``'/'``. ``domain`` The domain used for the session cookie. Default: ``None`` (no domain). ``secure`` The 'secure' flag of the session cookie. Default: ``False``. ``httponly`` Hide the cookie from Javascript by setting the 'HttpOnly' flag of the session cookie. Default: ``False``. ``samesite`` The 'samesite' option of the session cookie. Set the value to ``None`` to turn off the samesite option. Default: ``'Lax'``. ``timeout`` A number of seconds of inactivity before a session times out. If ``None`` then the cookie never expires. This lifetime only applies to the *value* within the cookie. Meaning that if the cookie expires due to a lower ``max_age``, then this setting has no effect. Default: ``1200``. ``reissue_time`` The number of seconds that must pass before the cookie is automatically reissued as the result of accessing the session. The duration is measured as the number of seconds since the last session cookie was issued and 'now'. If this value is ``0``, a new cookie will be reissued on every request accessing the session. If ``None`` then the cookie's lifetime will never be extended. A good rule of thumb: if you want auto-expired cookies based on inactivity: set the ``timeout`` value to 1200 (20 mins) and set the ``reissue_time`` value to perhaps a tenth of the ``timeout`` value (120 or 2 mins). It's nonsensical to set the ``timeout`` value lower than the ``reissue_time`` value, as the ticket will never be reissued. However, such a configuration is not explicitly prevented. Default: ``0``. ``set_on_exception`` If ``True``, set a session cookie even if an exception occurs while rendering a view. Default: ``True``. ``serializer`` An object with two methods: ``loads`` and ``dumps``. The ``loads`` method should accept bytes and return a Python object. The ``dumps`` method should accept a Python object and return bytes. A ``ValueError`` should be raised for malformed inputs. If a serializer is not passed, the :class:`pyramid.session.PickleSerializer` serializer will be used. .. warning:: In :app:`Pyramid` 2.0 the default ``serializer`` option will change to use :class:`pyramid.session.JSONSerializer`. See :ref:`pickle_session_deprecation` for more information about why this change is being made. .. versionadded: 1.5a3 .. versionchanged: 1.10 Added the ``samesite`` option and made the default ``Lax``. """ if serializer is None: serializer = PickleSerializer() warnings.warn( 'The default pickle serializer is deprecated as of Pyramid 1.9 ' 'and it will be changed to use pyramid.session.JSONSerializer in ' 'version 2.0. Explicitly set the serializer to avoid future ' 'incompatibilities. See "Upcoming Changes to ISession in ' 'Pyramid 2.0" for more information about this change.', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=1, ) signed_serializer = SignedSerializer( secret, salt, hashalg, serializer=serializer ) return BaseCookieSessionFactory( signed_serializer, cookie_name=cookie_name, max_age=max_age, path=path, domain=domain, secure=secure, httponly=httponly, samesite=samesite, timeout=timeout, reissue_time=reissue_time, set_on_exception=set_on_exception, )
check_csrf_origin = check_csrf_origin # api deprecated( 'check_csrf_origin', 'pyramid.session.check_csrf_origin is deprecated as of Pyramid ' '1.9. Use pyramid.csrf.check_csrf_origin instead.', ) check_csrf_token = check_csrf_token # api deprecated( 'check_csrf_token', 'pyramid.session.check_csrf_token is deprecated as of Pyramid ' '1.9. Use pyramid.csrf.check_csrf_token instead.', )