Source code for pyramid.traversal

from zope.interface import implementer
from zope.interface.interfaces import IInterface

from pyramid.interfaces import (

from pyramid._compat import (

from pyramid.encode import url_quote
from pyramid.exceptions import URLDecodeError
from pyramid.location import lineage
from pyramid.threadlocal import get_current_registry

PATH_SEGMENT_SAFE = "~!$&'()*+,;=:@"  # from webob

empty = text_('')

[docs] def find_root(resource): """Find the root node in the resource tree to which ``resource`` belongs. Note that ``resource`` should be :term:`location`-aware. Note that the root resource is available in the request object by accessing the ``request.root`` attribute. """ for location in lineage(resource): if location.__parent__ is None: resource = location break return resource
[docs] def find_resource(resource, path): """Given a resource object and a string or tuple representing a path (such as the return value of :func:`pyramid.traversal.resource_path` or :func:`pyramid.traversal.resource_path_tuple`), return a resource in this application's resource tree at the specified path. The resource passed in *must* be :term:`location`-aware. If the path cannot be resolved (if the respective node in the resource tree does not exist), a :exc:`KeyError` will be raised. This function is the logical inverse of :func:`pyramid.traversal.resource_path` and :func:`pyramid.traversal.resource_path_tuple`; it can resolve any path string or tuple generated by either of those functions. Rules for passing a *string* as the ``path`` argument: if the first character in the path string is the ``/`` character, the path is considered absolute and the resource tree traversal will start at the root resource. If the first character of the path string is *not* the ``/`` character, the path is considered relative and resource tree traversal will begin at the resource object supplied to the function as the ``resource`` argument. If an empty string is passed as ``path``, the ``resource`` passed in will be returned. Resource path strings must be escaped in the following manner: each Unicode path segment must be encoded as UTF-8 and as each path segment must escaped via Python's :mod:`urllib.quote`. For example, ``/path/to%20the/La%20Pe%C3%B1a`` (absolute) or ``to%20the/La%20Pe%C3%B1a`` (relative). The :func:`pyramid.traversal.resource_path` function generates strings which follow these rules (albeit only absolute ones). Rules for passing *text* (Unicode) as the ``path`` argument are the same as those for a string. In particular, the text may not have any nonascii characters in it. Rules for passing a *tuple* as the ``path`` argument: if the first element in the path tuple is the empty string (for example ``('', 'a', 'b', 'c')``, the path is considered absolute and the resource tree traversal will start at the resource tree root object. If the first element in the path tuple is not the empty string (for example ``('a', 'b', 'c')``), the path is considered relative and resource tree traversal will begin at the resource object supplied to the function as the ``resource`` argument. If an empty sequence is passed as ``path``, the ``resource`` passed in itself will be returned. No URL-quoting or UTF-8-encoding of individual path segments within the tuple is required (each segment may be any string or unicode object representing a resource name). Resource path tuples generated by :func:`pyramid.traversal.resource_path_tuple` can always be resolved by ``find_resource``. """ if isinstance(path, text_type): path = ascii_native_(path) D = traverse(resource, path) view_name = D['view_name'] context = D['context'] if view_name: raise KeyError('%r has no subelement %s' % (context, view_name)) return context
find_model = find_resource # b/w compat (forever)
[docs] def find_interface(resource, class_or_interface): """ Return the first resource found in the :term:`lineage` of ``resource`` which, a) if ``class_or_interface`` is a Python class object, is an instance of the class or any subclass of that class or b) if ``class_or_interface`` is a :term:`interface`, provides the specified interface. Return ``None`` if no resource providing ``interface_or_class`` can be found in the lineage. The ``resource`` passed in *must* be :term:`location`-aware. """ if IInterface.providedBy(class_or_interface): test = class_or_interface.providedBy else: test = lambda arg: isinstance(arg, class_or_interface) for location in lineage(resource): if test(location): return location
[docs] def resource_path(resource, *elements): """Return a string object representing the absolute physical path of the resource object based on its position in the resource tree, e.g ``/foo/bar``. Any positional arguments passed in as ``elements`` will be appended as path segments to the end of the resource path. For instance, if the resource's path is ``/foo/bar`` and ``elements`` equals ``('a', 'b')``, the returned string will be ``/foo/bar/a/b``. The first character in the string will always be the ``/`` character (a leading ``/`` character in a path string represents that the path is absolute). Resource path strings returned will be escaped in the following manner: each unicode path segment will be encoded as UTF-8 and each path segment will be escaped via Python's :mod:`urllib.quote`. For example, ``/path/to%20the/La%20Pe%C3%B1a``. This function is a logical inverse of :mod:`pyramid.traversal.find_resource`: it can be used to generate path references that can later be resolved via that function. The ``resource`` passed in *must* be :term:`location`-aware. .. note:: Each segment in the path string returned will use the ``__name__`` attribute of the resource it represents within the resource tree. Each of these segments *should* be a unicode or string object (as per the contract of :term:`location`-awareness). However, no conversion or safety checking of resource names is performed. For instance, if one of the resources in your tree has a ``__name__`` which (by error) is a dictionary, the :func:`pyramid.traversal.resource_path` function will attempt to append it to a string and it will cause a :exc:`pyramid.exceptions.URLDecodeError`. .. note:: The :term:`root` resource *must* have a ``__name__`` attribute with a value of either ``None`` or the empty string for paths to be generated properly. If the root resource has a non-null ``__name__`` attribute, its name will be prepended to the generated path rather than a single leading '/' character. """ # joining strings is a bit expensive so we delegate to a function # which caches the joined result for us return _join_path_tuple(resource_path_tuple(resource, *elements))
model_path = resource_path # b/w compat (forever)
[docs] def traverse(resource, path): """Given a resource object as ``resource`` and a string or tuple representing a path as ``path`` (such as the return value of :func:`pyramid.traversal.resource_path` or :func:`pyramid.traversal.resource_path_tuple` or the value of ``request.environ['PATH_INFO']``), return a dictionary with the keys ``context``, ``root``, ``view_name``, ``subpath``, ``traversed``, ``virtual_root``, and ``virtual_root_path``. A definition of each value in the returned dictionary: - ``context``: The :term:`context` (a :term:`resource` object) found via traversal or url dispatch. If the ``path`` passed in is the empty string, the value of the ``resource`` argument passed to this function is returned. - ``root``: The resource object at which :term:`traversal` begins. If the ``resource`` passed in was found via url dispatch or if the ``path`` passed in was relative (non-absolute), the value of the ``resource`` argument passed to this function is returned. - ``view_name``: The :term:`view name` found during :term:`traversal` or :term:`url dispatch`; if the ``resource`` was found via traversal, this is usually a representation of the path segment which directly follows the path to the ``context`` in the ``path``. The ``view_name`` will be a Unicode object or the empty string. The ``view_name`` will be the empty string if there is no element which follows the ``context`` path. An example: if the path passed is ``/foo/bar``, and a resource object is found at ``/foo`` (but not at ``/foo/bar``), the 'view name' will be ``u'bar'``. If the ``resource`` was found via urldispatch, the view_name will be the name the route found was registered with. - ``subpath``: For a ``resource`` found via :term:`traversal`, this is a sequence of path segments found in the ``path`` that follow the ``view_name`` (if any). Each of these items is a Unicode object. If no path segments follow the ``view_name``, the subpath will be the empty sequence. An example: if the path passed is ``/foo/bar/baz/buz``, and a resource object is found at ``/foo`` (but not ``/foo/bar``), the 'view name' will be ``u'bar'`` and the :term:`subpath` will be ``[u'baz', u'buz']``. For a ``resource`` found via url dispatch, the subpath will be a sequence of values discerned from ``*subpath`` in the route pattern matched or the empty sequence. - ``traversed``: The sequence of path elements traversed from the root to find the ``context`` object during :term:`traversal`. Each of these items is a Unicode object. If no path segments were traversed to find the ``context`` object (e.g. if the ``path`` provided is the empty string), the ``traversed`` value will be the empty sequence. If the ``resource`` is a resource found via :term:`url dispatch`, traversed will be None. - ``virtual_root``: A resource object representing the 'virtual' root of the resource tree being traversed during :term:`traversal`. See :ref:`vhosting_chapter` for a definition of the virtual root object. If no virtual hosting is in effect, and the ``path`` passed in was absolute, the ``virtual_root`` will be the *physical* root resource object (the object at which :term:`traversal` begins). If the ``resource`` passed in was found via :term:`URL dispatch` or if the ``path`` passed in was relative, the ``virtual_root`` will always equal the ``root`` object (the resource passed in). - ``virtual_root_path`` -- If :term:`traversal` was used to find the ``resource``, this will be the sequence of path elements traversed to find the ``virtual_root`` resource. Each of these items is a Unicode object. If no path segments were traversed to find the ``virtual_root`` resource (e.g. if virtual hosting is not in effect), the ``traversed`` value will be the empty list. If url dispatch was used to find the ``resource``, this will be ``None``. If the path cannot be resolved, a :exc:`KeyError` will be raised. Rules for passing a *string* as the ``path`` argument: if the first character in the path string is the with the ``/`` character, the path will considered absolute and the resource tree traversal will start at the root resource. If the first character of the path string is *not* the ``/`` character, the path is considered relative and resource tree traversal will begin at the resource object supplied to the function as the ``resource`` argument. If an empty string is passed as ``path``, the ``resource`` passed in will be returned. Resource path strings must be escaped in the following manner: each Unicode path segment must be encoded as UTF-8 and each path segment must escaped via Python's :mod:`urllib.quote`. For example, ``/path/to%20the/La%20Pe%C3%B1a`` (absolute) or ``to%20the/La%20Pe%C3%B1a`` (relative). The :func:`pyramid.traversal.resource_path` function generates strings which follow these rules (albeit only absolute ones). Rules for passing a *tuple* as the ``path`` argument: if the first element in the path tuple is the empty string (for example ``('', 'a', 'b', 'c')``, the path is considered absolute and the resource tree traversal will start at the resource tree root object. If the first element in the path tuple is not the empty string (for example ``('a', 'b', 'c')``), the path is considered relative and resource tree traversal will begin at the resource object supplied to the function as the ``resource`` argument. If an empty sequence is passed as ``path``, the ``resource`` passed in itself will be returned. No URL-quoting or UTF-8-encoding of individual path segments within the tuple is required (each segment may be any string or unicode object representing a resource name). Explanation of the conversion of ``path`` segment values to Unicode during traversal: Each segment is URL-unquoted, and decoded into Unicode. Each segment is assumed to be encoded using the UTF-8 encoding (or a subset, such as ASCII); a :exc:`pyramid.exceptions.URLDecodeError` is raised if a segment cannot be decoded. If a segment name is empty or if it is ``.``, it is ignored. If a segment name is ``..``, the previous segment is deleted, and the ``..`` is ignored. As a result of this process, the return values ``view_name``, each element in the ``subpath``, each element in ``traversed``, and each element in the ``virtual_root_path`` will be Unicode as opposed to a string, and will be URL-decoded. """ if is_nonstr_iter(path): # the traverser factory expects PATH_INFO to be a string, not # unicode and it expects path segments to be utf-8 and # urlencoded (it's the same traverser which accepts PATH_INFO # from user agents; user agents always send strings). if path: path = _join_path_tuple(tuple(path)) else: path = '' # The user is supposed to pass us a string object, never Unicode. In # practice, however, users indeed pass Unicode to this API. If they do # pass a Unicode object, its data *must* be entirely encodeable to ASCII, # so we encode it here as a convenience to the user and to prevent # second-order failures from cropping up (all failures will occur at this # step rather than later down the line as the result of calling # ``traversal_path``). path = ascii_native_(path) if path and path[0] == '/': resource = find_root(resource) reg = get_current_registry() request_factory = reg.queryUtility(IRequestFactory) if request_factory is None: from pyramid.request import Request # avoid circdep request_factory = Request request = request_factory.blank(path) request.registry = reg traverser = reg.queryAdapter(resource, ITraverser) if traverser is None: traverser = ResourceTreeTraverser(resource) return traverser(request)
[docs] def resource_path_tuple(resource, *elements): """ Return a tuple representing the absolute physical path of the ``resource`` object based on its position in a resource tree, e.g ``('', 'foo', 'bar')``. Any positional arguments passed in as ``elements`` will be appended as elements in the tuple representing the resource path. For instance, if the resource's path is ``('', 'foo', 'bar')`` and elements equals ``('a', 'b')``, the returned tuple will be ``('', 'foo', 'bar', 'a', 'b')``. The first element of this tuple will always be the empty string (a leading empty string element in a path tuple represents that the path is absolute). This function is a logical inverse of :func:`pyramid.traversal.find_resource`: it can be used to generate path references that can later be resolved by that function. The ``resource`` passed in *must* be :term:`location`-aware. .. note:: Each segment in the path tuple returned will equal the ``__name__`` attribute of the resource it represents within the resource tree. Each of these segments *should* be a unicode or string object (as per the contract of :term:`location`-awareness). However, no conversion or safety checking of resource names is performed. For instance, if one of the resources in your tree has a ``__name__`` which (by error) is a dictionary, that dictionary will be placed in the path tuple; no warning or error will be given. .. note:: The :term:`root` resource *must* have a ``__name__`` attribute with a value of either ``None`` or the empty string for path tuples to be generated properly. If the root resource has a non-null ``__name__`` attribute, its name will be the first element in the generated path tuple rather than the empty string. """ return tuple(_resource_path_list(resource, *elements))
model_path_tuple = resource_path_tuple # b/w compat (forever) def _resource_path_list(resource, *elements): """Implementation detail shared by resource_path and resource_path_tuple""" path = [loc.__name__ or '' for loc in lineage(resource)] path.reverse() path.extend(elements) return path _model_path_list = _resource_path_list # b/w compat, not an API
[docs] def virtual_root(resource, request): """ Provided any :term:`resource` and a :term:`request` object, return the resource object representing the :term:`virtual root` of the current :term:`request`. Using a virtual root in a :term:`traversal` -based :app:`Pyramid` application permits rooting. For example, the resource at the traversal path ``/cms`` will be found at ```` instead of rooting it at ````. If the ``resource`` passed in is a context obtained via :term:`traversal`, and if the ``HTTP_X_VHM_ROOT`` key is in the WSGI environment, the value of this key will be treated as a 'virtual root path': the :func:`pyramid.traversal.find_resource` API will be used to find the virtual root resource using this path; if the resource is found, it will be returned. If the ``HTTP_X_VHM_ROOT`` key is not present in the WSGI environment, the physical :term:`root` of the resource tree will be returned instead. Virtual roots are not useful at all in applications that use :term:`URL dispatch`. Contexts obtained via URL dispatch don't really support being virtually rooted (each URL dispatch context is both its own physical and virtual root). However if this API is called with a ``resource`` argument which is a context obtained via URL dispatch, the resource passed in will be returned unconditionally.""" try: reg = request.registry except AttributeError: reg = get_current_registry() url_adapter = reg.queryMultiAdapter((resource, request), IResourceURL) if url_adapter is None: url_adapter = ResourceURL(resource, request) vpath, rpath = url_adapter.virtual_path, url_adapter.physical_path if rpath != vpath and rpath.endswith(vpath): vroot_path = rpath[: -len(vpath)] return find_resource(resource, vroot_path) try: return request.root except AttributeError: return find_root(resource)
[docs] def traversal_path(path): """Variant of :func:`pyramid.traversal.traversal_path_info` suitable for decoding paths that are URL-encoded. If this function is passed a Unicode object instead of a sequence of bytes as ``path``, that Unicode object *must* directly encodeable to ASCII. For example, u'/foo' will work but u'/<unprintable unicode>' (a Unicode object with characters that cannot be encoded to ascii) will not. A :exc:`UnicodeEncodeError` will be raised if the Unicode cannot be encoded directly to ASCII. """ if isinstance(path, text_type): # must not possess characters outside ascii path = path.encode('ascii') # we unquote this path exactly like a PEP 3333 server would path = unquote_bytes_to_wsgi(path) # result will be a native string return traversal_path_info(path) # result will be a tuple of unicode
@lru_cache(1000) def traversal_path_info(path): """Given``path``, return a tuple representing that path which can be used to traverse a resource tree. ``path`` is assumed to be an already-URL-decoded ``str`` type as if it had come to us from an upstream WSGI server as the ``PATH_INFO`` environ variable. The ``path`` is first decoded to from its WSGI representation to Unicode; it is decoded differently depending on platform: - On Python 2, ``path`` is decoded to Unicode from bytes using the UTF-8 decoding directly; a :exc:`pyramid.exc.URLDecodeError` is raised if a the URL cannot be decoded. - On Python 3, as per the PEP 3333 spec, ``path`` is first encoded to bytes using the Latin-1 encoding; the resulting set of bytes is subsequently decoded to text using the UTF-8 encoding; a :exc:`pyramid.exc.URLDecodeError` is raised if a the URL cannot be decoded. The ``path`` is split on slashes, creating a list of segments. If a segment name is empty or if it is ``.``, it is ignored. If a segment name is ``..``, the previous segment is deleted, and the ``..`` is ignored. Examples: ``/`` () ``/foo/bar/baz`` (u'foo', u'bar', u'baz') ``foo/bar/baz`` (u'foo', u'bar', u'baz') ``/foo/bar/baz/`` (u'foo', u'bar', u'baz') ``/foo//bar//baz/`` (u'foo', u'bar', u'baz') ``/foo/bar/baz/..`` (u'foo', u'bar') ``/my%20archives/hello`` (u'my archives', u'hello') ``/archives/La%20Pe%C3%B1a`` (u'archives', u'<unprintable unicode>') .. note:: This function does not generate the same type of tuples that :func:`pyramid.traversal.resource_path_tuple` does. In particular, the leading empty string is not present in the tuple it returns, unlike tuples returned by :func:`pyramid.traversal.resource_path_tuple`. As a result, tuples generated by ``traversal_path`` are not resolveable by the :func:`pyramid.traversal.find_resource` API. ``traversal_path`` is a function mostly used by the internals of :app:`Pyramid` and by people writing their own traversal machinery, as opposed to users writing applications in :app:`Pyramid`. """ try: path = decode_path_info(path) # result will be Unicode except UnicodeDecodeError as e: raise URLDecodeError(e.encoding, e.object, e.start, e.end, e.reason) return split_path_info(path) # result will be tuple of Unicode @lru_cache(1000) def split_path_info(path): # suitable for splitting an already-unquoted-already-decoded (unicode) # path value path = path.strip('/') clean = [] for segment in path.split('/'): if not segment or segment == '.': continue elif segment == '..': if clean: del clean[-1] else: clean.append(segment) return tuple(clean) _segment_cache = {} quote_path_segment_doc = """ \ Return a quoted representation of a 'path segment' (such as the string ``__name__`` attribute of a resource) as a string. If the ``segment`` passed in is a unicode object, it is converted to a UTF-8 string, then it is URL-quoted using Python's ``urllib.quote``. If the ``segment`` passed in is a string, it is URL-quoted using Python's :mod:`urllib.quote`. If the segment passed in is not a string or unicode object, an error will be raised. The return value of ``quote_path_segment`` is always a string, never Unicode. You may pass a string of characters that need not be encoded as the ``safe`` argument to this function. This corresponds to the ``safe`` argument to :mod:`urllib.quote`. .. note:: The return value for each segment passed to this function is cached in a module-scope dictionary for speed: the cached version is returned when possible rather than recomputing the quoted version. No cache emptying is ever done for the lifetime of an application, however. If you pass arbitrary user-supplied strings to this function (as opposed to some bounded set of values from a 'working set' known to your application), it may become a memory leak. """ if PY2: # special-case on Python 2 for speed? unchecked def quote_path_segment(segment, safe=PATH_SEGMENT_SAFE): """ %s """ % quote_path_segment_doc # The bit of this code that deals with ``_segment_cache`` is an # optimization: we cache all the computation of URL path segments # in this module-scope dictionary with the original string (or # unicode value) as the key, so we can look it up later without # needing to reencode or re-url-quote it try: return _segment_cache[(segment, safe)] except KeyError: if ( segment.__class__ is text_type ): # isinstance slighly slower (~15%) result = url_quote(segment.encode('utf-8'), safe) else: result = url_quote(str(segment), safe) # we don't need a lock to mutate _segment_cache, as the below # will generate exactly one Python bytecode (STORE_SUBSCR) _segment_cache[(segment, safe)] = result return result else:
[docs] def quote_path_segment(segment, safe=PATH_SEGMENT_SAFE): """ %s """ % quote_path_segment_doc # The bit of this code that deals with ``_segment_cache`` is an # optimization: we cache all the computation of URL path segments # in this module-scope dictionary with the original string (or # unicode value) as the key, so we can look it up later without # needing to reencode or re-url-quote it try: return _segment_cache[(segment, safe)] except KeyError: if segment.__class__ not in (text_type, binary_type): segment = str(segment) result = url_quote(native_(segment, 'utf-8'), safe) # we don't need a lock to mutate _segment_cache, as the below # will generate exactly one Python bytecode (STORE_SUBSCR) _segment_cache[(segment, safe)] = result return result
slash = text_('/') @implementer(ITraverser) class ResourceTreeTraverser(object): """A resource tree traverser that should be used (for speed) when every resource in the tree supplies a ``__name__`` and ``__parent__`` attribute (ie. every resource in the tree is :term:`location` aware) .""" VH_ROOT_KEY = VH_ROOT_KEY VIEW_SELECTOR = '@@' def __init__(self, root): self.root = root def __call__(self, request): environ = request.environ matchdict = request.matchdict if matchdict is not None: path = matchdict.get('traverse', slash) or slash if is_nonstr_iter(path): # this is a *traverse stararg (not a {traverse}) # routing has already decoded these elements, so we just # need to join them path = '/' + slash.join(path) or slash subpath = matchdict.get('subpath', ()) if not is_nonstr_iter(subpath): # this is not a *subpath stararg (just a {subpath}) # routing has already decoded this string, so we just need # to split it subpath = split_path_info(subpath) else: # this request did not match a route subpath = () try: # empty if mounted under a path in mod_wsgi, for example path = request.path_info or slash except KeyError: # if environ['PATH_INFO'] is just not there path = slash except UnicodeDecodeError as e: raise URLDecodeError( e.encoding, e.object, e.start, e.end, e.reason ) if self.VH_ROOT_KEY in environ: # HTTP_X_VHM_ROOT vroot_path = decode_path_info(environ[self.VH_ROOT_KEY]) vroot_tuple = split_path_info(vroot_path) vpath = ( vroot_path + path ) # both will (must) be unicode or asciistr vroot_idx = len(vroot_tuple) - 1 else: vroot_tuple = () vpath = path vroot_idx = -1 root = self.root ob = vroot = root if vpath == slash: # invariant: vpath must not be empty # prevent a call to traversal_path if we know it's going # to return the empty tuple vpath_tuple = () else: # we do dead reckoning here via tuple slicing instead of # pushing and popping temporary lists for speed purposes # and this hurts readability; apologies i = 0 view_selector = self.VIEW_SELECTOR vpath_tuple = split_path_info(vpath) for segment in vpath_tuple: if segment[:2] == view_selector: return { 'context': ob, 'view_name': segment[2:], 'subpath': vpath_tuple[i + 1 :], 'traversed': vpath_tuple[: vroot_idx + i + 1], 'virtual_root': vroot, 'virtual_root_path': vroot_tuple, 'root': root, } try: getitem = ob.__getitem__ except AttributeError: return { 'context': ob, 'view_name': segment, 'subpath': vpath_tuple[i + 1 :], 'traversed': vpath_tuple[: vroot_idx + i + 1], 'virtual_root': vroot, 'virtual_root_path': vroot_tuple, 'root': root, } try: next = getitem(segment) except KeyError: return { 'context': ob, 'view_name': segment, 'subpath': vpath_tuple[i + 1 :], 'traversed': vpath_tuple[: vroot_idx + i + 1], 'virtual_root': vroot, 'virtual_root_path': vroot_tuple, 'root': root, } if i == vroot_idx: vroot = next ob = next i += 1 return { 'context': ob, 'view_name': empty, 'subpath': subpath, 'traversed': vpath_tuple, 'virtual_root': vroot, 'virtual_root_path': vroot_tuple, 'root': root, } ModelGraphTraverser = ( ResourceTreeTraverser # b/w compat, not API, used in wild ) @implementer(IResourceURL) class ResourceURL(object): VH_ROOT_KEY = VH_ROOT_KEY def __init__(self, resource, request): physical_path_tuple = resource_path_tuple(resource) physical_path = _join_path_tuple(physical_path_tuple) if physical_path_tuple != ('',): physical_path_tuple = physical_path_tuple + ('',) physical_path = physical_path + '/' virtual_path = physical_path virtual_path_tuple = physical_path_tuple environ = request.environ vroot_path = environ.get(self.VH_ROOT_KEY) # if the physical path starts with the virtual root path, trim it out # of the virtual path if vroot_path is not None: vroot_path = vroot_path.rstrip('/') if vroot_path and physical_path.startswith(vroot_path): vroot_path_tuple = tuple(vroot_path.split('/')) numels = len(vroot_path_tuple) virtual_path_tuple = ('',) + physical_path_tuple[numels:] virtual_path = physical_path[len(vroot_path) :] self.virtual_path = virtual_path # IResourceURL attr self.physical_path = physical_path # IResourceURL attr self.virtual_path_tuple = virtual_path_tuple # IResourceURL attr (1.5) self.physical_path_tuple = ( physical_path_tuple # IResourceURL attr (1.5) ) @lru_cache(1000) def _join_path_tuple(tuple): return tuple and '/'.join([quote_path_segment(x) for x in tuple]) or '/' class DefaultRootFactory: __parent__ = None __name__ = None def __init__(self, request): pass