Source code for pyramid.wsgi

from functools import wraps
from pyramid.request import call_app_with_subpath_as_path_info

[docs] def wsgiapp(wrapped): """Decorator to turn a WSGI application into a :app:`Pyramid` :term:`view callable`. This decorator differs from the :func:`pyramid.wsgi.wsgiapp2` decorator inasmuch as fixups of ``PATH_INFO`` and ``SCRIPT_NAME`` within the WSGI environment *are not* performed before the application is invoked. E.g., the following in a ```` module:: @wsgiapp def hello_world(environ, start_response): body = 'Hello world' start_response('200 OK', [ ('Content-Type', 'text/plain'), ('Content-Length', len(body)) ] ) return [body] Allows the following call to :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view`:: from views import hello_world config.add_view(hello_world, name='hello_world.txt') The ``wsgiapp`` decorator will convert the result of the WSGI application to a :term:`Response` and return it to :app:`Pyramid` as if the WSGI app were a :app:`Pyramid` view. """ if wrapped is None: raise ValueError('wrapped can not be None') def decorator(context, request): return request.get_response(wrapped) # Support case where wrapped is a callable object instance if getattr(wrapped, '__name__', None): return wraps(wrapped)(decorator) return wraps(wrapped, ('__module__', '__doc__'))(decorator)
[docs] def wsgiapp2(wrapped): """Decorator to turn a WSGI application into a :app:`Pyramid` view callable. This decorator differs from the :func:`pyramid.wsgi.wsgiapp` decorator inasmuch as fixups of ``PATH_INFO`` and ``SCRIPT_NAME`` within the WSGI environment *are* performed before the application is invoked. E.g. the following in a ```` module:: @wsgiapp2 def hello_world(environ, start_response): body = 'Hello world' start_response('200 OK', [ ('Content-Type', 'text/plain'), ('Content-Length', len(body)) ] ) return [body] Allows the following call to :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view`:: from views import hello_world config.add_view(hello_world, name='hello_world.txt') The ``wsgiapp2`` decorator will convert the result of the WSGI application to a Response and return it to :app:`Pyramid` as if the WSGI app were a :app:`Pyramid` view. The ``SCRIPT_NAME`` and ``PATH_INFO`` values present in the WSGI environment are fixed up before the application is invoked. In particular, a new WSGI environment is generated, and the :term:`subpath` of the request passed to ``wsgiapp2`` is used as the new request's ``PATH_INFO`` and everything preceding the subpath is used as the ``SCRIPT_NAME``. The new environment is passed to the downstream WSGI application.""" if wrapped is None: raise ValueError('wrapped can not be None') def decorator(context, request): return call_app_with_subpath_as_path_info(request, wrapped) # Support case where wrapped is a callable object instance if getattr(wrapped, '__name__', None): return wraps(wrapped)(decorator) return wraps(wrapped, ('__module__', '__doc__'))(decorator)