pyramid_jinja2 API


Set up standard configurator registrations. Use via:

config = Configurator()

Once this function has been invoked, the .jinja2 renderer is available for use in Pyramid and these new directives are available as methods of the configurator:

  • add_jinja2_renderer: Add a new Jinja2 renderer, with a different file extension and/or settings.

  • add_jinja2_search_path: Add a new location to the search path for the specified renderer.

  • add_jinja2_extension: Add a list of extensions to the Jinja2 environment used by the specified renderer.

  • get_jinja2_environment: Return the jinja2.Environment used by the specified renderer.

pyramid_jinja2.add_jinja2_renderer(config, name, settings_prefix='jinja2.', package=None)

This function is added as a method of a Configurator, and should not be called directly. Instead it should be called like so after pyramid_jinja2 has been passed to config.include:

config.add_jinja2_renderer('.html', settings_prefix='jinja2.')

It will register a new renderer, loaded from settings at the specified settings_prefix prefix. This renderer will be active for files using the specified extension name.

pyramid_jinja2.add_jinja2_search_path(config, searchpath, name='.jinja2', prepend=False)

This function is added as a method of a Configurator, and should not be called directly. Instead it should be called like so after pyramid_jinja2 has been passed to config.include:


It will add the directory or asset specification passed as searchpath to the current search path of the jinja2.Environment used by the renderer identified by name.

By default the path is appended to the end of the search path. If prepend is set to True then the path will be inserted at the start of the search path.

pyramid_jinja2.add_jinja2_extension(config, ext, name='.jinja2')

This function is added as a method of a Configurator, and should not be called directly. Instead it should be called like so after pyramid_jinja2 has been passed to config.include:


It will add the Jinja2 extension passed as ext to the current jinja2.Environment used by the renderer named name.

pyramid_jinja2.get_jinja2_environment(config, name='.jinja2')

This function is added as a method of a Configurator, and should not be called directly. Instead it should be called like so after pyramid_jinja2 has been passed to config.include:


It will return the configured jinja2.Environment for the renderer named name. Configuration is delayed until a call to config.commit() or config.make_wsgi_app(). As such, if this method is called prior to committing the changes, it may return None.

class pyramid_jinja2.Jinja2TemplateRenderer(template_loader)

Renderer for a jinja2 template

class pyramid_jinja2.SmartAssetSpecLoader(searchpath=(), encoding='utf-8', debug=False)

A Jinja2 template loader that knows how to handle asset specifications.