Pluralization ============= :func:`translationstring.Pluralizer` provides a gettext "plural forms" pluralization service. It is called like so: .. code-block:: python :linenos: import gettext from translationstring import Pluralizer translations = gettext.translations(.. the right arguments ...) pluralizer = Pluralizer(translations) The ``translations`` argument is required; it should be an object supporting *at least* the Python :class:`gettext.NullTranslations` API but ideally the :class:`` API, which has support for domain lookups like dungettext. The object returned will be a callable which has the following signature: .. code-block:: python :linenos: def pluralizer(singular, plural, n, domain=None, mapping=None): """ Pluralize """ The ``singular`` and ``plural`` arguments passed may be translation strings or unicode strings. ``n`` represents the number of elements. ``domain`` is the translation domain to use to do the pluralization, and ``mapping`` is the interpolation mapping that should be used on the result. The pluralizer will return the plural form or the singular form, translated, as necessary. .. note:: if the objects passed are translation strings, their domains and mappings are ignored. The domain and mapping arguments must be used instead. If the ``domain`` is not supplied, a default domain is used (usually ``messages``). If ``translations`` is ``None``, a :class:`gettext.NullTranslations` object is created for the pluralizer to use. The :func:`translationstring.Pluralizer` function accepts an additional optional argument named ``policy``. ``policy`` should be a callable which accepts five arguments: ``translations``, ``singular`` and ``plural``, ``n`` and ``domain``. It must perform the actual pluralization lookup. If ``policy`` is ``None``, the :func:`translationstring.dungettext_policy` policy will be used.