

A library which parses URIs and converts them to ZODB storage objects and database arguments.

It will run under CPython 2.7, 3.5 to 3.8, pypy and pypy3. It will not run under Jython. It requires ZODB >= 3.10.0.


Install using setuptools, e.g. (within a virtualenv):

$ easy_install zodburi


zodburi has exactly one api: zodburi.resolve_uri(). This API obtains a ZODB storage factory and a set of keyword arguments suitable for passing to the ZODB.DB.DB constructor. For example:

 1from zodburi import resolve_uri
 3storage_factory, dbkw = resolve_uri(
 4                  'zeo://localhost:9001?connection_cache_size=20000')
 6# factory will be an instance of ClientStorageURIResolver
 7# dbkw will be {'connection_cache_size':20000, 'pool_size':7,
 8#               'database_name':'unnamed'}
10from ZODB.DB import DB
11storage = storage_factory()
12db = DB(storage, **dbkw)

URI Schemes

The URI schemes currently recognized in the zodbconn.uri setting are file://, zeo://, zconfig://, memory:// and demo:. Documentation for these URI scheme syntaxes are below.

In addition to those schemes, the relstorage package adds support for postgres://.

file:// URI scheme

The file:// URI scheme can be passed as zodbconn.uri to create a ZODB FileStorage database factory. The path info section of this scheme should point at a filesystem file path that should contain the filestorage data. For example:


The URI scheme also accepts query string arguments. The query string arguments honored by this scheme are as follows.



boolean (if true, wrap FileStorage in a DemoStorage)


An example that combines a path with a query string:


zeo:// URI scheme

The zeo:// URI scheme can be passed as zodbconn.uri to create a ZODB ClientStorage database factory. Either the host and port parts of this scheme should point at a hostname/portnumber combination e.g.:


Or the path part should point at a UNIX socket name:


The URI scheme also accepts query string arguments. The query string arguments honored by this scheme are as follows.



boolean (if true, wrap ClientStorage in a DemoStorage)


These arguments relate to connections created from the database.


integer (default 10000)


integer (default 7)


These arguments relate to the database (as opposed to storage) settings.




An example that combines a path with a query string:


zconfig:// URI scheme

The zconfig:// URI scheme can be passed as zodbconn.uri to create any kind of storage that ZODB can load via ZConfig. The path info section of this scheme should point at a ZConfig file on the filesystem. Use an optional fragment identifier to specify which database to open. This URI scheme does not use query string parameters.


An example ZConfig file:


If that configuration file is located at /etc/myapp/zodb.conf, use the following URI to open the database:


A ZConfig file can specify more than one database. For example:

<zodb temp1>
<zodb temp2>

In that case, use a URI with a fragment identifier:


memory:// URI scheme

The memory:// URI scheme can be passed as zodbconn.uri to create a ZODB MappingStorage (memory-based) database factory. The path info section of this scheme should be a storage name. For example:


However, the storage name is usually omitted, and the most common form is:


The URI scheme also accepts query string arguments. The query string arguments honored by this scheme are as follows.


These arguments relate to the database (as opposed to storage) settings.




These arguments relate to connections created from the database.


integer (default 10000)


integer (default 7)


An example that combines a dbname with a query string:


demo: URI scheme

The demo: URI scheme can be passed as zodbconn.uri to create a DemoStorage database factory. DemoStorage provides an overlay combining base and δ ("delta", or in other words, "changes") storages. The URI scheme contains two parts, base and δ:


an optional fragment specifies arguments for ZODB.DB.DB constructor:



An example that combines ZEO with local FileStorage for changes:


More Information

Reporting Bugs / Development Versions

Visit https://github.com/Pylons/zodburi to download development or tagged versions.

Visit https://github.com/Pylons/zodburi/issues to report bugs.

Change Log

2.5.0 (2021-05-12)

  • Support both ZODB4 and ZODB5.

  • Add support for PyPy.

  • Add support for Python 3.8.

  • Drop support for Python 3.4.

  • Add support for demo: URI scheme.

2.4.0 (2019-01-11)

  • Add support for Python 3.7.

  • Fix PendingDeprecationWarning about cgi.parse_qsl. (PR #21)

2.3.0 (2017-10-17)

  • Fix parsing of zeo:// URI with IPv6 address.

  • Drop support for Python 3.3.

  • Add support for Python 3.6.

2.2.2 (2017-05-05)

  • Fix transposed install_requires and tests_require lists in setup.py.

2.2.1 (2017-04-18)

  • Fix breakage added in 2.2 to the zconfig resolver.

2.2 (2017-04-17)

  • Add support for additional database configuration parameters: pool_timeout, cache_size_bytes, historical_pool_size, historical_cache_size, historical_cache_size_bytes, historical_timeout, and large_record_size.

2.1 (2017-04-17)

  • Add support for Python 3.4 and 3.5.

  • Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.2.

  • Add missing ClientStorage constructor kw args to resolver.

2.0 (2014-01-05)

  • Update ZODB3 meta-package dependency to ZODB + ZConfig + ZEO. Those releases are what we import, and have final Py3k-compatible releases.

  • Packaging: fix missing url argument to setup().

2.0b1 (2013-05-02)

  • Add support for Python 3.2 / 3.3.

  • Add setup.py docs alias (runs setup.py develop and installs documentation dependencies).

  • Add setup.py dev alias (runs setup.py develop and installs testing dependencies).

  • Automate building the Sphinx docs via tox.

  • Fix zconfig: URIs under Python 2.7. The code worked around a bug in the stdlib's urlparse.urlsplit for Python < 2.7; that workaround broke under 2.7. See https://github.com/Pylons/zodburi/issues/5

  • Drop support for Python 2.5.

1.1 (2012-09-12)

  • Remove support for postgres:// URIs, which will now be provided by the relstorage package. Thanks to Georges Dubus for the patch!

1.0 (2012-06-07)

  • Add support for postgres:// URIs. Thanks to Georges Dubus for the patch!

  • Pin dependencies to Python 2.5-compatible versions when testing with tox under Python 2.5.

  • Update the documentation for publication to ReadTheDocs

1.0b1 (2011-08-21)

  • Initial release.

Indices and tables