Source code for pubsub.core.topictreetraverser


:copyright: Copyright since 2006 by Oliver Schoenborn, all rights reserved.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE_BSD_Simple.txt for details.


from enum import IntEnum
from .topicobj import Topic

class ITopicTreeVisitor:
    Derive from ITopicTreeVisitor and override one or more of the
    self._*() methods. Give an instance to an instance of

    def _accept(self, topicObj: Topic):
        Override this to filter nodes of topic tree. Must return
        True (accept node) of False (reject node). Note that rejected
        nodes cause traversal to move to next branch (no children
        return True

    def _startTraversal(self):
        """Override this to define what to do when traversal() starts."""

    def _onTopic(self, topicObj):
        """Override this to define what to do for each node."""

    def _startChildren(self):
        Override this to take special action whenever a
        new level of the topic hierarchy is started (e.g., indent
        some output).

    def _endChildren(self):
        Override this to take special action whenever a
        level of the topic hierarchy is completed (e.g., dedent
        some output).

    def _doneTraversal(self):
        """Override this to take special action when traversal done."""

class TreeTraversal(IntEnum):
    """MAP is sequential through topic manager\'s topics map; the other two, through topic tree."""
    DEPTH, BREADTH, MAP = range(3)

[docs] class TopicTreeTraverser: """ Supports taking action on every topic in the topic tree. The traverse() method traverses a topic tree and calls visitor._onTopic() for each topic in the tree that satisfies visitor._accept(). Additionally it calls visitor._startChildren() whenever it starts traversing the subtopics of a topic, and visitor._endChildren() when it is done with the subtopics. Finally, it calls visitor._doneTraversal() when traversal has been completed. The visitor must therefore adhere to the ITopicTreeVisitor interface. """ def __init__(self, visitor: ITopicTreeVisitor = None): """The visitor, if given, must adhere to API of ITopicTreeVisitor.""" self.__handler = visitor def setVisitor(self, visitor: ITopicTreeVisitor): """The visitor must adhere to API of ITopicTreeVisitor.""" self.__handler = visitor def traverse(self, topicObj: Topic, how: TreeTraversal = TreeTraversal.DEPTH, onlyFiltered: bool = True): """ Start traversing tree at topicObj. Note that topicObj is a Topic object, not a topic name. The how defines if tree should be traversed breadth or depth first. If onlyFiltered is False, then all nodes are accepted (_accept(node) not called). This method can be called multiple times. """ if how == TreeTraversal.MAP: raise NotImplementedError('not yet available') self.__handler._startTraversal() if how == TreeTraversal.BREADTH: self.__traverseBreadth(topicObj, onlyFiltered) else: assert how == TreeTraversal.DEPTH self.__traverseDepth(topicObj, onlyFiltered) self.__handler._doneTraversal() def __traverseBreadth(self, topicObj: Topic, onlyFiltered: bool): visitor = self.__handler def extendQueue(subtopics): topics.append(visitor._startChildren) topics.extend(subtopics) topics.append(visitor._endChildren) topics = [topicObj] while topics: topicObj = topics.pop(0) if topicObj in (visitor._startChildren, visitor._endChildren): topicObj() continue if onlyFiltered: if visitor._accept(topicObj): extendQueue(topicObj.getSubtopics()) visitor._onTopic(topicObj) else: extendQueue(topicObj.getSubtopics()) visitor._onTopic(topicObj) def __traverseDepth(self, topicObj: Topic, onlyFiltered: bool): visitor = self.__handler def extendStack(topicTreeStack, subtopics): topicTreeStack.insert(0, visitor._endChildren) # marker functor # put subtopics in list in alphabetical order subtopicsTmp = list(subtopics) subtopicsTmp.sort(reverse=True, key=topicObj.__class__.getName) for sub in subtopicsTmp: topicTreeStack.insert(0, sub) # this puts them in reverse order topicTreeStack.insert(0, visitor._startChildren) # marker functor topics = [topicObj] while topics: topicObj = topics.pop(0) if topicObj in (visitor._startChildren, visitor._endChildren): topicObj() continue if onlyFiltered: if visitor._accept(topicObj): extendStack(topics, topicObj.getSubtopics()) visitor._onTopic(topicObj) else: extendStack(topics, topicObj.getSubtopics()) visitor._onTopic(topicObj)