System Requirements¶
Requires Python >= 3.3. It has been tested on Windows 7 and various flavors of *nix (such as Fedora, OpenSuse, Ubuntu and OSX). For Python < 3.5, there are additional requirements:
Python 3.4: requires the “typing” package (from PyPI)
Python 3.3: requires the same as 3.4 + enum34, pathlib and weakrefmethod (all on PyPI)
Please post on pypubsub forum (see Support section) if you have successfully used PyPubSub with other combinations of Python and Platform.
Many thanks to Jerome Laheurte for providing a buildbot with Linux and OSX VM’s for continuous testing.
With pip installed on your system, do pip install pypubsub.
If you want the developer version, you can try pip install --pre pypubsub.
You can also get a zip/tgz from
The forums are currently hosted on google groups: PyPubSub general help and support (hosted by Google Groups) PyPubSub bug reports, feature suggestions, patches, etc (hosted by Google Groups)
Also, many PyPubSub users are on the wxPython-users mailing list.
Release Notes¶
Main changes in v4.0.3 (compared to 3.3)¶
Support Python 3.5 and 3.6
Distribution via wheel
Abandon support for Python 2.x and easy_install
Abandon support for (long-ago deprecated) arg1 messaging protocol
Added currying of subscribed listener args
Significant speed improvement for message delivery
Use PEP 484 style of annotations throughout
Support listeners with keyword-only arguments
Consequences of these changes:
If your app runs in Python 2.x, you cannot upgrade to pypubsub v4.
If your Python 3.x application uses, simply remove the import statement from your app. Your app should run without further changes. If your app won’t run after doing this, please post on!forum/pypubsub.
If your Python 3.x application uses, this means you are using the long-ago deprecated arg1 API for messaging. Before upgrading to v4 pypubsub, you will have to migrate your app/package to use pypubsub’s kwargs API. This is most easily done via pypubsub 3.3, which has functions and docs ( to help with this task. Once you have completed this migration, you should be able to upgrade to pypubsub v4 without further changes.
The delivery order of sendMessage() has been changed. However as described in the documentation since the very early days of Pypubsub 3, you should design your application to not depend on the order of message delivery to listeners. If you did not follow this very important architectural principle, you should fix your application before upgrading. Then the upgrade will be trivial.
Oliver Schoenborn January 2019
High-level changelog. For details, consult the SVN logs.
- 4.0.3 (Jan 2019):
- Cleanup for Python 3.7 (mostly add support for keyword-only args, use
Python 3 inspect signature/Parameter and add tests for
- 4.0.0 (Dec 2016):
Verified support Python 3.5 and 3.6
Distribution via wheel
Abandon support for Python 2.x and easy_install; now requires Python >= 3.3
Abandon support for long-ago deprecated arg1 messaging protocol
Added currying of subscribed listener args
Significant speed improvement for message delivery
Use PEP 484 style of annotations throughout
Use enum instead of constants when practical
- 3.3.0 (Feb 2014):
cleanup low-level API: exception classes, moved some out of pub module that did not belong there (clutter), move couple modules; specifically:
Removed from pub (available on object returned from pub.getDefaultTopicMgr()) * getOrCreateTopic -> pub.getDefaultTopicMgr().getOrCreateTopic * getTopic -> pub.getDefaultTopicMgr().getTopic * newTopic -> pub.getDefaultTopicMgr().newTopic * delTopic -> pub.getDefaultTopicMgr().delTopic * getAssociatedTopics -> pub.getDefaultTopicMgr().getTopics * getDefaultTopicTreeRoot -> pub.getDefaultTopicMgr().getRootAllTopics
Removed from pub (available from pubsub.core): * ITopicDefnProvider
Moved from pub into to pubsub.core.TopicDefnProvider class as classmethod: * registerTopicDefnProviderType
Renamed: * TopicNameInvalid -> TopicNameError * UndefinedTopic(RuntimeError) -> TopicNameError(ValueError) * UndefinedSubtopic(RuntimeError) -> TopicNameError(ValueError) * ListenerInadequate(TypeError) -> ListenerMismatchError(ValueError) * UnrecognizedImportFormat -> UnrecognizedSourceFormatError * ListenerSpecInvalid -> MessageDataSpecError * SenderMissingReqdArgs -> SenderMissingReqdMsgDataError * SenderUnknownOptArgs -> SenderUnknownMsgDataError * ListenerNotValidatable -> TopicDefnErrorcd
Changed; * Topic.isSendable -> hasMDS * TopicManager.??? -> isTopicInUse + hasTopicDefinition
completed the ref docs
support installation via pip
cleanup versioning metadata: use pubsub.__version__ instead of pub.PUBSUB_VERSION
support Python 3
add getListenersIter() to iterate over listeners without temp copy of listener list
add deprecation message when import setuparg1
new wxPubsubMonitor utility class
- 3.2.0 (sep 2013):
cleanup of docs
merged importTopicTree to addTopicDefnProvider
renamed pub.getDefaultRootAllTopics to pub.getDefaultTopicTreeRoot
removed pub.importTopicTree, use pub.addTopicDefnProvider(source, format)
renamed pub.exportTopicTree to pub.exportTopicTreeSpec
several minor bug fixes
incorporated some patches contributed by users: one for performance improvement when high-frequency of subscribers/messages; one for reading topic tree specification from XML rather than .py module
v1 and v2 APIs no longer supported
- 3.1.2 (2011):
added some docs
more configurable importTopicTree
using importTopicTree now allows to use the topic hierarchy as topic names instead of string, thereby enabling python editors to support PyPubSub-based development via code completion and sendMessage keyword arguments.
- 3.1.1b (2010):
cleanup docs
couple minor tweaks (for instance added pub.getMsgProtocol())
- 3.1.0b (2009):
Import/export of topic tree and its documentation using Python interpreter
Better support for evolving topic tree during application development, with “freezing” certain parts of tree
Helper functions to transition from arg1 to kwargs messaging protocol
Improved error messages (in exceptions raised)
PyPubSub can be installed inside other packages and will not interfere with system-wide pubsub
pubsubconf module moved inside pubsub package so manual install easier
Support !**kwargs in listeners
Support for more than one pubusb notification handler
Multiple publisher engines in one application (for instance, in separate threads, or for different “domains” in a large application)
Upgraded docs
Bug fixes, cleanup
- 3.0 (2008):
Use keyword arguments in sendMessage
Support any kind of listener, not just those with one unnamed argument
Validate listeners at subscription time
Support “inheritance” of keyword arguments by subtopics during message sending (prevents a common bug which was to send data using wrong argument names).
Topic tree can be documented (including topic message arguments)
Support user-defined notification handling of certain events occuring in PyPubSub such as “subscribe”, “sendMessage”.
Support user-defined exception handling of exceptions raised by listeners
Proto-Documentation on own website using Sphinx
Separate regression testing folder for nose-based automated testing
Configuration module for choosing which PyPubSub API to use in application, useful for backwards compatibility
- 2.0 (2007):
more Pythonic API (new
API, at module level so easier to call – no need to know about singleton)Support definition of topic tree via a python class, for increased rigor and documentability of topics
Topics are objects
- 1.0 (2005):
Given its own “home” as separate package from wxPython’s
Factored out weakmethod
Put on Cheese Shop
- Pre 1.0:
Created by Rob Shecter in wxPython’s
(early 2000?)Weakmethod added by Oliver Schoenborn (2004)
Further development transfered to Schoenborn (2004)