Basic PyPubSub Tasks¶
Several essential tasks supported by PyPubSub
Subscribing to Topics¶
Every message that can be sent via PyPubSub is of a specific topic, just as every object in Python is of a specific type.
Use pub.subscribe(callable, 'topic-path')
to subscribe callable
to all messages of given topic or any of its subtopics.
The callable can be:
any function
any method
any class instance that defines
Hence given the following definitions:
def function(): pass
class Foo:
def method(self): pass
def staticMeth(): pass
def classMeth(cls): pass
def __call__(self): pass
foo = Foo()
the following callables could be subscribed to a PyPubSub message topic:
PyPubSub holds listeners by weak reference so that the lifetime of the callable is not affected by PyPubSub: once the application no longer references the callable, it can be garbage collected and PyPubSub can clean up so it is no longer registered (this happens thanks to the weakref module). Without this, it would be imperative to remember to unsubscribe certain listeners, which is error prone; they would end up living until the application exited.
A nice example of this is a user control (widget) in a GUI: if a method of the user control is registered as listener in PyPubSub, and the control is discarded, the application need not explicitly unregister the callable: the weak referencing will allow the widget to be garbage collected; otherwise, it would remain visible until explicit unsubscription.
One caveat that results from this useful feature is that all callables that subscribe to topics must be referenced from outside PyPubSub. For instance, the following will silently unsubscribe on return from pub.subscribe():
def listener(): pass
def wrap(fn):
def wrappedListener():
return wrappedListener
pub.subscribe(wrap(listener), 'topic')
since wrap() returns an object which only PyPubSub references: the wrappedListener gets garbage collected upon return from subscribe(). It is possible to verify that the stored listener is indeed dead:
ll,ok = pub.subscribe(wrap(listener), 'topic')
print ll.isDead() # prints True
Compare without wrapping:
ll,ok = pub.subscribe(listener, 'topic')
print ll.isDead() # prints False
Fix by storing a strong reference to wrappedListener:
ww = wrap(listener) # creates strong reference
ll,ok = pub.subscribe(ww, 'topic')
print ll.isDead() # prints False
Topic Name¶
Every topic has a name and a path. The name can contain any character a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _&%$#@ and the hyphen. Valid examples are:
Other characters will lead to an exception or undefined behavior.
Topics form a hierarchy:
every topic can be child of a “parent” topic
a topic that does not have a parent topic is a “root” topic
every topic can have one or more “children” i.e. sub topics
The fully qualified topic name is therefore the path through the topic hierarchy. The path separator is ‘.’. Hence given the following topic hierarchy:
the following subscriptions could be valid:
pub.subscribe(callable, 'root-topic-1')
pub.subscribe(callable, 'root-topic-1.sub-topic-2')
pub.subscribe(callable, 'root-topic-1.sub-topic-2.sub-sub-topic-3')
Message Data¶
Messages of a given topic can carry data. Which data is required and which is optional is known as the Message Data Specification for the topic, or MDS for short. Unless your application explicitly defines the MDS for every topic in the hierarchy, PyPubSub infers the MDS of each topic based on the first pub.subscribe() or the first pub.sendMessage() for the topic, whichever occurs first during an application run. Once defined, a topic’s MDS never changes (during a run).
Examples of MDS inferred from a call to pub.subscribe():
Callable signature |
MDS (inferred) |
All subsequent calls to pub.subscribe() for the same topic or any subtopic must be consistent with the topic’s MDS. If a subscription specifies a callable that does not match the given topic’s MDS, PyPubSub raises an exception. Therefore, the pub.subscribe() calls above could be valid; they will be valid if the given callable satisfies the given topic’s MDS.
Examples of subscriptions: assume MDS of topic ‘root’ is required=arg1, optional=arg2, then pub.subscribe(callable, ‘root’) for the following callable signatures are ok:
Callable |
OK |
Why |
callable(arg1, arg3=1) |
Yes |
matches MDS |
callable(arg1=None, arg3=None) |
Yes |
signature is less restrictive than MDS, and default value are not part of MDS |
callable(arg1) |
No |
arg2 could be in message, yet callable does not accept it |
callable(arg1, arg2) |
No |
callable requires arg2, but MDS says it won’t always be given in message |
A callable subscribed to a topic is a listener.
Note that the default value for an optional message data is not part of the MDS. Each listener can therefore decide what default value to use if the data is not provided in the message.
Sending messages¶
Use pub.sendMessage('topic-path-name', **data)
to send a message with the
given data. The topic path name is a dot-separated sequence of topic names
from root to topic (see Topic Name).
The message is sent to all registered listeners of given topic, parent topic, and so forth up the “topic tree”, by calling each listener, in turn, until all listeners have been sent the message and data. A listener must return before the next listener can be called. The order of listeners (within a topic or up the tree) is not specified. The sender should not make any assumptions about the order in which listeners will be called, or even which ones will be called. If a listener leaks an exception, PyPubSub catches it and interrupts the send operation, unless an exception handler has been defined. This is discussed in Naughty Listeners: Trap Exceptions.
Message Data¶
The data must satisfy the topic’s MDS, and all arguments must be named. So for a topic ‘root’ with MDS of arg1, arg2 required and arg3 optional, the send command would have the form:
pub.sendMessage('root', arg1=obj1, arg2=obj2, arg3=obj3)
One consequence of this is that the order of arguments does not matter:
pub.sendMessage('root', arg3=obj3, arg2=obj2, arg1=obj1)
is equally valid. But
pub.sendMessage('root', obj1, obj2, arg3=obj3)
is not allowed.
Only the message data relevant to a topic is sent to the listeners of the topic. For example if topic ‘root.sub.subsub’ has a MDS involving data arg1, arg2 and arg3, and topic ‘root’ has only arg1, then listeners of ‘root.sub.subsub’ topic will get called with arg1, arg2, and arg3, but listeners of ‘root’ will get called with the arg1 parameter only. The less specific topics have less data.
Since messages of a given topic are sent not only to listeners of the topic but also to listeners of topic up the topic tree, PyPubSub requires that subtopic MDS be the same or more restrictive as that of its parent: optional arguments can become required, but required arguments cannot become optional. Indeed if ‘root’ messages require arg1, then ‘root.sub’ must also require it; otherwise a message of type ‘root.sub’ could be sent without an object for arg1, and once the ‘root’ listeners received the message, they could find the required parameter missing. If ‘root’ messages have arg2 as optional data, then ‘root.sub’ can be more restrictive and require it.
Examples of subtopic MDS: assume topic ‘root’ has MDS required arg1 and optional arg2. Then following ‘root.sub’ MDS would be
Case |
MDS extended by |
OK |
Why |
1 |
Yes |
Extends MDS of ‘root’ |
2 |
No |
Less restrictive than ‘root’: arg3 could be missing from ‘root.sub’ message |
Topic as Message Data¶
If a listener requires to know the topic of the message, a specially named
default value pub.AUTO_TOPIC
can be used for one of its call parameters:
at call time, PyPubSub will replace the value by the pub.TopicObj object for the topic.
It can be queried to find the topic name via Topic.getName():
def listener(topic=pub.AUTO_TOPIC):
print "real topic is", topic.getName()
pub.subscribe(listener, "some_topic")
pub.sendMessage("some_topic") # no data
This allows each listener to define whether it needs the topic information (rarely the case). Therefore, it is not part of the MDS. In the above example, the MDS for ‘some_topic’ is empty.
Sending vs Broadcasting¶
The pub.sendMessage() shares some similarities and differences with “broadcasting”. Some similarities:
All callables subscribed to the topic will receive the message; in broadcasting, all receivers tuned in to the emitter frequency will receive the data. Hence the topic is akin to the radio frequency of the broadcast.
The sender has no knowledge of which listeners are subscribed to a topic; in broadcasting, the emitter does not know which receivers are “tuned in”
The order in which listeners receive the broadcast is undefined. In broadcasting, distance to the emitter affects when the receiver will get the message, and the emitter has no knowledge of where receivers are located, so it can’t know which receiver will hear the message first.
The listener does not know the source of messages. In broadcasting, the receiver has no way of knowing which emitter is the source of a given message: it will capture all messages from different emitters sa though that had all been generated by the same emitter, as long as they are of the same frequency.
Listeners to not send any data back to the sender as part of the message delivery. In broadcasting, the receiver does not send any data back to the emitter as part of the message.
Some differences:
A message sent to a listener must be processed before it can be sent to another listener of same topic. In broadcasting, all receivers can process the message simultaneously.
The listener cannot send data back to the sender: the sender is the line of code that calls pub.sendMessage(), this is not a callable nor is it subscribed to the topic of the message sent. In broadcasting, the receiver can transmit over the same frequency as received message, and the emitter could (if it has reception capability and is tuned to same frequency) read the message.
Listeners of parent topics will get messages for subtopics. In broadcasting, there is no analogy of “sub-frequencies”.
Handling messages¶
A callable subscribed to a topic receives a message by being called. Assuming that the send command is:
pub.sendMessage('topic-path-name', **data)
then all listeners subscribed to the named topic will get called with the given **data dictionary, as well as all listeners of the topic’s parent topic, and so forth until the root topic is reached.
A listener should not make any assumptions about:
The order of calls of listeners subscribed to same or other topics
Where the message originates
Message Data¶
Only the portion of data that is relevant to the topic is given to each listener. Assume the following topic branch of the hierarchy:
tt: listeners a and b; MDS is r=arg1, o=arg4
uu: listeners c and d; MDS is r=(arg1, arg2), o=(arg4, arg5)
vv: listeners e and f; MDS is r=(arg1, arg2, arg3), o=(arg4, arg5, arg6)
then pub.sendMessage('root-topic', arg1=1, arg2=2, arg3=3, arg4=4, arg5=5, arg6=6)
will call
e(arg1=1, arg2=2, arg3=3, arg4=4, arg5=5, arg6=6)
; same with f; implicitly the topic is tt.uu.vvc(arg1=1, arg2=2, arg4=4, arg5=5)
; same with d; implicitly the topic is tt.uua(arg1=1, arg4=4)
; same with b; implicitly the topic is tt
As stated in the ‘Sending Messages’ section, the order in which the listeners are called is not specified; your application should not make any assumptions about this order.