Reference: aspectlib.debug


Decorates func to have logging.


Returns a one-line string with the current callstack.


Yields frames till there are no more.


Convert to string (using str) and replace non-ascii characters with a dot (.).

aspectlib.debug.format_stack(skip=0, length=6, _sep='/')[source]

Returns a one-line string with the current callstack.


Yields frames till there are no more.

aspectlib.debug.log(func=None, stacktrace=10, stacktrace_align=60, attributes=(), module=True, call=True, call_args=True, call_args_repr=<built-in function repr>, result=True, exception=True, exception_repr=<built-in function repr>, result_repr=<function strip_non_ascii>, use_logging='CRITICAL', print_to=None)[source]

Decorates func to have logging.

func (function):

Function to decorate. If missing log returns a partial which you can use as a decorator.

stacktrace (int):

Number of frames to show.

stacktrace_align (int):

Column to align the framelist to.

attributes (list):

List of instance attributes to show, in case the function is a instance method.

module (bool):

Show the module.

call (bool):

If True, then show calls. If False only show the call details on exceptions (if exception is enabled) (default: True)

call_args (bool):

If True, then show call arguments. (default: True)

call_args_repr (bool):

Function to convert one argument to a string. (default: repr)

result (bool):

If True, then show result. (default: True)

exception (bool):

If True, then show exceptions. (default: True)

exception_repr (function):

Function to convert an exception to a string. (default: repr)

result_repr (function):

Function to convert the result object to a string. (default: strip_non_ascii - like str but nonascii characters are replaced with dots.)

use_logging (string):

Emit log messages with the given loglevel. (default: "CRITICAL")

print_to (fileobject):

File object to write to, in case you don’t want to use logging module. (default: None - printing is disabled)


A decorator or a wrapper.


>>> @log(print_to=sys.stdout)
... def a(weird=False):
...     if weird:
...         raise RuntimeError('BOOM!')
>>> a()
a()                                                           <<< ...
a => None
>>> try:
...     a(weird=True)
... except Exception:
...     pass # naughty code!
a(weird=True)                                                 <<< ...
a ~ raised RuntimeError('BOOM!',)

You can conveniently use this to logs just errors, or just results, example:

>>> import aspectlib
>>> with aspectlib.weave(float, log(call=False, result=False, print_to=sys.stdout)):
...     try:
...         float('invalid')
...     except Exception as e:
...         pass # naughty code!
float('invalid')                                              <<< ...
float ~ raised ValueError(...float...invalid...)

This makes debugging naughty code easier.

PS: Without the weaving it looks like this:

>>> try:
...     log(call=False, result=False, print_to=sys.stdout)(float)('invalid')
... except Exception:
...     pass # naughty code!
float('invalid')                                              <<< ...
float ~ raised ValueError(...float...invalid...)

Changed in version 0.5.0: Renamed arguments to call_args. Renamed arguments_repr to call_args_repr. Added call option.


Convert to string (using str) and replace non-ascii characters with a dot (.).