Progress Bar

When executing longer-running commands, it may be helpful to show progress information, which updates as your command runs:


To display progress details, use the progress_bar() method (which returns a ProgressBar instance), pass it a total number of units, and advance the progress as the command executes:

def handle(self):
    # Create a new progress bar (50 units)
    progress = self.progress_bar(50)

    # Start and displays the progress bar
    for _ in range(50):
        # ... do some work

        # Advance the progress bar 1 unit

        # You can also advance the progress bar by more than 1 unit
        # progress.advance(3)

    # Ensure that the progress bar is at 100%

Instead of advancing the bar by a number of steps (with the advance() method), you can also set the current progress by calling the set_progress() method.


If your platform doesn’t support ANSI codes, updates to the progress bar are added as new lines. To prevent the output from being flooded, adjust the set_redraw_frequency() accordingly. By default, when using a max, the redraw frequency is set to 10% of your max.

If you don’t know the number of steps in advance, just omit the steps argument when using the progress_bar method:

progress = self.progress_bar()

The progress will then be displayed as a throbber:

# no max steps (displays it like a throbber)
   0 [>---------------------------]
   5 [----->----------------------]
   5 [============================]

# max steps defined
 0/3 [>---------------------------]   0%
 1/3 [=========>------------------]  33%
 3/3 [============================] 100%

Whenever your task is finished, don’t forget to call finish() to ensure that the progress bar display is refreshed with a 100% completion.


If you want to output something while the progress bar is running, call clear() first. After you’re done, call display() to show the progress bar again.

Customizing the Progress Bar

Built-in Formats

By default, the information rendered on a progress bar depends on the current level of verbosity of the IO instance:

# Verbosity.NORMAL (CLI with no verbosity flag)
 0/3 [>---------------------------]   0%
 1/3 [=========>------------------]  33%
 3/3 [============================] 100%

# Verbosity.VERBOSE (-v)
 0/3 [>---------------------------]   0%  1 sec
 1/3 [=========>------------------]  33%  1 sec
 3/3 [============================] 100%  1 sec

# Verbosity.VERY_VERBOSE (-vv)
 0/3 [>---------------------------]   0%  1 sec
 1/3 [=========>------------------]  33%  1 sec
 3/3 [============================] 100%  1 sec

# Verbosity.DEBUG (-vvv)
 0/3 [>---------------------------]   0%  1 sec/1 sec  1.0 MB
 1/3 [=========>------------------]  33%  1 sec/1 sec  1.0 MB
 3/3 [============================] 100%  1 sec/1 sec  1.0 MB


If you call a command with the quiet flag (-q), the progress bar won’t be displayed.

Instead of relying on the verbosity mode of the current command, you can also force a format via set_format():


The built-in formats are the following:

  • normal

  • verbose

  • very_verbose

  • debug

If you don’t set the number of steps for your progress bar, use the _nomax variants:

  • normal_nomax

  • verbose_nomax

  • very_verbose_nomax

  • debug_nomax

Custom Formats

Instead of using the built-in formats, you can also set your own:


This sets the format to only display the progress bar itself:


A progress bar format is a string that contains specific placeholders (a name enclosed with the % character); the placeholders are replaced based on the current progress of the bar. Here is a list of the built-in placeholders:

  • current: The current step

  • max: The maximum number of steps (or 0 if no max is defined)

  • bar: The bar itself

  • percent: The percentage of completion (not available if no max is defined)

  • elapsed: The time elapsed since the start of the progress bar

  • remaining: The remaining time to complete the task (not available if no max is defined)

  • estimated: The estimated time to complete the task (not available if no max is defined)

  • memory: The current memory usage

  • message: The current message attached to the progress bar

For instance, here is how you could set the format to be the same as the debug one:

progress.set_format(' %current%/%max% [%bar%] %percent:3s%% %elapsed:6s%/%estimated:-6s% %memory:6s%')

Notice the :6s part added to some placeholders? That’s how you can tweak the appearance of the bar (formatting and alignment). The part after the colon (:) is used to set the format of the string.

The message placeholder is a bit special as you must set the value yourself:

progress.set_message('Task starts')

progress.set_message('Task in progress...')

# ...

progress.set_message('Task is finished')

Bar Settings

Amongst the placeholders, bar is a bit special as all the characters used to display it can be customized:

# the finished part of the bar

# the unfinished part of the bar
progress.set_empty_bar_character(' ')

# the progress character

# the bar width


For performance reasons, be careful if you set the total number of steps to a high number. For example, if you’re iterating over a large number of items, consider setting the redraw frequency to a higher value by calling ProgressHelper.set_redraw_frequency(), so it updates on only some iterations:


# update every 100 iterations

for _ in range(50000)
    # ... do some work
