Source code for requests_cache.policy.actions

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from logging import DEBUG, getLogger
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, MutableMapping, Optional, Union

from attr import define, field
from requests import PreparedRequest, Response

from .._utils import coalesce
from ..cache_keys import normalize_headers
from ..models import RichMixin
from . import (
from .settings import CacheSettings

    from ..models import CachedResponse

logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@define(repr=False) class CacheActions(RichMixin): """Translates cache settings and headers into specific actions to take for a given cache item. The resulting actions are then handled in :py:meth:`CachedSession.send`. .. rubric:: Notes * See :ref:`precedence` for behavior if multiple sources provide an expiration * See :ref:`headers` for more details about header behavior * The following arguments/properties are the outputs of this class: Args: cache_key: The cache key created based on the initial request error_504: Indicates the request cannot be fulfilled based on cache settings expire_after: User or header-provided expiration value send_request: Send a new request resend_request: Send a new request to refresh a stale cache item resend_async: Return a stale cache item, and send a non-blocking request to refresh it skip_read: Skip reading from the cache skip_write: Skip writing to the cache """ # Outputs cache_key: str = field(default=None, repr=False) error_504: bool = field(default=False) expire_after: ExpirationTime = field(default=None) send_request: bool = field(default=False) resend_request: bool = field(default=False) resend_async: bool = field(default=False) skip_read: bool = field(default=False) skip_write: bool = field(default=False) # Inputs _directives: CacheDirectives = field(default=None, repr=False) _settings: CacheSettings = field(default=None, repr=False) # Temporary attributes _only_if_cached: bool = field(default=False, repr=False) _refresh: bool = field(default=False, repr=False) _request: PreparedRequest = field(default=None, repr=False) _stale_if_error: Union[bool, ExpirationTime] = field(default=None, repr=False) _stale_while_revalidate: Union[bool, ExpirationTime] = field(default=None, repr=False) _validation_headers: Dict[str, str] = field(factory=dict, repr=False)
[docs] @classmethod def from_request( cls, cache_key: str, request: PreparedRequest, settings: Optional[CacheSettings] = None ): """Initialize from request info and cache settings. Note on refreshing: `must-revalidate` isn't a standard request header, but is used here to indicate a user-requested refresh. Typically that's only used in response headers, and `max-age=0` would be used by a client to request a refresh. However, this would conflict with the `expire_after` option provided in :py:meth:`.CachedSession.request`. Args: request: The outgoing request settings: Session-level cache settings """ settings = settings or CacheSettings() directives = CacheDirectives.from_headers(request.headers) logger.debug(f'Cache directives from request headers: {directives}') # Merge values that may come from either settings or headers only_if_cached = settings.only_if_cached or directives.only_if_cached refresh = directives.max_age == EXPIRE_IMMEDIATELY or directives.must_revalidate stale_if_error = settings.stale_if_error or directives.stale_if_error stale_while_revalidate = ( settings.stale_while_revalidate or directives.stale_while_revalidate ) # Check expiration values in order of precedence expire_after = coalesce( directives.max_age, get_url_expiration(request.url, settings.urls_expire_after), settings.expire_after, ) # Check and log conditions for reading from the cache read_criteria = { 'disabled cache': settings.disabled, 'disabled method': str(request.method) not in settings.allowable_methods, 'disabled by headers or refresh': directives.no_cache or directives.no_store, 'disabled by expiration': expire_after == DO_NOT_CACHE, } _log_cache_criteria('read', read_criteria) actions = cls( cache_key=cache_key, directives=directives, expire_after=expire_after, only_if_cached=only_if_cached, refresh=refresh, request=request, settings=settings, skip_read=any(read_criteria.values()), skip_write=directives.no_store, stale_if_error=stale_if_error, stale_while_revalidate=stale_while_revalidate, ) return actions
@property def expires(self) -> Optional[datetime]: """Convert the user/header-provided expiration value to a datetime. Applies to new cached responses, and previously cached responses that are being revalidated. """ return get_expiration_datetime(self.expire_after)
[docs] def is_usable(self, cached_response: Optional['CachedResponse'], error: bool = False): """Determine whether a given cached response is "fresh enough" to satisfy the request, based on: * min-fresh * max-stale * stale-if-error (if an error has occured) * stale-while-revalidate """ if cached_response is None: return False elif ( cached_response.expires is None or (cached_response.is_expired and self._stale_while_revalidate is True) or (error and self._stale_if_error is True) ): return True # Handle stale_if_error as a time value elif error and self._stale_if_error: offset = timedelta(seconds=get_expiration_seconds(self._stale_if_error)) # Handle stale_while_revalidate as a time value elif cached_response.is_expired and self._stale_while_revalidate: offset = timedelta(seconds=get_expiration_seconds(self._stale_while_revalidate)) # Handle min-fresh and max-stale else: offset = self._directives.get_expire_offset() return datetime.utcnow() < cached_response.expires + offset
[docs] def update_from_cached_response( self, cached_response: Optional['CachedResponse'], create_key: Optional[KeyCallback] = None, **key_kwargs, ): """Determine if we can reuse a cached response, or set headers for a conditional request if possible. Used after fetching a cached response, but before potentially sending a new request. Args: cached_response: Cached response to examine create_key: Cache key function, used for validating ``Vary`` headers key_kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for ``create_key``. """ usable_response = self.is_usable(cached_response) usable_if_error = self.is_usable(cached_response, error=True) # Can't satisfy the request if not usable_response and self._only_if_cached and not usable_if_error: self.error_504 = True # Send the request for the first time elif cached_response is None: self.send_request = True # If response contains Vary and doesn't match, consider it a cache miss elif create_key and not self._validate_vary(cached_response, create_key, **key_kwargs): self.send_request = True # Resend the request, unless settings permit a stale response elif not usable_response and not (self._only_if_cached and usable_if_error): self.resend_request = True # Resend the request in the background; meanwhile return stale response elif cached_response.is_expired and usable_response and self._stale_while_revalidate: self.resend_async = True if cached_response is not None and not self._only_if_cached: self._update_validation_headers(cached_response) logger.debug(f'Post-read cache actions: {self}')
[docs] def update_from_response(self, response: Response): """Update expiration + actions based on headers and other details from a new response. Used after receiving a new response, but before saving it to the cache. """ directives = CacheDirectives.from_headers(response.headers) if self._settings.cache_control: self._update_from_response_headers(directives) # If "expired" but there's a validator, save it to the cache and revalidate on use skip_stale = self.expire_after == EXPIRE_IMMEDIATELY and not directives.has_validator do_not_cache = self.expire_after == DO_NOT_CACHE # Apply filter callback, if any callback = self._settings.filter_fn filtered_out = callback is not None and not callback(response) # Check and log conditions for writing to the cache write_criteria = { 'disabled cache': self._settings.disabled, 'disabled method': str(response.request.method) not in self._settings.allowable_methods, 'disabled status': response.status_code not in self._settings.allowable_codes, 'disabled by filter': filtered_out, 'disabled by headers': self.skip_write, 'disabled by expiration': do_not_cache or skip_stale, } self.skip_write = any(write_criteria.values()) _log_cache_criteria('write', write_criteria)
[docs] def update_request(self, request: PreparedRequest) -> PreparedRequest: """Apply validation headers (if any) before sending a request""" request.headers.update(self._validation_headers) return request
[docs] def update_revalidated_response( self, response: Response, cached_response: 'CachedResponse' ) -> 'CachedResponse': """After revalidation, update the cached response's expiration and headers""" logger.debug(f'Response for URL {response.request.url} has not been modified') cached_response.expires = self.expires cached_response.headers.update(response.headers) cached_response.revalidated = True return cached_response
def _update_from_response_headers(self, directives: CacheDirectives): """Check response headers for expiration and other cache directives""" logger.debug(f'Cache directives from response headers: {directives}') self._stale_if_error = self._stale_if_error or directives.stale_if_error if directives.immutable: self.expire_after = NEVER_EXPIRE else: self.expire_after = coalesce( directives.max_age, directives.expires, self.expire_after, ) self.skip_write = self.skip_write or directives.no_store def _update_validation_headers(self, cached_response: 'CachedResponse'): """If needed, get validation headers based on a cached response. Revalidation may be triggered by a stale response, request headers, or cached response headers. """ directives = CacheDirectives.from_headers(cached_response.headers) # These conditions always apply revalidate = directives.has_validator and ( cached_response.is_expired or self._refresh or self._settings.always_revalidate ) # These conditions only apply if cache_control=True cc_revalidate = self._settings.cache_control and ( directives.no_cache or directives.must_revalidate ) # Add the appropriate validation headers, if needed if revalidate or cc_revalidate: if directives.etag: self._validation_headers['If-None-Match'] = directives.etag if directives.last_modified: self._validation_headers['If-Modified-Since'] = directives.last_modified self.send_request = True self.resend_request = False def _validate_vary( self, cached_response: 'CachedResponse', create_key: KeyCallback, **key_kwargs ) -> bool: """If the cached response contains Vary, check that the specified request headers match""" vary = cached_response.headers.get('Vary') if not vary: return True elif vary == '*': return False # Generate a secondary cache key based on Vary for both the cached request and new request key_kwargs['match_headers'] = [k.strip() for k in vary.split(',')] vary_cache_key = create_key(cached_response.request, **key_kwargs) headers_match = create_key(self._request, **key_kwargs) == vary_cache_key if not headers_match: _log_vary_diff( self._request.headers, cached_response.request.headers, key_kwargs['match_headers'] ) return headers_match
def _log_vary_diff( headers_1: MutableMapping[str, str], headers_2: MutableMapping[str, str], vary: List[str] ): """Log which specific headers specified by Vary did not match""" if logger.level > DEBUG: return headers_1 = normalize_headers(headers_1) headers_2 = normalize_headers(headers_2) nonmatching = [k for k in vary if headers_1.get(k) != headers_2.get(k)] logger.debug(f'Failed Vary check. Non-matching headers: {", ".join(nonmatching)}') def _log_cache_criteria(operation: str, criteria: Dict): """Log details on any failed checks for cache read or write""" if logger.level > DEBUG: return if any(criteria.values()): status = ', '.join([k for k, v in criteria.items() if v]) else: status = 'Passed' logger.debug(f'Pre-{operation} cache checks: {status}')